

3D perspective angle, adjusting in Flash, 227

4-up option, using with images, 64

360 grid, using ruler with, 158

960 container style, applying, 44

960 Grid System, features of, 32, 157


* (asterisk), appearance in External Files tab, 71


absolute link, defining, 16

absolute versus relative divs, 52

accessibility settings

activating for forms, 76

choosing for images, 65


adding rotation to, 210

assigning in Catalyst, 207–210

recording in Photoshop, 145

removing in Catalyst, 209

testing in Catalyst, 209

Adobe Bridge

accessing Fireworks from, 254–255

managing files in, 254–255

Adobe BrowserLab, using, 27

Adobe Device Central

accessing in Dreamweaver, 29

testing images in, 143–144

Adobe Media Encoder

batch processing video conversions, 261

converting to multiple formats, 261

modifying appearance of interface, 262

turning off autocue, 262

using, 260–262

Adobe Web gallery, creating, 256–257

anchors, manipulating in Illustrator, 170

animations. See also Flash animation

previewing in Flash Professional, 221

slowing in Flash, 232

stopping from looping in Flash, 235


preserving in type, 189

previewing, 188–189

type for Web, 188–189

AP (absolute placement) divs

versus div tags, 39

moving, 52

versus relative divs, 52

using, 51–52

Apple QuickTime Player, downloading, 118

art brushes, using in Illustrator, 175

artboards, setting up for Illustrator, 164–166

artwork. See also images; photos

animating on banner, 231

converting to button in Catalyst, 205

creating for Flash, 220, 224

editing in Flash, 222

exporting to Flash SWFs, 195–196

importing from Illustrator, 224

importing from Photoshop, 224

releasing to sequenced animation, 197

saving for Flash developers, 198

artwork with transparent backgrounds, exporting, 190–191

asterisk (*), appearance in External Files tab, 71

audio, previewing with HTML5, 121


background colors

assigning in Dreamweaver, 37

changing for menu bars, 100

changing for slideshows, 245

changing for tabbed panels, 102

defining for absolutely positioned div, 51

identifying for transparency, 191

selecting for three column layout, 46

using with links, 61

viewing on pages, 53

background gradients, creating in Illustrator, 179–181

background images, tiling, 152–154

backgrounds. See also tiling backgrounds; transparent backgrounds

assigning to CSS boxes, 53

assigning to pages, 154

formatting for collapsible panels, 104

making transparent, 149

pattern ideas, 154

semitransparent, 155–156


animating artwork on, 231

specifying artboard size in Flash, 227

Behaviors panel, locating behaviors in, 110

Body tag

applying, 56

defining in Dreamweaver, 34–35

formatting font style, 36

setting page margins, 36


accessing Fireworks from, 254–255

managing files in, 254–255

browser windows

defining OnClick trigger, 108

opening, 107–108

pop-up blocking, 108

previewing pages in, 27–29

testing behavior of, 108

triggering event, 107

BrowserLab, using, using, 27


calligraphic, 175

drawing with in Illustrator, 175–176

buttons. See also four-state buttons

placing in forms, 82–83

using rounded rectangles for, 168


Catalyst. See Flash Catalyst

CGI services and scripts, availability of, 87–88

check boxes

placing in forms, 78–79

versus radio buttons, 79–80

validating input, 86

Class styles

attaching to text fields, 79

categories for, 49

creating, 49

defining for fonts, 59

inserting, 50

rounded-corner box, 132–134

tag independence, 59

using in moderation, 59

using with images, 50

clipboard, copying images into, 138

CMS site

connecting Dreamweaver to, 68–69

defining remote connection to, 68

editing CSS in, 70

CMSs (content management systems), 55


displaying for forms in Catalyst, 216

inspecting in Dreamweaver, 25–26

code hints

adding CSS3 attributes with, 132–135

availability in Flash, 230

code snippets

adding to stop animations, 233

using in Flash, 229–230

Code view, using in Dreamweaver, 25–26

coding actions, using in Flash, 230

collapsible panels. See Spry collapsible panels

color palettes

checking for transparencies in, 191

defining in Photoshop, 147–148

Color Profiles, availability in Photoshop, 140

colors. See also text color

applying to CSS boxes, 53

defining for links, 61

columns. See three-column layout


choosing export option for, 187

