Author profiles


Director and Head of EMEA In-house Mergers & Acquisitions at Credit Suisse, Switzerland.

Previously, Yana Atanasova held positions at Account Management Center, Lehman Brothers and the University of St Gallen where she completed her PhD in the area of global account management.

BINK, Audrey MSc

Marketing and Communications Manager at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

[email protected]

Audrey Bink is the author of Managing Global Customers and a Harvard Business Review article on the same subject. She has also been active in global account management in earlier positions at ingredients company DMV-International.


Professor in Industrial Marketing and head of the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University, Sweden.

per−[email protected]

His research interests are value-creation strategies, industrial services and KAM, and innovation, marketing and sales strategies in knowledge-intensive industries.


R.C. Kopf Professor of International Marketing, Columbia Business School, New York, USA. and [email protected]

Noel Capon teaches and writes extensively in the field of key, strategic and global account management. His books include Key Account Management and Planning, Managing Global Accounts, Strategic Account Strategy and Case Studies in Managing Key, Strategic, and Global Customers. Capon also offers world-class textbooks, in particular, Managing Marketing in the 21st Century, Capon's Marketing Framework and The Virgin Marketer.


Professor of Supply Chain Management in the Supply Chain Management Institute, University of San Diego, USA, and Quondom Executive Director of the Supply Chain Management Institute.

[email protected]

Simon Croom started out as a student apprentice in purchasing and supply chain at Jaguar Cars before setting up and growing his own retail businesses for ten years. He joined Warwick Business School as faculty where he established and directed the Supply Strategy Research Unit, moving to the University of San Diego in 2005, where he is now USD Distinguished University Professor.

GÖK, Osman PhD

Associate Professor of Marketing, Yasar University, İzmir, Turkey.

[email protected]

Osman Gök has worked as sales manager, product manager and marketing research specialist and also as a consultant and educator to companies in marketing management, key account management and CRM. He studied key account management as a graduate researcher at De Montfort University, Leicester, and his research and publications focus on customer portfolio management and managing the marketing function in organizations.


Associate Professor in the Department of Marketing, Università Bocconi, Milano, Italy.

Paolo Guenzi's primary research interest is salesforce and key account management. He recently co-authored books on Sales Management: A Multinational Perspective and Leading Teams. He is on the editorial board of Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, is track chair of Personal Selling & Sales Management of European Marketing Academy Conference, and has been Visiting Professor and Research Associate in Canada, New Zealand and Belgium.


Chair Professor of Marketing and Strategy at Queen Mary University of London.

Stephan has degrees in management studies, economics, philosophy and political sciences. Before coming back to academia, Stephan was a management consultant with A.T. Kearney and McKinsey & Co. His research focuses on business marketing, supply chain management and strategy, particularly business relationships, business networks, innovation capabilities and business model development. He has published more than 200 articles in international journals and conference proceedings.


Visiting Fellow, Cranfield School of Management, UK and Visiting Professor, IESEG School of Management, Lille, France.

[email protected]

Following a successful career in industry, Sue has been involved for the last 15 years in lecturing, research, writing and consultancy in key and global account management. As well as her visiting positions at Cranfield and IESEG, Sue has worked with many organizations in many different industries, helping them to implement key account management.

HOMBURG, Christian PhD

Professor of Marketing, Chair of the Marketing Department, and Director of the Institute for Market-Oriented Management, University of Mannheim, Germany.

[email protected]−

Christian Homburg, currently one of the most productive marketing researchers worldwide, has published more than 20 books and 50 articles in Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Strategic Management Journal and Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Key clusters of his work include market orientation of the firm, organization of marketing and sales, management of pricing, and the management of the customer interface.

IVENS, Björn PhD

Professor of Marketing and Head of the Marketing Department at Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, Germany, and visiting professor at EM Lyon Business School, France and Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria.

