Additional action conditions

So far, we have only used the two default action conditions. Actually, Zabbix provides quite a lot of different conditions that determine when an action is invoked. Let's look at some examples of what other conditions are available:

  • Application: Allows us to limit actions to specific applications. For example, an action could only react when items belonging to the MySQL application are involved. This is a free-form field, so it must match the actual application name. We may also match or negate a sub-string.
  • Host: Allows us to single out an important (or unimportant) host for action invocation.
  • Host group: Similar to the Host condition, this one allows us to impose a limit based on the host group membership.
  • Problem is suppressed: Specifies whether the problem is suppressed—yes or no.
  • Tag: Specifies what event tag to include or exclude, or whether it should contain a specific part.
  • Tag value: Same as tag, but relates to the value of the tag.
  • Template: Equals, or not, a specific template.
  • Trigger: This condition allows us to match individual, specific triggers.
  • Trigger name: A bit more flexible than the previous one, with this condition, we can limit invocation based on the trigger name—for example, only acting upon triggers that have the database string in their names.
  • Trigger severity: We can limit the action to happen just for the highest two trigger severities, or maybe just for a couple of the lowest severities.
  • Time period: Operations may only be carried out if a problem has occurred in a specified time period, or they can be suppressed for a specified time period instead.

There are more action conditions that are useful in specific use cases—check the list in the action condition configuration so that you're able to use them later.

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