Chapter 15



  • Why SOAP can provide more flexibility than previous RPC protocols
  • How to format SOAP messages
  • When to use GET versus POST in an HTTP request
  • What SOAP intermediaries are
  • How to describe a service using WSDL
  • The difference between SOAP styles

In Chapter 14 you learned about web services and how they work toward enabling disparate systems to communicate. You can now see that if everyone just chose their own formats in which to send messages back and forth, interoperability would be quite difficult, so a standard format is a must. XML-RPC is good for remote procedure calls, but otherwise limited. SOAP overcomes that problem by enabling rich XML documents to be transferred easily between systems, even allowing for the possibility of attachments. Of course, this flexibility means that you need a way to describe your SOAP messages, and that’s where Web Services Description Language (WSDL) comes in. WSDL provides a standard way to describe where and how to make requests to a SOAP-based service.

In this chapter you take your knowledge of web services a step further by creating a simple web service using a method called REST (covered in the previous chapter). You’ll expand your horizons by creating a SOAP service and accessing it via SOAP messages, describing it using WSDL so that other developers can make use of it if desired.


Any web services project requires planning, so before you jump into installing software and creating files, take a moment to look at what you’re trying to accomplish. Ultimately, you want to send and receive SOAP messages, and describe them using WSDL. To do that, you need the following in place:

  • The client: In the previous chapter, you created an XML-RPC client in Internet Explorer. This chapter uses a lot of the same techniques to create a SOAP client.
  • The server: You create two kinds of SOAP services in this chapter, and they both use ASP.NET. Both use standard .aspx pages, rather than .NET’s specialized .asmx page or the more modern Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). There are two reasons for not using the built-in web services tools. First, coding by hand ensures that you see how it works, and more importantly, you learn how to diagnose problems in real-life situations. Second, if you want to use these techniques in other languages, it’s easier to port the code when it’s not hidden by .NET’s web service abstraction layer.

The examples in this chapter are all developed with Visual Studio. If you don’t have the full version you can use Visual Studio Express Web Edition, which you can download free from See the Introduction of this book for more details on downloading Visual Studio.

Many of the examples in this chapter require a basic web server. The link in the preceding section, in addition to being used to download Visual Studio Express, actually leads to the Web Platform Installer, which you can also use to install a wide variety of software concerned with web development. One item is IIS Express, a slimmed-down version of Microsoft’s Internet Information Server, which integrates nicely with Visual Studio. If you are not running a web server from your machine already, the easiest way to run the examples is to download this as well and, when you create a web service, right-click the project and choose the Use IIS Express option.


According to the W3C SOAP specification at, SOAP is “a lightweight protocol for exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed environment.” Although many would argue about the lightweight part of that statement, SOAP is a standard way to send information from one computer to another using XML to represent the information.

SOAP originally stood for Simple Object Access Protocol, but because most people found it anything but simple, and it’s not limited to object access, it is now officially a name rather than an acronym, so it doesn’t stand for anything. You can find information on the current version of SOAP (SOAP 1.2 at the time of this writing) at

In a nutshell, the SOAP recommendation defines a protocol whereby all information sent from computer to computer is marked up in XML, with the information transmitted, in most cases, via HTTP or HTTPS.

image NOTE Technically, SOAP messages don’t have to be sent via HTTP. Any networking protocol, such as SMTP or FTP, could be used, but for the reasons discussed in the previous chapter, in practice HTTP(S) has remained the only way that SOAP messages are transmitted in practical applications.

Following is a list of advantages that SOAP has over other protocols such as DCOM or Java RMI:

image NOTE DCOM and Java RMI are forerunners of SOAP and were both designed to solve the same problem: how to call methods of a class that resides on a remote machine and make the results available to the local machine. You can find a good tutorial about these techniques at

  • It’s platform-, language-, and vendor-neutral: Because SOAP is implemented using XML and (usually) HTTP, it is easy to process and send SOAP requests in any language, on any platform, without having to depend on tools from a particular vendor.
  • It’s easy to implement: SOAP was designed to be less complex than the other protocols. Even if it has moved away from simplicity in recent years, a SOAP server can still be implemented using nothing more than a web server and an ASP page or a CGI script.
  • It’s firewall-safe: Assuming that you use HTTP as your network protocol, you can pass SOAP messages across a firewall without having to perform extensive configuration.

SOAP also has a few disadvantages that have led people to search for other methods. The three main disadvantages are as follows:

  • SOAP and traditional web services have become more and more complicated as time has progressed.
  • The size of the messages is quite large in many cases compared to the actual payload.
  • Although it is supposed to be a standard, you will still find interoperability issues between SOAP-based services implemented in, for example, Java and those written in .NET.

