Become a Peer Mediator

Many high schools have peer mediation programs that train students in the art of settling differences peacefully. Having peers act as mediators makes sense because the students can relate to one another.

You may come naturally to peer mediation in the office. If you do, put your talent to work. Katie did just that after a fierce argument between two colleagues fell just short of fisticuffs.

Mike wanted to share a joke he found on the Web with Jason, who sat a few cubicles away. Mike yelled the story out to him. Jason found the joke offensive and called Mike stupid and racist. Mike was mortified. He went over to Jason to apologize. Jason ordered him to go away. He vowed never to speak to him again. Distraught, Mike appealed to Katie. She said she would speak with Jason but told Mike he had to stay away from questionable jokes.

A week or so later, when Jason reiterated his hatred of Mike, Katie saw an opening and sprang into action. She told Jason she understood why he was angry. She thought the joke was inappropriate, too. But she said that Mike has a good heart that is too often obscured by his awkward social graces. She encouraged Jason to accept the apology the next time. He did.

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