


absolute elements

access level, 2nd

access logs, names for

Add a State button

Add Menu Item screen

Add New Article button

admin username

administration features of Joomla

administrator directory

administrator group

Administrator interface

     Administration Login screen

     article editor

     Components menu

     Components menu, Polls option

     Control Panel

     enabling JavaScript, 2nd

     Extension Manager

     Extensions, Install/Uninstall option

     installing a template

     Items panel

     locating a content item in

     logging in to the Administrator page

     Phoca Gallery Comments Administrator



Administrator modules

     Module Manager and

     table of

     using within the Administrator interface

Adobe Dreamweaver, 2nd, 3rd

     downloading a trial version

     using as a web editor

Adobe Flash and sIFR technology

Adobe Photoshop, 2nd


Advanced Parameters tab, article presentation settings

Advertisement module (mod_banners), function of



     definition of

     Internet Explorer 7, news reader

     Mozilla Firefox, Live Bookmark

     Mozilla Thunderbird, RSS News & Blogs

Agora extension




     definition of

Apache Custom Log format


Apache server

     activating on the Mac OS

     altering the Listen, Port, and BindAddress directives


     binaries available for download

     checking log files for installation errors

     conf directory


     configuring to handle SEF URLs

     default IP loopback for a local machine

     displaying the default web page2nd

     download location

     enabling Joomla's mod_rewrite extension


     error messages

     getting PHP to run after installation


     htaccess.txt, default Joomla settings

     httpd.conf, sample code listing

     Hypertext Access file (.htaccess) 404 problems

     inability to access remotely

     installing on Linux

     installing on Windows


     noting the installation directory

     opening HTTP port 80 to allow web service


     preinstalled on the Mac OS

     reconfiguring the port used by Apache

     renaming htaccess.txt to .htaccess

     search engine–friendly (SEF) URLs

     Server Application Programming Interface (SAPI)

     server-side includes not working

     setting up a custom Joomla .htaccess file in the root directory

     setting up the Hypertext Access file (.htaccess)

     strange and unexplained error messages


     troubleshooting installation and configuration problems

     Windows XP and the Windows Firewall


     activating the Mac OS Apache server

     activating the Mac OS FTP server

     Developer Connection web page

     installing XAMPP on the Mac OS

     Safari browser


Archive button

Areca Backup

Article Manager

     activating article rating

     adding an article to a site

     adding basic images to an item

     advantages of archiving articles

     Archive button

     Category filter drop-down

     deleting articles

     displaying a list of articles, 2nd

     Edit Configuration window

     Filter box

     filtering a content list

     pending articles and the Start Publishing date

     Preferences button

     saving an article to the database

     Select Section drop-down, 2nd

     Use Global setting

     using the article check boxes to do a group select


     accepting an article for publication

     activating article rating using the Article Manager

     adding an article to a site

     adding an uncategorized article

     adding media to an article

     Advanced Parameters tab, 2nd

     allowing users to comment on site articles

     article editor

     changing the location of

     deleting using the Article Manager

     Description tag

     including important keywords in an article

     marking as uncategorized or static content

     publishing a first article

     restricting to a two-level classification hierarchy

     saving an article to the database

     setting metadata information, 2nd

     setting the advanced article parameters

     setting the basic article parameters

     setting the meta description and keywords for an article




Auction Factory

Author Alias

Author security level

Auto Add parameter

autogenerated administrator password


AWFFull, features of


     advanced features of


     download location

     formats supported


Backup Easy


     Areca Backup

     backing up all Joomla installation files

     backing up before direct file edits

     backing up from MySQL Administrator

     backing up using the phpMyAdmin utility

     Backup Easy



     critical files and folders to back up

     crontab utility

     DriveImage XML

     enabling the Quote Names option

     FTP-based backup utilities

     having a secure up-to-date backup



     mysqldump utility

     performing a complete Joomla site backup

     plug-ins for backing up the Joomla database

     restoring a database backup

     using an automated file-backup utility

     using MySQL to back up the data store

Banner Manager

     Banner Client Manager interface

     Banner Image Selector drop-down

     Banners interface

     Configuration button

     daily banner tracking

     displaying a list of installed banners

Banners component

     Categories interface

     monitoring the click-through rate

     setting the number of impressions

banners directory

Banners module (mod_banners)

     Banner client parameter

     Category parameter

     Count parameter

     function of

     Search By Tags parameter

BBCode formatting

benefits of using Joomla, 2nd

block boxes

blog interfaces


     Movable Type


Bloglines, 2nd


     definition of

     displaying as a module (mod_breadcrumbs)

     including a breadcrumbs position in templates

Breadcrumbs module (mod_breadcrumbs)

     function of

     search engine spiders and, 2nd

     Show Home parameter

     Show Last parameter

     Text Separator parameter

bridge extensions

brightness (value)