It’s these sorts of problems that have led to the adoption of such techniques as JSON, which are discussed in Chapters 16 and 17.

Even though SOAP is not without its faults, it is still has the advantages of working across platforms and can be used from a large number of clients. It also has the flexibility to represent complex messages, and can cope with situations where the processing of these messages requires them to pass along a chain of computers, rather than just a simple client to server journey. None of the other services that are in common use, such as REST or JSON, can compete on all these features. For this reason, SOAP is likely to be around for quite some time and is definitely a technology worth learning if you want to develop distributed systems.

Before you start creating SOAP messages though, you need to look at the process of creating an RPC server that receives a request and sends back a response. The following example begins with a fairly simple procedure to write: one that takes a unit price and quantity and returns the appropriate discount along with the total price.

TRY IT OUT: Creating an RPC Server with ASP.NET
To begin, you create a simple ASP.NET page that accepts two numbers, evaluates them, and returns the results in XML. It won’t be a fully-fledged SOAP service for reasons discussed later, but it contains a similar architecture. Later, you convert it to a full SOAP XML service.
1. Open Visual Studio and choose File image New image Website. Choose an ASP.NET Empty Website from the C# section and open the BasicOrderService folder. The empty website uses a file-based site to begin with, which you can convert to use IIS Express later if desired.
2. Right-click the project and choose Add New Item. Add a new Web Form named GetTotal.aspx and make sure the Place Code In A Separate File checkbox is checked. If the new page doesn’t open automatically, open it in the editor.
3. Remove all the content from the page except the declaration at the top and add a new attribute, ContentType, with a value of text/xml. The page should now look like the following, although the code will all be on one line:
<%@ Page Language=”C#” AutoEventWireup=”true”
    CodeFile=”GetTotal.aspx.cs” Inherits=”GetTotal” ContentType=”text/xml” %>
4. Save the page, right-click it in the Solution Explorer, and choose Set as Start Page.
5. Right-click in the body of the page and choose View Code. Replace the code you see with the code in Listing 15-1.

imageLISTING 15-1: GetTotal.aspx.cs

using System;
using System.Xml.Linq;
public partial class GetTotal : System.Web.UI.Page
  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string clientXml = string.Empty;
      double unitPrice = Convert.ToDouble(Request.QueryString[“unitPrice”]);
      int quantity = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString[“quantity”]);
      double discount = GetQuantityDiscount(quantity);
      double basicTotal = GetBasicTotal(unitPrice, quantity);
      double finalTotal = basicTotal * (1 - discount);
      clientXml = GetSuccessXml(finalTotal, discount * 100);
    catch (Exception ex)
      clientXml = GetErrorXml(ex);
    XElement doc = XElement.Parse(clientXml);
  private double GetBasicTotal(double unitPrice, int quantity)
    return unitPrice * quantity;
  private double GetQuantityDiscount(int quantity)
    if (quantity < 6) return 0;
    if (quantity < 11) return 0.05;
    if (quantity < 51) return 0.1;
    return 0.2;
  private string GetSuccessXml(double totalPrice, double discount)
    string clientXml = “<GetTotalResponse><Discount>{0}</Discount>”
                     + “<TotalPrice>{1}</TotalPrice></GetTotalResponse>”;
    return string.Format(clientXml, Convert.ToString(discount),
  private string GetErrorXml(Exception ex)
    string clientXml = “<Error><Reason>{0}</Reason></Error>”;
    return string.Format(clientXml, ex.Message);
The page is called with two values in the query string: unitPrice and quantity. The total price is calculated by multiplying the two values, and then a discount is applied. The discount depends on the quantity, and applies when the user requests more than five items. The results are returned in XML.
6. Test the page by right-clicking the project in the Solution Explorer and choosing View in Browser. When your browser appears, it should show a listing of the project files. Click on the link for GetTotal.aspx and then modify the URL in the browser address bar so it is: GetTotal.aspx?unitprice=20&quantity=6 and press Enter. You should see XML similar to that shown in Figure 15-1. If invalid values are entered, such as a quantity of q, you should see the result shown in Figure 15-2.
How It Works
This page pulls two values from the query string, converts them to numbers, and performs two actions. First, it requests a quantity discount using GetQuantityDiscount(), and then the page multiplies the two original numbers using GetBasicTotal(). Next, it returns the results as XML by loading a string of XML into an XmlDocument and saving to the Response.OutputStream. If either of the two values isn’t numeric, meaning they can’t be multiplied together, a different XML document is returned to the client, indicating a problem. This method of saving to the output stream is better than alternatives such as using Response.Write, because it preserves the character encoding that may be used in the document, whereas Response.Write always treats the content as UTF-16.
Note that this ASP.NET page isn’t limited to being called from a browser. For example, you could load the XML directly and then retrieve the numbers from it, as in this VB.NET example:
Sub Main()
  Dim doc = new XDocument.Load
    If doc.Root.Name = “Error” Then
        MsgBox (“Unable to perform calculation”)
    End If
End Sub
You pass a URL, including the query string, to the Load() method, and then check the results. If the root element is named Error, you know something went wrong. Otherwise, you can get the results using an LINQ to XML expression. (See the last section in Chapter 12 for more on how these work.)

