Wave Propagation in Structures

3.1 Introduction

In comparison with the wave motion in structures the acoustic wave motion is simple. The equations are isotropic, the speed of sound is (in most cases) not dependent on frequency, and even for complex shapes the Green’s function provides a powerful tool to calculate the wave field. For structural waves the situation is different. In structures there is a variety of wave types described by displacements and rotations in several space dimensions or degrees of freedom. The chance to find a practicable analytical solution is low and solutions are only available for simple systems like straight bars, rectangular thin plates, or membranes. Thus, wave propagation in structures is a natural field for numerics: i.e. finite element methods (FEM) that discretize the real system into many small and simple elements that have an analytical solution or at least an approximation. The dynamics of the full system or the full mesh are defined by the complete set of all these elements.

This book is not about FEM, but we will often use a discrete form of the equation of motion or wave equation. There are two reasons for this:

Complex systems  The easiest way to describe the dynamics of a realistic technical system is by numerical methods; thus, there will always by a matrix description of the deterministic system. This is a standard approach in the industrial simulation of structural dynamics.

Formulation  There are many ways to describe dynamic wave coupling of different systems, but the discrete formulation is simple, structured, and straightforward.

The various theories to derive the discrete equation are described for example by Bathe (1982). However, the result of this dicretisation process – the matrix presentation of complex structures – will be frequently used. The global structure of the matrices is the same as described in section 1.4 or in Equation (1.89).

There is a large amount of literature dealing with technical mechanics and the statics and dynamics of solid systems. The following deductions are taken from Szabo’s text books Szabo (2013a), (.2013b)or from Lerch and Landes (2012) who used the reference from Cremer et al. (2005). This chapter can only summarize these studies in such a way that the concepts of wave propagation in typical structural systems can be applied for the wave field descriptions in later chapters. Please refer to those publications if more details are required for specific dynamic systems. In order to clarify the principle behavior of waves in representative structures we deal with the wave equations in structures like bars, beams, plates, shells, membranes, and the bulk material. Even if there are not many solutions for real systems available these equations will form the base for all random modelling approaches and provide understanding of the specific characteristics of wave propagation.

3.2 Basic Equations and Definitions

In fluids the state variable of the wave equation was the pressure. In solids there is a similar quantity but with different sign and spatial dependence: the stress. Let us imagine a small block of isotropic material as shown in Figure 3.1. The left hand side depicts a force Fz that pulls a perfectly stiff area connection on top of the block. The force per area is called stress. The nomenclature is such that positive stress is related to an elongation of the block. The normal stress σzz defines the force in the z-direction pulling at the free surface A in the direction normal to it.

StartLayout 1st Row sigma Subscript z z Baseline equals StartFraction upper F Subscript z Baseline Over upper A Subscript z Baseline EndFraction EndLayout (3.1)

Figure 3.1 Strain and shear of a small solid block. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

We use double indices zz because both the force and the normal vector of the surface point in the z-direction. The ratio of the elongation dz to the unloaded length lz is called the strain in z-direction

StartLayout 1st Row epsilon Subscript z z Baseline equals StartFraction d z Over l Subscript z Baseline EndFraction EndLayout (3.2)

The relationship between the stress and strain defines the Young’s modulus E with

StartLayout 1st Row epsilon Subscript z z Baseline equals upper E sigma Subscript z z Baseline period EndLayout (3.3)

The stretching in z is accompanied by a contraction perpendicular to it. The Poisson ratio νxz is defined as the ratio between the strain orthogonal to the stretching e.g. x and the strain in the direction of the elongation..

StartLayout 1st Row nu Subscript x z Baseline equals minus StartFraction epsilon Subscript x x Baseline Over epsilon Subscript z z Baseline EndFraction EndLayout (3.4)

The surface of the block from Figure 3.1 on the right hand side can alternatively be loaded by a force Fx transverse to the surface normal of Az. This transversal or shear stress is often denoted by τ instead of σ. We stay with σ for all stresses

StartLayout 1st Row tau Subscript x z Baseline equals sigma Subscript x z Baseline equals StartFraction upper F Subscript x Baseline Over upper A Subscript z Baseline EndFraction EndLayout (3.5)

This shear stress leads to a shear strain γ

StartLayout 1st Row gamma equals tangent StartFraction d x Over l x EndFraction almost-equals StartFraction d x Over l x EndFraction period EndLayout (3.6)

The shear modulus is defined as the ratio between the shear strain and shear stress

StartLayout 1st Row gamma equals upper G sigma Subscript x z EndLayout (3.7)

In this chapter, we will further derive the elastodynamic theory and the related vector conventions to describe the solid wave motion in three-dimensional space.

The displacement d of a point is defined by its coordinates (x,y,z) in the three-dimensional space and its displacement components related to a system of unit vectors ex, ey and ez.

bold d left-parenthesis x comma y comma z right-parenthesis equals Start 3 By 1 Matrix 1st Row u left-parenthesis x comma y comma z right-parenthesis bold e Subscript x Baseline 2nd Row v left-parenthesis x comma y comma z right-parenthesis bold e Subscript y Baseline 3rd Row w left-parenthesis x comma y comma z right-parenthesis bold e Subscript z EndMatrix (3.8)

A point located at {x,y,z}T that is displaced by {u,v,w}T will be located at {x+u,y+v,z+w}T. In fluid dynamics this would correspond to the Lagrange description (chapter 2). There, the control volume is fixed and the mass and impulse flow are balanced based on this volume. In solid mechanics flow does not occur and we may assume small displacements, e.g. εzz1, and stay with the space-fixed convention.

3.2.1 Mechanical Strain

We consider a thin layer of thickness dx in the yz-plane. The displacement of the left point of position x is u. But the displacement of the right point originally located at x + dx is determined by u+uxdx. Thus the strain in the x-direction is given by:

epsilon Subscript x x Baseline equals StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential x EndFraction (3.9)

A similar relationship can be found for y and z-directions.

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column epsilon Subscript y y 2nd Column equals 3rd Column StartFraction partial-differential v Over partial-differential y EndFraction EndLayout (3.10)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column epsilon Subscript z z 2nd Column equals 3rd Column StartFraction partial-differential w Over partial-differential z EndFraction EndLayout (3.11)

The deformation of a solid can be described by the superposition of the following particular deformations:

  • or global volume change into the orthogonal dimensions of space, i.e. strain in ɛii in dimension i=x,y,z. (Figure 3.3a)
  • deformation with angle γij=2εij/2=εij. (Figure 3.3b)
  • or rigid body motion with rotation angle βi with i being the normal vector to the plane of rotation. (Figure 3.3c)

Figure 3.3 Deformation of a two-dimensional element of edge length dx and dy. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

Figure 3.2 One dimensional displacement and strain of a thin layer of thickness dx. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

With those considerations we get the relationship between the shear angle γ/2 and the rotation angle β to the mechanical displacement. Assuming very small angles so that tanγ=tanεγ this leads to

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential y EndFraction 2nd Column one-half gamma Subscript x y Baseline minus beta Subscript z Baseline equals one-half epsilon Subscript x y Baseline minus beta Subscript z EndLayout (3.12)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column StartFraction partial-differential v Over partial-differential x EndFraction 2nd Column one-half gamma Subscript x y Baseline plus beta Subscript z Baseline equals one-half epsilon Subscript x y Baseline plus beta Subscript z EndLayout (3.13)

The difference of equations (3.12) and (3.13) gives

2 beta Subscript z Baseline equals StartFraction partial-differential v Over partial-differential x EndFraction minus StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential y EndFraction (3.14)

and the sum of both equations leads to an expression for the deformation angle γxy=εxy

epsilon Subscript x y Baseline equals gamma Subscript x y Baseline equals StartFraction partial-differential v Over partial-differential x EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential y EndFraction (3.15)

A similar expression can be found for the other shear angles ɛyz and ɛzx

StartLayout 1st Row epsilon Subscript y z Baseline equals gamma Subscript y z Baseline equals StartFraction partial-differential v Over partial-differential z EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential w Over partial-differential y EndFraction EndLayout (3.16)
StartLayout 1st Row epsilon Subscript z x Baseline equals gamma Subscript z x Baseline equals StartFraction partial-differential w Over partial-differential x EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential z EndFraction EndLayout (3.17) Mechanical Strain - Voigt Notation

The mechanical strain ɛij in three-dimensional space is the relative displacement of component i along dimension j. This is given by a symmetrical tensor of second order

epsilon Subscript k l Baseline equals Start 3 By 3 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column epsilon Subscript x x Baseline 2nd Column epsilon Subscript x y Baseline 3rd Column epsilon Subscript x z Baseline 2nd Row 1st Column epsilon Subscript y x Baseline 2nd Column epsilon Subscript y y Baseline 3rd Column epsilon Subscript y z Baseline 3rd Row 1st Column epsilon Subscript z x Baseline 2nd Column epsilon Subscript z y Baseline 3rd Column epsilon Subscript z z Baseline EndMatrix equals Start 3 By 3 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column epsilon Subscript x x Baseline 2nd Column gamma Subscript x y Baseline 3rd Column gamma Subscript x z Baseline 2nd Row 1st Column gamma Subscript y x Baseline 2nd Column epsilon Subscript y y Baseline 3rd Column gamma Subscript y z Baseline 3rd Row 1st Column gamma Subscript z x Baseline 2nd Column gamma Subscript z y Baseline 3rd Column epsilon Subscript z z EndMatrix (3.18)

We separate out the normal strain in the diagonal ɛii that is defined as the extension into dimension i related to unit length. The shear strain is given be the shearing angle γij=εij. Thus we can define for i,j=x,y,z, ηi=u,v,w and i=x,y,z

epsilon Subscript i j Baseline equals StartFraction partial-differential eta Subscript i Baseline Over partial-differential j EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential eta Subscript j Baseline Over partial-differential i EndFraction (3.19)

Due to its symmetry the tensor in equation 3.18 has only six independent components, so the tensor can be alternatively represented in theVoigt notation

epsilon equals Start 6 By 1 Matrix 1st Row epsilon 1 2nd Row epsilon 2 3rd Row epsilon 3 4th Row epsilon 4 5th Row epsilon 5 6th Row epsilon 6 EndMatrix equals Start 6 By 1 Matrix 1st Row epsilon Subscript x x Baseline 2nd Row epsilon Subscript y y Baseline 3rd Row epsilon Subscript z z Baseline 4th Row epsilon Subscript y z Baseline 5th Row epsilon Subscript x z Baseline 6th Row epsilon Subscript x y EndMatrix (3.20) Dilatation dilation – Relative Change in Volume

The relative change ΔV of a volume V=ΔxΔyΔz can be found from the linear strains:

StartFraction delta upper V Over upper V EndFraction equals epsilon Subscript x x Baseline plus epsilon Subscript y y Baseline plus epsilon Subscript z z Baseline equals nabla bold d (3.21)

3.2.2 Mechanical Stress

According to the introduction of this section every force vector can be separated into two components (Figure 3.4):

  1. normal stress: A normal force Fn in the direction of the normal vector of the surface.
  2. shear stress: A tangential force perpendicular to the normal vector.

Figure 3.4 Force and unit area A. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

We consider the surfaces of a cube as shown in Figure 3.5 with the axes parallel to the coordinate axes. The symbol for stress is σ; the first index denotes the direction normal vector, and the second index the direction of the force. Thus, σxx, σyy and σzz are the normal stresses. σij with ij and i,j=x,y,z are the shear stresses. The definition is

sigma Subscript i j Baseline equals StartFraction d upper F Subscript j Baseline Over d upper A Subscript i Baseline EndFraction (3.22)

Figure 3.5 Stresses at the surfaces of a control volume Source: Alexander Peiffer.

Because of the moment of equilibrium the stresses of exchanged indices must be equal

sigma Subscript x y Baseline equals sigma Subscript y x Baseline sigma Subscript y z Baseline equals sigma Subscript z y Baseline sigma Subscript x z Baseline equals sigma Subscript z x (3.23)

Finally σij is a symmetric tensor of second order.

sigma Subscript x y Baseline equals Start 3 By 3 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column sigma Subscript x x Baseline 2nd Column sigma Subscript x y Baseline 3rd Column sigma Subscript x z Baseline 2nd Row 1st Column sigma Subscript y x Baseline 2nd Column sigma Subscript y y Baseline 3rd Column sigma Subscript y z Baseline 3rd Row 1st Column sigma Subscript z x Baseline 2nd Column sigma Subscript z y Baseline 3rd Column sigma Subscript z z EndMatrix (3.24)

So we have six independent components of the stress tensor, and we can apply the Voigt notation

sigma equals Start 6 By 1 Matrix 1st Row sigma Subscript x x Baseline 2nd Row sigma Subscript y y Baseline 3rd Row sigma Subscript z z Baseline 4th Row sigma Subscript y z Baseline 5th Row sigma Subscript x z Baseline 6th Row sigma Subscript x y Baseline EndMatrix equals Start 6 By 1 Matrix 1st Row sigma 1 2nd Row sigma 2 3rd Row sigma 3 4th Row sigma 4 5th Row sigma 5 6th Row sigma 6 EndMatrix (3.25)

3.2.3 Material Laws

The relationship between the strain and stress tensors is given by the material laws called Hooke’s law for linear elastic media. These laws in their most common form are given by:

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column sigma Subscript i j 2nd Column equals 3rd Column c Subscript i j k l Baseline epsilon Subscript k l EndLayout (3.26)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column epsilon Subscript k l 2nd Column equals 3rd Column s Subscript k l i j Baseline sigma Subscript i j EndLayout (3.27)

The first tensor is called the stiffness tensor or elasticity tensor and the second is named compliance tensor. They have 81 components that can be reduced to 36 because of symmetry. Using the Voigt notation the stress tensor can be written as a matrix

Start 6 By 1 Matrix 1st Row epsilon 1 2nd Row epsilon 2 3rd Row epsilon 3 4th Row epsilon 4 5th Row epsilon 5 6th Row epsilon 6 EndMatrix equals Start 6 By 6 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column s 11 2nd Column s 21 3rd Column s 31 4th Column s 41 5th Column s 51 6th Column s 61 2nd Row 1st Column s 12 2nd Column s 22 3rd Column s 32 4th Column s 42 5th Column s 52 6th Column s 62 3rd Row 1st Column s 13 2nd Column s 23 3rd Column s 33 4th Column s 43 5th Column s 53 6th Column s 63 4th Row 1st Column s 14 2nd Column s 24 3rd Column s 34 4th Column s 44 5th Column s 54 6th Column s 64 5th Row 1st Column s 15 2nd Column s 25 3rd Column s 35 4th Column s 45 5th Column s 55 6th Column s 65 6th Row 1st Column s 16 2nd Column s 26 3rd Column s 36 4th Column s 46 5th Column s 56 6th Column s 66 EndMatrix Start 6 By 1 Matrix 1st Row sigma 1 2nd Row sigma 2 3rd Row sigma 3 4th Row sigma 4 5th Row sigma 5 6th Row sigma 6 EndMatrix (3.28)

Those complex notations and equations are fortunately not that often necessary. For most engineering applications two special cases are applied: (1) Isotropic material, for example (steel, rubber, aluminium) and (2) orthotropic material (carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP), steel enforced concrete, wood, plywood, etc.) Isotropic Materials

Isotropy means, there is no dependency of the Hooke’s law on space dimension or orientation. For the normal stress in the x-direction (or any other) we have

sigma 1 equals upper E epsilon 1 (3.29)

This behavior is valid if the solid may perform lateral contraction. That means the elongation of a rod leads to lateral contraction. If this contraction is not constrained by surrounding solid material the elongation is reduced by the Poisson ratio ν, the negative ratio of transverse motion to axial strain. The strain due to stress in one direction must be corrected by the strain from other normal directions and the Poisson number.