choosing to export slideshows, 250

defining in Photoshop, 147–148

Crop command, using with images, 141

Crop tool, using in Dreamweaver, 24

CSS boxes

applying generated colors to, 53

assigning backgrounds to, 53

CSS elements

editing, 53

identifying, 53

CSS files

attaching to pages, 38

creating once, 38

defining, 67

generating, 54

generating in Dreamweaver, 34

uploading after changing, 71

CSS layout pages

previewing, 54

using, 54

CSS layouts

standards applied to, 54

storing styles for, 54

CSS rules

for Firefox, 132

for links, 60–62

for Safari, 132

CSS styles. See also style sheets

assigning to HTML5 elements, 125

associating with HTML tags, 63

editing in CMS site, 70

implementing with layouts, 54

types of, 34

CSS Styles panel

editing styles in, 38

using to format tabbed panels, 102

CSS Visual Aids, using, 130

CSS3 attributes, adding with code hints, 132–135

CSS3 code, generating for new features, 132

CSS3 styles

applying Web pages, 134–135

attributes in, 134

curves, adjusting in Illustrator, 170


data tables. See also tables

choosing for Spry data displays, 95

columns and fields in, 92

Design view

testing pages in, 27–29

using in Dreamweaver, 25

Device Central

accessing in Dreamweaver, 29

testing images in, 143–144

dithering, defining in Photoshop, 147–148

div tag names, using with Spry widgets, 98

div tags

versus AP (absolute placement) divs, 39

inserting into three-column layout, 47

options, 40

Overflow options, 40

reusing styles for, 48

styles, 39

download times, displaying, 186

downloading, progressive versus interlaced, 146


with brushes in Illustrator, 175–176

in Flash CS5, 222–223

with Pen tool in Illustrator, 169–171

with Perspective Grid, 182–183

Dreamweaver CS5

960 grid, 32

absolute placement, 51–52

accessibility settings, 20

adding servers, 4

adding spacing around images, 23

adjusting line height, 57–58

Adobe BrowserLab, 27

aligning images, 23

Assets panel, 3

assigning background color, 37

attaching CSS files to pages, 38

Body tag, 34–35

Brightness and Contrast sliders, 24

browsing folders, 3

changing units of measurement, 12

choosing DTD (document type definition), 12–13

cleaning up HTML from Word, 15

Code view, 25

connecting forms to server scripts, 87–89

connecting to CMS site, 68–69

connecting to remote server, 8

connecting to remote site, 4–7

coordinating sites, 8–9

copying and pasting images into, 20–22

creating CSS files once, 38

creating CSS for printable pages, 66–67

creating forms, 76

creating style sheets, 34–38

creating Web pages, 12–14

Crop tool, 24

CSS layout pages, 54

defining Body tag, 34

defining font size, 57

defining font tag styles, 56–58

defining image quality, 21

defining local site, 2–3, 11

defining sites, 3

dependent files, 10

deselecting Live Code button, 26

Design view, 25

designing three-column layout, 43–48

designing with Class styles, 49–50

developing aesthetic theme, 3

Device Central, 29

displaying forms in Document window, 89

displaying rulers, 32–33

displaying site content, 3

div overflow options, 40

div tags versus AP divs, 39

Document window, 12

downloading files from server, 9

editing CSS elements, 53

editing images, 23–24

editing photos in, 24

email links, 17

embedding Flash, 112–113

embedding FLV files, 114–116

embedding images, 18–24, 63–65

embedding media with HTML5, 120–122

embedding QuickTime media, 117–119

embedding SWFs in, 216

embedding Windows Media, 118–119

external styles, 35

file management on server, 8

file-naming caution, 14

Files panel, 10–11

finding Heading tags, 35

formatting CMS themes, 70–71

formatting links, 60–62

formatting page elements, 36

FTP connections, 68

FTP location for remote site, 4

FTP Performance Optimization, 5

generating CSS styles, 34–35

Hand tool, 13

headers and footers, 47

home pages, 14

icons in Files panel, 10

identifying audience, 2

identifying CSS elements, 53

Image Description box, 22

Image Preview dialog, 63

Image Preview window, 21

image settings, 21

importing spreadsheets, 16–17

importing Word documents, 16–17

inserting form fields, 77–83

inspecting code, 25–26

installing HTML5 Pack extension, 124

layout tools, 32

link targets, 16–17

linking style sheets, 34–38

login name for remote site, 4–5