Comparing SOAP to REST

Technically speaking, what you just did in the preceding activity isn’t actually a SOAP transaction, but maybe not for the reasons you might think. The issue isn’t that you sent a URL rather than a SOAP message to make the request; SOAP actually defines just such a transaction. The problem is that the response wasn’t actually a SOAP message.

Take a look at the output:


This doesn’t conform to the structure of a SOAP message (as you’ll see in the following section), but it is still a well-formed XML message and a perfectly valid way of creating a web service.

One of the main objections to SOAP is its complexity, and because of this many have looked for alternatives. One of the main contenders is known as REST which stands for REpresentational State Transfer. REST is based on the idea that any piece of information on the World Wide Web should be addressable via a URL. In this case, that URL included a query string with parameter information. REST also dictates that operations other than straightforward retrieval of information (deleting an item, for example) should ideally be instigated via the corresponding HTTP verb. So to delete a resource you send an HTTP DELETE request and pass the relevant URL rather than the use the normal HTTP GET.

REST is growing in popularity as people discover that it is, in many ways, much easier to use than SOAP. After all, you don’t have to create an outgoing XML message, and you don’t have to figure out how to POST it, as demonstrated in the previous chapter.

All of this begs the question: If REST is so much easier, why use SOAP at all? Aside from the fact that in some cases the request data is difficult or impossible to provide as a URL, the answer lies in the fundamental architecture of the Web. You submitted this request as a GET, which means that any parameters were part of the URL and not the body of the message. If you were to remain true to the way the Web is supposed to be constructed, GET requests are only for actions that have no side effects, such as making changes to a database. That means you could use this method for getting information, but you couldn’t use it for, say, placing an order, because the act of making that request changes something on the server.

When SOAP was still growing in popularity, some developers insisted that REST was better because it was simpler. SOAP 1.2 ends the controversy by adopting a somewhat RESTful stance, making it possible to use an HTTP GET request to send information and parameters and in turn receive a SOAP response. You’ll see this combination in action later, but first you should look at how SOAP itself works.

Basic SOAP Messages

As mentioned before, SOAP messages are basically XML documents, usually sent across HTTP. Following are the specifications that SOAP requires:

  • Rules regarding how the message should be sent: Although the SOAP specification says that any network protocol can be used, specific rules are included in the specification for HTTP because that’s the protocol most people use.
  • The overall structure of the XML that is sent: This is called the envelope. Any information to be sent back and forth over SOAP is contained within this envelope, and is known as the payload.
  • Rules regarding how data is represented in this XML: These are called the encoding rules.

When you send data to a SOAP server, the data must be represented in a particular way so that the server can understand it. The SOAP 1.2 specification outlines a simple XML document type, which is used for all SOAP messages. The basic structure of that document is as follows:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=””>
    <head-ns:someHeaderElem xmlns:head-ns=”some URI”
                            env:mustUnderstand=”true OR false”
                            env:relay=”true OR false”
                            env:role=”some URI”/>
  <soap:Body encodingStyle=””>
    <some-ns:someElem xmlns:some-ns=”some URI”/>
    <!-- OR -->
       <soap:Value>Specified values</soap:Value>
         <soap:Value>Specified values</soap:Value>
       <soap:Text xml:lang=”en-US”>English text</soap:Text>
       <v:Text xml:lang=”fr”>Texte francais</soap:Text>
       <!-- Application specific information -->

Only three main elements are involved in a SOAP message itself (unless something goes wrong): <Envelope>, <Header>, and <Body>, and starting in version 1.2 of SOAP, a number of error-related elements. Of these elements, only <Envelope> and <Body> are mandatory; <Header> is optional, and <Fault> and its child elements are required only when an error occurs. In addition, all of the attributes (encodingStyle, mustUnderstand, and so on) are optional. The following sections take a closer look at these elements and the various attributes.