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper E epsilon 1 2nd Column equals 3rd Column sigma 1 minus nu left-parenthesis sigma 2 plus sigma 3 right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.30)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper E epsilon 2 2nd Column equals 3rd Column sigma 2 minus nu left-parenthesis sigma 1 plus sigma 3 right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.31)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper E epsilon 3 2nd Column equals 3rd Column sigma 3 minus nu left-parenthesis sigma 1 plus sigma 2 right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.32)

We can also apply shear stresses. There is a similar relationship to Equation (3.29)

sigma Subscript i Baseline equals upper G epsilon Subscript i Baseline for i equals 4 comma 5 comma 6 (3.33)

Those three material constants are not independent, and they are linked by

upper E equals 2 upper G left-parenthesis 1 plus nu right-parenthesis (3.34)

Summarising all properties we can write the compliance and stiffness matrices:

left-bracket c right-bracket equals StartFraction upper E Over left-parenthesis 1 plus nu right-parenthesis left-parenthesis 1 minus 2 nu right-parenthesis EndFraction Start 6 By 6 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column left-parenthesis 1 minus nu right-parenthesis 2nd Column nu 3rd Column nu 4th Column Blank 5th Column Blank 6th Column Blank 2nd Row 1st Column nu 2nd Column left-parenthesis 1 minus nu right-parenthesis 3rd Column nu 4th Column Blank 5th Column 0 6th Column Blank 3rd Row 1st Column nu 2nd Column nu 3rd Column left-parenthesis 1 minus nu right-parenthesis 4th Column Blank 5th Column Blank 6th Column Blank 4th Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column Blank 3rd Column Blank 4th Column StartFraction 1 minus 2 nu Over 2 EndFraction 5th Column Blank 6th Column Blank 5th Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column 0 3rd Column Blank 4th Column Blank 5th Column StartFraction 1 minus 2 nu Over 2 EndFraction 6th Column Blank 6th Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column Blank 3rd Column Blank 4th Column Blank 5th Column Blank 6th Column StartFraction 1 minus 2 nu Over 2 EndFraction EndMatrix (3.35)
left-bracket s right-bracket equals Start 1 By 1 Matrix 1st Row c EndMatrix Superscript negative 1 Baseline equals StartFraction 1 Over upper E EndFraction Start 6 By 6 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column 1 2nd Column negative nu 3rd Column negative nu 4th Column Blank 5th Column Blank 6th Column Blank 2nd Row 1st Column negative nu 2nd Column 1 3rd Column negative nu 4th Column Blank 5th Column 0 6th Column Blank 3rd Row 1st Column negative nu 2nd Column negative nu 3rd Column 1 4th Column Blank 5th Column Blank 6th Column Blank 4th Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column Blank 3rd Column Blank 4th Column 2 left-parenthesis 1 plus nu right-parenthesis 5th Column Blank 6th Column Blank 5th Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column 0 3rd Column Blank 4th Column Blank 5th Column 2 left-parenthesis 1 plus nu right-parenthesis 6th Column Blank 6th Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column Blank 3rd Column Blank 4th Column Blank 5th Column Blank 6th Column 2 left-parenthesis 1 plus nu right-parenthesis EndMatrix (3.36) Ortotropic Solids

This class of material occurs for example in composites with fibres or layered microstructures. The properties change with the normal axes of the three-dimensional coordinate system. Thus, orthotropic materials have three orthogonal planes of symmetry. If they coincide with the coordinate system we get for the stiffness matrix a common notation.

Start 6 By 1 Matrix 1st Row sigma 1 2nd Row sigma 2 3rd Row sigma 3 4th Row sigma 4 5th Row sigma 5 6th Row sigma 6 EndMatrix equals Start 6 By 6 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column upper C 11 2nd Column upper C 12 3rd Column upper C 13 4th Column 0 5th Column 0 6th Column 0 2nd Row 1st Column upper C 12 2nd Column upper C 22 3rd Column upper C 23 4th Column 0 5th Column 0 6th Column 0 3rd Row 1st Column upper C 13 2nd Column upper C 23 3rd Column upper C 33 4th Column 0 5th Column 0 6th Column 0 4th Row 1st Column 0 2nd Column 0 3rd Column 0 4th Column upper C 44 5th Column 0 6th Column 0 5th Row 1st Column 0 2nd Column 0 3rd Column 0 4th Column 0 5th Column upper C 55 6th Column 0 6th Row 1st Column 0 2nd Column 0 3rd Column 0 4th Column 0 5th Column 0 6th Column upper C 66 EndMatrix Start 6 By 1 Matrix 1st Row epsilon 1 2nd Row epsilon 2 3rd Row epsilon 3 4th Row epsilon 4 5th Row epsilon 5 6th Row epsilon 6 EndMatrix (3.37)

This matrix can be derived from the inversion of the compliance matrix. However, this leads to lengthy expressions that will not provide any additional insight, whereas the compliance matrix can be presented in a compact form

Start 6 By 1 Matrix 1st Row epsilon 1 2nd Row epsilon 2 3rd Row epsilon 3 4th Row epsilon 4 5th Row epsilon 5 6th Row epsilon 6 EndMatrix equals Start 6 By 6 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column StartFraction 1 Over upper E Subscript x Baseline EndFraction 2nd Column minus StartFraction nu Subscript y x Baseline Over upper E Subscript y Baseline EndFraction 3rd Column minus StartFraction nu Subscript z x Baseline Over upper E Subscript z Baseline EndFraction 4th Column 0 5th Column 0 6th Column 0 2nd Row 1st Column minus StartFraction nu Subscript x y Baseline Over upper E Subscript x Baseline EndFraction 2nd Column StartFraction 1 Over upper E Subscript y Baseline EndFraction 3rd Column minus StartFraction nu Subscript z y Baseline Over upper E Subscript z Baseline EndFraction 4th Column 0 5th Column 0 6th Column 0 3rd Row 1st Column minus StartFraction nu Subscript x z Baseline Over upper E Subscript x Baseline EndFraction 2nd Column minus StartFraction nu Subscript y z Baseline Over upper E Subscript normal y Baseline EndFraction 3rd Column StartFraction 1 Over upper E Subscript z Baseline EndFraction 4th Column 0 5th Column 0 6th Column 0 4th Row 1st Column 0 2nd Column 0 3rd Column 0 4th Column StartFraction 1 Over upper G Subscript yz Baseline EndFraction 5th Column 0 6th Column 0 5th Row 1st Column 0 2nd Column 0 3rd Column 0 4th Column 0 5th Column StartFraction 1 Over upper G Subscript z x Baseline EndFraction 6th Column 0 6th Row 1st Column 0 2nd Column 0 3rd Column 0 4th Column 0 5th Column 0 6th Column StartFraction 1 Over upper G Subscript xy Baseline EndFraction EndMatrix Start 6 By 1 Matrix 1st Row sigma 1 2nd Row sigma 2 3rd Row sigma 3 4th Row sigma 4 5th Row sigma 5 6th Row sigma 6 EndMatrix (3.38)

where Ei is the Young’s modulus along axis i, Gij is the shear modulus in direction j on the plane whose normal is in direction i. νij, is the Poisson’s ratio that corresponds to a contraction in direction j when an extension is applied in direction i.

3.3 Wave Equation

In solids there are several modes of wave propagation. In addition the type of wave mode depends on the structure geometry, if it is infinite bulk material, a flat or curved plate, a beam or rod. In the following sections we will go step by step through the different wave equations for several structural configurations. For fluids the wave equation was derived from the linearized versions of the equation of motion or Newton’s law and a combination of the continuity equations and the state law. For solids the wave equation is determined from the equations of motion and the material laws. In this section we will only deal with isotropic materials.

3.3.1 The One-dimensional Wave Equation

The field quantity for solids is the displacement d={u,v,w}T. We start from the control volume as shown in Figure 3.5. If we assume a cut-free cube there is a stress balance at each cube surface: i.e. that the stresses are in balance at each interface and have opposite direction (Figure 3.6). From the stress balance over the cube surfaces the resultant force in the x-direction is:

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column d upper F Subscript x 2nd Column equals left-parenthesis sigma Subscript x x Baseline left-parenthesis x plus d x right-parenthesis minus sigma Subscript x x Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis right-parenthesis d x d y 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column left-parenthesis sigma Subscript x y Baseline left-parenthesis y plus d y right-parenthesis minus sigma Subscript x y Baseline left-parenthesis y right-parenthesis right-parenthesis d x d z 3rd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column left-parenthesis sigma Subscript x z Baseline left-parenthesis z plus d z right-parenthesis minus sigma Subscript x z Baseline left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis right-parenthesis d x d y EndLayout (3.39)

Figure 3.6 Stresses at the surfaces of a control volume (top view) Source: Alexander Peiffer.

From Newton’s law dFx=dmu¨ and with dm=ρ0dxdydz we get after division with dV=dxdydz and the series expansion for σxx(x+dx)

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column StartFraction sigma Subscript x x Baseline left-parenthesis x plus d x right-parenthesis minus sigma Subscript x x Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis Over d x EndFraction 2nd Column almost-equals 3rd Column StartFraction sigma Subscript x x Baseline Over d x EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential sigma Subscript x x Baseline Over partial-differential x EndFraction minus StartFraction sigma Subscript x x Baseline Over d x EndFraction 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals 3rd Column StartFraction partial-differential sigma Subscript x x Baseline Over partial-differential x EndFraction EndLayout (3.40)

the equation of motion in the x-direction

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column StartFraction partial-differential sigma Subscript x x Baseline Over partial-differential x EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential sigma Subscript x y Baseline Over partial-differential y EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential sigma Subscript x z Baseline Over partial-differential z EndFraction 2nd Column equals rho 0 StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction EndLayout (3.41)

Similar treatment leads to the two equations of motion in y and z-directions

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column StartFraction partial-differential sigma Subscript x y Baseline Over partial-differential x EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential sigma Subscript y y Baseline Over partial-differential y EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential sigma Subscript y z Baseline Over partial-differential z EndFraction 2nd Column equals rho 0 StartFraction partial-differential squared v Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction EndLayout (3.43)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column StartFraction partial-differential sigma Subscript x z Baseline Over partial-differential x EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential sigma Subscript y z Baseline Over partial-differential y EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential sigma Subscript z z Baseline Over partial-differential z EndFraction 2nd Column equals rho 0 StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction EndLayout (3.44)

Thus, for deriving the wave equation in displacement coordinates the stresses must be expressed in terms of the displacement making use of the stress–strain relationship of isotropic solids. We start with the sum of equations (3.30)–(3.32).

upper E left-parenthesis epsilon Subscript x x Baseline plus epsilon Subscript y y Baseline plus epsilon Subscript z z Baseline right-parenthesis equals sigma Subscript x x Baseline plus sigma Subscript y y Baseline plus sigma Subscript z z Baseline minus 2 nu left-parenthesis sigma Subscript x x Baseline plus sigma Subscript y y Baseline plus sigma Subscript z z Baseline right-parenthesis (3.45)

With the definition of the dilatation d (3.21) and (3.34) this gives:

2 upper G left-parenthesis 1 plus nu right-parenthesis nabla bold d equals left-parenthesis 1 minus 2 nu right-parenthesis left-parenthesis sigma Subscript x x Baseline plus sigma Subscript y y Baseline plus sigma Subscript z z Baseline right-parenthesis (3.46)

The goal is to find an expression for σxx depending only on displacements not linked to other stresses. We start with (3.30) solving for σxx and adding νσxx on both sides.

sigma Subscript x x Baseline left-parenthesis 1 plus nu right-parenthesis equals upper E epsilon Subscript x x Baseline plus nu left-parenthesis sigma Subscript x x Baseline plus sigma Subscript y y Baseline plus sigma Subscript z z Baseline right-parenthesis (3.47)

With (3.45) this leads to

sigma Subscript x x Baseline left-parenthesis 1 plus nu right-parenthesis equals upper E epsilon Subscript x x Baseline plus StartFraction nu Baseline 2 upper G left-parenthesis 1 plus nu right-parenthesis Over 1 minus 2 nu EndFraction nabla bold d period (3.48)

Eliminating E yields

sigma Subscript x x Baseline equals 2 upper G epsilon Subscript x x Baseline plus StartFraction 2 upper G Over 1 minus 2 nu EndFraction nu nabla bold d (3.49)


sigma Subscript x x Baseline equals 2 upper G left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential x EndFraction plus StartFraction nu Over 1 minus 2 nu EndFraction nabla bold d right-parenthesis (3.50)

We introduce the Lamé constants

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column lamda 2nd Column equals 3rd Column 2 upper G StartFraction nu Over 1 minus 2 nu EndFraction equals StartFraction upper E Over 1 plus nu EndFraction StartFraction nu Over 1 minus 2 nu EndFraction EndLayout (3.51)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column mu 2nd Column equals 3rd Column upper G EndLayout (3.52)

λ is a measure for the extension perpendicular to the stress. Applying these constants we get from (3.50)

sigma Subscript x x Baseline equals 2 mu StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential x EndFraction plus lamda nabla bold d (3.53)

The equations for the y and z-directions can be derived similarly:

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column sigma Subscript y y 2nd Column equals 3rd Column 2 mu StartFraction partial-differential v Over partial-differential y EndFraction plus lamda nabla bold d EndLayout (3.54)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column sigma Subscript z z 2nd Column equals 3rd Column 2 mu StartFraction partial-differential w Over partial-differential z EndFraction plus lamda nabla bold d EndLayout (3.55)

From the definition of the isotropic shear modulus (3.33) and the shear strains (3.15) the equations for the other components are found:

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column sigma Subscript y z 2nd Column equals 3rd Column mu left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential v Over partial-differential z EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential w Over partial-differential y EndFraction right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.56)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column sigma Subscript x z 2nd Column equals 3rd Column mu left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential z EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential w Over partial-differential x EndFraction right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.57)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column sigma Subscript x y 2nd Column equals 3rd Column mu left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential y EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential v Over partial-differential x EndFraction right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.58)

Using equations (3.53)–(3.58) we get after some algebraic modifications the wave equation for the one-dimensional case in the x-direction

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column mu normal upper Delta u plus left-parenthesis mu plus lamda right-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential Over partial-differential x EndFraction left-parenthesis nabla bold d right-parenthesis 2nd Column equals 3rd Column rho 0 StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction EndLayout (3.59)

Similar and equivalent derivation can be done for the remaining two dimensions.

