
About the Author

About the Technical Reviewer


CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Joomla!

                       Content Management System Overview

                       Content Management System Adoption

                       Joomla! Benefits

                             Joomla! Features

                             How Joomla! Works

                       Differences Between Joomla! 1.0 and 1.5

                       Joomla! Ranked First for Online Communities


CHAPTER 2 Quickstart: Setting Up a Joomla! Site in 20 Minutes

                       Installing Joomla!

                             Downloading the Joomla! CMS

                             Extracting the Joomla! Files

                             Uploading Files to Your Web Host FTP

                             Preparing Go Daddy for Joomla!

                             Using the Joomla! Installation Wizard

                       Modifying the Joomla! Installation

                             Adding a New Article

                             Editing the Main Menu

                             Removing Modules

                             Unpublishing Whole Menus

                             Changing the Front Page Logo Graphic

                             Personalizing the Newsflash Text

                             Creating a Custom Poll

                             Modifying the Pill Menu


CHAPTER 3 Installation and Configuration

                       File and Directory Overview

                       Installing with XAMPP

                             XAMPP Components by Operating System

                       Installing the Individual Servers of WAMPP/LAMPP/MAMPP

                             Installing and Configuring the Apache Server

                             Installing and Configuring PHP

                             Installing and Configuring MySQL

                             Setting Up File and Folder Permissions

                       Installing the Joomla! Files


                             Challenges with the Apache Server

                             Challenges with PHP

                             Challenges with MySQL


CHAPTER 4 Adding Content

                       Planning Your Content

                             Joomla! Sections and Categories

                             Uncategorized or Static Content

                             Documenting Your Organization Plan

                       Reincarnating a Web Site (EyeVesting) in Joomla!

                       Creating Sections and Categories

                             Deleting the Sample Articles, Categories, and Sections

                             Adding New Categories and Sections

                       Selecting a Text Editor

                             A Tale of Two Editors: TinyMCE and XStandard Lite

                             No Editor

                       Adding Articles

                             Setting the Basic Article Parameters

                             Setting the Advanced Article Parameters

                             Setting the Article Metadata Information

                             Adding an Article to Your Site

                             Adding a Second Article

                       Adding Menus to Point to Content

                             Creating a Direct Menu to the Uncategorized Article

                             Displaying the Category Menu

                       Installing a New Template

                       Collaborating with Outside Contributors


CHAPTER 5 Administering Joomla!

                       Presentation Administration

                             Template Manager

                             Language Manager

                       Content Administration

                             Article Manager

                             Section and Category Managers

                             Front Page Manager

                             Media Manager

                             Trash Manager

                       System Administration

                             Control Panel

                             Global Configuration Manager

                             User Manager

                             Menu Manager

                             Extension Manager

                             Module Manager

                             Plugin Manager

                             Mail Manager

                             Mass Mail Manager

                             Global Check-In

                             System Info

                       Backing Up the Joomla! Installation

                             Backing Up Through phpMyAdmin

                             Restoring the Backup

                             Backing Up from MySQL Administrator

                             Backing Up from the Linux Command Line

                             File Backup


                       Writable Directories


CHAPTER 6 Creating Your Own Templates

                       Quickstart to Creating a Hello Joomla! Template

                             Creating the Hello Joomla! Template Files

                             Adding a Module and a Component to Hello Joomla!

                       Modifying an Existing Template

                       Creating Templates with Web Editors

                             WYSIWYG Editors

                             Program Editors

                       Creating a Real Template

                             Pieces of the Puzzle: Template Structure

                             Step-by-Step Template Creation

                             Template Installation

                             Template Previews

                       Validating Template Code


CHAPTER 7 Joomla! Extensions

                       The Difference Between Modules, Components, and Plug-Ins

                             Plug-Ins: The Most Advanced Extensions

                             Components and Modules

                       Module Types

                       Default Site Modules

                             Wrapper (mod_wrapper)

                             Random Image (mod_random_image)

                             Banners Module and Advertisement Module (mod_banners)

                             Breadcrumbs (mod_breadcrumbs)

                             Syndication (mod_syndicate)

                             Feed Display (mod_feed)

                             Main Menu, Key Concepts, User Menu, Example Pages, Top Menu, and Resources Modules (mod_mainmenu)

                       Administrator Modules

                       Site Components

                             Banners Component

                             Contacts Component

                             Newsfeeds Component

                             Polls Component

                             Weblinks Component

                       Site Plug-Ins


CHAPTER 8 Web Community Features

                       A Site Profile

                             Profiling a Site Visitor

                             Looking at Your Community

                             Considering How Much Interaction Your Site Requires

                             Making Your Site a Home for Other Groups

                             Using the Community to Retarget Your Site

                       Joomla! Technology for Building Web Communities

                             Subscribing to Newsfeeds

                             Allowing User Rating of Articles

                             Adding Polls

                             Adding a Guestbook

                             Allowing User Comments

                             Implementing an Event Calendar

                             Creating an Active Forum/Discussion Board

                             Adding a Suggestion Box

                             Using Community Builder


CHAPTER 9 Site Statistics

                       Web Analytics

                             Parsing Web Logs

                             Page Tagging

                       Standalone Log Analysis Packages



                       Joomla! Extensions

                       Google Analytics

                             Page Tag Code

                             Google Analytics Reports


CHAPTER 10 Photo Gallery

                         FTP Server for Gallery Management

                               Activating a Linux FTP Server

                               Activating the Mac OS FTP Server

                               Installing FileZilla Server on Windows

                         Phoca Gallery

                               Downloading and Installing Phoca Gallery

                               Configuring Phoca Gallery

                               Managing Phoca Gallery

                               Creating a Menu for the Component

                               Phoca Gallery Front-End


                               Downloading and Installing Gallery2

                               Configuring Gallery2

                         Using Gallery2 from Within Joomla!

                               Installing Gallery2 Bridge

                               Other Gallery2 Plug-Ins


CHAPTER 11 Joomla! E-commerce

                         VirtueMart: The Joomla! Store

                               System Requirements

                               Download Options

                         Creating a Virtual Store

                               VirtueMart Control Panel

                               Tax Configuration

                               Global Configuration

                               Configuring the Store

                               Creating Categories

                               Creating Products

                               VirtueMart and Secure Sockets Layer

                               Payment Options

                               Shopper Groups and User Management

                               Managing Manufacturers/Brands

                               Shipping Module

                               Order Management


CHAPTER 12 Search Engine Optimization and Joomla!

                         SEO on a Joomla! Site

                               Configuring Joomla! to Be Search Engine–Friendly

                               Using Titles, Meta Descriptions, and Keywords



                               Creating an SEF Joomla! Template

                         General Techniques

                               Problems of JavaScript, Flash, and Ajax

                               HTML-to-Text Ratio

                               Spidering Your Own Site

                               Checking Page Rank

                               Keyword-Rich Content

                               Preventing Content Listing

                               Linking Strategy

                               Avoid Keyword Spamming


CHAPTER 13 Creating Extensions

                         Writing a Front-End Module

                               Structure of the Module

                               The mod_hellofrom XML Descriptor File

                               The PHP Code File

                         Writing a Missing Metadata Administrator Module

                               Creating the XML Descriptor

                               Creating the Module File

                         Structure of the Suggestion Box Component

                               The XML Descriptor File

                               The PHP Code File

                               Installing the Component



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