Other than the fact that it resides in SOAP’s envelope namespace (, the <Envelope> element doesn’t really need any explanation. It simply provides the root element for the XML document and is usually used to include any namespace declarations.


The <Body> element contains the main body of the SOAP message. The actual RPC calls are made using direct children of the <Body> element (which are called body blocks). For example, consider the following:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:env=””>
       <o:AddToCart xmlns:o=””>

In this case, you’re making one RPC call, to a procedure called AddToCart, in the namespace. (You can add multiple calls to a single message, if necessary.) The AddToCart procedure takes four parameters: CartId, Item, Quantity, and TotalPrice. Direct child elements of the <soap:Body> element must reside in a namespace other than the SOAP namespace. This namespace is what the SOAP server uses to uniquely identify this procedure so that it knows what code to run. When the procedure is done running, the server uses the HTTP response to send back a SOAP message. The <soap:Body> of that message might look similar to this:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=””>
    <o:AddToCartResponse xmlns:o=””>

The response is just another SOAP message, using an XML structure similar to the request, in that it has a Body in an Envelope, with the relevant information included as the payload.

Encoding Style

Usually, in the realm of XML, when you talk about encoding, you’re talking about esoteric aspects of passing text around, but in the SOAP world, encoding is pretty straightforward. It simply refers to the way in which you represent the data. These examples use SOAP-style encoding, which means you’re using plain-old elements and text, with maybe an attribute or two thrown in. You can let an application know that’s what you’re doing by adding the optional encodingStyle attribute, as shown here:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=””>
  <soap:Body soap:encodingStyle=””>
    <o:AddToCartResponse xmlns:o=””>

This distinguishes it from other encodings, such as RDF, shown in the following code:

image NOTE RDF stands for Resource Description Framework, a protocol used to represent information on the Web. It is a W3C Recommendation, and the full details are available at

<soap:Envelope xmlns: soap=””>
    <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=””

The information is the same, but it’s represented, or encoded, differently. You can also create your own encoding, but of course if your goal is interoperability, you need to use a standard encoding style. In the preceding example env:encodingStyle is an attribute of the <rdf:RDF> element, but it could equally well have appeared on the <soap:Body>. In general, the attribute can appear anywhere and applies to all descendants of the element on which it appears, as well as the element itself. This means that different parts of the same SOAP message can use different encodings if needed.

You’ve now seen the core components of SOAP and how they fit together. It’s now time to put this into practice and see how a SOAP web service uses the elements, such as <soap:Envelope> and <soap:Body>, to wrap the request and response messages. This turns a web service into a SOAP web service.

The previous Try It Out presented almost all of the benefits of SOAP. It works easily with a firewall, and all the information is passed over HTTP in XML, meaning you could implement your remote procedure using any language, on any platform, and you can call it from any language, on any platform. However, the solution is still a little proprietary. To make the procedure more universal, you need to go one step further and use a SOAP envelope for your XML.

TRY IT OUT: GETting a SOAP Message
This example still uses a GET request, but rather than return the raw XML, it is enclosed in a SOAP envelope, like so:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=””>
    <GetTotalResponse xmlns=””>
In this case, you’ll also send the request and receive the response through an HTML form:
1. Create an HTML file in the text editor and save it as soaptester.html in a virtual folder. If you tried the previous example, just store the file in the same directory, BasicOrderService.
2. Add the HTML in Listing 15-2 to SoapTester.html.