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column mu normal upper Delta v plus left-parenthesis mu plus lamda right-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential Over partial-differential y EndFraction left-parenthesis nabla bold d right-parenthesis 2nd Column equals 3rd Column rho 0 StartFraction partial-differential squared v Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction EndLayout (3.60)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column mu normal upper Delta w plus left-parenthesis mu plus lamda right-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential Over partial-differential z EndFraction left-parenthesis nabla bold d right-parenthesis 2nd Column equals 3rd Column rho 0 StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction EndLayout (3.61)

3.3.2 The Three-dimensional Wave Equation

Collecting the one-dimensional wave equations and putting them together for the displacement vector d leads to

mu normal upper Delta bold d plus left-parenthesis mu plus lamda right-parenthesis nabla left-parenthesis nabla bold d right-parenthesis equals rho 0 StartFraction partial-differential squared bold d Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction (3.62)

With the identity (d)=Δd+×d we get the wave equation in a different form

left-parenthesis 2 mu plus lamda right-parenthesis normal upper Delta bold d plus left-parenthesis mu plus lamda right-parenthesis nabla times left-parenthesis nabla times bold d right-parenthesis equals rho 0 StartFraction partial-differential squared bold d Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction (3.63)

This wave equation can only be solved in closed form for simple geometries. In most cases numerical methods like the finite element method must be applied to solve this equation for realistic systems.

There are two differential operators in space on the LHS of Equation (3.63) indicating two wave types in solids. Any vector field can be separated into two independent components. The irrotational and the source-free or zero-divergence component

bold d equals bold d Subscript upper L Baseline plus bold d Subscript upper T (3.64)

An irrotational field is characterized by

nabla times bold d Subscript upper L Baseline equals bold 0 (3.65)

and a source free field by

nabla bold d Subscript upper T Baseline equals 0 (3.66)


StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column nabla times bold d Subscript upper T 2nd Column equals 3rd Column nabla times bold d EndLayout (3.67)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column nabla bold d Subscript upper L 2nd Column equals 3rd Column nabla bold d EndLayout (3.68)

These relationships show that there are two independent wave types in solids, called longitudinal waves (L) and shear or transversal waves (S).

3.4 Waves in Infinite Solids

In order to understand the principle dynamics of both waves we consider an unbounded infinite solid. Practical applications can be found in geophysics or ultrasonics for non-destructive testing. Engineering acoustics and vibroacoustics usually deal with vehicles. Thus, the construction must be lightweight, and bulky solid materials are rarely found. With one exception, some materials for acoustic treatment such as foams have soft bulk material with wavelengths small enough that those wave types occur in practical technical systems.

3.4.1 Longitudinal Waves

Longitudinal waves are rotation free, thus ×d=0 and the wave equation (3.63) simplifies to

normal upper Delta bold d equals StartFraction 1 Over c Subscript upper L Superscript 2 Baseline EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential squared bold d Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction with c Subscript upper L Baseline equals StartRoot StartFraction 2 mu plus lamda Over rho 0 EndFraction EndRoot equals StartRoot StartFraction 2 upper G left-parenthesis 1 minus nu right-parenthesis Over rho 0 left-parenthesis 1 minus 2 nu right-parenthesis EndFraction EndRoot equals StartRoot StartFraction upper E left-parenthesis 1 minus nu right-parenthesis Over rho 0 left-parenthesis 1 plus nu right-parenthesis left-parenthesis 1 minus 2 nu right-parenthesis EndFraction EndRoot (3.69)

cL is called the longitudinal wave speed. In isotropic materials this is the wave with the highest speed. When we calculate cL for typical materials like iron, aluminium, wood etc., it becomes obvious why the practical relevance in vibroacoustics is quite low. For example, for iron the wavelength at f = 1 kHz equals 5 m, extending by far beyond the typical dimension of bulk parts in a car. In order to illustrate the propagation of a longitudinal wave we calculate the solution for propagation into the x-direction. That means v=w=0 and y=z=0. The longitudinal wave equation reduces to

StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction minus StartFraction 1 Over c Subscript upper L Superscript 2 Baseline EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction equals 0 (3.70)

The wave motion is characterized by particles oscillating in the direction of propagation. All shear stresses are zero, and a plane of constant dilatation propagates in the wave direction. Thus, those waves are also called dilatation or density waves. Equation (2.34) from chapter 2 can be applied, and the harmonic solution is

u left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis equals bold-italic u e Superscript j left-parenthesis omega t minus k Super Subscript upper L Superscript x right-parenthesis Baseline with k Subscript upper L Baseline equals StartFraction omega Over c Subscript upper L Baseline EndFraction period (3.71)

In the upper part of Figure 3.7 the particle motion is shown for this wave type.

Figure 3.7 Displacement of solid particles for the different wave types. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

3.4.2 Shear waves

In contrast to the longitudinal wave the shear wave is source free, thus d=0. In that case the wave Equation (3.63) leads to

nabla times bold d equals StartFraction 1 Over c Subscript upper S Superscript 2 Baseline EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential squared bold d Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction with c Subscript upper S Baseline equals StartRoot StartFraction mu Over rho 0 EndFraction EndRoot equals StartRoot StartFraction upper G Over rho 0 EndFraction EndRoot (3.72)

The wave motion is iso-voluminous. It can be shown by the introduction of a rotation vector that the particle motion is orthogonal or transversal to the wave propagation (Graff, 1991). This is the reason why this wave type is also called transversal wave. A simple plane wave equation for w is

StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction minus StartFraction 1 Over c Subscript upper S Superscript 2 Baseline EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction equals 0 (3.73)

A solution in the positive x-direction is for example

w left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis equals bold-italic w e Superscript j left-parenthesis omega t minus k Super Subscript upper S Superscript x right-parenthesis Baseline with k Subscript upper S Baseline equals StartFraction omega Over c Subscript upper S Baseline EndFraction (3.74)

In the lower part of Figure 3.7 the particle motion for one fixed time is shown. From (3.34) it follows that shear waves are slower than longitudinal waves.

Figure 3.8 Beam in x-direction with cross section A. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

3.5 Beams

Beams are one-dimensional structures that have a cross section small compared to their length. Due to the large wavelength derived for the bulk material we can assume that there is no wave propagation perpendicular to the main axis of the beam. There are a variety of wave types, but we will deal only with two in this section.

3.5.1 Longitudinal Waves

Longitudinal waves are associated with normal stresses in the direction of the beam axis. We consider a free cut small layer of the beam and take the stress balance (3.32). There are no constraints for y and z surfaces and therefore σyy,σzz,σyz,σxz=0. Thus, the stress strain relationship in the x-direction reads

sigma Subscript x x Baseline equals upper E StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential x EndFraction (3.75)

Using this we get with Newton’s law from Equation (3.41)

StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction minus StartFraction 1 Over c Subscript upper L upper B Baseline EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction equals 0 with c Subscript upper L upper B Baseline equals StartRoot StartFraction upper E Over rho 0 EndFraction EndRoot (3.76)

or in harmonic form for u(x,t)=uejωt

StartFraction partial-differential squared bold-italic u Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction plus k Subscript upper L upper B Superscript 2 Baseline bold-italic u equals 0 with k Subscript upper L upper B Baseline equals StartRoot StartFraction omega squared rho 0 Over upper E EndFraction EndRoot (3.77)

The solution of this one-dimensional wave equation is

bold-italic u left-parenthesis x comma t right-parenthesis equals bold-italic u Superscript plus Baseline e Superscript minus j k x Baseline plus bold-italic u Superscript minus Baseline e Superscript plus j k x (3.78)

Due to the fact that the bar is stress free in the direction normal to the bar axis, the wave speed in bars cLB is slower than the longitudinal wave speed in infinite solids. This lead to displacement in y and z that can be calculated from the first column of (3.36):

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column epsilon Subscript y y 2nd Column equals 3rd Column minus StartFraction nu Over upper E EndFraction sigma Subscript x x EndLayout (3.79)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column epsilon Subscript z z 2nd Column equals 3rd Column minus StartFraction nu Over upper E EndFraction sigma Subscript x x EndLayout (3.80)

The only information related to the cross section that is required for the determination of the longitudinal wave speed is that the dimensions of the cross sections must be small compared to the wave length.

3.5.2 Power, Energy, and Impedance

When exciting a half beam as shown in Figure 3.9 we create a wave propagating in the positive direction leaving out the ejkx from (3.78)

bold-italic u left-parenthesis x comma t right-parenthesis equals bold-italic u Superscript plus Baseline e Superscript minus j k x (3.81)

Figure 3.9 Excitation of longitudinal waves in half infinite beam. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

The stress in x is with (3.75):

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column bold-italic sigma Subscript x x Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis 2nd Column upper E StartFraction partial-differential bold-italic u Over partial-differential x EndFraction equals minus j upper E k Subscript upper L upper B Baseline bold-italic u Superscript plus Baseline e Superscript minus j k x Baseline 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column minus j omega bold-italic u Superscript plus Baseline rho 0 c Subscript upper L upper B Baseline e Superscript minus j k x Baseline equals minus bold-italic v Superscript plus Baseline z Subscript upper L upper B Baseline e Superscript minus j k x EndLayout (3.82)

So, there is a longitudinal characteristic impedance zLB=ρ0cLB of the longitudinal wave in beams. Assuming a force Fx exciting the beam in the x-direction via a stiff plate at the beam cross section leads to the boundary condition at x = 0 with Fz=Aσ1(x)

bold-italic sigma 1 left-parenthesis 0 right-parenthesis equals minus j omega bold-italic u Superscript plus Baseline z Subscript upper L upper B Baseline equals minus bold-italic v Superscript plus Baseline z Subscript upper L upper B Baseline right double arrow bold-italic u Superscript plus Baseline equals minus StartFraction bold-italic sigma left-parenthesis 0 right-parenthesis Over j omega z Subscript upper L upper B Baseline EndFraction equals StartFraction bold-italic upper F Subscript x Baseline Over j omega upper A z Subscript upper L upper B Baseline EndFraction (3.83)

The mechanical impedance follows from this

bold-italic upper Z equals StartFraction bold-italic upper F Subscript x Baseline Over bold-italic v EndFraction equals StartFraction bold-italic upper F Subscript x Baseline Over j omega bold-italic u Superscript plus Baseline EndFraction equals upper A z Subscript upper L upper B (3.84)

The power introduced into the system is, when we assume without loss of generality Fx=F^x

normal upper Pi equals one-half StartFraction ModifyingAbove upper F With caret Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline Over upper A z Subscript upper L upper B Baseline EndFraction (3.85)

This power propagates into the beam and creates an energy density per length E=Π/cLB, because the power per time unit is distributed with velocity cLB over the related length unit. This can also be proven in a more complicated way by deriving the kinetic and potential energy density per length

upper E prime Subscript kin Baseline equals one-half upper A rho 0 upper R e left-parenthesis bold-italic v Subscript x Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis bold-italic v Subscript x Superscript asterisk Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis right-parenthesis equals one-half StartFraction ModifyingAbove upper F With caret Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline Over upper A z Subscript upper L upper B Baseline c Subscript upper L upper B Baseline EndFraction cosine squared left-parenthesis k x right-parenthesis (3.86)

For the potential energy we have to integrate the stress over the strain

upper E prime Subscript pot Baseline equals upper A integral Subscript 0 Superscript epsilon Subscript x x Baseline Baseline sigma Subscript x x Baseline d epsilon 1 equals StartFraction upper A Over 2 EndFraction upper E epsilon 1 squared equals StartFraction upper A Over 2 upper E EndFraction sigma 1 squared (3.87)

with σxx(x)=Re(F^xA) we get for the potential energy density per length

upper E prime Subscript pot Baseline equals StartFraction upper A Over 2 upper E EndFraction StartFraction ModifyingAbove upper F With caret Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline Over upper A squared EndFraction cosine squared left-parenthesis k x right-parenthesis equals one-half StartFraction ModifyingAbove upper F With caret Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline Over upper A z Subscript upper L upper B Baseline c Subscript upper L upper B Baseline EndFraction cosine squared left-parenthesis k x right-parenthesis (3.88)

So we find Ekin=Epot. With (3.83) we get for the total energy expressed for the velocity

upper E prime Subscript tot Baseline equals one-half upper A left-parenthesis rho 0 plus StartFraction z Subscript upper L upper B Superscript 2 Baseline Over upper E EndFraction right-parenthesis upper R e left-parenthesis bold-italic v Subscript x Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis bold-italic v Superscript asterisk Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis right-parenthesis equals upper A rho 0 upper R e left-parenthesis bold-italic v Subscript x Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis bold-italic v Superscript asterisk Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis right-parenthesis period (3.89)

Integrating over one wavelength λ gives the total length specific energy

upper E prime Subscript tot Baseline equals StartFraction ModifyingAbove upper F With caret Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline Over upper A z Subscript upper L upper B Baseline c Subscript upper L upper B Baseline EndFraction integral Subscript 0 Superscript lamda Baseline cosine squared left-parenthesis k x right-parenthesis d x equals one-half StartFraction ModifyingAbove upper F With caret Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline Over upper A z Subscript upper L upper B Baseline c Subscript upper L upper B Baseline EndFraction (3.90)

proving the above arguments regarding power and speed of sound.

Figure 3.10 Various quantities for longitudinal wave propagation in structures. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

3.5.3 Bending Waves

The bending stiffness depends on area and shape of the cross section. In Figure 3.11 the cross section, forces, and moments of a cut-free slice of the beam are shown. We assume that there is a neutral axis without any dilation and pure bending. That means that each cross section of the un-loaded straight beam remains orthogonal to the neutral axis as shown in Figure 3.12. This is called the Bernoulli assumption.