Browse button


     Apple Safari

     Google Chrome

     Internet Explorer

     Mozilla Firefox


BSD License

Buzan, Tony


cache directory, 2nd

CAPTCHA image generation, 2nd


     adding a new category

     deleting using the Content Manager

     separating content into topic areas

     setting up

Category drop-down, 2nd

Category field

Category filter drop-down

Category Manager

     adding a new category

     adding basic images to an item

Category parameter


CGI interface


chkconfig command

chmod command, 2nd, 3rd

chown command

class attribute

CLF (common log format)

click-through rate for banners


CMS (content management system)

     automating site content management

     benefits of

     Go Daddy and

     porting HTML web sites to

     requirement for PHP and MySQL hosting

     Rochen Performance Hosting


     slow adoption of

     using templates

color models

     building an RGB/HSB color converter

     choosing a color scheme for a template

     choosing a light or dark site theme

     choosing attractive color pairs for a site

     hex values

     HSB color model2nd

     RGB color model

com_content, 2nd

command not found error

Comments link

commercial development, performing

Community Builder (CB)

     contents of the default installation package

     disabling the standard Joomla login system



     plug-in architecture

     Plugin Manager

     publishing the CB Login module

     registering on the Joomlapolis home page

     user-management features


     Administrator interface for

     Banners component

     components directory

     com_ prefix

     Contacts component

     differentiating modules and components

     Frontpage component (com_content)

     functions of

     menu item links and

     Polls component

     using as a miniature page generator

     Weblinks component

     writing the Suggestion Box component

conf directory

configuration.php, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th6th

configuring mail settings

constructing a Joomla site

Contacts component

     Category Manager

     Contact Manager

container element, encapsulating layout columns


     archiving unpublished content

     checking in and checking out

     constructing a Joomla site

     deleting sample articles, categories, and sections

     management features of

     managing contributors and submitted content

     marking as uncategorized or static

     outlining and documenting site organization

     planning and organizing

     publishing a first article

     sections and categories



     two-level classification hierarchy


     updating the attribution field of articles

content administration, introduction to

Content Language drop-down

content management system. See CMS (content management system)

Content Manager, deleting sections and categories

contributor categories

Control Panel

     Add New Article button

     administrative panels

     deleting the introductory message

     functions of

     Menu Manager icon

     New Article button

     Preview button

Control Panel (XAMPP)

Count parameter

cPanel utility

     Change Permissions link

     changing permissions on files and folders

     File Manager


Creative Commons license

crontab utility

CrossFTP Server

     download location

     Web Start live installer

CSE HTML Validator


     absolute elements

     attributes of a typical CSS panel

     block boxes

     browser type and page presentation

     child and parent panels

     choosing a font scheme

     class attribute

     .css filename extension

     defining a site's visual presentation

     definition of

     display attribute

     !DOCTYPE declaration

     float elements

     font alternatives

     in-line boxes

     Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar

     layout capabilities of

     margin attribute

     normal positioning

     not using tables for page layout, 2nd

     overriding standard Joomla styles

     search-engine indexing and

     serif and sans-serif fonts

     setting the HTML alt attribute for images

     sorting columns for search-engine optimization

     style tags

     testing pages with more than one browser

     three-column layout, creating

     two-column layout, creating

     two-column template, CSS code

     uses for

     using with Internet Explorer, versions 6 and 7

     vertical margins

     Web Developer extension (Mozilla Firefox)

     web spiders

CSS-based menus, using instead of JavaScript menus

CSS directory


Debug settings

default Joomla screen

Defined Funnel Navigation

differences between Joomla 1.0 and 1.5

direct menu, creating

direct module interface

directory structure



















display attribute

!DOCTYPE declaration, using correctly

downloading the Joomla archive

Download Joomla link

DriveImage XML


Easy Counter



     Eclipse PHP IDE project manager

     using for multideveloper code-based projects


     configuring a Joomla site for online purchases


Edit Account Details

Edit CSS button

Edit HTML button

Edit Menu Item screen

Emacs text editor

embedded objects, adding

Emotions button

Enable Debugging option

Entana Statistics extension



event calendars

     Eventlist, installing and managing

     potential for overwhelming a search engine spider

     problems arising from both empty and full calendars


     adding and editing events

     add-on extensions

     Control Panel

     creating categories

     download location

     installing through the Extension Manager

     language packs available

     setting the repetition of an event

     using rich text formats for event descriptions

Example Pages module (mod_mainmenu)

eXtensible Markup Language Remote Procedure Call. See XML-RPC

Extension Manager

     accessing and retrieving items for installation

     disabling a component

     error checking for removing extensions

     Extension menu, Install/Uninstall option

     functions of

     Install button

     Install from directory

     Install from URL

     installing new languages

     Uninstall button

     uploading templates with

     Upload Package File


     choosing extensions for their community functionality

     components, functions of

     differentiating modules and components

     Entana Statistics

     examples of available extensions

     Extensions menu


     JoomlaWatch 1.2.7s

     Joomla web site extension directory

     modules, functions of

     packages that analyze web site statistics

     plug-ins, functions of, 2nd

     WYSIWYG editors

EyeVesting web site

     adding a new section

     basic outline of

     investment poll


Feed Display module (mod_feed), function of

Feed URL parameter, setting

file and folder permissions


     cPanel utility

     using the chmod command on Linux/UNIX systems


     Connect button

     download location

     File Attributes option

     Host field

     Local Site directory

     Normal logontype

     Quickconnect fields

     Remote Site window

     Site Manager icon

     Upload option

FileZilla server

     creating a user login for the Phoca Gallery component

     download location

     installing on Windows

     installing the FileZilla Server Interface

     securing the site

Filter box


Firebug extension (Mozilla Firefox)

