

  1. Alternate function

  2. Alternate Function Input Output (AFIO)

  3. AMBA High-performance Bus (AHB)

    1. APB1 and APB2 peripherals

    2. description

    3. rcc_clock_setup_in_hse_8mhz_out_72mhz()

    4. rcc_set_mco()

    5. STM32F103C8T6 frequencies, 72 MHz SYSCLK

    6. timers

  4. Analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

    1. analog inputs PA0 and PA1

    2. analog voltages

    3. computing temperature

      1. datasheet

      2. degrees_C100() function

      3. STM32F103C8T6 documentation

      4. STM32F103x8 and STM32F103xB devices

    4. demo_task() function

    5. directory

    6. exercises

    7. minicom

    8. modes

    9. peripheral configuration

    10. prescaler

    11. reading

    12. sample time

    13. STM32F103C8T6 resources

    14. voltage reference

  5. Analog voltages

    1. ADC inputs PA0 and PA1, potentiometers

    2. linear 10-kohm potentiometer

  6. ARM cross compiler

    1. gcc

    2. packages

    3. PATH variable

    4. toolchain prefix

  7. ARM devices


  1. BINARY macro

  2. Black Pill PCB

  3. blinky2 program

    1. clobber

    2. execution

    3. FreeRTOSConfig.h

    4. LED blinking

    5. main.c file

    6. vApplicationStackOverflowHook()

  4. Blue Pill PCB

  5. Blue Pill USB

    1. D+ line, 1.5-kohm pullup resistance

    2. D+ line, 10-kohm pullup resistance

    3. 1.8-kohm resistor

    4. STM32 to MacBook Pro

  6. Breadboard


  1. Capacitors

  2. Clock tree

    1. AHB

SeeAMBA High-performance Bus (AHB
  1. asynchronous logic circuit

  2. crystal oscillators

  3. exercises

  4. HSE demo

  5. HSI demo

  6. oscillator power

  7. PLL ÷ 2 demo

  8. RC oscillators

  9. real-time clock

  10. STM32F103C8T6

  11. STM32 oscillator notation

  12. SYSCLK

SeeSystem clock (SYSCLK
  1. watchdog clock

  1. Controller area network (CAN) bus

    1. arbitration

    2. application receiving

      1. data message s_canmsg

      2. message processing

    3. can_init()

    4. car model

    5. demonstration

      1. breadboard setup

      2. engine control unit

      3. hookup

      4. MCU

      5. messages

      6. software directory

      7. synchronicity

      8. UART interface

    6. dominant logic level

    7. driver signal

    8. exercises

    9. filters

    10. high-speed linear

    11. initialization

    12. interrupts

    13. message format

    14. recessive logic level

    15. sending messages

    16. SOF bit

    17. STM32 limitation

  2. Crystal oscillators

  3. Cygwin


  1. Development framework

  2. Direct memory access (DMA) controller

    1. challenges

    2. circuit

    3. demonstration

      1. challenges

      2. ISR routine

      3. launching DMA

      4. main() program changes

      5. menu items

      6. meter.c module

      7. OLED SPI/DMA management task

      8. one-time DMA initialization

      9. pummel test

      10. source code

      11. spi_dma_xmit_pixmap() function

    4. destination

    5. DMA1 channels

    6. exercises

    7. FreeRTOS task mechanism

    8. memory locations

    9. memory-to-memory transfer

    10. phases

    11. SPI1_TX request

    12. STM32F103C8T6 MCU

    13. transfer cycle, events

  3. Dominant logic state

  4. Ducks-in-a-row

    1. digital outputs, push/pull mode

    2. GPIO inputs

    3. open-drain output

  5. DuPont wires


  1. Embedded systems

  2. Engine control units (ECUs)

  3. ENTRY keyword

  4. Event loop model

  5. EXTI controller

    1. configuration

    2. GPIO ports

    3. rtc_alarm_isr() routine


  1. fee() function

  2. fie()function

  3. Flash memory

  4. FreeRTOS

    1. create tasks

    2. event groups

    3. event loop model

    4. exercises

    5. FreeRTOSConfig.h

    6. macro prefixes

    7. message queues

    8. mutexes

    9. naming convention

    10. preemptive multitasking

    11. prefix characters

    12. queues

    13. required modules

    14. rtos/heap_4.c

    15. rtos/opencm3.c

    16. semaphores

    17. source code

    18. subdirectory

    19. task notification

    20. task scheduling

    21. timers

  5. FTDI


  1. General Motors Local Area Network (GMLAN)

  2. Gnu GDB debugger

    1. description

    2. remote

    3. server

    4. text user interface

  3. GPIO

    1. analog input

    2. characteristics

      1. capabilities

      2. input voltage thresholds

      3. output voltage thresholds

    3. clock

    4. configuration

    5. digital input

    6. exercises

    7. general mode

    8. gpio_set_mode()