Figure 3.11 Cross section and segment of a beam. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

Figure 3.12 Bernoulli bending of beams. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

Geometrically this assumption means that all fibres stay orthogonal to the cross section. The stress is linear with the bending radius R as depicted in Figure 3.12. The stress in the direction of the neutral axis vanishes at the neutral axis1. The strain out of the neutral axis can be derived from Figure 3.12.

d s Superscript prime Baseline equals left-parenthesis upper R plus z right-parenthesis d alpha equals upper R d alpha plus z d alpha equals d s plus z d alpha

and therefore

dollar-sign epsilon Subscript x x Baseline left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals StartFraction d s prime minus d s Over d s EndFraction equals z StartFraction d alpha Over d s EndFraction equals StartFraction z Over upper R EndFraction

Due to Equation (3.29) it can be shown, that the stress is a linear function of the distance from the neutral axis z and the curvature 1/R.

sigma Subscript x x Baseline left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals upper E StartFraction z Over upper R left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis EndFraction (3.91)

The moment vector M=(0,My,My) is given by the integral over all small moment contributions at r with dM=r×σxxdA. Thus:

upper M Subscript y Baseline equals integral Underscript upper A Endscripts sigma Subscript x x Baseline z d upper A equals StartFraction upper E Over upper R EndFraction integral Underscript upper A Endscripts sigma Subscript x x Baseline z squared d upper A (3.92)

and due to the assumptions the stress is symmetrical to the z-plane

upper M Subscript z Baseline equals integral Underscript upper A Endscripts sigma Subscript x x Baseline y d upper A equals 0 (3.93)

We call

upper I Subscript y y Baseline equals integral Underscript upper A Endscripts z squared d upper A greater-than 0 (3.94)

the second moment of area, in most literature called moment of inertia2. The moment

upper I Subscript y z Baseline equals integral Underscript upper A Endscripts y z d upper F (3.95)

that vanishes in our special case is called the product moment of area. There are axes of the cross section where this product moment is zero. They are called the main axes and are for example the symmetry axes of a symmetrical section. Using (3.94) we can write (3.92) as

upper M Subscript y Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis equals StartFraction upper E Over upper R left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis EndFraction upper I Subscript y y Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis (3.96)

Using the following differential equation for the curvature 1/R

1 slash upper R left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis equals StartStartFraction StartFraction partial-differential w squared left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction OverOver minus left-bracket 1 plus left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential w left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis Over partial-differential x EndFraction right-parenthesis squared right-bracket Superscript 3 slash 2 Baseline EndEndFraction equals StartFraction upper M Subscript y Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis Over upper E upper I Subscript y y Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis EndFraction (3.97)

We assume small displacements w1, and we get approximately

1 slash upper R left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis almost-equals StartFraction partial-differential w squared left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction (3.98)

and with that

upper E upper I Subscript y y Baseline StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction equals minus upper M Subscript y (3.99)

For the z-axis we get accordingly

upper E upper I Subscript z z Baseline StartFraction partial-differential squared v Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction equals minus upper M Subscript z (3.100)

The force in the z-direction can be derived from the moment equilibrium at the position x + dx in Figure 3.11.

upper M Subscript y Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis plus upper F Subscript z Baseline d x equals upper M Subscript y Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis plus d upper M Subscript y Baseline right double arrow upper F Subscript z Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis equals minus StartFraction d upper M Subscript y Baseline Over d x EndFraction (3.101)

Now, we set up the force balance at the control segment from Figure 3.11.

rho 0 d x upper A StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction equals upper F Subscript z Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis minus upper F Subscript z Baseline left-parenthesis x plus d x right-parenthesis (3.102)

Performing the limiting process for dx → 0 gives

m prime StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction equals minus StartFraction partial-differential upper F Subscript z Baseline Over partial-differential x EndFraction equals plus StartFraction partial-differential squared upper M Subscript y Baseline Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction equals minus upper E upper I Subscript y y Baseline StartFraction partial-differential Superscript 4 Baseline w Over partial-differential x Superscript 4 Baseline EndFraction (3.103)

with mʹ being the mass per length or length specific density. The prime () specifies units per length in this section. Using the harmonic wave solution w(x,t)=wej(ωtkBx) we get the bending wave equation in the frequency domain

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column minus omega squared m prime bold-italic w plus upper B Subscript y Baseline StartFraction partial-differential Superscript 4 Baseline bold-italic w Over partial-differential x Superscript 4 Baseline EndFraction 2nd Column equals 3rd Column 0 EndLayout (3.104a)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column minus omega squared m prime bold-italic v plus upper B Subscript z Baseline StartFraction partial-differential Superscript 4 Baseline bold-italic v Over partial-differential x Superscript 4 Baseline EndFraction 2nd Column equals 3rd Column 0 EndLayout (3.104b)

with the beam bending stiffness By=EIyy and Bz=EIzz for the principle y and z-axes of the cross section. Neglecting the time dependence and performing the spatial derivatives we get for the bending wavenumber

k Subscript upper B Superscript 4 Baseline equals StartFraction m prime Over upper B Subscript y Baseline EndFraction omega squared (3.105)

with two real and two complex solutions

k Subscript upper B Baseline 1 slash 2 Baseline equals plus-or-minus RootIndex 4 StartRoot StartFraction omega squared m prime Over upper B Subscript y Baseline EndFraction EndRoot k Subscript upper B Baseline 3 slash 4 Baseline equals plus-or-minus j RootIndex 4 StartRoot StartFraction omega squared m prime Over upper B Subscript y Baseline EndFraction EndRoot (3.106)

Thus the solution includes two propagating waves and two decaying

bold-italic w left-parenthesis x comma omega right-parenthesis equals bold-italic w 1 e Superscript j k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x Baseline plus bold-italic w 2 e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x Baseline plus bold-italic w Subscript 1 upper D Baseline e Superscript k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x Baseline plus bold-italic w Subscript 2 upper D Baseline e Superscript minus k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x (3.107)

We neglect the complex wave numbers leading to exponential decaying waves and calculate the wave speed from the fourth root of (3.105)

StartLayout 1st Row c Subscript upper B Baseline equals StartFraction omega Over k Subscript upper B Baseline EndFraction equals StartRoot omega EndRoot RootIndex 4 StartRoot StartFraction upper B Subscript y Baseline Over m prime EndFraction EndRoot EndLayout (3.108)

Here, we have the effect of dispersion, and the wave speed depends on the frequency. The main effect is that the propagation of energy is different from the propagation of constant phase in the wave. This was not the case for fluids where the speed of sound is constant over frequency. The consequences of this will be discussed in section 3.8.

If we calculate the bending wave speed for a typical system we see that we have a wave speed of similar order of magnitude as in air. Let us consider a rectangular cross section as shown in Figure 3.13. The moments are

upper I Subscript y y Baseline equals StartFraction h cubed b Over 12 EndFraction upper I Subscript z z Baseline equals StartFraction h b cubed Over 12 EndFraction (3.109)

Figure 3.13 Rectangular cross section. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

Assuming aluminium with isotropic material properties E=71×109 Pa, ρ0=2700 kg/m3 and ν = 0.34 the rectangular cross section with b=3cm and h=2cm yields the following wave speed for bending in the z and y-directions (Figure 3.14).

Figure 3.14 Bending wave speed of rectangular aluminium beam (b = 3 cm,h = 2 cm). Source: Alexander Peiffer.

3.5.4 Power, Energy, and Impedance

The frequency dependence of the wave speed leads to a different propagation speed, point of constant phase, and energy stored in the wave. For the power considerations we summarize the following relationships from the above calculations

bold-italic upper M Subscript y Baseline equals minus upper B StartFraction partial-differential squared bold-italic w Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction bold-italic upper F Subscript z Baseline equals minus StartFraction partial-differential bold-italic upper M Subscript y Baseline Over partial-differential x EndFraction minus omega squared m prime bold-italic w equals StartFraction partial-differential bold-italic upper F Subscript z Baseline Over partial-differential x EndFraction (3.110)

One power component in beams is the force–velocity product as in (1.47). In addition the product of moment My and the rotational speed β˙y must be taken into consideration

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column normal upper Pi Subscript beam 2nd Column equals normal upper Pi Subscript upper M Baseline plus normal upper Pi Subscript upper F EndLayout (3.111)


StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column normal upper Pi Subscript upper F 2nd Column equals one-half upper R e left-parenthesis bold-italic upper F Subscript z Baseline bold-italic v Subscript z Baseline Superscript asterisk Baseline plus bold-italic upper F Subscript z Baseline bold-italic v Subscript z Baseline e Superscript j Baseline 2 omega t Baseline right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.112)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column normal upper Pi Subscript upper M 2nd Column equals one-half upper R e left-parenthesis bold-italic upper M Subscript y Baseline ModifyingAbove beta Subscript bold y Baseline With bold dot Superscript asterisk Baseline plus bold-italic upper M Subscript y Baseline ModifyingAbove beta Subscript bold y Baseline With bold dot e Superscript j Baseline 2 omega t Baseline right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.113)

We keep the oscillating part of the power in order to show a characteristic effect for wave propagation in beams. We will use the positively propagating part of the harmonic solution (3.107) and neglect the evanescent wave that is not relevant for power transport. For further simplifications of the expressions we assume a real displacement amplitude w2=w^2 and we get for the force and the velocity

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column bold-italic upper F Subscript z 2nd Column equals j bold-italic w 2 upper B k Subscript upper B Superscript 3 Baseline e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x EndLayout (3.114)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column bold-italic v Subscript z 2nd Column equals j omega bold-italic w 2 e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x EndLayout (3.115)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column normal upper Pi Subscript upper F 2nd Column equals one-half omega ModifyingAbove w With caret Subscript 2 Baseline upper B k Subscript upper B Superscript 3 Baseline left-bracket 1 minus upper R e left-parenthesis e Superscript minus j Baseline 2 left-parenthesis k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x minus omega t right-parenthesis Baseline right-parenthesis right-bracket 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals omega ModifyingAbove w With caret Subscript 2 Baseline upper B k Subscript upper B Superscript 3 Baseline sine squared left-parenthesis omega t minus k Subscript upper B Baseline x right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.116)

Force and velocity are in phase and the same is true for moment and rotational velocity, but with a phase shift of π/2

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column bold-italic upper M Subscript y 2nd Column equals bold-italic w 2 upper B k Subscript upper B Superscript 2 Baseline e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x EndLayout (3.117)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column bold-italic beta Subscript y 2nd Column equals omega k Subscript upper B Baseline bold-italic w 2 e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x EndLayout (3.118)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column normal upper Pi Subscript upper M 2nd Column equals one-half omega ModifyingAbove w With caret Subscript 2 Baseline upper B k Subscript upper B Superscript 3 Baseline left-bracket 1 plus upper R e left-parenthesis e Superscript minus j Baseline 2 left-parenthesis k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x minus omega t right-parenthesis Baseline right-parenthesis right-bracket 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals omega ModifyingAbove w With caret Subscript 2 Baseline upper B k Subscript upper B Superscript 3 Baseline cosine squared left-parenthesis omega t minus k Subscript upper B Baseline x right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.119)

Thus, both contributions sum up to the constant value

normal upper Pi Subscript beam Baseline equals omega bold-italic w 2 upper B k Subscript upper B Superscript 3 (3.120)

The same must be true for the energy. If we multiply the kinetic energy density ekin by the beam area we get for the translational energy per length E=Ae

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper E prime Subscript kin 2nd Column equals upper A e Subscript kin Baseline equals StartFraction m prime Over 2 EndFraction upper R e left-parenthesis bold v Subscript z Baseline right-parenthesis squared equals StartFraction upper A rho Over 2 EndFraction upper R e left-parenthesis j omega bold w 2 e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x Baseline right-parenthesis squared 2nd Row 1st Column 2nd Column equals StartFraction upper A rho Over 2 EndFraction omega squared ModifyingAbove w With caret Subscript 2 Baseline sine squared left-parenthesis omega t minus k Subscript b Baseline x right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.121)

The rotational component can be neglected, as we can see from

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper E prime Subscript rot 2nd Column StartFraction rho upper I Subscript y y Baseline Over 2 EndFraction upper R e left-parenthesis ModifyingAbove beta Subscript y Baseline With dot right-parenthesis squared equals StartFraction rho upper I Subscript y y Baseline Over 2 EndFraction upper R e left-parenthesis omega k Subscript upper B Baseline bold-italic w 2 e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x Baseline right-parenthesis squared 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals StartFraction rho upper I Subscript y y Baseline Over 2 EndFraction omega squared k Subscript upper B Superscript 2 Baseline ModifyingAbove w With caret Subscript 2 Baseline sine squared left-parenthesis omega t minus k Subscript upper B Baseline x right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.122)

The averaged ratio between both kinetic energies is

StartFraction upper E prime Subscript rot Baseline Over upper E prime Subscript kin EndFraction equals left-parenthesis StartFraction 2 pi StartRoot upper I Subscript y y Baseline slash upper A EndRoot Over lamda Subscript upper B Baseline EndFraction right-parenthesis (3.123)

The so called radius of gyration Iyy/A is the perpendicular position of a point mass which gives the same rotational inertia. As we stated in the beginning, one main assumption was that the cross sectional dimensions must be small compared to the wavelength λB. Consequently we can neglect the rotational part of the energy, too.

Due to the Bernoulli assumption only in-plane stress and strain must be considered. Here the stress and strain in the x-direction. Therefore, the potential energy per length is given by

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper E prime Subscript pot 2nd Column upper A e Subscript pot Baseline equals one-half integral Underscript upper A Endscripts sigma Subscript x x Baseline epsilon Subscript x Baseline d upper A equals StartFraction upper E Over 2 EndFraction integral Underscript upper A Endscripts left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction right-parenthesis squared z squared d upper A 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column StartFraction upper E upper I Subscript y y Baseline Over 2 EndFraction left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction right-parenthesis squared equals StartFraction upper B Subscript y Baseline k Subscript upper B Superscript 4 Baseline Over 2 EndFraction ModifyingAbove w With caret Subscript 2 Baseline cosine squared left-parenthesis omega t minus k Subscript upper B Baseline x right-parenthesis period EndLayout (3.124)

Figure 3.15 Various quantities for bending wave propagation in beams. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

Both kinds of energy oscillate between 0 and the maximum value similar to the power. Using the dispersion relation (3.105) the sum of both gives

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper E prime Subscript tot 2nd Column upper A left-parenthesis e Subscript kin Baseline plus e Subscript pot Baseline right-parenthesis equals StartFraction ModifyingAbove w With caret Subscript 2 Superscript 2 Baseline Over 2 EndFraction left-parenthesis m prime omega squared sine squared k Subscript upper B Baseline x plus upper B Subscript y Baseline k Subscript upper B Superscript 4 Baseline cosine squared k Subscript upper B Baseline x right-parenthesis 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column StartFraction upper B Subscript y Baseline k Subscript upper B Superscript 4 Baseline ModifyingAbove w With caret Subscript 2 Superscript 2 Baseline Over 2 EndFraction equals StartFraction rho 0 h omega squared ModifyingAbove w With caret Subscript 2 Superscript 2 Baseline Over 2 EndFraction EndLayout (3.125)

So, we have a constant energy distribution in the wave. There is no energy oscillation as was the case for fluid waves. If we relate the power transport (3.120) to the above energy Etot we get

normal upper Pi equals 2 StartFraction omega Over k Subscript upper B Baseline EndFraction upper E Subscript t o t Superscript prime Baseline equals 2 c Subscript upper B Baseline upper A e Subscript t o t (3.126)

The power transportation is given by twice the phase speed cB, which is fine in this case, because the uniform distribution of power and energy allows this effect. This is not an error and comes from the dispersion of the bending waves as we will see in section 3.8. The power transport in dispersive media is not given by the phase velocity but by the group velocity cB,gr=2cB for bending waves in beams.

