Imagine Success

People who practice visualization swear by its power to make their wishes come true. Those who practice focus intently on a mental image of what they want to manifest in their life. They believe that if they focus on what they want, it will materialize. At its core visualization is like positive thinking with a little Zen added.

Positive thinking is a powerful force.

“Whether you think can or can’t, you’re right,” said Henry Ford.

Determine what you’d like to achieve. Perhaps you’d like to react more calmly to your foe’s outburst or you’d like to be more assertive.

Take a few minutes each day to reflect on what you want to achieve. Hold the thought in your mind as you focus on your breath. Keep going until you feel relaxed. Keep your image in your mind the whole time.

When your spirits are low because of constant battles with a problem coworker try to imagine success. You’ve got nothing to lose by devoting time and energy to something you want.

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