
Book Description

A compilation of the established knowledge in strategic account management

While companies and academics expend tremendous effort on mass marketing, they often overlook their immediate customers (which are critical in both senses) and hence the importance of strategic account management (SAM). This handbook is a compilation of papers that present researched knowledge of SAM across the academic community which fills a void in the existing academic literature. Handbook of Strategic Account Management identifies drivers of the SAM approach, key issues and success factors, operational needs and areas still awaiting exploration. Each paper includes an overall referenced summary of the tenets of SAM relevant to the area it reports, and together with the combined list of references, it creates an indispensable resource for academic readers, students, and researchers.

Handbook of Strategic Account Management is written by over 40 knowledgeable experts with substantial experience of SAM from teaching, researching, writing and advising companies on why and how it works, spread widely across Europe and the US. It represents the balanced, researched body of knowledge in SAM and will be an invaluable resource to anyone exploring the approach, whether for a student thesis, for original research or for answers on how to approach SAM as a company initiative.

"Today's strategic, key and global account management professionals owe thanks to a small community of academic researchers who, over the past three decades have been pioneers in identifying, cataloguing and analyzing the selling and business management practices of an emerging profession we now call strategic account management. This Handbook is an important milestone to mark SAM's still evolving impact on corporate business strategies and its ever-increasing relevance as a proven engine for growth in business-to-business strategic customer relationships."

Bernard Quancard,President & CEO of SAMA (US-based Strategic Account Management Association with over 3,000 members worldwide)