Björn Ivens' work focuses on customer management, price management and marketing organization, with specific interest in key account management and business relationships. He has published in Journal of Business Research and Industrial Marketing Management, among others, and is a founding member of European Foundation for Key Account Management, a think tank on KAM comprised of practitioners, consultants and academics.


Professor of Marketing, Chair of Sales Management and Business-to-Business Marketing at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany.

[email protected]

Ove Jensen's PhD (University of Mannheim) was based on research reported here. He is dedicated to sales management: the organization of marketing and sales activities, price management, and sales force management. He has published in Journal of Marketing and Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and hosts companies at the Campus for Sales community and edits Springer's Sales Management Review magazine in Germany.


Former Chair of the Marketing Department and former Associate Dean for MBA/MS degree programmes at the Smith School of Business, University of Maryland.

[email protected]

Robert Krapfel's work focuses on organizational buyer behaviour and relationship marketing issues in business-to-business settings. Author or co-author of more than 20 refereed publications, he has published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Journal of Transportation, and serves on the editorial review board of the Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing.

LA ROCCA, Antonella PhD

Research Fellow, University of Lugano – USI, Switzerland.

[email protected]

Antonella La Rocca's current research interests are in innovation and entrepreneurship in B2B businesses and in particular in the interplay between intra- and inter-organizational processes. She is marketing consultant for the university start-up promotion center. She was visiting research fellow at Graz University and at BI Norwegian Business School. She has published in IMP Journal, Industrial Marketing Management and Management Decision.


Associate Professor, NEOMA Business School, Rouen, Reims and Paris, France.

[email protected]

Sylvie Lacoste held senior positions in key account management in multinational companies before moving to academia. She has published a book entitled Key Account Management, and her paper on supplier and key account interactions in Industrial Marketing Management was nominated for best academic article award in France, 2012.

LANE, Nikala BSc, PhD

Reader in Marketing and Strategy in the School of Management, Swansea University, previously Associate Professor at Warwick Business School.

[email protected]

Research interests are strategic sales and account management, including ethical and gender issues therein, publishing in journals such as Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Journal of Business Ethics, and the Journal of Management Studies. Nikala Lane recently co-authored Strategic Customer Management: Strategizing the Sales Organization with Nigel Piercy and edited Strategic Sales and Sales Management.


Partner, Sales Cubes, Belgium, and Visiting Fellow at Cranfield University and TiasNimbas Business School in the Netherlands.

[email protected]

Régis Lemmens is a consultant, author and teacher on sales and sales management, focusing his research on managing key account managers. His sales management consulting firm specializes in sales and key account management.

MAHLAMÄKI, Tommi MBA, MSc, Dr Tech

Lecturer at Tampere University of Technology, Industrial Management, Finland.

[email protected]

Tommi Mahlamäki's research focuses on key account management, customer relationship management, sales management and supply chain management. As a consultant, he helps companies with their marketing and account management programmes. Mahlamäki earned his MBA at Eberly College of Business and finished his doctoral dissertation on key account management at Tampere University of Technology.

McDONALD, Malcolm MA (Oxon) MSc PhD DLitt DSc

Emeritus Professor of Marketing, Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University.

[email protected]

Formerly Marketing Director of Canada Dry, followed by 27 years at Cranfield University School of Management, where he was Professor of Marketing and Deputy Director. He has written numerous books and articles, particularly on marketing planning, marketing value and key account management. He is also a Visiting Professor at Henley, Warwick, Aston and Bradford Business Schools.

MIHOC, Florin PhD

Researcher/lecturer in marketing and sales, and senior corporate account manager for a Fortune 500 company in Romania.

Florin Mihoc's PhD focused on relationship marketing and strategic account management in Romania, with potential to be the foundation for a transforming concept in both academia and business practices. His areas of expertise are strategic account management, international business and sales/marketing, from both academic and managerial perspectives. He has lectured at Emanuel University and numerous other universities and business schools in the USA and Europe.


Researcher and doctoral candidate at Tampere University of Technology, Finland.

