
Book Description

Macromedia Studio 8 users, look no further! Special Edition Using Macromedia Studio MX is the ultimate comprehensive reference book for users of Macromedia's suite of web design and development tools. Updated to include all new features of the new release, you will focus on the integration of the suite of software programs. This will assit you in enhancing your productivity by choosing the correct tool or combination of tools for each and every task you are out to complete.

The book includes in-depth coverage of wireframing web sites and creating vector-based art with Freehand; creating and editing graphics with Fireworks; using Flash to create useful interfaces and exceptional animations; working with ActionScript; using ColdFusion to generate reports and serve as a back-end for dynamic web sites; building data-driven Web sites with Dreamweaver; and truly integrating the elements of the suite into a productive workflow. A series of exercises at the end of each chapter will provide you with experience in using each of the applications in tandem to create a web site.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. About the Author
    1. About the Contributing Author
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. We Want to Hear from You!
  5. Reader Services
  6. Introduction
    1. What’s New in Studio 8?
    2. Who Should Read This Book?
    3. How to Use This Book
    4. Conventions Used in This Book
  7. I. Getting Started with Macromedia Studio 8
    1. 1. Getting Ready to Roll—Planning and Configuring
      1. Planning and Designing Your Site
      2. Choosing Your Tools
      3. Streamlining Your Development
      4. Supplemental Software
        1. Internet Information Services (IIS) or Apache Web Server
        2. Macromedia Flash Player
        3. Microsoft Access
      5. Troubleshooting
      6. Best Practices—Maintaining Security Patches on Your Web Server Applications
    2. 2. Getting Comfortable with the Studio 8 Environment
      1. Studio 8: Common Application Elements
      2. Main Menu and Toolbar
      3. Panels
      4. Property Inspector
      5. Tools Panel
      6. Tools
        1. Strokes and Fills
        2. Setting Stroke and Fill Colors
        3. Working with Fills
        4. Working with Gradients
        5. The Eyedropper Tool
        6. The Line Tool
        7. The Pencil Tool
        8. Rectangle and Ellipse Tools
        9. The Pen Tool
          1. Drawing Straight Line Segments
          2. Drawing Curved Segments
          3. Adjusting Anchor Points and Handles
          4. Adjusting Curved Segments
        10. Optimizing Curves
      7. Working with Text
        1. Adding Text
        2. Resizing Text Blocks
        3. Changing Text Globally
      8. Character and Paragraph Attributes
        1. Font, Point Size, Color, and Styles
        2. Text Direction
        3. Kerning and Character Spacing
        4. Alignment and Justification
      9. Troubleshooting
      10. Best Practices—Familiarizing Yourself with Panel Functionality and Customizing Your Workspace
  8. II. Fireworks 8
    1. 3. Introducing Fireworks 8
      1. What’s New in Fireworks 8
      2. Fireworks 8 Environment
        1. A Quick Look at the Fireworks Environment
        2. The Major Interface Elements
      3. Document Window
      4. Tools Unique to Fireworks
        1. Select Tools Group
          1. Select Behind
          2. Distort
          3. Export Area
        2. Bitmap Tools
          1. Marquee
          2. Oval Marquee
          3. Lasso
          4. Polygon Lasso
          5. Magic Wand
          6. Brush
          7. Pencil
          8. Eraser
          9. Blur
          10. Sharpen
          11. Dodge
          12. Burn
          13. Smudge
          14. Rubber Stamp
          15. Replace Color
          16. Red-Eye Removal
        3. Vector Tools
          1. Line
          2. Pen Tool
          3. Vector Path
          4. Redraw Path
          5. Rectangle
          6. Ellipse
          7. Polygon
          8. Auto Shapes
          9. Freeform