imageLISTING 15-2: SoapTester.html

  <title>SOAP Tester</title>
  <!-- script will go here -->
<body onload=”init();”>
    Soap Pricing Tool</h3>
  <form name=”orderForm”>
  <select name=”lstItems” id=”lstItems” style=”width: 350px”
    <option value=”10.50” id=”item1” selected>
      Cool Britannia, by The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band</option>
    <option value=”12.95” id=”item2”>
      Zibka Smiles, by The Polka Dot Zither Band</option>
    <option value=”20.00” id=”item3”>
      Dr Frankenstein's Disco Party, by Jonny Wakelin</option>
    Unit price:<input type=”text”
                 name=”txtUnitPrice” id=”txtUnitPrice”
                 size=”6” readonly><br>
    <input type=”text”
      name=”txtQuantity” id=”txtQuantity”
  <input type=”button” value=”Get Price” onclick=”doGet()”><br>
  Discount (%):<input type=”text” id=”txtDiscount”
                  name=”txtDiscount” size=”4” readonly><br>
  Total price:<input type=”text” id=”txtTotalPrice”
                 name=”txtTotalPrice” size=”6” readonly>
The form has a drop-down box to pick an item; this sets the price in the first textbox. The user then chooses the quantity and clicks the button. You have two read-only textboxes for the output: txtDiscount and txtTotalPrice (see Figure 15-3).
3. Add the script that’s going to make the call to the SOAP server to the SoapTester.html file:
image <head>
  <title>SOAP Tester</title>
  <script type=”text/javascript”
  <script type=”text/javascript”>
    function doGet()
      var dUnitPrice = $(“#txtUnitPrice”).val();
      var iQuantity = $(“#txtQuantity”).val();
      var sBaseUrl = “GetTotal2.aspx”;
      var sQuery = “?unitprice=” + dUnitPrice + “&quantity=” + iQuantity;
      var sRequest = sBaseUrl + sQuery;
      $.get(sRequest, null, handleGetTotalResponse, “xml”);
    function handleGetTotalResponse(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
      if (textStatus == “success”)
        var oBody = $(“[nodeName=soap:Body]”, jqXHR.responseXML);
        var dDiscount = oBody.find(“[nodeName=Discount]”).text();
        var dTotalPrice = oBody.find(“[nodeName=TotalPrice]”).text();
        if (!dDiscount)
          var oError = $(“[nodeName=Error]”, jqXHR.responseXML);
          if (oError)
            var sErrorMessage = oError.find(“[nodeName=Reason]”).text();
            alert(“Unreadable error message.”);
        showResults(dDiscount, dTotalPrice);
        alert(“Error accessing web service.”);
    function showResults(discount, totalPrice)
    function setPriceAndQuantity()
    function init()


The first script is the jQuery library that is used to make getting the values of elements easier, and to make a background request to the web service to retrieve the discounted price. This code is in the doGet() function. The handleGetTotalResponse() function uses jQuery’s XML parsing features to load the received request and look for a <soap:Body> element, and from there, the <Discount> and <TotalPrice> elements. If it can’t find these, it treats the response as an error and shows the value of the <Reason> element. The script contains two other functions. setPriceAndQuantity() populates txtUnitPrice with the price of the selected item and resets the quantity to 1. init() sets the initial values of these boxes when the page loads.
The jQuery file is being hosted on jQuery’s own content delivery network (CDN). If you’d rather have a local copy, download it and alter the src attribute accordingly. In a production environment you’d probably use the minified (compact) version, but here you use the full one because it’s easier to debug if things go wrong.
4. Create the aspx page to serve the content. Save a copy of GetTotal.aspx and call it GetTotal2.aspx. Modify the content so that the CodeFile attribute points to GetTotal2.aspx.cs like so:
<%@ Page Language=”C#” AutoEventWireup=”true” CodeFile=”GetTotal2.aspx.cs”
         Inherits=”GetTotal” ContentType=”text/xml” %>


5. Copy the code file, GetTotal.aspx.cs, and name the new version GetTotal2.aspx.cs. Modify the GetSuccessXml to produce a SOAP-style message like so:
private string GetSuccessXml(double totalPrice, double discount)
  string clientXml = “<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=
 + “<GetTotalResponse”
 + “ xmlns=””><Discount>{0}</Discount>”
 + “<TotalPrice>{1}</TotalPrice>”
 + “</GetTotalResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>”;
  return string.Format(clientXml,


6. Reload the soaptester.html page in the browser, change the quantity, and click the Get Price button. The raw XML returned by the service is displayed in an alert box, as shown in Figure 15-4. The results are then extracted from this message and displayed in the bottom two textboxes. If you try an invalid quantity, you’ll get an alert of the error message, as shown previously.
How It Works
This Try It Out illustrates a practical (if a bit contrived) example of working with a SOAP server. Using the browser, you created a simple SOAP client that retrieved information from the user interface (the quantity and unit price), sent a request to a SOAP server (the GET request), and displayed the results (the discount and extended price).
Because you created a client using the browser, you had to use a MIME type that the browser understands: text/xml. Under other circumstances, you’d want to use the actual SOAP MIME type, application/soap+xml. In other words, the ASP page would begin with the following:
Response.ContentType = “application/soap+xml”
This way, administrators can configure their firewalls to allow packets with this MIME type to pass through, even if they are blocking other types of content. Unfortunately, far too few clients understand this version, so the less accurate text/xml is still more common.
There’s one final step before this service is fully SOAP compliant, and that’s the error handling. At the moment, it still returns the error message in a proprietary format. You’ll return to this after you’ve covered SOAP errors in more detail.