A force exciting the beam radiates waves into the beam. In order to describe the source performance we come back to our impedance concept. As the force shall excite waves in the direction the bending occurs we apply a harmonic force Fz(ω)=Fzejωt in the z-direction.

We start with a half infinite beam that is excited at x = 0, Figure 3.16. From the boundary condition it follows that My=0 as it is an open end. From the origin only waves that propagate in the positive x-direction occur. Thus, we use the following part of Equation (3.107)

StartLayout 1st Row bold-italic w equals bold-italic w 2 e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x Baseline plus bold-italic w Subscript 2 upper D Baseline e Superscript minus k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x EndLayout (3.127)

Figure 3.16 Force exciting a half infinite (top) and infinite beam at x = 0. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

So we get for for My and Fz

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column bold-italic upper M Subscript y 2nd Column equals 3rd Column minus upper B Subscript y Baseline StartFraction partial-differential squared bold-italic w Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction equals upper B Subscript y Baseline k Subscript b Superscript 2 Baseline left-parenthesis bold-italic w 2 e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x Baseline plus bold-italic w Subscript 2 upper D Baseline e Superscript minus k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x Baseline right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.128)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column bold-italic upper F Subscript z 2nd Column equals 3rd Column upper B Subscript y Baseline StartFraction partial-differential bold-italic w cubed Over partial-differential x cubed EndFraction equals upper B Subscript y Baseline left-parenthesis bold-italic w 2 j k Subscript upper B Superscript 3 Baseline e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x Baseline minus bold-italic w Subscript 2 upper D Baseline k Subscript upper B Superscript 3 Baseline e Superscript minus k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x Baseline right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.129)

At x = 0 the first condition leads to w2=w2D and with this we get for the second equation balancing the force Fz(x=0):

bold-italic w 2 equals StartFraction bold-italic upper F Subscript z Baseline Over k Subscript upper B Superscript 3 Baseline upper B Subscript y Baseline left-parenthesis j minus 1 right-parenthesis EndFraction (3.130)

and hence

bold-italic v Subscript z Baseline equals j omega bold-italic w equals StartFraction bold-italic upper F Subscript z Baseline omega Over k Subscript upper B Superscript 3 Baseline upper B Subscript y Baseline left-parenthesis 1 plus j right-parenthesis EndFraction left-parenthesis e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x Baseline plus e Superscript minus k Super Subscript upper B Superscript x Baseline right-parenthesis (3.131)

For the mechanical impedance at x = 0 we get now:

bold-italic upper Z Subscript z Baseline equals StartFraction bold-italic upper F Subscript z Baseline Over bold-italic v Subscript z Baseline left-parenthesis 0 right-parenthesis EndFraction equals StartFraction upper B k Subscript upper B Superscript 3 Baseline Over 2 omega EndFraction left-parenthesis 1 plus j right-parenthesis (3.132)

For the infinite beam we assume a mirrored wave at x = 0 propagating away from the point of excitation, but now the moment does not need to be zero. For symmetry reasons the the rotation βy must vanish at the exciting force position. Thus, with Equation (3.16) used in the y-direction and vanishing displacement the condition is

bold-italic beta Subscript y Baseline left-parenthesis 0 right-parenthesis equals StartFraction partial-differential bold-italic w Over partial-differential x EndFraction left-parenthesis 0 right-parenthesis equals 0 right double arrow bold-italic w 2 left-parenthesis 0 right-parenthesis equals minus j bold-italic w Subscript 2 upper D (3.133)

The force is now driving two half beams, thus

StartFraction bold-italic upper F Subscript z Baseline Over 2 EndFraction equals left-parenthesis upper B Subscript y Baseline k Subscript upper B Superscript 3 Baseline right-parenthesis left-parenthesis j bold-italic w 2 minus bold-italic w Subscript 2 upper D Baseline right-parenthesis equals upper B Subscript y Baseline k Subscript upper B Superscript 3 Baseline 2 j bold-italic w 2 (3.134)


bold-italic v Subscript z Baseline equals j omega bold-italic w equals StartFraction omega bold-italic upper F Subscript z Baseline Over 4 upper B Subscript y Baseline k Subscript upper B Superscript 3 Baseline EndFraction left-parenthesis e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript upper B Superscript StartAbsoluteValue x EndAbsoluteValue Baseline minus j e Superscript minus k Super Subscript upper B Superscript StartAbsoluteValue x EndAbsoluteValue Baseline right-parenthesis (3.135)

This gives for the impedance of the full beam:

bold-italic upper Z Subscript z Baseline equals StartFraction bold-italic upper F Subscript z Baseline Over bold-italic v Subscript z Baseline left-parenthesis 0 right-parenthesis EndFraction equals StartFraction 2 upper B Subscript y Baseline k Subscript upper B Superscript 3 Baseline Over omega EndFraction left-parenthesis 1 plus j right-parenthesis (3.136)

The full beam impedance is four times higher than the impedance of the half infinite beam. With growing frequency the impedance decreases, but we must keep in mind that for higher frequencies the Bernoulli beam assumptions are no longer valid. The impedance is complex with a phase of π/4. The driving force experiences a reactive and a resistive part. In Figure 3.17 three time or phase slots of an infinite and half infinite beam excited by a force are shown in combination with the solution without the evanescent part. We see that this part contributes only to the near field at the point of excitation and therefore contributes only to the impedance.

Figure 3.17 Beam displacement w for certain phases (ϕ=0,π/2,8π/5). The dotted line is without the evanescent part ekx. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

3.6 Membranes

Membranes don’t have an inert bending stiffness from their mechanical properties. The stiffness comes solely from the tension Tmem in the membrane. Though membranes don’t occur frequently in technical systems, it helps predefining the effect of pressurisation in a closed cabin, e.g. in an aircraft. The pressurisation leads to an additional bending stiffness coming from the tension.

If a small plate in the xy-plane is displaced in the z-direction by w the force due to the tension Tmem per length is only determined by the slope θ of the membrane as shown in Figure 3.18. For small displacement w we get for the force Qx per length in the z-direction acting on the membrane element edge of length dy

upper Q prime Subscript x Baseline equals upper T prime Subscript x comma mem Baseline s i n left-parenthesis theta right-parenthesis almost-equals upper T prime Subscript x comma mem Baseline theta (3.137)

Figure 3.18 Membrane forces in the x-direction. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

The total force from tension acting on a membrane element along dy and due to the slope in x is

upper F Subscript z Baseline equals d y left-bracket upper T prime Subscript x comma mem Baseline left-parenthesis theta plus StartFraction partial-differential theta Over partial-differential x EndFraction d x right-parenthesis minus upper T prime Subscript x comma mem Baseline theta right-bracket equals d y left-bracket upper T prime Subscript x comma mem Baseline StartFraction partial-differential theta Over partial-differential x EndFraction d x right-bracket almost-equals d x d y upper T prime Subscript x comma mem Baseline StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction (3.138)

Using the similar equation in the y-direction we get with Newton’s law the membrane wave equation

normal upper Delta w minus StartFraction 1 Over c Subscript upper M Superscript 2 Baseline EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction equals StartFraction upper F double-prime left-parenthesis x comma y comma t right-parenthesis Over upper T Subscript mem Baseline EndFraction with c Subscript upper M Baseline equals StartRoot StartFraction upper T Subscript mem Baseline Over m double-prime EndFraction EndRoot (3.139)

Here, mʹʹ is the mass per area for the membrane, and we have assumed Tx,mem=Ty,mem=Tmem. The membrane wave equation does not have any dispersion effects. This is the reason why drums should be made from membranes and not plates. Plates have dispersion effects as with beams, and this does not allow the wanted multiple harmonics as desired for musical instruments.

3.7 Plates

The theory of thin plates is summarized here according to Ventsel and Krauthammer (2001). The usual nomenclature distinguishes between plates that are flat, and thin structures and shells that can be curved. In terms of technical relevance plates and shells are the most important structure in many vibroacoustic investigations. Plates provide high stiffness at low weight. Thus, most means of transportation vehicles are created by enclosures made of plates and shells. For example the body of a car is made out of several sheets of steel that are stamped and point welded. The following assumptions for thin plates are made:

  1. The plate is thin: the thickness h is much smaller than the other physical dimensions.
  2. The in-plain strains are small compared to unity.
  3. Transverse shear strains ɛxz and ɛyz are negligible.
  4. Tangential displacements u and v are linear functions of the z coordinate.
  5. The transverse shear stresses vanish at the surfaces at z=±h/2 (σzz=σzy=σxz=0).

3.7.1 Strain–displacement Relations

Using the fourth assumption the tangential displacements are of the form

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column u 2nd Column equals u 0 left-parenthesis x comma y comma t right-parenthesis plus z f 1 left-parenthesis x comma y comma t right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.140)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column v 2nd Column equals v 0 left-parenthesis x comma y comma t right-parenthesis plus z f 2 left-parenthesis x comma y comma t right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.141)

u0 and v0 are the tangential displacements of the middle plane. Entering these equations into the related strain–displacement relationships (3.16) and (3.17) and using assumption three yields

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column epsilon Subscript x z 2nd Column f 1 left-parenthesis x comma y comma t right-parenthesis plus StartFraction partial-differential w Over partial-differential x EndFraction equals 0 EndLayout (3.142)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column left-bracket 4 p t right-bracket epsilon Subscript y z 2nd Column f 2 left-parenthesis x comma y comma t right-parenthesis plus StartFraction partial-differential w Over partial-differential y EndFraction equals 0 EndLayout (3.143)


f 1 left-parenthesis x comma y comma t right-parenthesis equals minus StartFraction partial-differential w Over partial-differential x EndFraction f 2 left-parenthesis x comma y comma t right-parenthesis equals minus StartFraction partial-differential w Over partial-differential y EndFraction (3.144)

This result is illustrated in Figure 3.19 for a pure bending configuration.

Figure 3.19 Deformation of a small plate element in the xz-plane. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

The strain displacement relation (3.19) leads to

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column epsilon left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis Subscript x x 2nd Column StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential x EndFraction equals StartFraction partial-differential u 0 Over partial-differential x EndFraction minus z StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction EndLayout (3.145)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column epsilon left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis Subscript y y 2nd Column StartFraction partial-differential v Over partial-differential y EndFraction equals StartFraction partial-differential v 0 Over partial-differential x EndFraction minus z StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential y squared EndFraction EndLayout (3.146)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column epsilon left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis Subscript x y 2nd Column one-half left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential y EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential v Over partial-differential x EndFraction right-parenthesis equals one-half left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential u 0 Over partial-differential y EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential v 0 Over partial-differential x EndFraction right-parenthesis minus 2 StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential x partial-differential y EndFraction EndLayout (3.147)

We consider an infinitesimally and cut-free small plate element as shown in figure 3.20. For the plate dynamics it is convenient to integrate over the plate thickness to get quantities defined per length instead of area. The integration over the normal stresses reads:

Start 3 By 1 Matrix 1st Row upper N Subscript x Superscript prime Baseline 2nd Row upper N Subscript y Superscript prime Baseline 3rd Row upper N Subscript x y Superscript prime Baseline EndMatrix equals integral Subscript negative h slash 2 Superscript h slash 2 Baseline Start 3 By 1 Matrix 1st Row sigma Subscript x x Baseline 2nd Row sigma Subscript y y Baseline 3rd Row sigma Subscript x y Baseline EndMatrix d z (3.148)

Figure 3.20 Plate element with stresses on the free faces. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

3.7.2 In-plane Wave Equation

From Figure 3.19 it becomes obvious that the bending is decoupled from the in-plane motion of shear and stress in case of homogeneous thin plates. Bending leads to symmetric stress and strain, and the integrals in Equation (3.148) are thus decoupled from the in-plane motion.