          10. Reshape Area Tool
          11. Path Scrubber—Additive and Subtractive
          12. Knife Tool
        4. Web Tools
          1. Hotspot
          2. Slice and Polygon Slice
      5. Property Inspector
      6. Menu Bar
        1. File Menu
        2. Edit Menu
        3. View Menu
        4. Select Menu
        5. Modify Menu
        6. Text Menu
        7. Commands Menu
        8. Filters Menu
        9. Window Menu
        10. Help Menu
      7. Fireworks Panels
        1. Optimize Panel
        2. Layers Panel
        3. Assets Panel
          1. Styles Tab
          2. URL Tab
          3. Library Tab
          4. Shapes Tab
        4. Frames and History Panel
          1. Frames Tab
          2. History Tab
      8. Customization with Preferences
        1. General Tab
        2. Editing Tab
        3. Launch and Edit
        4. Folders
        5. Import
      9. Troubleshooting
      10. Best Practices—Knowing When and How Your Images Will Be Viewed
    2. 4. Developing Graphics and Animations
      1. Graphics As Objects
        1. Bitmap Graphics
        2. Vector Graphics
        3. Paths Versus Strokes
      2. Layers
        1. Layers Panel Basics
      3. Frames
        1. Frames Panel Basics
      4. Layers and Frames
        1. Shared Versus Unshared Layers
        2. Web Layer
      5. Simple Rollover
      6. Swap Image Behavior
      7. Navigation Bars with Four-State Buttons
      8. Fireworks and Animation
        1. Animation Planning
      9. Building an Animation
        1. Frame-by-Frame Animation
          1. Onion Skinning
          2. Distribute to Frames
          3. Playing Your Animation
        2. Tweened Animation
        3. Animation Symbols
          1. Creating Animation Symbols
          2. Modifying Animation Symbols
        4. Optimizing Your Animation for Export As an Animated GIF
        5. Optimizing Your Animation for Export to Flash
      10. Troubleshooting
      11. Best Practices—Knowing When to Create Animations with Fireworks
    3. 5. Optimizing and Exporting Images
      1. Optimization Fundamentals
        1. Compression
          1. Lossless Compression
          2. Lossy Compression
        2. Dithering
      2. File Types
      3. Using the Optimize Panel
        1. Optimize to Size Command
        2. Using Saved Settings
        3. Creating Manual Settings
          1. Manually Optimizing JPEGs
          2. Manually Optimizing GIFs
      4. Exporting Fireworks Images
        1. Web Graphics
        2. Web Pages
        3. Integrating with Dreamweaver
        4. Integrating with Flash
        5. Integrating with Director
      5. Troubleshooting
      6. Best Practices—Saving and Versioning Your PNG Files
    4. 6. Automating and Extending Fireworks
      1. Automating Tasks
        1. Find and Replace
        2. Batch Processing
      2. Creating Custom Commands with the History Panel
      3. Extending Fireworks
        1. Editing Command Scripts
        2. Installing Extensions
      4. Troubleshooting
      5. Best Practices—Knowing When to Use Batch Processing
    5. 7. Putting It All Together: The Images and Page Layout for Retro’s Cycles
      1. Creating the Base Document
      2. Creating a Stylized Image
      3. Adding Text to the Template
      4. Creating the Web Elements
        1. Establishing the Text/Image Region
        2. Adding Navigation Buttons
      5. Exporting the Images
      6. Troubleshooting
      7. Best Practices—Creating Web Pages in Fireworks Versus Dreamweaver
  9. III. Flash 8
    1. 8. Introducing Flash 8
      1. What Is Flash?
      2. What’s New in Flash
        1. Filters and the Filter Panel
        2. Blend Modes (with Device Text Support)
        3. Radial Gradient Improvements
        4. Stroke Enhancements
        5. Object Drawing Model
        6. Object-Level Undo Is Back
        7. Text
        8. Bitmap Caching
        9. Scripting and Run-time Access
        10. Media and Components
      3. Workspace Layout
      4. Property Inspector
      5. Panels