[email protected]

Toni Mikkola's research interests are related especially to value-based sales and marketing communications in industrial B2B settings. His research topics also cover areas of B2B relationships and networks, customer and relationship value, and industrial services.

MOUZAS, Stefanos BSc LLM PhD

Professor of Marketing, Lancaster University, UK, Visiting Fellow Harvard University Law School.

Stefanos Mouzas has wide-ranging research interests in business-to-business markets, currently exploring corporate responses to contemporary challenges. Before joining the academic world he gained corporate experience with a number of leading global companies, including Kellogg and Procter & Gamble. He has held five visiting professorships in Europe and the Far East and is on the editorial boards of several academic journals.

NAUDĒ, Peter PhD

Professor of Marketing and Deputy Director of Academic Programmes at Manchester Business School.

Peter Naudé gained degrees in Marketing and in Operations Research. He lectured at the University of Cape Town's Graduate School of Business (1983–1988) before joining the Doctoral Programme at Manchester Business School. He joined the staff there, later moving to the University of Bath, and returning to MBS in 2005. He has been involved in organizing three Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group conferences.


Professor, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Espoo, Finland, and Adjunct Professor of Professional Services Management, Aalto University, Helsinki.

[email protected]

Jukka Ojasalo has published several articles dealing with key account management, for example in Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, and Industrial Marketing Management. He has also worked for several years in the IT/software industry doing product development and relationship management with large B2B customers.

PARDO, Catherine PhD

Professor of Business-to-Business Marketing, CGI/EMLYON Research Chair in BtoB Intermediation, at EMLYON Business School, Lyon, France.


Catherine Pardo teaches B2B marketing. Her main research interests are B2B marketing in general and, specifically, supplier−customers relationships, key account management, marketing organization and B2B intermediation (wholesaling). Her work has been published in international reviews such as Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, European Journal of Marketing, and she frequently presents her research at conferences in France and Europe.

PIERCY, Nigel BA, MA, PhD, DLitt

Dean and Professor of Marketing and Strategy in the School of Management, Swansea University. Previously Professor of Marketing and Strategy at Warwick Business School.

[email protected]

Current research interests are strategic sales and account management, publishing in journals such as Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, and Journal of World Business. Recent relevant books include Strategic Customer Management: Strategizing the Sales Organization with Nikala Lane, and with co-editors Cravens and Fitzhugh, The Oxford Handbook of Strategic Sales and Sales Management.


Formerly Vice-President of Interactive Account Sales and Marketing at Marriott Hotels, USA.

Michael Pusateri was a pioneer in the travel and distribution industry. He joined Marriott following extensive experience within the travel industry. He was COO of the US Travel Association, and President/CEO of hospitality and tourism consulting group Vantage Strategy. He worked with Cornell, Maryland and George Washington Universities, and participated in many research projects, particularly during his time at Marriott. Michael died prematurely in 2012.

REHME, Jakob

Associate Professor in Industrial Marketing at Linköping University, Sweden.

[email protected]

Jakob Rehme's research interests include B2B sales and purchasing management, with a focus on complex business dealings such as KAM. He has published in journals such as Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal and Journal of Service Management. Before joining academia he worked in various sales and marketing positions in the high-tech industry.


Professor in the Marketing Department at San Francisco State University.

Sanjit Sengupta has taught strategic marketing, B2B marketing and marketing of high-technology products and services in Finland, India, New Zealand, the USA and South Korea. His research interests include new product development and technological innovation, strategic alliances, sales management and international marketing. His award-winning research has been published in many journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Marketing and Journal of Product Innovation Management.

SENN, Christoph PhD

Director of the Competence Center for Global Account Management (CGAM) at the Research Institute for International Management, University of St Gallen, Switzerland.

Christoph Senn joined academia after having worked as project manager and later global sales and marketing director of a leading European high-tech company. He has taught strategic and global customer management at Columbia Business School, New York, and Rotterdam School of Management and Technical University of Hamburg. He is also Chairman of the Account Management Center (AMC), a spin-off consultancy firm from St Gallen University.