From assumption five it follows that the strains ɛx and ɛy can be given according to equations (3.30) and (3.31)

StartLayout 1st Row epsilon Subscript x Baseline equals StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential x EndFraction equals StartFraction 1 Over upper E EndFraction left-parenthesis sigma Subscript x x Baseline minus nu sigma Subscript y y Baseline right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.149)
StartLayout 1st Row left-bracket 4 p t right-bracket epsilon Subscript y Baseline equals StartFraction partial-differential v Over partial-differential y EndFraction equals StartFraction 1 Over upper E EndFraction left-parenthesis sigma Subscript y y Baseline minus nu sigma Subscript x x Baseline right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.150)

With the above equations and component xy in Voigt notation from (3.33) corresponding to the xy index in (3.19) we get

StartLayout 1st Row sigma Subscript x x Baseline equals StartFraction upper E Over 1 minus nu squared EndFraction left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential x EndFraction plus nu StartFraction partial-differential v Over partial-differential y EndFraction right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.151)
StartLayout 1st Row sigma Subscript y y Baseline equals StartFraction upper E Over 1 minus nu squared EndFraction left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential v Over partial-differential y EndFraction plus nu StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential x EndFraction right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.152)
StartLayout 1st Row sigma Subscript x y Baseline equals upper G left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential y EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential v Over partial-differential x EndFraction right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.153)

Entering equations (3.151)–(3.153) into (3.148) provides

upper N prime Subscript x Baseline equals StartFraction upper E Over 1 minus nu squared EndFraction integral Subscript negative h slash 2 Superscript h slash 2 Baseline left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential u left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis Over partial-differential x EndFraction plus nu StartFraction partial-differential v left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis Over partial-differential y EndFraction right-parenthesis d z equals StartFraction upper E h Over 1 minus nu squared EndFraction left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential u 0 Over partial-differential x EndFraction plus nu StartFraction partial-differential v 0 Over partial-differential y EndFraction right-parenthesis (3.154)

because the last term in Equation (3.145) vanishes due to symmetry. We get for Ny and Nxy accordingly

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper N prime Subscript y 2nd Column equals StartFraction upper E h Over 1 minus nu squared EndFraction left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential v 0 Over partial-differential y EndFraction plus nu StartFraction partial-differential u 0 Over partial-differential x EndFraction right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.155)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper N prime Subscript x y 2nd Column equals upper G h left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential u 0 Over partial-differential y EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential v 0 Over partial-differential x EndFraction right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.156)

In Figure 3.21 the force balance of a plate element is shown. The balance in the x-direction is

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column left-parenthesis upper N prime Subscript x Baseline plus StartFraction partial-differential upper N prime Subscript x Over partial-differential x EndFraction d x right-parenthesis d y minus upper N prime Subscript x Baseline d y plus left-parenthesis upper N prime Subscript x y Baseline plus StartFraction partial-differential upper N prime Subscript x y Over partial-differential y EndFraction d y right-parenthesis d x minus upper N prime Subscript x y Baseline d x plus upper F Subscript x Baseline d x d y 2nd Column equals 2nd Row 1st Column left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential upper N prime Subscript x Over partial-differential x EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential upper N prime Subscript x y Over partial-differential y EndFraction plus p Subscript x Baseline right-parenthesis d x d y 2nd Column equals 0 EndLayout (3.157)

Figure 3.21 In-plane stress and shear force balance of cut-free plate element. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

Division by area dxdy gives

StartFraction partial-differential upper N prime Subscript x Over partial-differential x EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential upper N prime Subscript x y Over partial-differential y EndFraction plus upper F Subscript x Superscript double-prime Baseline equals 0 (3.158)

and accordingly for the y-direction

StartFraction partial-differential upper N prime Subscript y Over partial-differential y EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential upper N prime Subscript x y Over partial-differential x EndFraction plus upper F Subscript y Superscript double-prime Baseline equals 0 (3.159)

With (3.154)–(3.156) we get finally, setting u0=u and v0=v:

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column StartFraction upper E h Over 1 minus nu squared EndFraction left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction plus nu StartFraction partial-differential squared v Over partial-differential x partial-differential y EndFraction right-parenthesis plus upper G h left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential y squared EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential squared v Over partial-differential x partial-differential y EndFraction right-parenthesis plus upper F double-prime Subscript x 2nd Column equals 2nd Row 1st Column StartFraction upper E h Over 1 minus nu squared EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction plus upper G h StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential y squared EndFraction plus left-parenthesis StartFraction upper E h nu Over 1 minus nu squared EndFraction plus upper G h right-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential squared v Over partial-differential x partial-differential y EndFraction plus upper F double-prime Subscript x 2nd Column equals 3rd Row 1st Column StartFraction upper E h Over 1 minus nu squared EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction plus upper G h StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential y squared EndFraction plus upper G g StartFraction 1 plus nu Over 1 minus nu EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential squared v Over partial-differential x partial-differential y EndFraction plus upper F double-prime Subscript x 2nd Column equals 0 EndLayout (3.160)

Equalising the force per area to the external pressure plus inertia forces and using m=ρ0h

upper F double-prime Subscript x Baseline equals minus rho 0 h StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction minus upper F double-prime Subscript x comma ext (3.161)

leads to the wave equation for in-plane waves. Together with the following abbreviations

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper C 2nd Column equals StartFraction upper E h Over left-parenthesis 1 minus nu squared right-parenthesis EndFraction EndLayout (3.162a)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper S 2nd Column upper G h equals StartFraction upper E h Over 2 left-parenthesis 1 plus nu right-parenthesis EndFraction EndLayout (3.162b)

we get

upper C StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction plus upper S StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential y squared EndFraction plus upper S StartFraction 1 plus nu Over 1 minus nu EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential squared v Over partial-differential x partial-differential y EndFraction minus rho 0 h StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction equals upper F double-prime Subscript x comma ext (3.163)

and in a similar way for the y-direction:

upper C StartFraction partial-differential squared v Over partial-differential y squared EndFraction plus upper S StartFraction partial-differential squared v Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction plus upper S StartFraction 1 plus nu Over 1 minus nu EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential x partial-differential y EndFraction minus rho 0 h StartFraction partial-differential squared v Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction equals upper F double-prime Subscript y comma ext (3.164)

The motion in the in-plane direction is coupled: a displacement in u leads to motion in v and vice versa. The solution of both equations leads to two waves analogical to the longitudinal and shear waves of the solid material in section 3.4.

3.7.3 Longitudinal Waves

In longitudinal waves the wave motion is in the direction of propagation. Without loss of generality we choose the x-direction as propagation direction. Thus, there is no change of u over y and v is zero.

StartFraction partial-differential u Over partial-differential y EndFraction equals 0 v equals 0 (3.165)

Using these assumptions in (3.163) we get

StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction minus StartFraction 1 Over c Subscript upper L upper P Baseline EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential squared u Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction equals 0 with c Subscript upper L upper P Baseline equals StartRoot StartFraction upper E Over left-parenthesis 1 minus nu squared right-parenthesis rho 0 EndFraction EndRoot (3.166)

and the wavenumber yields

k Subscript upper L Baseline equals StartFraction omega Over c Subscript upper L upper P Baseline EndFraction equals omega StartRoot StartFraction rho 0 h Over upper C EndFraction EndRoot equals omega StartRoot StartFraction rho 0 left-parenthesis 1 minus nu squared right-parenthesis Over upper E EndFraction EndRoot (3.167)

We see that this third longitudinal wave speed for plates is valued between the solution for the longitudinal waves in solids and beams.

c Subscript upper L Baseline equals StartRoot StartFraction upper E left-parenthesis 1 minus nu right-parenthesis Over rho 0 left-parenthesis 1 plus nu right-parenthesis left-parenthesis 1 minus 2 nu right-parenthesis EndFraction EndRoot greater-than c Subscript upper L upper P Baseline equals StartRoot StartFraction upper E Over rho 0 left-parenthesis 1 minus nu squared right-parenthesis EndFraction EndRoot greater-than c Subscript upper L upper B Baseline equals StartRoot StartFraction upper E Over rho 0 EndFraction EndRoot

The more constrained the bulk material is the stiffer it becomes due to the lateral contraction. The strain in thickness can be calculated from (3.32).

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column epsilon Subscript z z 2nd Column equals minus StartFraction nu left-parenthesis 1 minus nu right-parenthesis Over upper E EndFraction sigma Subscript x x EndLayout (3.168)

Integrating the strain over the thickness delivers the shape of the wave motion.

Figure 3.22 Shape of longitudinal wave in plate. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

3.7.4 Shear Waves

Shear waves have displacement perpendicular to their direction of propagation. For shear wave propagation in the x-direction we assume:

u equals 0 StartFraction partial-differential v Over partial-differential y EndFraction equals 0 (3.169)

Using (3.164) with these conditions gives the shear wave equation in the x-direction for plates:

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column StartFraction partial-differential squared v Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction minus StartFraction 1 Over c Subscript upper S Baseline EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential squared v Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction equals 0 with c Subscript upper S Baseline equals StartRoot StartFraction upper G Over rho 0 EndFraction EndRoot EndLayout (3.170)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column k Subscript upper S Baseline equals StartFraction omega Over c Subscript upper S Baseline EndFraction equals omega StartRoot StartFraction rho 0 h Over upper S EndFraction EndRoot EndLayout (3.171)

The shear wave speed in plates or solid material is similar, because this wave type is free of dilatation due to condition 3.169 and thus not dependent on geometrical constraints.

c Subscript upper S Baseline equals StartRoot StartFraction upper G Over rho 0 EndFraction EndRoot (3.172)

3.7.5 Combination of Longitudinal and Shear Waves

The combined dynamics of in-plane wave motion is found by entering the ansatz

StartBinomialOrMatrix bold-italic u Choose bold-italic v EndBinomialOrMatrix equals StartBinomialOrMatrix bold-italic u Subscript i Baseline Choose bold-italic v Subscript i Baseline EndBinomialOrMatrix e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript x Superscript x minus j k Super Subscript y Superscript y plus j omega t (3.173)

with i(S,L) being the index for both wave types. Entering this into (3.163) and (3.164) leads to the following system of equations

Start 2 By 2 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column upper C k Subscript upper L Superscript 2 Baseline minus upper C k Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline minus upper S k Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline 2nd Column minus upper S StartFraction 1 plus nu Over 1 minus nu EndFraction k Subscript x Baseline k Subscript y Baseline 2nd Row 1st Column minus upper S StartFraction 1 plus nu Over 1 minus nu EndFraction k Subscript x Baseline k Subscript y Baseline 2nd Column upper S k Subscript upper S Superscript 2 Baseline minus upper C k Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline minus upper S k Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline EndMatrix StartBinomialOrMatrix bold-italic u Subscript i Baseline Choose bold-italic v Subscript i Baseline EndBinomialOrMatrix equals StartBinomialOrMatrix 0 Choose 0 EndBinomialOrMatrix (3.174)

We used ρ0hω2=CkL2=SkS2 following from (3.167) and (3.171). Equation (3.174) can be seen as a generalized eigenvalue problem with eigenvalue λ=CkL2=SkS2. Dividing the above equation by S leads to a form that is more practical for the next steps

Start 2 By 2 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column k Subscript upper S Superscript 2 Baseline minus StartFraction upper C Over upper S EndFraction k Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline minus k Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline 2nd Column minus StartFraction 1 plus nu Over 1 minus nu EndFraction k Subscript x Baseline k Subscript y Baseline 2nd Row 1st Column minus StartFraction 1 plus nu Over 1 minus nu EndFraction k Subscript x Baseline k Subscript y Baseline 2nd Column k Subscript upper S Superscript 2 Baseline minus StartFraction upper C Over upper S EndFraction k Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline minus k Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline EndMatrix StartBinomialOrMatrix bold-italic u Subscript i Baseline Choose bold-italic v Subscript i Baseline EndBinomialOrMatrix equals StartBinomialOrMatrix 0 Choose 0 EndBinomialOrMatrix (3.175)

With the relationship

StartFraction upper C Over upper S EndFraction equals StartFraction 2 Over 1 minus nu EndFraction equals 1 plus StartFraction 1 plus nu Over 1 minus nu EndFraction (3.176)

This can be further modified to

Start 2 By 2 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column k Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline plus k Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline minus k Subscript upper S Superscript 2 Baseline plus StartFraction 1 plus nu Over 1 minus nu EndFraction k Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline 2nd Column StartFraction 1 plus nu Over 1 minus nu EndFraction k Subscript x Baseline k Subscript y Baseline 2nd Row 1st Column StartFraction 1 plus nu Over 1 minus nu EndFraction k Subscript x Baseline k Subscript y Baseline 2nd Column k Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline plus k Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline minus k Subscript upper S Superscript 2 Baseline plus StartFraction 1 plus nu Over 1 minus nu EndFraction k Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline EndMatrix StartBinomialOrMatrix bold-italic u Subscript i Baseline Choose bold-italic v Subscript i Baseline EndBinomialOrMatrix equals StartBinomialOrMatrix 0 Choose 0 EndBinomialOrMatrix (3.177)

For non-trivial solutions of this matrix the determinant must vanish, and this leads to the equation

left-parenthesis k Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline plus k Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline minus k Subscript upper S Superscript 2 Baseline plus StartFraction 1 plus nu Over 1 minus nu EndFraction k Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline right-parenthesis left-parenthesis k Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline plus k Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline minus k Subscript upper S Superscript 2 Baseline plus StartFraction 1 plus nu Over 1 minus nu EndFraction k Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline right-parenthesis minus left-parenthesis StartFraction 1 plus nu Over 1 minus nu EndFraction k Subscript x Baseline k Subscript y Baseline right-parenthesis squared

This is of the form (a+b)(a+c)bc=a(a+b+c)=0. So the two solutions are

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column a 2nd Column equals 0 3rd Column k Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline plus k Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline minus k Subscript upper S Superscript 2 Baseline equals 0 4th Column k Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline plus k Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline right double arrow k Subscript upper S Superscript 2 EndLayout (3.178)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column a plus b plus c 2nd Column equals 0 3rd Column k Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline plus k Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline minus k Subscript upper S Superscript 2 Baseline plus StartFraction 1 plus nu Over 1 minus nu EndFraction left-parenthesis k Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline plus k Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline right-parenthesis equals 0 4th Column k Subscript x Superscript 2 Baseline plus k Subscript y Superscript 2 Baseline right double arrow k Subscript upper L Superscript 2 EndLayout (3.179)

using relationship (3.176) again. Finally, we have derived the above wavenumbers for shear and longitudinal waves in a more formal way. Entering kS2 and kL2 for kx2+ky2 into (3.177) provides the solution for the shape of the wave propagation. With kxS2+kyS2=kS2 we get:

Start 2 By 2 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column k Subscript x upper S Superscript 2 Baseline 2nd Column k Subscript x upper S Baseline k Subscript y upper S Baseline 2nd Row 1st Column k Subscript x upper S Baseline k Subscript y upper S Baseline 2nd Column k Subscript y upper S Superscript 2 Baseline EndMatrix StartBinomialOrMatrix bold-italic u Subscript upper S Baseline Choose bold-italic v Subscript upper S Baseline EndBinomialOrMatrix equals StartBinomialOrMatrix 0 Choose 0 EndBinomialOrMatrix (3.180)

So kxSuS=kySvS, and when we choose uS=ΨSkxS we get vS=ΨSkyS; finally the displacement due to the shear wave motion is given by

StartBinomialOrMatrix bold-italic u Choose bold-italic v EndBinomialOrMatrix Subscript upper S Baseline equals bold upper Psi Subscript upper S Baseline StartBinomialOrMatrix k Subscript y upper S Baseline Choose minus k Subscript x upper S Baseline EndBinomialOrMatrix e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript x upper S Superscript x minus j k Super Subscript y upper S Superscript y plus j omega t (3.181)

With kxL2+kyL2=kL2 the same equation reads as:

Start 2 By 2 Matrix 1st Row 1st Column minus k Subscript y upper L Superscript 2 Baseline 2nd Column k Subscript x upper L Baseline k Subscript y upper L Baseline 2nd Row 1st Column k Subscript x upper L Baseline k Subscript y upper L Baseline 2nd Column minus k Subscript x upper L Superscript 2 Baseline EndMatrix StartBinomialOrMatrix bold-italic u Subscript upper L Baseline Choose bold-italic v Subscript upper L Baseline EndBinomialOrMatrix equals StartBinomialOrMatrix 0 Choose 0 EndBinomialOrMatrix (3.182)

providing the longitudinal wave motion

StartBinomialOrMatrix bold-italic u Choose bold-italic v EndBinomialOrMatrix Subscript upper L Baseline equals bold upper Psi Subscript upper L Baseline StartBinomialOrMatrix k Subscript x upper L Baseline Choose k Subscript y upper L Baseline EndBinomialOrMatrix e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript x upper L Superscript x minus j k Super Subscript y upper L Superscript y plus j omega t (3.183)

The in-plane wave propagation is given by the superposition of both waves with:

StartBinomialOrMatrix bold-italic u Choose bold-italic v EndBinomialOrMatrix equals left-parenthesis bold upper Psi Subscript upper S Baseline StartBinomialOrMatrix k Subscript y upper S Baseline Choose minus k Subscript x upper S Baseline EndBinomialOrMatrix e Superscript minus j bold k Super Subscript upper S Superscript bold x Baseline plus bold upper Psi Subscript upper L Baseline StartBinomialOrMatrix k Subscript x upper L Baseline Choose k Subscript y upper L Baseline EndBinomialOrMatrix e Superscript minus j bold k Super Subscript upper L Superscript bold x Baseline right-parenthesis e Superscript j omega t (3.184)

The displacement of longitudinal waves is parallel to the propagation direction given by kL={kxL,kyL}T, and the shear wave displacement is perpendicular to the propagation direction orientation kS as shown in Figure 3.23

Figure 3.23 Propagation direction of in-plane waves and orientation of displacement. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

Similar to solids the wavelengths of longitudinal and transversal waves are very high. Thus, in-plane waves can be neglected in many technical acoustics problems at audible frequency, but they are required for a full understanding of the physics when plates are coupled.