Firefox. See Mozilla Firefox

float elements


     choosing a font scheme

     CSS and font alternatives

     serif and sans-serif

     sIFR technology



     Agora extension

     bridging phpBB3 into Joomla

     perils of running a forum


FreeStyle Menus

front page, displaying content on

Front Page Manager

     adding sections and categories to

     changing the title of the Front Page

     comparing to Article Manager

     Control Panel, Front Page button

     examining the Front Page content

     Front Page status

     function of

FTP programs

FTP servers

     activating the Linux FTP server

     activating the Mac OS FTP server

     benefits of installing

     installing FileZilla server on Windows

     list of



     accessing the Gallery2 system after installation

     accessing the index.php file in the gallery2 directory

     adding a new MySQL user account

     additional modules for the Gallery2 Bridge

     Admin User Setup screen

     bridge extension for

     Community Builder plug-in

     creating an authentication key file

     creating config.php

     creating the gallery2 directory

     creating the gallery system's MySQL database

     database servers supported

     Database Setup screen


     extending the Joomla/Gallery2 interface through plug-ins

     Gallery2 Bridge, downloading and installing

     handling authentication problems

     independent execution in PHP

     installation versions, description of


     installing the gallery core modules

     Install Other Modules screen

     integrating within an existing Joomla site

     Joomap plug-in

     Joomla Extension Manager

     JoomlaLib, downloading and installing

     organizing images into albums

     reading the security guide

     running on Microsoft IIS

     Search Bot plug-in

     Storage Setup screen

     Subversion version control system

     system check execution

     system requirements

     web service providers and

Gallery3, early release stages of

GD2 image manipulation library

     determining if it is installed

     not using with Gallery2






     comparing GIMPshop and Adobe Photoshop



     Logos menu

     open-source graphic editing

     operating systems supported

     Script-Fu menu

     Xtns menu

Global Check-in, function of

Global Configuration Manager

     Cache settings

     configuring mail settings

     Debug settings

     functions of

     Mail Settings panel, 2nd

     registering without administrator approval

     SEO Settings frame

     Server Settings panel

     Site Settings panel

     System Settings panel

     turning on the page cache

Global Configuration screen

     activating the mod_rewrite extension

     activating the SEF URLs option

     Add suffix to URLs option2nd

     changing the SEO Settings

     Search Engine Friendly URLs option

     Use Apache mod_rewrite option

GNU General Public License (GPL)

GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)

Go Daddy

     Account Summary

     choosing a Joomla version

     Connection Settings icon

     controlling the installation's directory location

     Control Panel, 2nd

     Create New Database button

     creating a MySQL database manually

     FTP address and login

     getting the MySQL server address

     hosting a Joomla web site

     installing Joomla manually

     Joomla as a Value-Added Application (VAA)

     Manage Host window

     MySQL administration page

     Open Manager button

     setting the operating system to Linux/PHP

     Switch Operating System link

     using the phpMyAdmin utility for database backup


     installing the Google Toolbar

     metadescription field

     page ranking system

Google Analytics

     adding the required scripting code to a Joomla template

     comparing Google Analytics with independent reports


     dashboard display, 2nd

     Defined Funnel Navigation


     Google Analytics Tracking Module

     Google Analytics w/ auto SSL module

     output formats for reports

     page tag code

     privacy concerns

     report categories

     testing with the Check Status button

     Traffic Sources

     using with an AdWords marketing campaign

     Visitor Reports

     See also log analysis programs; web analytics; Webalizer

Google Calendar, incorporating into a Joomla site

Google Chrome

Google Reader

Google Sitemap Generator

     features of

     Sitemap protocol



     benefits of

     Phoca Guestbook, installing and managing


head code

Hello From module

     coding the mod_hellofrom.php file

     coding the mod_hellofrom.xml file


     ensuring execution through the Joomla framework

     installation directives file

     JText::_() and the Language Manager

     location parameter

     modules directory

     PHP code file, contents of

     publishing the module

     structure of

     XML descriptor file, contents of

Hello Joomla! template

     adding a module and component

     case-sensitivity of templates

     component directive

     creating template files and folders

     default content component (com_content)

     index.php statements, explanation of2nd

     modifying an existing template

     module directive

     $option request variable

     Quickstart tutorial

     removing the "Powered by Joomla!" attribution, 2nd

     templateDetails.xml, 2nd

     templates directory

     See also Template Manager; templates

hex values

home page, Page Title parameter


HSB Color Model

     brightness (value)




     default Joomla settings

     limiting write access

     security and

html tag


     checking the Listen directive

     sample code listing


Hypertext Access file (.htaccess)

     setting up

     troubleshooting 404 errors




     Visual Age products


Image Folder parameter

images, setting the HTML alt attribute, 2nd

images directory, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

Image Type parameter

includes directory

index.php, 2nd, 3rd



     !DOCTYPE declaration

     explanation of statements2nd

     html tag

     jdoc:include call

     language attribute

     launching the Joomla installer

     processing directives

     template code

in-line boxes

inline frame (iFrame)

installation directory, 2nd

Install button

Install from directory

Install from URL

installing Joomla

     accepting the GNU General Public License (GPL)


     diagram of installation options

     downloading the Joomla archive

     Download Joomla link

     extracting the installation files

     FTP port 21

     Joomla Installation Wizard

     Joomla! Stand Alone Server (JSAS)

