Logging into the Zabbix interface

Our first steps in website testing were fairly simple. Let's do something a bit fancier now. We will attempt to log in to the Zabbix frontend, check whether that succeeds, and then log out. We should also verify that the logout operation was successful, by the way.

We will use the default Admin user account for these tests. Note that this will pollute the audit log with login/logout entries for this user.

We will do this with a greater number of individual steps for greater clarity:

  1. Check the first page
  2.  Log in
  3. Check login
  1. Log out
  2. Check logout

We will set up this scenario on A test host. Go to Configuration | Hosts, click on Web next to A test host, and click on Create web scenario. Fill in these values:

  • Name: Zabbix frontend
  • New application: Zabbix frontend
  • Variables: Enter these lines:

Remember that the host we assign the web scenario to does not matter much—actual checks are still performed from the Zabbix server.

The variables we filled in use a different syntax than other macros/variables in Zabbix. We will be able to use them in the scenario steps, and we'll see how exactly that is done in a moment. And now, on to the steps. Switch to the Steps tab. For each of the steps, first click on the Add link in the Steps section. Then, click on the Add button in the step properties, and proceed to the next step. For all the steps, adapt the URL as needed—the IP address or hostname and the actual location of the Zabbix frontend.

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