Manage Sites dialog, 4

managing links between files, 3

managing sites in Files Panel, 8–11

maximizing word processors, 15

moving files between folders, 10

naming servers, 4

naming sites, 2

navigating documents, 12

New Document dialog box, 12

obtaining remote server, 4

online image formats, 22–23

opening Web pages, 12

organizing files, 3

page filename, 14

page formatting, 35

page title, 14

password for remote site, 5

planning site content, 2

previewing in Live View and browsers, 27–29

previewing QuickTime movies, 118

print versus Web images, 22

Progressive option, 64

Proxy Host settings, 5

redefining zero points, 32

resizing images, 23

root directory for remote site, 5

rules for home pages, 11

Save Web Image dialog, 22

saving images to folders, 3

saving Web pages, 12–14

Select Image Source dialog, 19

Select tool, 13

selecting HTML pages, 12

server connection settings, 7

server parameters, 6–7

setting page margins, 37

settings parameters for effects, 109

Sharpen tool, 24

Site Definition dialog, 2

Site folder, 11

site home pages, 14

Site Setup dialog, 4

Split view, 25

Spry tools for validation scripts, 84

status bar tools, 13

Switch Now link for views, 25

synchronization options, 6

synchronizing sites, 9–11

testing data with scripts, 84

testing remote connection, 6

text and links, 15–17

“This Document Only” styles, 35

toggling between views, 25

uploading open Web pages, 9

uploading Web sites, 8–9

username for remote site, 4

using grids and guides, 32–33

using ID styles with page layouts, 39–42

Web URL field, 5

working with files, 10

XHTML 1.0 Transitional, 13

DTD (document type definition), choosing, 12–13



applying in Illustrator, 177–178

applying to objects, 109–110

defining elements for, 109

editing in Illustrator, 177

examples of, 109

grouping in Illustrator, 178

importing into Flash CS5, 195

removing in Illustrator, 177

settings parameters, 109

email links, converting text to, 17

export settings, choosing, 186–187


artwork to Flash SWFs, 195–196

artwork with transparent backgrounds, 190–191

Catalyst projects to SWF, 217

FLA files, 220–223

Illustrator files as HTML, 192–193

slideshows, 246, 249–251

slideshows to QuickTime movies, 249–251

external CSS style sheet, defining, 34–38

extrusion, using Perspective Grid for, 182

Eyedropper tool

accessing, 139

using with transparent background color, 191


fieldsets, using in forms, 78–79

file fields, using in forms, 82

file formats, choosing export settings for, 186

File Size/Download Time display, described, 13

filename sizes, avoiding placing limits on, 82


saving in Illustrator, 171

slicing for Web, 159

Files panel, displaying in Dreamweaver, 10

Fill feature, using in Photoshop, 153

fill pattern

defining for background, 154

reducing opacity of, 153

Firefox, CSS rule for, 132–133


accessing from Bridge, 258–259

batch processing images, 258–259

FXG image format, 259

Incremental Backups option, 258

FLA files

creating, 220–223

creating artwork for, 220

creating from templates, 237

exporting, 220–223

features of, 195

versus FLV and SWF files, 113

saving as templates, 236

Flash. See also SWF files

embedding, 112–113

preparing to export to, 195

Flash animation, generating layers for, 197–198. See also animations

Flash artwork, editing, 222

Flash Builder Standard, features of, 253

Flash Catalyst

adding rotation to action, 210

applying filters to button states, 206

assigning actions, 207–210

building forms, 216

copying and pasting in, 200

creating custom scrollbar, 214–215

creating four-state buttons, 205–206

creating media player, 211–213

creating Play button, 211–213

Design-Time Data panel, 210

displaying code for forms, 216

drawing shapes, 203

drawing tools, 200

duplicating states, 208

editing artwork from Illustrator, 200–202

editing artwork from Photoshop, 200–202

exporting projects to SWF, 217

features of, 199

form field properties, 216

generating forms, 209

image quality versus editability, 201

Import dialog, 200

Import to add images option, 203

integration of Illustrator with, 200

isolating graphic elements, 215

limits on video player controls, 209

maximum number of opened projects, 202

opening artwork from Illustrator, 200–202

opening artwork from Photoshop, 200–202