3.7.6 Bending Wave Equation

For the derivation of the bending wave dynamics we define the moments per length Mʹ parallel to the edges and as a torsional moment.

Start 3 By 1 Matrix 1st Row upper M Subscript x Superscript prime Baseline 2nd Row upper M Subscript y Superscript prime Baseline 3rd Row upper M Subscript x y Superscript prime Baseline EndMatrix equals integral Subscript negative h slash 2 Superscript h slash 2 Baseline Start 3 By 1 Matrix 1st Row sigma Subscript x x Baseline 2nd Row sigma Subscript y y Baseline 3rd Row sigma Subscript x y Baseline EndMatrix z d z (3.185)

The thickness integration over the shear stresses gives the shear forces per length:

StartBinomialOrMatrix bold-italic upper Q Subscript x Superscript prime Baseline Choose bold-italic upper Q Subscript y Superscript prime Baseline EndBinomialOrMatrix equals integral Subscript negative h slash 2 Superscript h slash 2 Baseline StartBinomialOrMatrix sigma Subscript x z Baseline Choose sigma Subscript y z Baseline EndBinomialOrMatrix d z (3.186)

With those definitions and according to Figure 3.24 we can now set up the relationships for the required equilibrium of the total forces in the z-direction

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column p d x d y plus StartFraction partial-differential upper Q prime Subscript x Over partial-differential x EndFraction d x d y plus StartFraction partial-differential upper Q prime Subscript y Over partial-differential y EndFraction d y d x 2nd Column equals 0 EndLayout (3.187)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column p plus StartFraction partial-differential upper Q prime Subscript x Over partial-differential x EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential upper Q prime Subscript y Over partial-differential y EndFraction 2nd Column equals 0 EndLayout (3.188)

Figure 3.24 Moments and shear forces balance of cut-free plate element. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

and for the moments around the x-axis,

StartFraction partial-differential upper M prime Subscript x y Over partial-differential x EndFraction d x d y plus StartFraction partial-differential upper M prime Subscript y Over partial-differential y EndFraction d y d x minus 2 upper Q prime Subscript y Baseline d x StartFraction d y Over 2 EndFraction minus StartFraction partial-differential upper Q prime Subscript y Over partial-differential y EndFraction d y d x StartFraction d y Over 2 EndFraction equals 0 (3.189)

and the y-axis accordingly:

StartFraction partial-differential upper M prime Subscript y x Over partial-differential y EndFraction d y d x plus StartFraction partial-differential upper M prime Subscript x Over partial-differential x EndFraction d x d y minus 2 upper Q prime Subscript x Baseline d y StartFraction d x Over 2 EndFraction minus StartFraction partial-differential upper Q prime Subscript x Over partial-differential x EndFraction d x d y StartFraction d x Over 2 EndFraction equals 0 (3.190)

Neglecting terms of second order and with the moment equilibrium Mxy=Myx we get

StartFraction partial-differential upper M prime Subscript x y Over partial-differential x EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential upper M prime Subscript y Over partial-differential y EndFraction minus upper Q Subscript y Superscript prime Baseline equals 0 comma StartFraction partial-differential upper M prime Subscript x y Over partial-differential y EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential upper M prime Subscript x Over partial-differential x EndFraction minus upper Q Subscript x Superscript prime Baseline equals 0 (3.191)

Entering Qx and Qy from (3.188) in (3.191) gives

StartFraction partial-differential squared upper M prime Subscript x Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction plus 2 StartFraction partial-differential squared upper M prime Subscript x y Over partial-differential x partial-differential y EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential squared upper M prime Subscript y Over partial-differential y squared EndFraction equals negative p (3.192)

As mentioned above the bending motion is decoupled from the in-plane motion. So, we assume u0=v0=0 and get with (3.145) for the displacement in the thin layer an approximately linear dependency from z

u left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis equals minus z StartFraction partial-differential w Over partial-differential x EndFraction v left-parenthesis v right-parenthesis equals minus z StartFraction partial-differential w Over partial-differential y EndFraction (3.193)

Entering (3.193) into (3.151)-(3.153) leads to the in-plane stresses as function of w and z

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column sigma Subscript x x Baseline left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis 2nd Column equals minus StartFraction upper E z Over 1 minus nu squared EndFraction left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction plus nu StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential y squared EndFraction right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.194)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column sigma Subscript y y Baseline left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis 2nd Column equals minus StartFraction upper E z Over 1 minus nu squared EndFraction left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential y squared EndFraction plus nu StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.195)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column sigma Subscript x y Baseline left-parenthesis z right-parenthesis 2nd Column equals minus 2 upper G z left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential x partial-differential y EndFraction right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.196)

This is applied in the definitions (3.185) and reads for w(x,y)

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper M prime Subscript x 2nd Column equals minus upper B left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction plus nu StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential y squared EndFraction right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.197)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper M prime Subscript y 2nd Column equals minus upper B left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential y squared EndFraction plus nu StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.198)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper M prime Subscript x y 2nd Column equals minus StartFraction upper G h cubed Over 6 EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential x partial-differential y EndFraction period EndLayout (3.199)

with the bending stiffness B of the plate

upper B equals integral Subscript negative h slash 2 Superscript h slash 2 Baseline StartFraction upper E z squared Over 1 minus nu squared EndFraction d z equals StartFraction upper E h cubed Over 12 left-parenthesis 1 minus nu squared right-parenthesis EndFraction (3.200)

With equations (3.191) and (3.197)–(3.199) the shear forces can also be expressed as functions of w .

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper Q prime Subscript x 2nd Column minus upper B StartFraction partial-differential Over partial-differential x EndFraction left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential y squared EndFraction right-parenthesis equals minus upper B StartFraction partial-differential Over partial-differential x EndFraction normal upper Delta w EndLayout (3.201)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper Q prime Subscript y 2nd Column minus upper B StartFraction partial-differential Over partial-differential y EndFraction left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential x squared EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential y squared EndFraction right-parenthesis equals minus upper B StartFraction partial-differential Over partial-differential y EndFraction normal upper Delta w EndLayout (3.202)

From (3.192) and with equations (3.197)–(3.199) we can derive the plate equation

StartLayout 1st Row upper B left-parenthesis StartFraction partial-differential Superscript 4 Baseline w Over partial-differential x Superscript 4 Baseline EndFraction plus 2 StartFraction partial-differential Superscript 4 Baseline w Over partial-differential x squared partial-differential y squared EndFraction plus StartFraction partial-differential Superscript 4 Baseline w Over partial-differential y Superscript 4 Baseline EndFraction right-parenthesis equals upper B normal upper Delta normal upper Delta w equals p EndLayout (3.203)

In order to get the wave equation for plates we set the force per area equal to external pressure plus the inertia force

StartLayout 1st Row p equals minus m double-prime StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction plus p Subscript e x t Baseline equals minus rho 0 h StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction plus p Subscript ext EndLayout (3.204)


normal upper Delta normal upper Delta w plus StartFraction rho 0 h Over upper B EndFraction StartFraction partial-differential squared w Over partial-differential t squared EndFraction equals StartFraction p Subscript ext Baseline Over upper B EndFraction (3.205)

Now we are prepared to determine the wave speed for bending waves in plates using the solution in frequency domain w(x,y,t)=w(x,y)ejωt

normal upper Delta normal upper Delta bold-italic w minus omega squared StartFraction rho 0 h Over upper B EndFraction bold-italic w equals StartFraction p Subscript ext Baseline Over upper B EndFraction (3.206)

Considering waves w=wBejkx in the x-direction without loss of generality the results for kB are similar to the results of the beam bending waves

k Subscript upper B Superscript 4 Baseline equals StartFraction rho 0 h Over upper B EndFraction omega squared (3.207)

and the wave speed

c Subscript upper B Baseline equals RootIndex 4 StartRoot StartFraction upper B omega squared Over rho 0 h EndFraction EndRoot (3.208)

Equation (3.206) can be written in Helmholtz form

left-parenthesis normal upper Delta normal upper Delta minus k Subscript upper B Superscript 4 Baseline right-parenthesis bold-italic w equals StartFraction p Subscript ext Baseline Over upper B EndFraction (3.209)

We get again two real and two complex solutions:

k Subscript upper B Baseline 1 Baseline equals plus-or-minus j RootIndex 4 StartRoot StartFraction omega squared rho 0 h Over upper B EndFraction EndRoot k Subscript upper B Baseline 2 Baseline equals plus-or-minus RootIndex 4 StartRoot StartFraction omega squared rho 0 h Over upper B EndFraction EndRoot (3.210)

Thus the solution includes four propagating waves. Using only the positive absolute values per definition with

bold-italic k Subscript upper B Baseline 1 Baseline equals j RootIndex 4 StartRoot StartFraction omega squared rho 0 h Over upper B EndFraction EndRoot k Subscript upper B Baseline 2 Baseline equals RootIndex 4 StartRoot StartFraction omega squared rho 0 h Over upper B EndFraction EndRoot

we can write for the four waves in the x-direction

bold-italic w left-parenthesis x comma omega right-parenthesis equals bold-italic w Subscript 1 upper D Baseline e Superscript j k Super Subscript upper B Baseline 1 Superscript x Baseline plus bold-italic w Subscript 2 upper D Baseline e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript upper B Baseline 1 Superscript x Baseline plus bold-italic w 2 e Superscript j k Super Subscript upper B Baseline 2 Superscript x Baseline plus bold-italic w 2 e Superscript minus j k Super Subscript upper B Baseline 2 Superscript x (3.211)

The dispersion effects discussed in the beam section are also valid.

Figure 3.25 Shape of bending wave of a plate. Source: Alexander Peiffer. Cylindrical Solution of Bending Wave Equation

In order to derive the mechanical impedance for a plate we must agree on a certain set of boundary conditions and assumptions that allow for a solution:

  • The solution is rotationally symmetric.
  • The point of excitation is rotation free.
  • The solution fulfils the Sommerfeld condition: i.e. that the wave decays in large distances.

Starting with (3.206), using the wavenumber result from (3.207) and rewriting it to

normal upper Delta normal upper Delta bold-italic w minus k Subscript upper B Superscript 4 Baseline bold-italic w equals left-parenthesis normal upper Delta minus k Subscript upper B Superscript 2 Baseline right-parenthesis left-parenthesis normal upper Delta plus k Subscript upper B Superscript 2 Baseline right-parenthesis bold-italic w equals 0 (3.212)

gives the following system of equations:

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column left-parenthesis normal upper Delta plus k Subscript upper B Superscript 2 Baseline right-parenthesis bold-italic w 2nd Column equals 0 EndLayout (3.213a)
StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column left-parenthesis normal upper Delta minus k Subscript upper B Superscript 2 Baseline right-parenthesis bold-italic w 2nd Column equals 0 EndLayout (3.213b)

The first Equation (3.213a) is similar to the Helmholtz equation for fluids but for two dimensions. The solution is the Hankel function of second kind:

bold-italic w 1 left-parenthesis r right-parenthesis equals upper C 1 upper H 0 Superscript left-parenthesis 2 right-parenthesis Baseline left-parenthesis k Subscript upper B Baseline r right-parenthesis (3.214)

With r being the distance from the point of excitation. For the far field properties and the behavior at the excitation point we use the asymptotic behavior for small and large values of x

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper H 0 Superscript left-parenthesis 2 right-parenthesis Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis 2nd Column almost-equals StartFraction 2 j Over pi EndFraction ln x 3rd Column for StartAbsoluteValue x EndAbsoluteValue 4th Column 1 5th Column upper H 0 Superscript left-parenthesis 2 right-parenthesis Baseline left-parenthesis x right-parenthesis 6th Column almost-equals StartRoot StartFraction 2 Over pi x EndFraction EndRoot e Superscript minus j left-parenthesis x minus pi slash 4 right-parenthesis Baseline 7th Column for StartAbsoluteValue x EndAbsoluteValue 8th Column 1 EndLayout

The solution of the second Equation (3.213b) can be found by replacing kBr with jkBr, hence

bold-italic w 2 left-parenthesis r right-parenthesis equals upper C 2 upper H 0 Superscript left-parenthesis 2 right-parenthesis Baseline left-parenthesis minus j k Subscript upper B Baseline r right-parenthesis period (3.215)

For large kr we get

upper H 0 Superscript left-parenthesis 2 right-parenthesis Baseline left-parenthesis minus j k Subscript upper B Baseline r right-parenthesis almost-equals StartRoot StartFraction 2 Over minus j pi k Subscript upper B Baseline r EndFraction EndRoot e Superscript plus j pi slash 4 Baseline e Superscript minus k Super Subscript upper B Superscript r Baseline equals j StartRoot StartFraction 2 Over pi k Subscript upper B Baseline r EndFraction EndRoot e Superscript minus k Super Subscript upper B Superscript r