        1. Color Mixer Panel
        2. Filters Panel
        3. The Actions Panel
      6. Setting Document Attributes
      7. The Timeline
        1. Layers and Layer Folders
        2. Frames and Keyframes
        3. Onion Skinning and Multiple Frame Editing
      8. Tools
        1. The Arrow Tools: Selection Tool and Subselection Tool
        2. Free Transform Tool (Q)
        3. Gradient Transform Tool (F)
        4. Line Tool (N)
        5. Lasso Tool (L)
        6. Pen Tool (P)
        7. Text Tool (T)
        8. Oval, Rectangle, and Polystar Tools (O and R)
        9. Pencil Tool (Y)
        10. Brush Tool (B)
        11. Paint Bucket and Ink Bottle Tools (K and S)
        12. Eyedropper Tool (I)
        13. Eraser Tool (E)
      9. The Library
      10. Troubleshooting
      11. Best Practices—Practice Makes Perfect
    2. 9. Working with Vector Artwork, Bitmaps, and Static Text
      1. Understanding Bitmap and Vector Graphics
      2. Working with Bitmaps
        1. Importing Bitmaps
        2. Compressing Bitmaps
        3. Tracing Bitmaps
        4. Optimizing Traced Bitmaps
        5. Breaking Apart Bitmaps
      3. Working with Vector Graphics
        1. Drawing Lines
        2. Drawing Fills
        3. Object Drawing Model
        4. Gradients and Bitmap Fills
        5. Importing Vector Graphics
      4. Editing and Adjusting Vector Shapes
        1. Using the Selection and Subselection Tools
        2. Optimizing Curves
      5. Working with Text
        1. Embedded and Device Fonts
        2. Breaking Text Apart
        3. Using Snap to Pixels to Automatically Align Text
        4. Alignment and Justification
        5. Turning Anti-Aliasing Off
      6. Using Layout Aids
        1. Snapping
        2. Grids, Guides, and Guide Layers
        3. Sizing Shapes Precisely
        4. The Align Panel
      7. Creating a Mask
      8. Troubleshooting
      9. Best Practices—Getting to Know the Tools
    3. 10. Animation Basics
      1. Preparing Your Content For Animation
      2. Understanding Symbols
        1. Symbol Types
          1. Graphic Symbols
          2. Movie Clip Symbols
          3. Button Symbols
      3. Creating Master Symbols
        1. Converting Illustrations Into Symbols
        2. Creating New Symbols
      4. Editing Master Symbols
      5. Symbol Instances
        1. Instance Transformations
        2. Removing Transformations
        3. Breaking a Symbol Apart from the Master
      6. Animating In Flash
        1. Layers With Static Content
        2. Keyframe-by-Keyframe Animation
        3. Motion Tweening
          1. Custom Easing
          2. Motion Guides
        4. Shape Tweening
        5. Nested Animations
      7. Timeline Effects
      8. Troubleshooting
      9. Best Practices—Planning Your Content And Animation
    4. 11. Introducing ActionScript
      1. What Is ActionScript?
        1. Code Preparation
      2. Controlling the Timeline with ActionScript
      3. Working with Variables
        1. Using the trace() Statement
        2. Datatypes
      4. Making Decisions with Conditionals and switch
        1. Using the if Statement
        2. Using the switch Statement
      5. Using Loops to Repeat Actions
        1. for
      6. Combining Statements into Functions
        1. Passing Information to Functions in Arguments
        2. Using Return Values to Retrieve Results
        3. Scope
      7. Working with Buttons
      8. Working with Movie Clips
        1. Movie Clip Properties
        2. Working with Movie Clip Properties
        3. Movie Clip Events
        4. Adding and Removing Movie Clip Instances
          1. Removing a Movie Clip
        5. Dragging and Dropping Movie Clips
        6. Working with Dynamic Masks
      9. Troubleshooting
      10. Best Practices—Keeping Your Code Organized with Comments
    5. 12. ActionScripting for Motion Graphics
      1. Drawing API
        1. Drawing API Methods
        2. Drawing a Line
        3. Drawing a Curved Line
        4. Drawing a Shape
      2. Programmatic Movement (Animating with ActionScript)
