image JOE FAWCETT (http://joe.fawcett.name) has been writing software, on and off, for forty years. He was one of the first people to be awarded the accolade of Most Valuable Professional in XML by Microsoft. Joe is head of software development for Kaplan Financial UK in London, which specializes in training people in business and accountancy and has one of the leading accountancy e-learning systems in the UK. This is the third title for Wrox that he has written in addition to the previous editions of this book.

image LIAM QUIN (http://www.holoweb.net/~liam) is in charge of the XML work at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). He has been involved with markup languages and text since the early 1980s, and was involved with XML from its inception. He has a background in computer science and digital typography, and also maintains a website dedicated to the love of books and illustrations at www.fromoldbooks.org. He lives on an old farm near Milford, in rural Ontario, Canada.

image DANNY AYERS (http://dannyayers.com) is an independent researcher and developer of Web technologies, primarily those related to linked data. He has been an XML enthusiast since its early days. His background is in electronic music, although this interest has taken a back seat since the inception of the Web. Offline, he’s also an amateur woodcarver. Originally from the UK, he now lives in rural Tuscany with two dogs and two cats.

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