removing actions, 209

rotating objects, 204

Select tool, 203

size of imported images, 203

sketching prototypes of pages, 203

support for effects, 202

testing actions, 209

Transform tool, 204

Video Properties panel, 213

wireframing in, 203–204

Flash developers, saving artwork for, 198

Flash files. See FLA files

Flash movies

explained, 112

testing, 230, 232

Timeline layers in, 228

Flash objects

entering text in frames of, 228

manipulating parameters for, 112–113

Flash Player

choosing skin for FLV video, 115

choosing version of, 195

choosing versions for slideshows, 247–248

saving to version 8, 196

Flash Professional CS5

adjusting 3D perspective angle, 227

Advanced Photo Album option, 243–246

classic tweens, 231

code “hints,” 230

code snippets, 229–230

coding actions, 230

Convert Anchor Point tool, 233

creating animated movie, 231–233

creating artwork in, 224

creating photo albums, 240–242

creating projects, 220–221

creating templates, 236–237

creating timeline, 227–228

drawing in, 222–223

drawing shapes, 222

editable motion tween paths, 233

editing properties for strokes, 223

editing properties of stage, 220

export options, 221

features of, 219

file type options, 221

Font Embedding panel, 230

frames in Timeline grid, 228

generating morphing shape, 234–235

importing effects into, 195

inserting keyframes in animations, 231–232

kerning in, 225

Motion Tween option, 231

moving Timeline layer, 234

placing artwork in layers, 234

previewing animations, 221

providing editable text, 226

Rectangle tool, 222

selecting stroke and fill for shape, 223

shape tweening, 234–235

slowing animations in, 232

specifying artboard size for banner, 227

stopping animations from looping, 235

support for effects and filters, 224

Templates tab, 221

testing slideshows, 243

Timeline grid and layers, 228

Timeline snippets, 229

TLF (Text Layout Framework), 225–226

Tools panel, 222

typography tools, 225–226

Flash slideshows. See slideshows

Flash SWFs. See SWF files

FLV files

accessibility of, 114

choosing Flash Player skin for, 115

converting videos to, 211

creating, 115

detecting video size, 114–115

embedding, 114–116

embedding from YouTube, 114

versus SWF files, 112–113

FLV videos, previewing, 116

folders, browsing in Dreamweaver, 3

font size, defining, 57

font style, defining with Body tag, 36

font tags

defining styles for, 56–58

previewing with Apply button, 58

fonts. See also text

adding to P (paragraph tag) text, 57

avoiding use with links, 60–61

choosing settings for anti-aliasing, 189

defining Class styles for, 59

footers and headers, using, 47

form content, sending via email, 87

form fields

character limitations, 77

versus text fields, 77

form input, handling, 74


Action field, 87

activating prompts for accessibility options, 76

building in Catalyst, 216

check boxes, 78–79

connecting to server scripts, 87–89

detecting blank fields in, 84

displaying in Document window, 89

Enctype field, 87

fields in, 76

fields in Properties Inspector, 87

fieldsets, 78–79

file fields, 82

generating in Dreamweaver, 76

generating via Catalyst, 209

hidden fields, 83

image fields, 77

maintaining hidden fields in, 87

menus, 80–82

Method field, 87

placing buttons in, 82

placing Spry Validation Text Field widget in, 84–86

placing text areas in, 77–78

placing text fields in, 77–78

pop-up versus list menus, 82

radio button groups, 79–80

selecting, 87

Submit button, 82

testing input with validation scripts, 84–86

four-state buttons, creating in Catalyst, 205–206. See also buttons

FTP connections, making in Dreamweaver, 68

FXG image format, described, 258–259

FXP format, explained, 199


GIF files

described, 22

using, 147–148, 186

gradient fill, adjusting in Illustrator, 181


adjusting in Illustrator, 179

creating in Illustrator, 179–181

saving in Illustrator, 181

graphic elements, isolating, 215

graphic styles

availability in Illustrator, 178

previewing in Illustrator, 178

grids, using in Dreamweaver, 32–33

Group Selection tool, using in Illustrator, 172


creating in Illustrator, 166

using in Dreamweaver, 32–33


h.264 video

converting files to, 260–262

embedding with HTML5 elements, 251

Hand tool, using, 13

header style, defining for three-column layout, 46