    9. I/O configuration

    10. libopencm3

    11. output ports

    12. programmed delays

    13. remainder

  4. Ground connection


  1. HP 6284A power supply

I, J, K

  1. I2C software

    1. configuration

    2. read function

    3. restart

    4. start function

    5. testing I2C ready

    6. write function

  2. Independent watchdog (IWDG)

  3. Inter-integrated circuit (I2C)

    1. address

    2. communication lines

    3. data bits

    4. data signal

    5. demo circuit

      1. EXTI interrupt

      2. LEDs and push button

    6. demo program

    7. demo session

    8. exercises

    9. master and slave devices

    10. PCF8574 configuration

      1. driving higher-current loads

      2. GPIO extender

      3. INT line

      4. NXP Semiconductors

      5. quasi-bidirectional design of GPIO

      6. simplified GPIO circuit

      7. wave shaping

    11. Phillips Semiconductor

    12. power supply and ground connections

    13. start and stop

    14. STM32 attached to PCF8574P devices

    15. transactions

    16. voltage level

  4. Interrupt service routines (ISR)

  5. ISR FreeRTOS crash


  1. libopencm3

    1. git clone command

    2. solutions

  2. Linux

  3. Linux USB serial device

  4. Load addresses


  1. Mac Homebrew

  2. MacOS USB serial device

  3. Male-to-male DuPont wires

  4. Microcontroller unit (MCU)

  5. miniblink subdirectory

    1. flash device

    2. make clobber

    3. source program file

  6. Mutual-exclusion devices (mutexes)


  1. NOCROSSREFS keyword


  1. One power source rule

  2. Open-drain mode

  3. Open sourced tools and libraries

  4. Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display

    1. AFIO

    2. configuration

    3. connections

    4. demo circuit, SPI

    5. demonstration

    6. description

    7. DMA controller

SeeDirect memory access (DMA) controller
  1. exercises

  2. graphics

    1. configuration

    2. demo project

    3. drawing lines, circles, and rectangles

    4. function pointer

    5. github

    6. meter_init()

    7. meter_redraw()

    8. meter_set_value()

    9. meter_update()

    10. monochrome

    11. oled_command()

    12. oled_data()

    13. oled_init()

    14. oled_reset()

    15. pixmap

    16. pixmap writing

    17. uGUI functions

  3. I2C vs. SPI

  4. pixels, yellow/blue

  5. SSD1306 controller

  1. Oscillator power

  2. Overlays

    1. .elf file

    2. ENTRY keyword

    3. execution

    4. exercises

    5. fee() function

    6. fee() stub function

    7. fie() function

    8. linker symbols

    9. load addresses

    10. manager function

    11. MEMORY section

    12. NOCROSSREFS keyword

    13. PROVIDE keyword

    14. relocation

    15. sections

    16. shell commands

    17. struct s_overlay

    18. stub function

    19. USB terminal I/O

    20. VMAs

    21. Winbond demo project

    22. W25Q32

      1. ascii

      2. dump page

      3. hex file

      4. menu

      5. minicom

      6. option flags

      7. project directory

P, Q

  1. PCF8574 GPIO extender

  2. Peripheral devices

  3. Power supply

  4. Preemptive multitasking

  5. Project creation

    1. compile options

    2. exercises

    3. flashing 128k

    4. FreeRTOS

  1. header dependencies

  2. Makefile

    1. default project

    2. included

    3. macro BINARY

    4. macro CLOBBER

    5. macro DEPS

    6. macro LDSCRIPT

    7. macro SRCFILES

  3. myproj

  4. rookie mistakes

  5. subdirectory

  6. user libraries

  1. PROVIDE keyword

  2. PWM with Timer2

    1. channels

    2. configuration

    3. demonstration loop

    4. exercises

    5. features

    6. GPIO

    7. 30 Hz cycle

    8. interface circuit

    9. operating mode

    10. PB3

    11. prescaler

    12. requirements

    13. signals

    14. timer launch

  3. PWM with Timer 4

    1. configuration

    2. demonstration

    3. exercises

    4. GPIO configuration

    5. inputs

    6. ISR routine

    7. session output

    8. task1 demo loop

    9. voltages


  1. Raspberry Pi

  2. RC oscillators

  3. Real-time clock (RTC)

    1. configuration

      1. clock source

      2. counter value

      3. flags

      4. prescaler

    2. demonstration

      1. alarm-triggering code

      2. console task

      3. projects

      4. rtc_isr() method

      5. running

      6. UART1 connections

      7. UART or USB

    3. exercises

    4. HSE, LSE, and LSI

    5. interrupt and setup

    6. interrupt service routine

    7. mutexes

    8. rtc_alarm_isr()

