
Chapter 1

1 Note that this code will not work in any version of SQL Server.

2 In SQL Server 2005, alias types can also be defined with a new CREATE TYPE syntax.

3 The W3C defines seven levels of specification. These are (in order of importance) Recommendation, Proposed Recommendation, Candidate Recommendation, Working Draft in Last Call, Working Draft in Development, Requirements, and Note. This means that a W3C Recommendation is an agreed-upon standard.

Chapter 2

1 Fiber mode (lightweight pooling=1) is rarely used because not all components of SQL Server are supported in fiber mode.

2 Technically, this describes the Windows .NET host AppDomain allocation.

3 ExternalProcessMgmt (external process management) means that this code could create or destroy other processes.

4 Reflection is the ability to use assembly metadata to retrieve information about .NET Framework classes, fields, properties, and methods contained in that assembly.

5 Information about the .NET Framework–related ECMA standards can be found at

6 A jar file is a container for Java class files.

Chapter 4

1 Strictly speaking, thread or fiber, depending on the setting in the server. See Chapter 2 for information about fiber mode.

2 Technically, you can avoid a distributed transaction by using "enlist=false" in the connection string of the new SqlConnection. In this case, the second session does not take part in the context connection’s transaction.

3 In addition to commenting these methods out by hand, you can use a WSDL.exe configuration file to generate the class without these methods. Using a Visual Studio 2005 SQL Server Project and Add Web Reference also do not generate these methods.

Chapter 6

1 An exception to this rule is the sys.databases view. Public is granted VIEW DEFINITION on this view.

2 It should be pointed out that even if the instance is configured to accept Windows authentication only, SQL-based logins (server principals) can exist in the server, with the difference that they will not be allowed to connect to the server (authenticate).

3 Not all encryption algorithms are available on all operating system versions. The AES algorithm may be a better choice here, but we’re going with an algorithm that is available on every Windows OS that supports SQL Server 2005.

4 Note that in SQL Server 2005 asymmetric-key encryption, the ciphertext data (data after encryption) is limited to one block.

5 Actually, the ciphertext limit is 8,000 bytes, including padding with SQL Server-specific headers, so the plaintext limit is a little lower.

6 Note that as defined in the example above, janet does have a default schema, prschema.

7 In general, marking assemblies as AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers is a glaring security hole unless you know that this is really an acceptable thing to do. Loading an assembly as SAFE or EXTERNAL_ACCESS, however, already protects against the things that AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers=false is supposed to protect against, so in this case, it is reasonable. But care must be used if the assembly is used outside SQL Server.

Chapter 7

1 SQL Server Service Broker is a new technology in SQL Server 2005 that facilitates sending messages in a secure and reliable way. It is covered in Chapter 11.

Chapter 10

1 Although XML and the .NET Framework use the concept of namespace for approximately the same thing, to disambiguate similarly named data (classes in the .NET Framework; attributes and elements in XML), namespace is an overloaded term. We’ll try to use XML namespace to refer to namespaces as defined by the XML Namespaces specification and .NET Framework namespace to refer to .NET Framework namespaces when the meaning could be unclear.

2 For further information about the DOM API, refer to the specifications on the W3C Web site. For a simple description of the SAX API, reference the information on the Web site at

3 Namespace nodes are not shown in our diagram. Although the XPath 2.0 specification that we are citing supports namespace nodes, XQuery does not support them specifically.

4 The fact that the let assignment construct is not supported by SQL Server 2005’s implementation of XQuery is discussed later in the chapter.

5 Note that SQL Server 2005’s implementation of XQuery does not support the doc function; you cannot query from a file directly.

6 For more information about the T-SQL CROSS APPLY operator, refer to Chapter 8.

7 Although technically, the word DML refers to data manipulation language and includes the SELECT statement in SQL, SQL Server 2005 Books Online uses this to refer to the XML data type mutator method, which does not include SELECT-like functionality.

Chapter 13

1 Be aware of the fact that this is an internal implementation detail of the current ADO.NET 2.0 implementation and could change subtly in Service Packs.

2 The database mirroring feature in SQL Server 2005 was not officially supported when SQL Server 2005 shipped but can be enabled for testing by specifying trace flag 1400 as a startup option. It should be supported by H12006.

Chapter 14

1 The OleDb and Odbc data providers in ADO.NET do, but this information is for the underlying OLE DB or ODBC layer.

2 The current URL for the whitepaper is

3 The IIS 6.0 Resource Kit that contains logparser is available at

Chapter 16

1 Although SQLNS produces two separate databases for its objects by default, SQL Server 2005 also permits two separate schemas in the same database. This chapter will refer to these as separate databases hereafter.

2 At this writing, native Visual Studio projects for Notification Services don’t exist. To build SQLNS applications, you use VC++ makefile projects. These projects allow you to run predefined build scripts.

3 A stock can trade on different exchanges and not necessarily for the same price. For simplicity, we assume that all exchanges trade in the same currency.

4 On the book’s Web site of samples, you will find the updated configuration file, appConfig2.xml, and the new ADF file, appADF2.xml, with the Notification Services samples.

Appendix A

1 System.ValueType derives from System.Object, and System.Enum derives from System.ValueType.

Appendix C

1 At this writing, one of the libraries on the approved list, System.Configuration.dll, did not appear in the list of libraries to reference. This makes it difficult to add a reference to this assembly.

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