      3. Troubleshooting
      4. Best Practices—When to Use with
    6. 13. Introduction To Class-Based Programming in Flash
      1. Brief Introduction to OOP
        1. Classes
      2. Using the Built-In Classes in Flash
      3. Creating Your Own Custom Classes
        1. Creating a New ActionScript File
        2. Setting a Classpath
        3. Class Structure
        4. Creating an Instance from Your Class
      4. Static, Public, and Private Properties and Methods
      5. Superclasses and Subclasses
      6. Advanced Event Handling
        1. System Events and User Input Events
        2. Scoping and the this Keyword with Event Handlers
        3. Disabling and Deleting Event Handlers
      7. Troubleshooting
      8. Best Practices—Organizing Your Code
    7. 14. Working with External Data in Your Flash Projects
      1. Communicating Locally
        1. Controlling Browser Windows
        2. JavaScript
        3. Controlling a Flash Projector
      2. Loading Text Data
        1. The LoadVars() Object
        2. Embedding Data in a Text Document
      3. XML Data
        1. Introduction to XML
        2. Importing XML Documents
        3. Using XML Data
        4. Building XML Data
        5. Sending XML Documents to the Server
      4. Loading External Images and Movies
        1. Global loadMovie()
        2. MovieClip.loadMovie()
        3. MovieClipLoader()
          1. MovieClipLoader Events
          2. MovieClipLoader Methods
      5. Security Features Added Since Flash Player 7
        1. Cross-Domain Policy File
          1. System.security.loadPolicyFile()
      6. Detection of the Flash Player
      7. Troubleshooting
      8. Best Practices—Which Method to Use When Loading Data
    8. 15. Enhancing Projects with Sound and Video
      1. Integrating Video
      2. Embedded Video
      3. Progressive Download Video
        1. Video Import Wizard
        2. FLVPlayback Component
      4. Flash 8 Video Encoder
      5. Streaming Video
      6. Using Sound
        1. Importing Sounds
        2. Adding Sound to Your Timeline
        3. Changing Imported Sound Properties
        4. SWF Sound Export Compression
        5. Loading External MP3 Files
      7. Troubleshooting
      8. Best Practices—File Preparation and Bandwidth Concerns
    9. 16. Putting It All Together: Creating an XML-Based Photo Slide Show
      1. Getting Started
      2. Creating the XML Document
      3. Creating the Flash Slide Show Document
      4. Loading the XML Data and Images
        1. Exploring the XML Data
        2. Creating the Slide Display Code
      5. Showing the Images in Sequence
      6. Adding User-Friendly Features
        1. ”Data Loading” Message
        2. User Controls: Pause, Start, Slow Down
          1. Creating the Movie Clip Buttons
          2. Attaching Button Code
          3. Defining Actions for the Event Handlers
          4. Adding Visual Indicators to Interactive Elements
      7. Applying a Dynamic Drop Shadow
        1. Applying a Filter with ActionScript
        2. Adding a Drop Shadow to Your Slide Show
      8. Troubleshooting
      9. Best Practices: An Approach to Project Development
  10. IV. ColdFusion MX 7
    1. 17. Introducing ColdFusion MX 7
      1. Introducing ColdFusion MX 7
      2. What’s New in ColdFusion MX 7
      3. Understanding the ColdFusion Architecture
      4. Configuring ColdFusion
        1. Using the Built-in Web Server
        2. Configuring ColdFusion for Use with an Alternative Web Server
        3. Configuring Data Sources
      5. Using Flash to Access the ColdFusion Server
        1. Web Services
        2. Flash Remoting
      6. Troubleshooting
      7. Best Practices—When Is ColdFusion the Right Platform?
    2. 18. Using ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML)
      1. Introducing CFML
      2. Understanding the Language
      3. Custom Tags
        1. Custom Tag Basics
        2. Creating a Custom Tag
      4. Using ColdFusion for Database Operations
        1. Retrieving Data
        2. Inserting Records