headers and footers, using, 47

Heading tags

assigning to text, 58

finding in Dreamweaver, 35

hidden fields, using in forms, 83

home pages

requirement for filenames, 14

rules for, 11

hover state

displaying for links, 60

previewing link in, 62

HTML (HyperText Markup Language), exporting Illustrator files as, 192–193

HTML code, cleaning up, 15

HTML pages, selecting, 12

HTML tags

associating CSS styles with, 63

div, 39

HTML text-formatting tags

bullet point lists, 56

Headings 1-6, 56

numbered lists, 56

paragraph tag, 56

HTML Web pages, generating for slideshows, 248


embedding media with, 120–122

enabling Media Queries, 128–131

examining coding in Split view, 125

Multiscreen Preview, 126

overview of, 126

HTML5 elements

assigning CSS to, 125

embedding h.264 video with, 251

HTML5 layouts

creating pages with, 125–126

for iPhones, 128

using, 129

HTML5 Pack

installing, 124

Media Queries, 123

HTML5 tags

Aside element, 130

previewing audio and video with, 121

hyperlinks. See links


ID styles

versus Class div styles, 39

using to create page layouts, 39–42

Illustrator CS5

accessing variable width paths, 171

adjusting curves, 170

adjusting gradient fill, 181

adjusting gradients, 179

applying effects, 177–178

applying warp effect, 177

assigning colors to gradient stops, 180

assigning links in, 194

cleaning up paths, 171

constraining ellipses, 167

constraining lines and shapes, 167–168

constraining smooth curves, 170

Control panel options, 167

creating background gradients, 179–181

creating hybrid anchors, 171

creating slices, 192–193

defining links in, 194

Direct Selection tool, 169

displaying and hiding panels, 166

displaying bounding boxes for objects, 172

displaying rulers, 166

document profiles, 164

documents and artboards, 165

drawing lines and shapes, 167–168

drawing rounded rectangles, 168

drawing with brushes, 175–176

drawing with Pen tool, 169–171

drawing with Perspective Grid, 182–183

editing artwork in Catalyst, 200–202

generating layers for Flash animation, 197–198

gradient angles, 181

gradients and transparency, 180

graphic styles, 178

Grid Color & Opacity settings, 182

Group Selection tool, 172

grouping effects, 178

grouping objects, 173

guides and grids, 166

importing artwork for Flash, 224

integration with Flash Catalyst, 200

manipulating anchors, 170–171

Mobile and Devices profile, 164

optimizing rasterization, 188

panels, 165

Perspective Grid, 182–184

pixel preview, 166

polygons and stars, 168

previewing graphic styles, 178

Raster Effects resolution, 165

Rectangle tool, 183

rescaling objects, 172

resizing with Scale dialog, 174

RGB profiles, 164

rotating objects, 172–174

saving files, 171

saving files in, 171

saving gradients, 181

scaling objects, 172–174

selecting all objects in, 173

sizing objects, 172–174

Slice Options dialog, 194

Spiral tool, 167–168

tiling backgrounds, 179

troubleshooting layers to frames, 198

using symbols as art brushes, 175

using to create artwork for Flash, 220

using type in Perspective Grid, 184

Video and Film profile, 164

viewing gradients in Swatches panel, 179

Web profile, 164–165

Zoom pop-up, 166

Illustrator files

creating looping animations from, 198

exporting as HTML, 192–193

preparing to export to Flash, 195

saving as SWFs, 195

Illustrator templates, creating, 171

image fields, using in forms, 77

image format, choosing, 147

Image Preview window

opening in Dreamweaver, 63

resizing images in, 64

image quality, defining, 21

image size, choosing for Web, 138

images. See also artwork; photos

4-up option, 64

adding spacing around, 23

aligning in Dreamweaver, 23

Alternate text option, 65

applying horizontal spacing to, 65

applying style sheets to, 63

applying vertical spacing to, 65

assigning links to, 24

batch processing in Bridge, 258–259

converting to Web-compatible formats, 63

copying and pasting into Dreamweaver, 20–22

copying into clipboard, 138

creating buffer space around, 65

cropping in Dreamweaver, 24

defining text for, 20

editing in Dreamweaver, 23–24

embedding in Dreamweaver, 18–24, 63–65

entering descriptions in Dreamweaver, 22

“fading in,” 64

grouping in slideshows, 243

inserting Web-compliant formats, 64

opening in Photoshop, 138

preparing for Web, 22, 63

previewing, 64