      1. EXTI controller

      2. RTC global interrupt

    9. servicing interrupts

    10. STM32F1 platform, interrupts

    11. task notification

  4. Real-time operating system (RTOS)

  5. Recessive logic level

  6. Red Pill PCB

  7. Regulator

  8. Reset circuit

  9. Rookie mistakes

  10. Rremote transmission request (RTR) flag

  11. RTC control register (RTC_CRL)


  1. Semaphores

  2. Serial adapter

  3. Serial peripheral interface (SPI)

    1. chip select

    2. definition

    3. demonstration

      1. build program

      2. exit

      3. manufacturer ID

      4. minicom set up

      5. power down

      6. running

      7. Save setup

      8. Serial port setup

      9. STM32 device

    4. exercises

    5. hardware /NSS control

      1. Captain Obvious

      2. digital electronics

      3. DIP package, W25Q32

      4. multi-master mode

      5. ST documentation

      6. STM32 wired up to W25Q32/W25Q64

      7. timespan

    6. SCK

    7. shift registers

    8. single master to single slave

    9. W25QXX chips

    10. Winbond chip

    11. wiring and voltages

  4. SIP-9 resistor

  5. SPI I/O

    1. flash erase

      1. chip-erase code

      2. clusters, data storage

      3. w25_erase_block()

      4. W25QXX chips

    2. reading flash

    3. read manufacturer ID

    4. read SR1

    5. spi_xfer() function

    6. wait ready function

    7. Winbond W25Q32

    8. Write Enable Latch

  6. Stack overflow

  7. st-flash utility

    1. blink image file

    2. erase flash memory

    3. reading

  8. ST-Link V2

    1. programmer hookup diagram

    2. programming unit

    3. st-info command

    4. USB extension cable

  9. STM32F103C8T6

    1. breadboard

    2. CAN communications

    3. factors

    4. part number

    5. PCB

    6. peripherals

  10. STM32F103x8 and STM32F103xB datasheet

  11. STM32F108C8T6, LED blinking

  12. STM32 SPI configuration

    1. clock polarity and phase

    2. clock rate

    3. DSO trace of SCK and /CS

    4. endianess and word length

    5. GPIO pins

    6. main program initialization

    7. spi_setup()

  13. Stub function

  14. Subdirectory

    1. create

    2. FreeRTOS

    3. libopencm3

    4. ~/stm32f103c8t6/rtos/

  15. System clock signal (SCK)

  16. System clock (SYSCLK)

    1. clock sources

    2. clock tree

    3. HSE and PLL

    4. HSI and PLL

    5. simplified diagram

    6. STM32F103C8T6 AHB frequencies

    7. USB

  17. Systick interrupt


  1. Troubleshooting

    1. alternate function fail

    2. debugger

    3. FreeRTOS

      1. idle task

      2. libopencm3

      3. lower-priority tasks

      4. multi-tasking

      5. Ready or Running state

    4. Gnu GDB

SeeGnu GDB debugger
  1. ISR FreeRTOS crash

  2. peripheral defects

  3. peripheral fail

  4. peripheral GPIO trouble

  5. push-pull/open-drain

  6. resources

    1. libopencm3

    2. power consumption

    3. “STM32F103x8 STM32F103xB PDF” document

  7. stack overflow

  8. stack size estimation


  1. 0.1 uF bypass capacitors

  2. Universal Serial Bus (USB)

    1. control structures

    2. definition

    3. exercises

    4. GPIO

    5. Linux

    6. MacOS

    7. MCU source code

    8. pipes and endpoints

    9. serial demo

    10. serial device

    11. sound-recording device

    12. source code

      1. cdcacm_data_rx_cb()

      2. cdcacm_set_config()

      3. cdc_control_request()

      4. receiving

      5. sending

      6. usb_getc()

      7. usb_putc()

      8. usb_ start()

      9. usb_task()

    13. Windows

  3. Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART)

    1. clocks

    2. configuration

    3. data bits

    4. DMA

    5. ducks-in-a-row

    6. exercises

    7. flow control macros

    8. FreeRTOS

  1. GPIO-controlled LED

  2. include files

  3. input/output/status

  4. interrupts

  5. operation mode macros

  6. parity macros

  7. project uart

    1. function task1()

    2. function uart_putc()

    3. main program uart.c

    4. setup code, UART1

  8. project uart2

    1. demo_task()

    2. source module uart.c

    3. uart_puts()

    4. uart_setup()

    5. uart_task()

    6. uart_task() and demo_task()

    7. xTaskCreate()

  9. status flag bit macros

  10. STM32F103C8T6 device

  11. stop bit macros

  12. UART peripherals

    1. asynchronous data

    2. differences

    3. STM32F103

    4. synchronous communication

  13. USB TTL serial adapters

SeeUSB TTL serial adapters
  1. USB power

  2. USB TTL serial adapters

    1. cable

    2. FTDI drivers

    3. guidelines

    4. hookup

    5. microcontrollers

    6. project uart

    7. RS-232

    8. terminal program

    9. 5-volt-tolerant inputs


  1. Virtual memory address (VMA)

  2. +3.3V regulator

  3. +5V regulator


  1. W25QXX chips

  2. Watchdog clock

  3. Winbond demo project

  4. Windows USB serial device

X, Y, Z

  1. XC6204 series regulator

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