So far you’ve only scratched the surface of what SOAP can do. The following section looks at some more detailed uses.

More Complex SOAP Interactions

Now that you know the basics of how SOAP works, it’s time to delve a little more deeply. SOAP messages can consist of not just a Body, which contains the payload or data to be processed, but also a Header element that contains information about the payload. The Header also gives you a good deal of control over how its information is processed.

Additionally SOAP messages also use <Fault> elements to return fault code errors, and can substitute the use of the GET operation with the POST operation in some circumstances. The following sections explain these more complex elements of SOAP.


The <Header> element comes into play when you need to add additional information to your SOAP message. For example, suppose you created a system whereby orders can be placed into your database using SOAP messages, and you have defined a standard SOAP message format that anyone communicating with your system must use. You might use a SOAP header for authentication information, so that only authorized persons or systems can use your system. These elements, called header blocks, are specifically designed for meta information, or information about the information contained in the body.

When a <Header> element is used, it must be the first element child of the <Envelope> element. Functionally, the <Header> element works very much like the <Body> element; it is simply a placeholder for other elements in namespaces other than the SOAP envelope namespace. The <Header> element contains instructions, such as routing information; or meta data, such as user credentials, which need to be taken into account when processing the main SOAP message in the <Body>. In general, however, the <Header> doesn’t contain information to be processed.

The SOAP 1.2 Recommendation also defines three optional attributes you can include on those header entries: mustUnderstand, role, and relay.

The mustUnderstand Attribute

The mustUnderstand attribute specifies whether it is absolutely necessary for the SOAP server to process a particular header block. A value of true indicates that the header entry is mandatory, and the server must either process it or indicate an error. For example, consider the following:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=””>
  <soap:Header xmlns:some-ns=””>
    <some-ns:authentication mustUnderstand=”true”>
      <UserID>User ID goes here...</UserID>
      <Password>Password goes here...</Password>
    <some-ns:log mustUnderstand=”false”>
      <additional-info>Info goes here...</additional-info>
      <additional-info>Info goes here...</additional-info>
  <soap:Body xmlns:body-ns=””>

This SOAP message contains three header entries: one for authentication and two for logging purposes.

For the <authentication> header entry, a value of true was specified for mustUnderstand. (In SOAP 1.1, you would have specified it as 1.) This means that the SOAP server must process the header block. If the SOAP server doesn’t understand this header entry, it rejects the entire SOAP message — the server is not allowed to process the entries in the SOAP body. This forces the server to use proper authentication.

The second header entry specified a value of false for mustUnderstand, which makes this header entry optional. This means that when the SOAP server doesn’t understand this particular header entry, it can still go ahead and process the SOAP body anyway.

Finally, in the third header entry the mustUnderstand attribute was omitted. In this case, the header entry is optional, just as if you had specified the mustUnderstand attribute with a value of false.

The role Attribute

In some cases a SOAP message may pass through a number of applications on a number of computers before it arrives at its final destination. You might send a SOAP message to computer A, which might then send that message on to computer B. Computer A would be called a SOAP intermediary.

In these cases, you can use the role attribute to specify that some SOAP headers must be processed by a specific intermediary. The value of the attribute is a URI, which uniquely identifies each intermediary. The SOAP specification also defines the following three roles:

When an intermediary processes a header entry, it must remove that header from the message before passing it on. Conversely, the SOAP specification also says that a similar header entry can be inserted in its place, so you can process the SOAP header entry and then add another identical header block.

The relay Attribute

The SOAP specification also requires a SOAP intermediary to remove any headers it doesn’t process, which presents a problem. What if you want to add a new feature and target it at any intermediary that might understand it? The solution to this is the relay attribute. By setting the relay attribute to true, you can instruct any intermediary that encounters it to either process it or leave it alone. (If the intermediary does process the header, the intermediary still must remove it.) The default value for the relay attribute is false.


Whenever computers are involved, things can go wrong, and there may be times when a SOAP server is unable to process a SOAP message, for whatever reason. Perhaps a resource needed to perform the operation isn’t available, invalid parameters were passed, or the server doesn’t understand the SOAP request in the first place. In these cases, the server returns fault codes to the client to indicate errors.

