Handling the Nasty End to Subordinates’ Romance

A messy break-up can make difficult employees out of some of the most professional people. A once-happy couple may declare all-out war on each other in the office and you’ll have to mediate. Keep your role simple. Remind them both of the office’s code of conduct. If the ex-lovers put on public spectacles worthy of the Jerry Springer show, remind them both that you won’t tolerate unprofessional behavior. But be as compassionate as you can, because a break-up is akin to grieving. You, however, still have to run a business and don’t want distractions from a soured romance.

If the couple are both good workers and you want to retain them, you may have to take the drastic step of removing both of them from a team. Treat each employee equally. Don’t take sides. One half of the couple may try to force you into that role, but don’t take the bait.

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