     Joomla web hosts, list of

     manual installation to a Go Daddy account

     preinstallation check

     Pre-Installation Check screen

     Quickstart tutorial

     system requirements for web hosts

     uploading files to a web host FTP

     using an XAMPP installer

     using the FileZilla FTP program

     See also Joomla Installation Wizard


integrated development environment (IDE)

Internet Explorer

     ieonly.css (IE 6)


     JavaScript availability

     margin attribute (IE 6)

     Medium security setting

Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar

Internet Information Server (IIS)

     installing PHP on

     receiving a 505 error

Items panel


     enabling for the Administrator interface, 2nd

     Joomla plug-ins and

jdoc (JDocument) interface, 2nd


     advantages and disadvantages of2nd

     plug-ins for2nd


     features of

     rendering a sitemap as a Google Sitemap XML list

Joom!Fish extension, features of


Joomla Installation Wizard

     accepting the GNU General Public License (GPL)

     accessing through a browser

     Admin button

     Advanced Settings tab

     autogenerated administrator password

     choosing a language option


     deleting the Installation directory

     entering a custom Admin password

     Finish screen

     FTP Configuration screen

     Get Permissions button

     Get Privileges button

     Host Name setting

     Main Configuration screen

     MySQL Database Configuration screen

     populating the Joomla database with dummy content

     Pre-Installation Check screen

     Site button

     See also installing Joomla

Joomla logo, creating a replacement graphic

Joomla! Stand Alone Server (JSAS)

Joomla Tools Suite

Joomla web hosts, list of

Joomla web page, organization of




JoomlaStats extension

JoomlaWatch 1.2.7s


jos_vm_country table

JText::_(), using with the Language Manager, 2nd


Key Concepts menu, unpublishing

Key Concepts module (mod_mainmenu)





Lag parameter, setting to a higher value


landing page

language and country codes

language attribute

language directory, site translation files

Language Manager

     administering a multilingual site

     configuring the selected display language

     installing new languages via the Extension Manager

     Joom!Fish extension, features of

     multilingual support in

     selecting a language for the Site or Administrator interface




Legacy Mode, 2nd

Legal Extensions parameter

Leo (Literate Editor with Outlines)

     cloning nodes


     hoist function

     Leo-to-HTML export plug-in

     Leo-to-Microsoft Word export plug-in

     Microsoft Project

     plug-ins for2nd

     three panes of

     using for outlining site organization

     using to organize a development project

libraries directory

Link parameter

Link Sleuth

     download location

     generated report and the Duration column

Linux and Emacs text editor

Linux Command Line, backing up a MySQL database

Linux FTP server


     adding a user for the Joomla extension

     chkconfig command

     chmod command

     chown command

     command not found error

     passwd command

     reconfiguring Linux firewalls and address ports

     service command

Listen directive



log analysis programs



     definition of2nd

     Google Analytics2nd


     output reports



     See also Google Analytics; web analytics; Webalizer

LogMiner, features of

Log Scope

lost passwords



Mac OS FTP server


     checking firewall settings

     using the FTP Access setting

Mac OS X

     activating the Apache server

     Developer Connection web page

     installing XAMPP on

     Safari browser


Magnify icon

Mail Manager

     Private Messaging Configuration screen

     purging messages

     sending messages to the administrator users

Mail Settings panel

Main Menu, position of

Main Menu module (mod_mainmenu)

Mambo and Joomla's Legacy Mode


Manage Categories option

manager group

margin attribute

Mass Mail Manager

     adding a subject prefix or body suffix

     sending bulk e-mails to a group

media directory

Media Manager

     administering images

     images directory

     Legal Extensions parameter

     New Folder button

     stories directory

     supported file formats

     uploading or transferring images

Menu Assignment frame

Menu Assignment parameter

Menu Manager

     accessing items held by a menu

     Add Menu Item screen

     creating a direct menu

     displaying the Category menu

     Edit icon

     editing a menu item, 2nd

     Menu Item Manager

     Menu Items icon

     Module Manager and

     Move Menu Items window

     Standard Article Layout option

     Standard Category Layout option

     types of menus

     unpublishing (removing) menu entries

     user interface and

     viewing menu entries


Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP)

Microsoft Expression Web, 2nd, 3rd

     downloading a trial version

     using as a web editor

Microsoft FrontPage

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Microsoft Project

Microsoft Word, Outline view

mind mapping

Missing Metadata Items module

     client attribute

     coding the PHP code file (mod_missingdata.php)

     coding the XML descriptor file (mod_missingmeta.xml)

     creating a table to display the article list

     listing all published articles with empty metadata fields



     setting the client type as administrator

Missing Metadata module, 2nd


mod_breadcrumbs, 2nd


mod_mainmenu, 2nd


mod_rewrite extension

     activating on the Global Configuration screen

     enabling on the Apache server


Module Manager

     customizing a new instance of a module type

     displaying a module's configuration screen

     functions of

     generating a news feed using RSS or Atom

     listing the system's current module instances

     Menu Assignment frame

     Menu Manager and

     New button

     opening a module in

     selecting the mod_poll module type

     Type column

     unpublishing (removing) entire menus

     unpublishing (removing) modules

Module Parameters panel, Poll parameter


     Administrator interface for

     administrator modules, table of

     Advertisement module (mod_banners)

     appearance in specific module position

     Banners module (mod_banners)