Fault codes are sent using the same format as other SOAP messages. However, in this case, the <Body> element has only one child, a <Fault> element. Children of the <Fault> element contain details of the error. A SOAP message indicating a fault might look similar to this:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=””
       <soap:Text xml:lang=”en-US”>Processing error</soap:Text>
       <soap:Text xml:lang="fr">Erreur de traitement</soap:Text>
       <o:orderFaultInfo xmlns:o=””>
         <o:message>Cart doesn't exist</o:message>

The <Code> element contains a <Value> consisting of a unique identifier that identifies this particular type of error. The SOAP specification defines five such identifiers, described in the Table 15-1:

TABLE 15.1: Fault Code Values in SOAP

VersionMismatch A SOAP message was received that specified a version of the SOAP protocol that this server doesn’t understand. (This would happen, for example, if you sent a SOAP 1.2 message to a SOAP 1.1 server.)
MustUnderstand The SOAP message contained a mandatory header that the SOAP server doesn’t understand.
Sender The message was not properly formatted. That is, the client made a mistake when creating the SOAP message. This identifier also applies if the message itself is well formed, but doesn’t contain the correct information. For example, if authentication information were missing, this identifier would apply.
Receiver The server had problems processing the message, even though the contents of the message were formatted properly. For example, perhaps a database was down.
DataEncodingUnknown The data in the SOAP message is organized, or encoded, in a way the server doesn’t understand.

image NOTE Keep in mind that the identifier is actually namespace-qualified, using the namespace.

You also have the option to add information in different languages, as shown in the previous example’s <Text> elements, as well as application-specific information as part of the <Detail> element. Note that application-specific information in the <Detail> element must have its own namespace.

The previous two Try It Outs were devoted to simply getting information from the SOAP server. Because you weren’t actually changing anything on the server, you could use the GET method and simply pass all of the information as part of the URL. (Remember that you’re supposed to use GET only when there are no side effects from calling the URL.)

Now you examine a situation where that isn’t the case. In this Try It Out, you look at a SOAP procedure that adds an item to a hypothetical shopping cart. Because this is not an “idempotent” process—it causes side effects, in that it adds an item to the order—you have to submit the information via the POST method, which means creating a SOAP message within the client.

TRY IT OUT: POSTing a SOAP Message
In this activity you will call the AddToCart procedure using the following SOAP message (placeholders are shown in italics):
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=””>
  <o:AddToCart xmlns:o=””>
    <o:Item itemId=”ITEMID”>
For the response, send the following XML back to the client:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=””>
    <o:AddToCartResponse xmlns:o=””>
You also need to handle the errors using a SOAP envelope. Use the following format for errors:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=””
       <soap:Text>ERROR DESCRIPTION</soap:Text>
       <o:OrderFaultInfo xmlns:o=””>
         <o:ErrorCode>APPLICATION-SPECIFIC ERROR CODE</o:ErrorCode>
         <o:Message>APPLICATION-SPECIFIC ERROR MESSAGE</o:Message>
This Try It Out will build on the Visual Studio project used in the previous one. You’ll add the functionality of adding a product to your shopping basket, and all the messages passed between the client and the service will be in a SOAP format.
1. Add a new web form to the example project named AddToCart.aspx. Similar to the previous aspx pages, it indicates that the returned content is XML. It also has a ValidateRequest attribute set to false; otherwise, the aspx handler rejects the request as malformed.
image <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="AddToCart.aspx.cs"
         Inherits="AddToCart" ContentType="text/xml" ValidateRequest="false" %>


2. Go to AddToCart.aspx.cs to create the basic page that retrieves the submitted SOAP message and extracts the appropriate information. The first part of the page (as shown in the following code) declares the namespaces of the libraries used in the service. These are the familiar System.Web as well as two namespaces for parsing and producing XML, System.Linq and System.Xml.Linq:
image using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
public partial class AddToCart : System.Web.UI.Page
  private readonly XNamespace cartNS = “”;
  private readonly XNamespace soapNS = “”;
  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
      XElement message = XElement.Load(Request.InputStream);
      // More code here to read incoming message
    catch (Exception ex)


3. Declare two XNamespaces to hold the two namespace URIs you’ll need to read and create the SOAP messages, then load the incoming stream into an XElement named message. You do this in a try/catch block. If the Load() method fails because the input is invalid, the catch block returns a SOAP fault to the client using the SendSoapFault() method which is discussed later in this activity.
4. The relevant parts of the incoming XML are read using the techniques described in Chapter 12, “LINQ to XML”:
image try
      XElement message = XElement.Load(Request.InputStream);
      string cartId = message.Descendants(cartNS + "CartId").First().Value;
      string itemId =
        message.Descendants(cartNS + "Item").First().Attribute("itemId").Value;
      string quantity =
        message.Descendants(cartNS + "Quantity").First().Value;
      string totalPrice =
        message.Descendants(cartNS + "TotalPrice").First().Value;
      string status = ProcessData(cartId, itemId, quantity, totalPrice);
      SendSoapResponse(status, cartId, itemId, quantity);
    catch (Exception ex)