        3. Updating Records
        4. Deleting Records
      5. Troubleshooting
      6. Best Practices—Properly Documenting Code
    3. 19. Using ColdFusion to Generate Reports
      1. Rich Media Flash Forms
        1. Creating a Basic Flash Form
        2. Adding Tabs to a Flash Form
      2. ColdFusion Report Builder
        1. Configuring the Report Builder
        2. Understanding the Report Layout
      3. Reporting Formats
        1. PDF Reports
        2. FlashPaper Reports
        3. Microsoft Excel Reports
      4. Creating Printable Web Pages
      5. Troubleshooting
      6. Best Practices—Limiting SQL Queries
    4. 20. Using the Integrated Verity Search Engine
      1. Understanding the Basics of Searching
      2. Using SQL Queries to Return Search Results
      3. ColdFusion’s Verity Search Engine Architecture
      4. Configuring Verity and Creating a Collection
      5. Submitting Queries to the Verity Search Server
      6. Troubleshooting
      7. Best Practices—Designing a User Interface for Your Search Application
    5. 21. Putting It All Together: Configuring ColdFusion for Database Connectivity
      1. Understanding the Database Structure
      2. Database Naming and Location
      3. Creating a Connection to the Database
      4. Troubleshooting
      5. Best Practices—Periodic Maintenance of Your Access Database
  11. V. Dreamweaver 8
    1. 22. Introducing Dreamweaver 8
      1. What’s New In Dreamweaver 8
      2. The Dreamweaver 8 Interface, in Depth
        1. Workspace Layouts
        2. Exploring the Document Window
          1. Title Bar
          2. Menu Bar
          3. Toolbars
          4. Status Bar
            1. Window Size Selector
            2. Tag Selector
        3. Using the Property Inspector
        4. Working with Panels
          1. Arranging Panel Groups
          2. CSS Panel Group
          3. Application Panels
          4. Tag Panel Group
          5. Files Panel Group
          6. Frames Panel
          7. History Panel
          8. Results Panel Group
            1. Search Panel
            2. Reference Panel
            3. Validation Panel
            4. Target Browser Check Panel
            5. Link Checker Panel
            6. Site Reports Panel
            7. FTP Log Panel
            8. Server Debug Panel
          9. Timelines Panel
        5. Code Inspector
      3. Working with Text in the Design View
        1. Paragraphs
        2. Line Breaks
        3. Styling Text
          1. Setting the Font Face
          2. Setting the Font Size
          3. Setting the Font Color
          4. Setting Font Styles
        4. Aligning Text
        5. Indenting Text
        6. Creating Lists in Documents
          1. Unordered (Bulleted) Lists
          2. Ordered (Numbered) Lists
      4. Generating Content in the Code View
        1. Collapsible Code Blocks
        2. Indenting Code Blocks
        3. Tag Hints
        4. Auto Tag Completion
        5. Code Colors
      5. Troubleshooting
      6. Best Practices—Properly Commenting and Indenting Code
    2. 23. Creating a Dreamweaver Site
      1. Establishing a Dreamweaver Site
        1. Defining the Site Locally
        2. Setting the Remote Information
        3. Cloaking Specific File Extensions
      2. Managing Documents
        1. Creating a New Document
        2. Saving Files
        3. Deleting, Duplicating, and Renaming Documents
        4. Opening an Existing Document
        5. Using Design Notes to Track Changes to a Document
      3. Predesign Page Setup
        1. Adding a Page Title
        2. Establishing Page Properties
          1. Selecting a Background Color
          2. Setting Background Images
          3. Working with Page Margins
          4. Changing the Default Text Color
          5. Managing Link Colors
      4. Prepublishing Checks
        1. Estimating Download Speed
        2. Spell Checking
        3. Checking Pages for Cross-Browser Compatibility
        4. A Final Manual Review
      5. Troubleshooting
      6. Best Practices—Following the Development, Testing, and Production Model