     Breadcrumbs module (mod_breadcrumbs), 2nd

     comparing to a user interface widget

     creating instances from module types

     definition of

     differentiating a module type from a module instance

     differentiating modules and components

     Example Pages module (mod_mainmenu)

     Feed Display module (mod_feed)

     functions of

     Key Concepts module (mod_mainmenu)

     Latest News

     Main Menu module (mod_mainmenu)

     mod_mainmenu type

     mod_ prefix

     module instances, naming convention

     modules directory

     module types, naming convention



     Random Image module (mod_random_image)

     Resources module (mod_mainmenu)

     site modules, table of

     Syndication module (mod_syndicate)

     Top Menu module (mod_mainmenu)

     understanding the module type system

     unpublishing (removing)

     User Menu module (mod_mainmenu)

     Wrapper module (mod_wrapper)

     wrapping external web pages in an iFrame

     writing a front-end module

     writing a missing metadata Administrator module


MooTools, definition of

Movable Type

Move Menu Items window

Movie Example online store

     adding a Comedy category

     adding a Drama category

     adding a product to the catalog

     predefining the store's structure

Mozilla Firefox, 2nd

     Firebug extension

     Live Bookmark

     Web Developer extension

Mozilla SeaMonkey

Mozilla Thunderbird, RSS News & Blogs

multilingual support

Multiple Add button

MySQL database

     adding a port exception to the Windows Firewall

     Administrator program

     backing up from the Linux Command Line

     checking the MySQL version of a web host provider

     checking the port configuration

     checking the UNIX socket file

     collation options

     Community Server, download location

     configuring, 2nd

     Create New Schema option

     creating a database manually, 2nd

     creating a Joomla account with all administrative privileges

     creating a Joomla database from the MySQL command line

     crontab utility

     Decision Support (DSS)/OLAP option

     default port setting

     deleting an old MySQL service

     Detailed Configuration option

     determining account administrator privileges

     Developer Machine option

     downloading either the Essentials or Complete installer

     entering SQL commands at the command line interface

     error messages, 2nd

     examining the Joomla tables

     Get Permissions button

     Get Privileges button

     getting the MySQL server address

     GUI Tools bundle, 2nd

     handling previously installed tables

     handling the database connection

     Host Name setting

     inability to connect to the MySQL server

     inability to create the MySQL Windows service

     installing version 5 or version 4 with Joomla2nd


     Mac OS, Server Edition

     making changes to the registry editor (regedt32.exe)

     matching the Joomla and MySQL character sets

     Multifunctional Database option

     MySQL Administrator, 2nd

     MySQL Database Configuration screen

     MySQL Server Instance Configuration Wizard

     mysqldump utility

     naming a new database

     Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) option

     password authentication problems, 2nd

     Pending Setup status

     performing a scheduled database backup

     populating the Joomla database with dummy content

     receiving a connection error during installation

     resolving intermittent connection problems

     select version()

     server connection error in MySQL 5

     Service Control utility

     setting the administrator password

     troubleshooting installation and configuration problems

     using instead of localhost for the URL

     using MySQL 4 password access




New Article button

New Folder button



     browsers with built-in feed aggregators

     desktop feed aggregators

     Google Reader

     list of newsfeed search engines

     Newsfeed Manager




     subscribing to

     ThinFeeder Java RSS Aggregator

     web-based feed aggregators

Newsflash module

normal positioning


Nvu, 2nd


online Joomla forums

open source community

Opera, 2nd

$option request variable

Other Menu, position of


page access URLs

     comparing to the URLs of static web sites

     web spiders and

page rank, definition of

page tagging

     activating cookies on the client browser

     bot access and

     comparing to log file processing

     definition of2nd

     Easy Counter

     posting content to a third-party site

     Simple Hit Counter


     Visual Sciences (WebSideStory)

Page Title parameter

page titles, generating dynamically

Paint program

Parameters (Advanced) pane, 2nd

passwd command

passwords, handling lost passwords

patTemplate engine

Pavuk Web Spider and Performance Measure

Phoca Gallery

     adding images to

     Browse button

     Category drop-down


     Control Panel2nd, 3rd

     creating a Joomla menu for the Phoca Gallery component

     creating a new image category

     creating a user login for

     customizing the gallery presentation

     downloading and installing

     features of

     GD2 image manipulation library

     increasing the size of the upload_max_ filesize parameter

     Install button

     loading multiple images using the Multiple Add button

     Magnify icon

     Manage Categories option


     methods for adding photos

     modifying the global settings

     Multiple Add option

     Phoca Gallery Category Layout

     phocagallery folder

     selecting the Configuration option

     Start Upload button

     Upgrade button

     user interface

Phoca Guestbook

     adding or editing guestbook entries

     configuring guestbook parameters2nd

     Control Panel, Parameters icon

     Control Panel, using

     features of

     installing using the Extension Manager

     Items panel

     Phoca Guestbook Manager

     Publishing tab


     TinyMCE editor

     Use CAPTCHA setting

     using a spam protection image

photo gallery extensions


     installing/activating an FTP server

     Phoca Gallery


     adding the PHP directory to the Windows Path variable

     CGI interface

     coding the mod_hellofrom.php file

     coding the mod_missingdata.php file

     coding the suggestionbox.php file

     direct module interface

     docroot directive

     download location


     inability to access the phpinfo.php page

     installation requirement for running Joomla

     installation requirements for web hosts

     installing on the Linux Apache server

     installing on the Mac OS Apache server

     installing on the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)