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title page
  3. Copyright page
  4. Acknowledgements
  5. The editors
  6. About this book
  7. Key strategic account management: where are we now?
    1. A definition of KSAM
    2. Questions for research
    3. Section 1: Strategic dimensions of KSAM
    4. Section 2: Value creation through KSAM
    5. Section 3: Developing KSAM programmes
    6. Section 4: Operationalizing KSAM
  8. SECTION 1: Strategic Dimensions of KSAM
    1. Making the case for managing strategic accounts
      1. Introduction
      2. Addressing customers
      3. Generalized pressures on traditional go-to-market strategies
      4. Pressures from customers
      5. Impact of pressures on the firm
      6. Conclusion
    2. Drivers for key account management programmes
      1. Introduction
      2. Key account management
      3. Managing industrial sales complexity: A tentative framework
      4. Three key account management programmes at ABB
      5. KAM programme drivers
      6. Conclusions
    3. KSAM as an organizational change: making the transition
      1. Introduction
      2. KSAM strategy
      3. KSAM structure
      4. Making the change
      5. Conclusion
    4. Switching costs in key account relationships
      1. Conceptual framework and hypotheses
      2. Data collection
      3. Results
      4. Discussion
    5. The strategic buyer: how emerging procurement strategies may support KAM/SAM relationships
      1. Introduction
      2. The strategic importance of purchasing
      3. The economics of trust
      4. Strategic alignment
      5. Power-based relationships
      6. Collaborative innovation
      7. The transformation of purchasing and supply
      8. Implications for future SAM/KAM research
      9. Conclusion
    6. Social and ethical concerns in strategic account management: emerging opportunities and new threats
      1. Introduction
      2. Strategic relationships between organizations
      3. Strategic account management relationships
      4. Broadening the management perspective on SAM
      5. Ethical dilemmas in SAM and how to avoid them
      6. The good of the few versus the good of the many
      7. Moral dilemmas in implementing the SAM executive role
      8. Addressing the moral and ethical dilemmas in strategic account management
      9. SAM and corporate social responsibility
      10. Conclusions
  9. SECTION 2: Value Creation through KSAM
    1. Value in strategic account management
      1. Introduction
      2. The changing role of strategic account management
      3. Value in business relationships
      4. Generating value in business relationships
      5. Managing value generation in strategic account relationships
      6. Conclusions
    2. Value dimensions and relationship postures in dyadic ‘key relationship programmes’
      1. Introduction
      2. Value and key relationship programmes
      3. Key relationship value strategies
      4. Strategic matching of relationship postures
      5. A competence view of key relationship postures
      6. Conclusion
    3. ‘Vertical coopetition’: the key account perspective
      1. Introduction
      2. Relational versus transactional benefits
      3. From horizontal to vertical coopetition
      4. Development of theoretical framework
      5. Discussion and managerial implications
      6. Conclusion and directions for future research
    4. Key account management in business markets: an empirical test of common assumptions
      1. Introduction
      2. Key account management
      3. Central constructs and hypotheses
      4. Empirical study
      5. Discussion
      6. Managerial implications
      7. Limitations
      8. Executive summary and implications for managers and executives
    5. Strategic account plans: their crucial role in strategic account management
      1. Introduction
      2. Essential elements of KSAM planning
      3. KSAM plan format and content
      4. Plan implementation
      5. Measuring KSAM value
      6. Conclusion
    6. Using customer profitability and customer lifetime value to manage strategic accounts
      1. Introduction
      2. Customer loyalty does not mean customer profitability per se
      3. Measuring customer profitability
      4. Measuring customer lifetime value
      5. Defining the drivers of CLV
      6. Define the optimal account development strategy
      7. Conclusions
  10. SECTION 3: Developing KSAM Programmes
    1. A configurational approach to strategic account management effectiveness
      1. Introduction
      2. State of KAM literature at the turn of the millennium
      3. An integrative conceptualization of KAM
      4. Sample
      5. Key account management configurations
      6. Key account management effectiveness
      7. Discussion
      8. Conclusion
      9. Appendix
    2. The appropriateness of the key account management organization
      1. Inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of key account management programmes
      2. The concept of key account management
      3. Key account management in the context of relationship marketing
      4. Transaction cost economics and marketing management
      5. The determinants of the decision model
      6. The decision on the most appropriate KAM organization
      7. Conclusion
    3. Organizational structures in global account management
      1. Introduction
      2. Elements of a GAM organization
      3. Different forms of GAM organization
      4. Global account management at Hewlett-Packard
      5. Conclusion
    4. Designing strategic account management programmes
      1. Introduction
      2. Research process
      3. The design elements of a strategic account management programme
      4. Inter-organizational alignment – practices related to aligning with customers
      5. Intra-organizational alignment – practices related to creating a collaborative culture of commitment
      6. Discussion
      7. Conclusions
    5. Global customer team design: dimensions, determinants and performance outcomes
      1. Introduction
      2. Literature review
      3. Conceptual framework of GCT design and performance
      4. Research methodology
      5. Results
      6. Discussion
      7. Conclusions and implications
      8. Limitations and suggestions for further research
    6. Key accountization at Bosch Automotive Aftermarket Italy: managing and implementing a strategic change
      1. Introduction
      2. Robert Bosch's market position
      3. A framework to interpret BAA Italy's KAM-focused change management
      4. Conclusions
  11. SECTION 4: Operationalizing KSAM
    1. Recent developments in relationship portfolios: a review of current knowledge
      1. Introduction
      2. Review of extant research
      3. Contextuality of portfolio analysis
      4. Dynamics and portfolio analysis
      5. Customer lifetime value and other financially derived models
      6. Customer relationship management and relationship portfolios
      7. Segmentation and/or portfolio analysis
      8. Conclusion
    2. Account portfolio management: optimizing the customer portfolio of the firm
      1. Introduction
      2. Account portfolio management
      3. Account portfolio analysis and development of customer strategies
      4. Conclusions
    3. Strategic account management processes at corporate, relationship and annual level
      1. Introduction
      2. Review of earlier literature on SAM processes
      3. SAM processes at the corporate, relationship and annual level
      4. Conclusions and research implications
    4. Developing strategic key account relationships in business-to-business markets
      1. Introduction
      2. Defining key/strategic accounts
      3. A model of relational development
      4. The development of the PPF model and its integration with the relational development model
      5. Discussion
      6. More recent research
      7. Conclusions
    5. The role of the key/strategic account manager
      1. Introduction
      2. The evolution of key account management
      3. The evolving role of the account manager from key account sales to key strategic account manager
      4. Factors that influence the nature of the role of the key strategic account manager
      5. The impact of contextual factors on the role of the political entrepreneur
      6. The importance of the boundary-spanning role
      7. Discussion
      8. Conclusion
    6. The influence of personality on the job performance of strategic account managers
      1. Introduction
      2. Strategic account management
      3. Roles and skills of the strategic account manager
      4. Five-Factor Model of personality
      5. Results
      6. Conclusions
  12. References
  13. Author profiles
  14. Index