    3. 24. Working Efficiently in Dreamweaver
      1. Reusing Page Elements and Code
      2. Working with Assets
        1. Creating a Favorites List and Favorites Folder
          1. Adding an Asset to the Favorites List
          2. Creating a New Favorites Folder
        2. Asset Types
          1. Images
          2. Colors
          3. URLs
          4. Flash Movies
          5. Shockwave Movies
          6. Movies
          7. Scripts
          8. Templates
          9. Library Items
        3. Reusing Assets
        4. Maintaining the Assets Panel
        5. Editing Assets in Other Programs
        6. Using the Assets Panel Between Sites
      3. Working with Code Snippets
        1. Creating a Code Snippet
        2. Organizing Snippets
        3. Reusing Snippets
      4. Using Library Items
        1. Creating Library Items
        2. Using Library Items
        3. Editing Library Items
        4. Detaching from the Original
        5. Deleting Library Items
        6. Behaviors in Library Items
      5. Troubleshooting
      6. Best Practices—Creating Code Snippets from Custom Code
    4. 25. Adding Style to Your Site Using
      1. Introducing Styles
        1. Individual Styles
        2. Style Sheets
      2. Adding Styles to Your Site
        1. Creating a New Style Sheet
        2. Defining New Individual Styles
      3. Applying Styles Throughout Your Pages
        1. Attaching a Style Sheet to a Page
        2. Using Styles to Set Page Properties
        3. Applying Styles to Text
        4. Applying Styles to Tables
        5. Applying Styles to Forms
        6. Applying Styles to Other Objects
      4. Adding Comments to Cascading Style Sheets
      5. Troubleshooting
      6. Best Practices—Migrating Sites and Pages Away from the <FONT> Tag
    5. 26. Selecting a Page Structure
      1. Choosing a Design Format
      2. Designing with Tables
        1. Drawing Table Layouts and Cells in Layout Mode
          1. Drawing a Layout Table
          2. Drawing a Layout Cell
        2. Nesting a Layout Table
        3. Using the Expanded Mode to Assist with Table Layout
        4. Setting Layout Table and Cell Attributes
        5. Moving and Resizing Cells and Tables
        6. Adding Content
      3. Designing with Frames
        1. Creating Framesets
        2. Managing the Frameset with the Frames Panel
        3. Adding Content to the Frames
      4. Designing with Layers
        1. Creating a Layer
          1. Naming the Layer
          2. Setting Visibility
          3. Setting the Stacking Order
        2. Selecting, Moving, and Resizing a Layer
        3. Adding Content to a Layer
      5. Converting Layers to Tables
      6. Troubleshooting
      7. Best Practices—Combining Layers with Tables to Ensure Proper Page Layout
    6. 27. Reusing Page Data with Templates
      1. Introducing Templates
      2. Building a Template
        1. Creating a Template from Scratch
        2. Creating a Template from an Existing Page
        3. Designating Editable Regions
        4. Creating Optional Regions
        5. Creating Repeating Regions
        6. Setting Object Attributes As Editable
      3. Editing an Existing Template
      4. Applying a Template
        1. Creating New Pages from Your Template
        2. Applying Templates to Existing Pages
      5. Removing Template Markup
        1. Clean Up HTML
        2. Export Without Markup
        3. Detach Page from Template
      6. Nesting Templates
      7. Troubleshooting
      8. Best Practices—Exporting Pages Without Markup for Publication on the Web
    7. 28. Adding Interactivity and Multimedia
      1. Understanding Dreamweaver Behaviors
        1. JavaScript and Dreamweaver
        2. Using JavaScript Snippets
        3. Applying Behaviors
      2. Rollover Images and Navigation Bars
        1. Creating a Rollover Image
        2. Designing Remote Rollovers
        3. Creating Navigation Bars
      3. Plug-ins, Applets, and Controls
        1. Plug-ins
        2. Java Applets