     installing on the Windows Apache server

     JText::_() and the Language Manager

     "No input file specified" error

     php.ini configuration problems

     receiving a 505 error

     relocating the PHP directory

     Server Application Programming Interface (SAPI)


     troubleshooting installation and configuration problems




     Administration Control Panel (ACP)

     choosing a bridge into Joomla

     creating a separate database for

     default skin

     displaying all the messages in a topic

     download location

     installation packages available


     minimum requirements for

     phpBB3 Authentication Plugin

     phpBB3 Patch

     posting a new topic

     RokBridge extension, downloading

     RokBridge extension, installing



phpinfo(), 2nd, 3rd, 4th


     backing up before changing

     checking for more than one php.ini file

     configuration problems

     turning on the display_errors directive

     when setting changes have no effect

phpMyAdmin utility


     exporting the Joomla database

     Export Screen

     restoring a database backup

pill menu, changing its selections

Plugin Manager

     accessing through the Extensions menu

     editing plug-in parameters

     editor extensions

     functions of

     System - Legacy plug-in, 2nd

     tinymce plug-in


     accessing the Plugin Manager through the Extensions menu

     functions of, 2nd

     list of plug-in folders

     Nvu Template Builder

     plugins directory and mambots

     SEF Advance


     using third-party SEF plug-ins

Poll Manager

     listing and summarizing the existing polls

     New button

Poll module


     creating a custom poll

     modifying the Menu Assignment parameter

     setting the display menu for a poll

Polls component

     guarding against poll rigging

     setting the Lag parameter to a higher value

     setting up and editing an online poll

preinstallation check

presentation administration, introduction to

Preview button

Private Messaging Configuration screen

program editors

     Eclipse, 2nd

     features of, 2nd

     jEdit, 2nd

     Leo, 2nd


public front-end users

Python language


Quickstart tutorial


Random Image module (mod_random_image)

     function of

     Image Folder parameter

     Image Type parameter

     Link parameter

     Module Class Suffix parameter

     testing the module

     Width and Height parameters

Read More link

Red Hat Linux

Refresh button


registered front-end users

registered public back-end users

Registered user group

releasing file access

Resources menu, unpublishing

Resources module (mod_mainmenu)

RGB color model

     disadvantages of

     pixel values and color pickers

RGB/HSB color converter

rhuk_milkyway template, 2nd, 3rd

     code example



     creating and using

     Disallow field

     including comments in

     User-agent field

Rochen Performance Hosting

RokBridge extension



root directory





Search Agency

Search By Tags parameter

search engine optimization (SEO)

     avoiding keyword spamming

     calculating the HTML-to-text ratio

     configuring Joomla URLs to be search engine–friendly

     creating a good keywords list

     creating a list of excluded pages

     definition of

     developing a linking strategy

     Global Configuration screen, SEO Settings

     Google Sitemap Generator

     having a non-Flash version of a site

     including a sitemap

     including important keywords in an article


     Joomla's page access URLs as unfriendly to web spiders

     Link Sleuth

     optimizing a web site for spider crawling

     Pavuk Web Spider and Performance Measure

     problems with using JavaScript, Flash, and Ajax


     search engine–friendly (SEF) folders

     search engine–friendly (SEF) format

     search engine–friendly (SEF) functions

     SEF Service Map

     using free web spiders to scan and analyze a site

     using third-party SEF plug-ins

     using web page titles, meta descriptions, and keywords

     ways to obtain links


     See also web spiders

search engines

     making pages machine-readable

     optimizing pages for

     spiders, definition of

     web spiders

Section field

Section Manager

     adding a new section

     adding basic images to an item

     deleting a section

     New button

     Title field

     top-level content


Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

     purchasing an SSL certificate from a certificate provider

     setting up a secure session



     chmod values and directory permissions


     guidelines for maximizing Joomla security

     Joomla security checklist

     Joomla Tools Suite

     making a directory writable, 2nd


     password-protecting directories with .htaccess files


Security Checklist

Security tab

SEF Advance, custom URL mapping

SEF Service Map 2, features of

SEF URLs option, activating

Select Article section

Select Section drop-down, 2nd

SEO Settings frame

serif and sans-serif fonts

Server Application Programming Interface (SAPI)

Server Settings panel

     activating GZIP page compression

     configuring mail settings

service command

Service Control utility


sh404SEF, custom URL mapping


Show Home parameter

Show Last parameter

sIFR (Scalable Inman Flash Replacement) technology

Simple Hit Counter

Simple Machines Forum (SMF)