Thus, Equation (3.215) represents the exponentially decaying near field, as in (3.106). The total solution is

bold-italic w left-parenthesis r right-parenthesis equals upper C 1 upper H 0 Superscript left-parenthesis 2 right-parenthesis Baseline left-parenthesis k Subscript upper B Baseline r right-parenthesis plus upper C 2 upper H 0 Superscript left-parenthesis 2 right-parenthesis Baseline left-parenthesis minus j k Subscript upper B Baseline r right-parenthesis (3.216)

With the assumption that the rotation

StartFraction partial-differential bold-italic w Over partial-differential r EndFraction equals upper C 1 k Subscript upper B Baseline left-parenthesis minus j StartFraction 2 Over pi k Subscript upper B Baseline r EndFraction plus ellipsis right-parenthesis minus upper C 2 k Subscript upper B Baseline left-parenthesis StartFraction 2 Over pi k Subscript upper B Baseline r EndFraction plus ellipsis right-parenthesis equals StartFraction 2 j Over pi r EndFraction left-parenthesis minus upper C 1 minus upper C 2 right-parenthesis plus ellipsis (3.217)

must vanish at r = 0, so that

upper C 1 equals minus upper C 2

we finally get

bold-italic w left-parenthesis r right-parenthesis equals upper C 1 left-parenthesis upper H 0 Superscript left-parenthesis 2 right-parenthesis Baseline left-parenthesis k Subscript upper B Baseline r right-parenthesis minus upper H 0 Superscript left-parenthesis 2 right-parenthesis Baseline left-parenthesis minus j k Subscript upper B Baseline r right-parenthesis right-parenthesis (3.218) Power, Impedance, and Energy

The value at r = 0 follows from the asymptotic expression for small values:

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column bold-italic w left-parenthesis 0 right-parenthesis equals ModifyingAbove bold-italic w With caret Subscript 0 Baseline 2nd Column equals upper C 1 left-bracket minus StartFraction 2 j Over pi EndFraction ln StartFraction k Subscript upper B Baseline r Over 2 EndFraction plus ellipsis plus StartFraction 2 j Over pi EndFraction left-parenthesis ln StartFraction k Subscript upper B Baseline r Over 2 EndFraction plus ln left-parenthesis negative j right-parenthesis right-parenthesis plus ellipsis right-bracket 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column upper C 1 StartFraction 2 j Over pi EndFraction ln left-parenthesis negative j right-parenthesis equals upper C 1 EndLayout (3.219)

So C1 equals the displacement amplitude at the excitation point.

bold-italic w equals ModifyingAbove bold-italic w With caret Subscript 0 Baseline left-parenthesis upper H 0 Superscript left-parenthesis 2 right-parenthesis Baseline left-parenthesis k Subscript upper B Baseline r right-parenthesis minus upper H 0 Superscript left-parenthesis 2 right-parenthesis Baseline left-parenthesis minus j k Subscript upper B Baseline r right-parenthesis right-parenthesis (3.220)

Some shapes at specific phases of the force are shown in Figure 3.26.

Figure 3.26 Bending wave forms of plate excited by a force Fz at r = 0. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

In order to derive the displacement amplitude w^0 we consider a small circle around the the point of excitation and use equations (3.201)–(3.202) in cylindrical coordinates

bold-italic upper Q prime Subscript r Baseline equals minus upper B StartFraction partial-differential bold-italic w Over partial-differential r EndFraction (3.221)

Entering this into (3.218) leads to:

bold-italic upper Q prime Subscript r Baseline equals upper B k cubed ModifyingAbove bold-italic w With caret Subscript 0 Baseline left-parenthesis StartFraction d upper H 0 Superscript left-parenthesis 2 right-parenthesis Baseline left-parenthesis k r right-parenthesis Over d k r EndFraction plus StartFraction d upper H 0 Superscript left-parenthesis 2 right-parenthesis Baseline left-parenthesis minus j k r right-parenthesis Over d k r EndFraction right-parenthesis (3.222)

Using the approximation of the Hankel function for small arguments gives

bold-italic upper Q prime Subscript r Baseline 0 Baseline equals StartFraction 4 j upper B k squared Over pi r 0 EndFraction bold-italic w 0 (3.223)

Multiplication of (3.223) with the perimeter of a small circle finally provides the force

bold-italic upper F Subscript z Baseline equals 2 pi r 0 bold-italic upper Q Subscript r Baseline 0 Baseline equals 8 j upper B k squared bold-italic w 0 (3.224)

Figure 3.27 Force excitation at a small disc of radius r0. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

Entering this into (3.220) we get the shape of the plate due to force excitation

bold-italic w equals StartFraction bold-italic upper F Subscript z Baseline Over 8 j upper B k squared EndFraction left-parenthesis upper H 0 Superscript left-parenthesis 2 right-parenthesis Baseline left-parenthesis k r right-parenthesis minus upper H 0 Superscript left-parenthesis 2 right-parenthesis Baseline left-parenthesis minus j k r right-parenthesis right-parenthesis (3.225)

With the velocity at the centre vz(0)=jωw0 we get a surprisingly simple expression for the mechanical impedance at r = 0:

bold-italic upper Z 0 equals StartFraction bold-italic upper F Subscript z Baseline Over bold-italic v Subscript z Baseline Subscript 0 Baseline EndFraction equals StartFraction 8 upper B k squared Over omega EndFraction equals 8 StartRoot upper B m double-prime EndRoot equals StartFraction 8 omega m double-prime Over k Subscript upper B Superscript 2 Baseline EndFraction (3.226)

Regarding the energy in the plate, we rely on the considerations of bending waves in beams in section 3.5. The property characterising bending for beams was the Young’s modulus times the second moment of area, e.g. By=EIyy. For plates this must be replaced by the bending stiffness that is defined per length as given in equation 3.200. Thus, after adjusting Equation (3.125) to this length reference we get area energy density E=E/A

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column upper E double-prime Subscript tot 2nd Column h left-parenthesis e Subscript kin Baseline plus e Subscript pot Baseline right-parenthesis equals StartFraction ModifyingAbove w With caret squared Over 2 EndFraction left-parenthesis rho 0 h omega squared sine squared k Subscript upper B Baseline x plus upper B k Subscript upper B Superscript 4 Baseline cosine squared k Subscript upper B Baseline x right-parenthesis 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column StartFraction upper B k Subscript upper B Superscript 4 Baseline ModifyingAbove w With caret squared Over 2 EndFraction equals StartFraction rho 0 h omega squared ModifyingAbove w With caret squared Over 2 EndFraction EndLayout (3.227)

The equality of kinetic and potential energy, as far as the fact that the energy is not pulsating but constant over time, is also similar to beams. The expression for the power flow has to be adjusted to power per length or length intensity with

normal upper Pi prime equals 2 StartFraction omega Over k Subscript upper B Baseline EndFraction upper E Subscript t o t Superscript double-prime Baseline equals 2 c Subscript upper B Baseline upper E Subscript t o t Superscript double-prime Baseline equals c Subscript upper B Baseline rho 0 h omega squared ModifyingAbove w With caret Subscript 2 Superscript 2 (3.228)

Note that the energy is transported with twice the phase wave speed, which is not in contradiction to the energy conservation because of the fact that the energy is equally distributed over the phase cycle. For the point force excitation the introduced energy flows through the edge of a circle of radius r with the circumference 2πr.

normal upper Pi prime equals StartFraction normal upper Pi Over 2 pi r EndFraction (3.229)

The input power is known through the point impedance (3.226)

normal upper Pi equals one-half upper R e left-parenthesis bold-italic upper F Superscript asterisk Baseline bold-italic v right-parenthesis equals one-half upper R e left-parenthesis ModifyingAbove upper F With caret bold-italic upper Z 0 right-parenthesis equals StartFraction omega ModifyingAbove upper F With caret squared Over 16 upper B k Subscript upper B Superscript 2 Baseline EndFraction (3.230)

Combining equations (3.228) to (3.229) we get an expression for the displacement amplitude derived from energy considerations:

ModifyingAbove w With caret squared left-parenthesis r right-parenthesis equals StartFraction ModifyingAbove upper F With caret Over 32 pi upper B squared k Subscript upper B Superscript 5 Baseline EndFraction StartFraction 1 Over r EndFraction (3.231)

The same expression can be derived from Equation (3.225) when using the asymptotic expression for the Hankel function for kr1.


The damping of wave propagation is related to energy or the transport of energy. This complicates the treatment for dispersive waves. To overcome this issue we use the damping loss as the complex ratio of stiffness related quantities from (1.62). For plates this is the complex Young’s modulus E:

bold-italic upper E equals upper E left-parenthesis 1 plus j eta right-parenthesis (3.232)

impacting linearly the bending stiffness:

bold-italic upper B equals upper B left-parenthesis 1 plus j eta right-parenthesis (3.233)

When we introduce this into Equation (3.207)

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column bold-italic k Subscript upper B Superscript 4 2nd Column StartFraction rho 0 h Over upper B left-parenthesis 1 plus j eta right-parenthesis EndFraction omega squared equals k Subscript upper B Superscript 4 Baseline StartFraction 1 minus j eta Over 1 plus eta squared EndFraction equals k Subscript upper B Superscript 4 Baseline left-parenthesis 1 minus j eta right-parenthesis EndLayout


StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column bold-italic k Subscript upper B 2nd Column k Subscript upper B Baseline RootIndex 4 StartRoot 1 minus j eta EndRoot equals k Subscript upper B Baseline left-parenthesis 1 minus StartFraction j Over 4 EndFraction eta right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.234)

In contrast to Equation (2.59) this is one-fourth of the wavenumber. The reason for this is that due to dispersion of bending waves the energy propagates twice as fast as the phase.

3.8 Propagation of Energy in Dispersive Waves

The bending wave considerations have shown that the phase velocity does not represent the speed for energy transportation. It is twice the phase wave speed as in Equation (3.126). An illustrative way to present the relationship between group and phase velocity is to investigate the interference of two one-dimensional waves.

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column w Subscript ifr Baseline left-parenthesis x comma t right-parenthesis 2nd Column equals sine left-parenthesis omega 1 t minus k 1 x right-parenthesis plus sine left-parenthesis omega 2 t minus k 2 x right-parenthesis 2nd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals 2 sine left-parenthesis StartFraction omega 1 plus omega 2 Over 2 EndFraction t minus StartFraction k 1 plus k 2 Over 2 EndFraction x right-parenthesis cosine left-parenthesis StartFraction omega 1 minus omega 2 Over 2 EndFraction t minus StartFraction k 1 minus k 2 Over 2 EndFraction x right-parenthesis 3rd Row 1st Column Blank 2nd Column equals 2 cosine left-parenthesis omega Subscript gr Baseline t minus k Subscript gr Baseline x right-parenthesis sine left-parenthesis omega Subscript mean Baseline t minus k Subscript mean Baseline x right-parenthesis EndLayout (3.235)

The interference of the two sine waves leads to a carrier wave with mean frequency ωmean=(ω1+ω2)/2 and wave number kmean=(k1+k2)/2 whose amplitude is modulated by a much lower frequency ωgr=(ω1ω2)/2 and the much lower wavenumber kgr=(k1k2)/2.

The energy in the wave is proportional to the squared amplitude of the wave. Thus, the energy is transported with the speed of the amplitude modulation:

c Subscript gr Baseline equals StartFraction omega 1 minus omega 2 Over k 1 minus k 2 EndFraction equals StartFraction normal upper Delta omega Over normal upper Delta k EndFraction (3.236)

In the limit of Δω0 the group velocity will be

c Subscript gr Baseline equals StartFraction d omega Over d k EndFraction (3.237)

In Figure 3.28 an example for bending waves is depicted. We see how the envelope propagates with the group velocity cgr. If we follow one phase value of the carrier we would notice that it propagates with a slower speed. This can also be recognized by inspecting the relative location of the carrier in the envelope. The maxima are located at different positions in the envelope.

Figure 3.28 Group and phase velocity of two sine waves with similar frequency. Source: Alexander Peiffer.

We conclude that the speed of energy propagation in waves is the group velocity. If there is no frequency dependence phase and group velocity are the same. We have found this relationship already in the context of power flow for bending waves in beams in Equation (3.126).

The consequence of the fact that energy travels with group velocity is that the relationship between energy density and intensity (2.53) must consider the group velocity.

bold upper I equals bold n c Subscript gr Baseline e (3.238)

3.9 Findings

With chapters 2 and 3 we have described several modes of wave propagation with different properties. Those modes are different in terms of sound speed, excitation impedance, and the relationship between energy density and the wave property. In Table 3.1 those properties are summarized.

Table 3.1 Wave speeds of structural waves

Mode typeGroup velocityPhase velocity
Longitudinal waves in barscgr=cLBcLB=E/ρ
Torsional waves in barscgr=cTcT=GJ/ρIp
Bending wavescgr=2cBcB=ωBm4
Longitudinal waves in platescgr=cLPcLP=Eρ0(1ν2)
Shear wavescgr=cScS=G/ρ
Waves in elastic solidscgr=cLcL=E(1ν)ρ0(1+ν)(12ν)


  1. Klaus-Jürgen Bathe. Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis. Prentice-Hall Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Series. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J, 1982. ISBN 978-0-13-317305-5.
  2. Lothar Cremer, Manfred Heckl, and Björn Petersson. Structure-Borne Sound: Structural Vibrations and Sound Radiation at Audio Frequencies. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 3rd edition, December 2005. ISBN 978-3-540-26514-6.
  3. Karl F. Graff. Wave Motion in Elastic Solids. Dover Publications, New York, 1991. ISBN 978-0-486-66745-4.
  4. Reinhard Lerch and H. Landes. Grundlagen der Technischen Akustik, September 2012.
  5. I. Szabo. Einführung in Die Technische Mechanik: Nach Vorlesungen. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2013a. ISBN 978-3-662-11624-1.
  6. I. Szabo. Höhere Technische Mechanik: Nach Vorlesungen. Klassiker Der Technik. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2013b. ISBN 978-3-642-56795-7.
  7. Eduard Ventsel and Theodor Krauthammer. Thin Plates and Shells: Theory: Analysis, and Applications. CRC Press, August 2001. ISBN 978-0-8247-0575-6.


  1. 1 The direction convention differs from the plate theory. The main reason for that is that the moments are defined in such a way that the curvature for positive moment is also positive
  2. 2 There are many wordings used for the second moment of area: moment of inertia of plane area, area moment of inertia, or second area moment. There is no mass involved in the definition, so the expression “inertia” might be misleading.
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