previewing in Dreamweaver, 21

print versus Web, 22

Progressive option, 64

rescaling for Web, 141–143

resizing for Web, 141–142

resizing in Dreamweaver, 23–24

resizing in Image Preview window, 64

settings, 21

testing in Adobe Device Central, 143–144

using accessibility options with, 65

using Class styles with, 50

images with transparent backgrounds, saving, 149–150

Inspect button, using in Dreamweaver, 25–26

interlaced downloading, applying in Photoshop, 146

iPhone, HTML5 layout for, 128–131

iPhone-ready h.264 file, converting video to, 260–262


JavaScript, using to open browser windows, 107–108

JPEG files

embedding in slideshows, 247

lossy format, 148

previewing export options for, 139

Quality settings for exports, 187

quality settings in Photoshop, 140

using, 147

JPEG format

assigning to slices, 160

described, 22, 186

using with photos, 146

jump menus, using 74–75


keyframes, inserting in Flash animations, 231–232



creating in Photoshop, 153

generating for Flash animation, 197–198

layout style, creating for three columns, 45

line height, adjusting for type, 57–58


constraining in Illustrator, 167

drawing in Illustrator, 167–168

link states, defining, 60–61

link targets

defined, 194

types of, 16–17


assigning in Illustrator, 194

assigning to text in Flash, 226

avoiding use of fonts with, 60–61

colors associated with, 60

defining colors for, 61

defining in Illustrator, 194

defining Target window for, 17

displaying hover state, 60

formatting, 60–62

seeing effects of, 62

using Rendering tools with, 62

Live view, previewing pages in, 27–29

looping animation, creating from Illustrator file, 198


margins, setting in Dreamweaver, 37

media, embedding via HTML5, 120–122

Media Encoder. See Adobe Media Encoder

media player, creating in Catalyst, 211–213

Media Queries

displaying without HTML5, 131

enabling, 128–131

features of, 123, 128

Menu Bar widget

changing background color, 100

changing text color, 100

customizing, 100

default positioning, 100

editing styles associated with, 99

generating, 98

horizontal versus vertical, 99

styles, 100

Turn Styles Off button, 99

menus. See also Spry menu bars

creating lists for, 81

manipulating items in, 81

placing in forms, 80–82

mobile devices

previewing pages in, 29

saving photos for, 138–140

morphing shape, generating in Flash, 234–235. See also shapes

Motion Tween option, choosing in Flash, 231

Movie Settings dialog, Filters button in, 250

-moz coding, using with Firefox, 132–133

Multiscreen Preview, using, 127, 131


objects, manipulating in Illustrator, 172–174

opacity, reducing for background images, 153–154


p (paragraph) tag, defining, 57–58

page elements, formatting in Dreamweaver, 36

page layouts

creating with ID styles, 39–42

three-column, 43–48

using tables for, 31

page margins, setting in Dreamweaver, 37

page-break attribute, using, 67

pages. See Web pages


cleaning up in Illustrator, 171

variable width in Illustrator, 171

pattern brushes, using in Illustrator, 176

Pause button, designing in Catalyst, 213

Pen tool

adding anchors, 170

defining anchors, 169

deleting anchor points, 170

using in Illustrator, 169–171

Perspective Grid, using, 182–184

photo albums, creating in Flash, 240–242

photos. See also artwork; images

converting to sized images, 243–246

converting to thumbnails, 243–246

displaying as slideshows, 240–242

editing in Dreamweaver, 24

preparing for Web, 22

reducing artifacts in, 139

saving for Web and mobile devices, 138–140


applying interlaced downloading, 146

applying progressive downloading, 146

assigning backgrounds to pages, 154

Color Profiles, 140

creating layer for tiling background images, 153

creating semitransparent backgrounds, 155–156

creating tiling background images, 152–154

cropping photos for Web, 141

defining color palettes, 147–148

defining compression, 147–148

defining dithering, 147–148

drawing wireframes and mockups, 158

editing artwork in Catalyst, 200–202

Fill feature for tiling background images, 153–154

Image Size dialog, 142

importing artwork for Flash, 224

opening image files in, 138

preparing thumbnails, 145

quality settings for JPEG files, 140

recording actions, 145

reducing opacity of fill patterns, 153

Save for Web & Devices window, 138–139