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

site modules, table of

site organization

     outlining and documenting

     sections and categories

     using FreeMind for mind mapping

     using Leo for outlining

     using Microsoft Word's Outline view

site profile

     community features, return on time/effort invested

     defining a web site's focus and message

     examining a community's financial demographics

     involving community groups in a web site

     leveraging the time of community members

     profiling a site's visitors

     using community feedback to retarget your site

Site Settings panel, functions of

site statistics

     in Joomla versions prior to 1.5

     methods for generating

     web analytics, definition of



     Google Sitemap Generator

     including for search engine optimization (SEO)


     SEF Service Map

     Sitemap protocol



smilies directory

software licenses

     BSD License

     GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)

Standard Article Layout option

Standard Category Layout option

Start Publishing date

     Article Manager and pending articles


Start Upload button


static content, definition of, 2nd

Static Content Manager, elimination of

static HTML web pages

stories directory, 2nd


StuffIt Expander

style sheets. See CSS

style tags

Submit Web Link

Subversion version control system

Suggestion Box component

     adding an Administrator interface

     coding the PHP code file (suggestionbox.php)

     coding the XML descriptor file (suggestionbox.xml)

     CREATE TABLE operation


     installing via the Extension Manager

     storing the IP address of the suggestion submitter

     structure of

suggestion boxes, adding to a web site

super-administrator (SA) group

Syndication module (mod_syndicate)


     function of

system administration, introduction to

System Info

     Configuration File panel


     Directory Permissions panel

     PHP Information panel

     PHP Settings panel

     System Info panel

System - Legacy plug-in, 2nd

System Settings panel

     Cache settings

     Debug settings

     functions of


Target Name parameter

template.css, 2nd

     case-sensitivity of


templateDetails.xml, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

Template HTML Editor

Template Manager

     Edit button

     Edit CSS button

     Edit HTML button

     installing a template

     Parameters pane

     previewing templates in

     Preview option

     setting a site's default template

     template configuration screen

     Template Edit screen

     Template Parameters screen

     templates with multiple style sheets

     viewing a list of installed templates

     See also Hello Joomla! template; templates


     Adobe Photoshop and

     attributes of a typical CSS panel

     building an RGB/HSB color converter

     case-sensitivity of

     changes in, from Joomla 1.0 to 1.5

     child and parent panels

     choosing a color scheme

     choosing a font scheme

     choosing a light or dark site theme

     choosing a new presentation style for a site

     choosing attractive color pairs

     components of a Joomla template

     contents of

     creating a banner graphic

     creating a template archive file

     creating dummy graphics and presentation items

     creating templates with web editors

     CSE HTML Validator

     CSS directory

     default content component (com_ content)

     defining a site's visual presentation

     definition of


     explanation of index.php statements2nd


     head code

     HSB color model

     images directory, 2nd

     including a breadcrumbs position in

     index.php, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th


     jdoc (JDocument) interface

     Joomla core styles

     JS Optimus Free template

     modifying an existing template

     Nvu Template Builder

     patTemplate engine

     previewing installed templates

     previewing in the Template Manager

     procedure for creating

     providing a usage license with

     Quickstart tutorial for creating

     rearranging the column display

     required directories

     RGB color model

     rhuk_milkyway template

     separating presentation from content

     template.css, 2nd

     templateDetails.xml, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

     templates directory, 2nd


     three primary template files

     two-column layout, creating using CSS, 2nd

     uploading using the Extension Manager

     user interface and

     using a container element

     using HSB color values

     using the Template Manager to install a template

     validating a template's HTML code

     XML metadata format

     ZIP or tarball archive

     See also Hello Joomla! template; Template Manager

templates directory, 2nd


text editors

     browser compatibility and


     No Editor option2nd


     selecting a WYSIWYG editor

     TinyMCE, features of

     XStandard Lite, features of

Text Separator parameter

ThinFeeder Java RSS Aggregator

TinyMCE (Tiny MoxieCodeEditor)

     browser compatibility

     features of

Title Alias

Title field

tmp directory

Todo Copy

Top Menu, position of

Top Menu module (mod_mainmenu)

Trash Manager

     emptying the system trash regularly

     functions of


     Apache server installation and configuration problems

     MySQL installation and configuration problems

     PHP installation and configuration problems

two-level classification hierarchy


Ubuntu, 2nd


uncategorized content

     Select Section drop-down

     using as a catchall designation

unregistered users

Upgrade button

upgrading to Joomla 1.5

upload_max_filesize parameter

Upload Package File

Use Content Table option

Use Global setting, 2nd

user comments

     allowing users to comment on site articles

     including comment guidelines on a site

     yvComment, features and installation

user interface

     elements of the default Joomla screen

     templates and

User Manager

     administrator group

     admin username

     Author security level

     creating a new user

     Edit Account Details

     editing a user account

     Filter drop-down

     four types of front-end users

     Group list box

     handling lost passwords

     maintaining user login accounts

     manager group

     registered front-end users

     registered public back-end users

     Registered user group

     responding to authorization requests

     Submit Web Link

     super-administrator (SA) group

     three groups for back-end users

     unregistered users

     Your Details screen

User Menu, position of

User Menu module (mod_mainmenu)