Professor of Marketing at the University of Lugano – USI, Switzerland.

[email protected]

Ivan Snehota has previously taught at Uppsala University and Stockholm School of Economics. His research interests focus on market strategy development in B2B. He is a founding member of IMP group and co-author of several books on business networks and papers in Scandinavian Journal of Management, Industrial Marketing Management and Journal of Business Research.


Professor of Marketing at University of Auckland Business School, New Zealand.

[email protected]

Kaj Storbacka has previously held professor chairs at Hanken School of Economics in Finland and Nyenrode Business Universiteit in the Netherlands. In 1994 he founded Vectia Ltd (now Talent Vectia Ltd), a management consultancy focusing on customer-oriented strategy, solution business development and strategic account management. He is on the board of the Strategic Account Management Association (SAMA).

UUSITALO, Olavi MSc (power electronics), MBA, PhD

Professor of Marketing, Tampere University of Technology, Industrial Management, Finland.

[email protected]

Olavi Uusitalo holds a PhD in Marketing from Helsinki School of Economics. His field of research lies in innovation, industrial marketing, networks and international business. Before an academic career he worked for 12 years in Finnish international companies. He has 20 years' experience in running international business simulation courses in several universities in Finland, Germany, Switzerland and Estonia.

VANDERBIESEN, Tom MSc (Business Administration)

Associate, Sales Cubes, Belgium and researcher and doctoral candidate at UBI Brussels, Belgium.

[email protected]

Tom Vanderbiesen is a consultant and researcher on the topic of performance management. He has worked on customer profitability management projects in major European banks and he is currently doing a DBA on the topic of customer value management at UBI Brussels (University of Wales).


Professor of Marketing at Hof University, Germany, head of the MBA programme ‘German Indian Management Studies’ and a regular Visiting Professor at PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore, India.


Stefan Wengler's main research interest is on B2B marketing, especially the implementation of key account management programmes as well as its management in globalizing companies like globalized pricing and organization. Further research interests are international marketing (i.e. marketing strategies in India) and sports marketing. His research has been published in journals such as Industrial Marketing Management and Journal of Business Market Management.


Chair of Selling and Client Relationships at KEDGE Business School, Bordeaux, France.

[email protected]

Kevin Wilson is a researcher, writer and presenter of more than 20 years' standing in the field of strategic account management, a past board member of the Strategic Account Management Association USA and founder of the Sales Research Trust. He has published over 70 academic and practitioner articles and two books on the subject, Harnessing Global Potential for SAMA (2000) and Successful Global Account Management (2002).


Principal, Marketing Best Practice and Visiting Fellow at Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University.

[email protected]

Diana Woodburn researches, writes, teaches and consults in key/strategic account management. She started exploring the subject in 1997, and in 1998 she set up Cranfield's KAM Best Practice Club. She has taught thousands of key account managers and directors about KSAM and developed much of the teaching material used in the subject. Her prior career in marketing covered a wide range of sectors and continents.


Professor of Marketing at Creighton University, Omaha, USA.

[email protected]

John Workman received his PhD from MIT and his research has been published in journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research and Strategic Management Journal. His research interests include new product development, the organization and role of marketing, key account management, qualitative methods, academic integrity, and public policy and marketing.

YIP, George PhD

Professor and Co-Director, Centre on China Innovation, at China Europe International Business School in Shanghai, China, and Visiting Professor at Imperial College Business School in London.

[email protected]

George Yip is the author of a recent book, Managing Global Customers, and a recent Harvard Business Review article on global account management, and has advised numerous major companies on this subject. Former positions include Vice-President Research and Innovation at Capgemini Consulting.


Professor, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester.

[email protected]

Before becoming an academic in 1999, Judy had 15 years' technical, sales and marketing experience in real-time computing. She is an internationally recognized scholar, with research interests focusing on understanding the operation of B2B marketing, selling and purchasing, in manufacturing and in the B2B services sector.

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