saving images with transparent backgrounds, 149–150

saving photos for mobile devices, 138–140

saving photos for Web, 138–140

scaling for Web and devices, 142–144

setting up wireframe templates, 157

slicing files for Web, 159

support for image files, 138

using for Web photos, 22

Photoshop files

creating from clipboard content, 138

saving as Web pages, 160–161

pixel preview, availability in Illustrator, 166

Play button, creating in Catalyst, 211–213

PNG files, using 23, 147, 186

polygons, points and sides in Illustrator, 168

pop-up versus list menus, 82

pop-ups. See browser windows

print formatting, using, 67

printer output, defining style sheets for, 66–67

printer styles, previewing for CSS, 67

progressive downloading, applying in Photoshop, 146

Progressive option, using with images, 64

Properties Inspector, using to define links, 16

Publish settings options, using with slideshows, 247–248


QuickTime filters, applying, 250

QuickTime media, embedding, 117–119

QuickTime movies

exporting slideshows to, 249–251

previewing in Dreamweaver, 118


radio buttons

versus check boxes, 79–80

generating, 80

group names, 81

rasterization, optimizing in Illustrator, 188

Rectangle tool

using in Flash, 222

using in Illustrator, 183

relative link, defining, 16–17

relative versus absolute divs, 52

remote connection, defining for CMS site, 68

Rendering tools, using with links, 62

Reset button, defining custom labels for, 83

resizing images for Web, 141

resolution, variations in, 22

rotating objects

in Catalyst, 204

in Illustrator, 172–174


displaying in Dreamweaver, 32–33

displaying in Illustrator, 166

using with 360 grid, 158


Safari, CSS rule for, 132–133

Save for Web & Devices window

applying transparency in, 190

checking download times, 186

enlarging, 139

features of, 138

Frame Rate setting, 196

interlacing download, 146

Looping setting, 196

progressive download, 146

tools in, 139


FLA files as templates, 236

gradients in Illustrator, 181

images with transparent backgrounds, 149–150

Web pages, 12–14

Web-compatible formats, 186

scaling objects in Illustrator, 172–174

scripts, using to test data, 84

search engine form, placing on page, 87–89

Select tool

using, 13

using in Catalyst, 203

server scripts, connecting forms to, 87–89

servers, adding for Dreamweaver, 4

shape tweening in Flash, 234–235

shapes. See also morphing shape

constraining in Illustrator, 167

drawing in Catalyst, 203

drawing in Flash, 222

drawing in Illustrator, 167–168

Sharpen tool, using in Dreamweaver, 24

site content, planning for Dreamweaver CS5, 2

Site Definition dialog, opening in Dreamweaver, 2


naming in Dreamweaver, 2

uploading to Dreamweaver, 8–9

sizing objects in Illustrator, 172–174

Slice Options dialog, accessing, 194


assigning JPEG format to, 160

assigning settings to, 193

configuring, 193

creating, 192–193

defining link attributes for, 194

saving, 160

saving in different formats, 193

selecting, 160

slides, adding to slideshows, 242


adjusting settings, 244

adjusting timing of, 242

changing background colors, 245

displaying photos as, 240–242

displaying Timeline for, 244

editing image titles, 244

embedding JPEG files in, 247

exporting, 246, 249–251

generating HTML Web pages for, 248

grouping images in, 243

Publish settings options, 247

publishing as SWF files, 247–248

setting timing of, 244

streaming faster, 251

testing, 243

Spiral tool, using in Illustrator, 167–168

Split view, using in Dreamweaver, 25

spreadsheets, importing, 16–17

Spry Accordion widgets, using, 106

Spry collapsible panels, using, 103–104

Spry data displays, using, 95–97

Spry Data Set wizard, launching, 95

Spry data source tables, using, 92–94. See also tables

Spry data sources, testing and updating, 96–97

Spry menu bars, using, 98–100. See also menus

Spry tabbed panels, using, 101–102

Spry tooltips, defining, 105

Spry validation rules, editing, 86

Spry Validation Text Field widget, using, 84–86. See also text fields

Spry widgets, using, 98

status bar tools in Dreamweaver, 13

style sheets. See also CSS styles

applying changes to all pages, 48

applying to images, 63

attaching for three-column layout, 43

attaching to pages, 67

creating and linking, 34–38

defining for printer output, 66–67