        3. ActiveX Controls
      4. Audio and Video for the Web
        1. Adding Sound Files
        2. Inserting Video
        3. Adding Rich Media Content
          1. Flash Movies
          2. Image Viewer
          3. Flash Text
          4. Flash Buttons
          5. FlashPaper
      5. Using Timelines to Create Moving and Interactive Layers
      6. Troubleshooting
      7. Best Practices—Being Aware of Bandwidth Limitations When Serving Video
    8. 29. Developing Dynamic Applications in Dreamweaver
      1. Introducing Dynamic Applications
      2. Creating a Dreamweaver Site for Dynamic Pages
      3. Database Operations
        1. The Database Connection
        2. The Search Form
        3. Constructing a Recordset
        4. Adding Dynamic Data Bindings
        5. Using Server Behaviors to Avoid Errors
        6. Using the LiveData View
      4. Creating Dynamic Pages
        1. Results Page
        2. Details Page
        3. Insert Record Page
        4. Update Record Page
        5. Delete Record Page
      5. Troubleshooting
      6. Best Practices—Using Record Update Pages to Archive Data Rather Than Record Deletion Pages to Delete Data
    9. 30. Putting It All Together: Creating a Site Using Dreamweaver
      1. Examining the Fireworks Template
      2. Creating a Dreamweaver Template and Child Pages
      3. Building the Inventory Recordset
      4. Creating the For Sale Section
        1. Building the For Sale Dynamic Table
        2. Creating the Details Page
      5. Troubleshooting
      6. Best Practices—Creating Master/Detail Page Sets More Quickly
  12. VI. Contribute 3
    1. 31. Introducing Contribute 3
      1. Introducing Contribute
      2. The Contribute Environment
        1. The Contribute Start Page
        2. Menu Bar
        3. Sidebar
        4. Browse/Edit Workspace
          1. Contribute Toolbar
          2. Contribute Workspace
          3. Status Bar
      3. Creating a Website Connection
      4. Managing Files
        1. Locating an Existing Page
        2. Creating a New Page
        3. Deleting Pages
      5. Editing Content
        1. Working Within Dreamweaver Templates
        2. Editing Text
        3. Adding Images
        4. Adding Tables
        5. Creating Hyperlinks
      6. Saving Changes to Pages
      7. Troubleshooting
      8. Best Practices—Content Reviews Prior to Publishing
    2. 32. Administering Contribute 3
      1. Administering a Contribute Website
      2. Users and Roles
        1. Editing Role Settings
          1. General Settings
          2. Folder/File Access
          3. Editing
          4. Styles and Fonts
          5. New Pages
          6. File Placement
          7. Shared Assets
          8. New Images
        2. Creating New Roles
        3. Sending Connection Keys
      3. Administration
      4. Understanding Publishing Services
      5. Web Server Configuration
      6. Setting Up Rollbacks
      7. New Page Settings
      8. Choosing a Compatibility Mode
      9. Troubleshooting
      10. Best Practices—Minimum Settings That Should Be Set for Administrators
    3. 33. Using FlashPaper
      1. Introducing FlashPaper
      2. Converting a Document to FlashPaper
        1. Converting a Microsoft Word Document to FlashPaper from Within Word
        2. Converting Documents from Within Windows Explorer
      3. Inserting FlashPaper from Within Contribute
      4. Searching for Text
      5. Selecting Text
      6. Editing FlashPaper Content
      7. Creating Hyperlinks for Use in FlashPaper Objects
      8. Creating an Outline
      9. Troubleshooting
      10. Best Practices—Choosing FlashPaper or PDF for Your Document Management Model
    4. 34. Putting It All Together: Using Contribute to Manage Site Content
      1. Creating a Contribute Connection for Retro’s Cycles
      2. Setting Up Users Via Connection Keys
      3. Browsing the Existing Layout
      4. Adding Content to the Pages
      5. Adding FlashPaper Documents
      6. Troubleshooting
      7. Best Practices—Contribute Versus Content Management Systems