user ratings

User Registration Settings pane

UTF-8 encoding, language and country codes



Value-Added Application (VAA)


vertical margins



     Add a State button

     Add Attribute link

     adding a menu item to view the virtual store

     adding a product to the catalog

     adding product categories

     Add Property link

     Add Tax Information screen

     adjusting the status of an order

     Admin menu

     allowing preorders of announced products

     Category Browse Page

     Category Flypage menu

     Configuration screen, 2nd

     Control Panel

     Custom Attribute list

     defining and creating shopper groups

     displaying the Order List

     download location

     Downloads tab settings

     eCommerce Bundle

     Enable Customer Review/Rating System setting

     entering inventory information using the Product Status tab


     features of

     Front-end Features pane

     Global tab settings2nd

     handling shipping information

     image size and the PayPal login screen

     including a terms-of-service entry

     installation packages available

     installing the main module

     installing the sample data

     jos_vm_country table

     List Countries submenu

     Manufacturers menu

     minimum system requirements

     optional modules

     Orders menu, List Orders option

     Payment Extra info pane

     Payment Method Form tab

     predefining the structure of an online store

     printing a purchase order

     Product Dimensions and Weight tab

     Product Images tab

     Products menu, Add Category option

     Products menu, Add Product option

     purchasing an SSL certificate from a certificate provider

     Related Products tab

     Save option

     Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

     Security tab, 2nd

     setting the tax rate for a region

     setting up a secure session

     setting up product manufacturers

     setting up shipping information

     setting up the transaction methods for payment

     Shipping tab settings

     Shopper Group Form screen

     Shopper menu, List Shopper Groups option

     Statistics tab

     Store Information screen

     Store menu, Credit Card List option

     Store menu, Edit Store option

     Store menu, List Payments Methods option

     Tax menu, Add Tax Rate option

     User Registration Settings pane

Visual Sciences (WebSideStory)


W3C Extended Log File format



web analytics



     caching of site pages by remote servers

     comparing Google Analytics with independent reports

     comparing page tagging to log file processing

     definition of

     Entana Statistics extension

     fine-tuning a web site to reach targeted goals

     formatting site URLs in an SEF format

     Google Analytics2nd

     JoomlaStats extension

     JoomlaWatch 1.2.7s

     landing page

     log analysis programs2nd

     Log Scope


     methods of tracking web site traffic

     page tagging, definition of2nd

     parsing web server log files




     See also Google Analytics; log analysis programs; Webalizer

Web Analytics Association

web communities, building and maintaining

Web Developer extension (Mozilla Firefox)

web pages (external), wrapping in an iFrame

web server log files

     access logs, names for

     examining for trending information

     log analysis programs

     Log Scope

     PHP errors and

     types of information reported

web servers

     Joomla CMS, serving process of

     static HTML web pages

Web Services Description Language (WSDL)

web spiders

     creating a list of excluded pages

     definition of

     Joomla's page access URLs and

     Link Sleuth

     optimizing a web site for spider crawling

     Pavuk Web Spider and Performance Measure


     using free spiders to scan and analyze a site

     See also search engine optimization (SEO)


     accessing a log file remotely via FTP

     alternatives to

     Apache Custom Log format

     CLF (common log format)

     contents of usage files

     displaying a general overview of site usage


     features of

     running from the command line

     special report options

     Usage Statistics page

     W3C Extended Log File format

     See also Google Analytics; log analysis programs; web analytics

Weblinks component

     allowing registered users to suggest links

     specifying parameters for a web link


Wephpalizer, features of

Windows Explorer, renaming the .htaccess file

Windows Vista, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

Windows XP, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th


World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 2nd

Wrapper module (mod_wrapper)

     Auto Add parameter

     Module Class Suffix parameter

     Target Name parameter

     URL parameter

     wrapping external web pages in an iFrame

WYSIWYG editors

     Adobe Dreamweaver, 2nd

     creating dummy graphics and presentation items

     difficulties with dynamic content

     extensions and


     Microsoft Expression Web, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

     Nvu, 2nd



     checking the Security link

     Control Panel

     download location

     ensuring boot-up initialization on Linux systems

     installed components by operating system

     installing the WAMP, LAMP, and MAP servers separately

     Linux installation procedure

     Mac OS installation procedure

     manual installation of

     not running as a deployment server

     operating systems supported

     ports to open for Joomla configurations

     purpose of

     security holes

     using as a development platform

     Windows installation procedure


Xenu, Link Sleuth

Xmap, features

XML descriptor files

     coding the mod_hellofrom.xml file

     coding the mod_missingmeta.xml file

     coding the suggestionbox.xml file

     contents of

XML metadata format


     functions of

     Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)


     xmlrpc directory


XStandard Lite

     enabling the plug-in

     features of

     supported platforms


Your Details screen


     adding a Please Register link

     adding comments

     BBCode formatting

     CAPTCHA image generation

     censorship and excluding comments

     Comments link

     configuring and managing comments, 2nd3rd

     dangers in allowing guest posting

     developing a community of commenters

     downloading and installing

     features of

     List of Comments screen

     Preview button

     rich text formatting

     Use Content Table option




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