style.css file, expanding styles in, 70

styles, editing in CSS Styles panel, 38

Submit button, designing for forms, 82–83

SWF files. See also Flash

embedding in Dreamweaver, 216

exporting artwork to, 195–196

exporting Catalyst projects to, 217

versus FLV files, 112–113

publishing slideshows as, 247–248

saving Illustrator files as, 195

saving to XFL format, 220

support for, 216

Web-compatibility, 186

SWF objects, embedding in Web pages, 112–113

SWF slideshows. See slideshows

symbols, using as art brushes in Illustrator, 175


tabbed panels. See Spry tabbed panels

tables, using for page layout, 31. See also data tables; Spry data source tables


applying, 56

overriding formatting, 56


960-grid, 157

creating FLA files from, 237

creating in Flash, 236–237

creating in Illustrator, 171

using with Flash Professional, 221

testing Web pages in viewing environments, 27–29

text. See also fonts

assigning heading tags to, 58

assigning paragraph tags to, 58

converting to email link, 17

defining for images, 20

text area input, validating, 86

text areas, placing in forms, 77–78

text boxes, creating validation rules for, 85

text color. See also colors

changing for menu bar, 100

formatting for tabbed panels, 102

text fields. See also Spry Validation Text Field widget

attaching Class styles to, 79

versus form fields, 77

placing in forms, 77–78

text tags, defining formatting of, 57

three-column layout

changing column widths, 47

creating left-column style, 47

designing, 43–48

Insert Div Tag dialog, 47

thumbnail action, recording in Photoshop, 145


converting photos to, 243–246

preparing in Photoshop, 145

tiling backgrounds, creating, 152–154, 179. See also backgrounds

timeline, creating in Flash, 227–228

TLF (Text Layout Framework), using in Flash, 225–226

tooltips, defining, 105

Transform tool, using in Catalyst, 204


applying, 190

identifying background color for, 191

transparency dithering, 150

transparent backgrounds. See also backgrounds

saving images with, 149–150

versus transparency, 190

tweens, classic versus generated motion, 231


adjusting line height, 57–58

anti-aliasing for Web, 188–189

editing in Perspective mode, 184

formatting for Web sites, 56, 58

preserving anti-aliasing in, 189

using in Perspective Grid, 184

type formatting versus typography, 55

type tags, applying, 56

typography versus type formatting, 55


units of measurement, changing, 12


validation rules, creating for text boxes, 85

validation scripts, using with forms, 84–86

vertical scrollbar, creating in Catalyst, 214–215

video player controls, using in Catalyst, 211–213

<VIDEO> tag, using with HTML5, 121


converting to FLV format, 211

converting to iPhone-ready h.264 file, 260–262

deciding on packaging, 111

file formats, 111, 260

previewing with HTML5, 121

Visual Aids, using with CSS, 130


warp effect, applying in Illustrator, 177


choosing image sizes for, 138

cropping photos for, 141

preparing images for, 22

Web devices, saving photos for, 138–140

Web gallery, creating, 256–257

Web pages

assigning backgrounds to, 154

assigning titles to, 13–14

attaching CSS files to, 38

bringing text into, 15

choosing from jump menus, 74

creating, 12–14

opening, 12

opening in new browser windows, 17

presenting optional information in, 103–104

previewing, 27–29

previewing in mobile devices, 29

saving, 12–14

saving Photoshop files as, 160–161

saving with filenames, 13–14

testing in Design view, 27–29

testing in viewing environments, 27–29

viewing in Multiscreen Preview, 127

Web profile, using in Illustrator, 165

Web sites

naming in Dreamweaver, 2

uploading to Dreamweaver, 8–9

Web-compatible formats, saving, 186

-webkit coding, using with Firefox, 132–133

Window size display, described, 13

Windows Media, embedding, 118–119

wireframe templates, setting up, 157

wireframes, drawing for Dreamweaver, 2

wireframing in Catalyst, 203–204

Word documents, importing, 16–17

Word HTML, cleaning up, 15

word processors, maximizing, 15


XFL format, saving Flash files to, 220

XHTML 1.0 Transitional, use of, 13


YouTube, embedding FLV files from, 114


zero points, redefining in Dreamweaver, 32

zip codes, testing input for, 85

Zoom tool, described, 13

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