5. Once the four values are extracted, they are passed to the ProcessData() method like so:
image private string ProcessData(string cartId,
                             string itemid,
                             string quantity,
                             string totalPrice)
    // do something with data
    return “OK”;


In a full application this method would validate the values and use SendSoapFault() if there was a problem such as a missing or illegal entry. If everything was okay, the data would be added to some sort of store, such as a database or the user’s session. Here, you just return a status message of OK. (In a production system you wouldn’t trust the totalPrice to be valid either, because it came from the client. You’d check the discount against the web service created earlier.)
6. Finally, a SOAP response is generated and saved to the Response.OutputStream. This method uses a template of the outgoing message and then fills it in using LINQ to XML. This is one area where VB.NET’s XML Literals, discussed in Chapter 12, would make things much easier:
image private void SendSoapResponse(string status,
                                string cartId,
                                string itemid,
                                string quantity)
    string template =
      “<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=””>”
                    + “<soap:Body>”
                    + “<o:AddToCartResponse”
                    + “xmlns:o=””>”
                    + “<o:CartId></o:CartId>”
                    + “<o:Status></o:Status>”
                    + “<o:Quantity></o:Quantity>”
                    + “<o:ItemId></o:ItemId>”
                    + “</o:AddToCartResponse>”
                    + “</soap:Body>”
                    + “</soap:Envelope>”;
    XElement soapResponse = XElement.Parse(template);
    XElement addToCartResponse =
             soapResponse.Descendants(cartNS + “AddToCartResponse”).First();
    addToCartResponse.SetElementValue(cartNS + “CartId”, cartId);
    addToCartResponse.SetElementValue(cartNS + “Status”, status);
    addToCartResponse.SetElementValue(cartNS + “Quantity”, quantity);
    addToCartResponse.SetElementValue(cartNS + “ItemId”, cartId);


7. The method that creates a SOAP fault is similar; it uses a template and passes back the official SOAP fault details along with a user-friendly message derived from the Exception that was thrown:
image private void SendSoapFault(string faultCode,
                             string subvalue,
                             string description,
                             string appCode,
                             string appMessage)
    string template =
      “<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=”””
                    + “ xmlns:rpc=””>”
                    + “<soap:Body>”
                    + “<soap:Fault>”
                    + “<soap:Code>”
                    + “<soap:Value></soap:Value>”
                    + “<soap:Subcode>”
                    + “<soap:Value></soap:Value>”
                    + “</soap:Subcode>”
                    + “</soap:Code>”
                    + “<soap:Reason>”
                    + “<soap:Text></soap:Text>”
                    + “</soap:Reason>”
                    + “<soap:Detail>”
                    + “<o:OrderFaultInfo”
                    + “ xmlns:o=””>”
                    + “<o:ErrorCode></o:ErrorCode>”
                    + “<o:Message></o:Message>”
                    + “</o:OrderFaultInfo>”
                    + “</soap:Detail>”
                    + “</soap:Fault>”
                    + “</soap:Body>”
                    + “</soap:Envelope>”;
    XElement soapResponse = XElement.Parse(template);
    XElement soapFault = soapResponse.Descendants(soapNS + “Fault”).First();
    soapFault.Element(soapNS + “Code”).
               SetElementValue(soapNS + “Value”, faultCode);
    soapFault.Element(soapNS + “Code”).
        Element(soapNS + “Subcode”).SetElementValue(soapNS + “Value”, subvalue);
    soapFault.Element(soapNS + “Reason”).
       SetElementValue(soapNS + “Text”, description);
    XElement orderFaultInfo =
         soapResponse.Descendants(cartNS + “OrderFaultInfo”).First();
    orderFaultInfo.SetElementValue(cartNS + “ErrorCode”, appCode);
    orderFaultInfo.SetElementValue(cartNS + “Message”, appMessage);


8. Now the client needs to be amended. Once the total price has been retrieved, the user can add the items to the cart. You must make two changes to the HTML. First, you need to store the item’s ID with each select option so it can be sent with the SOAP request:
  <select name=”lstItems” id=”lstItems” style=”width: 350px”
    <option value=”10.50” id=”item1”
     selected>Cool Britannia, by The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band</option>
    <option value=”12.95”
       id=”item2”>Zibka Smiles, by The Polka Dot Zither Band</option>
    <option value=”20.00”
      id=”item3”>Dr Frankenstein's Disco Party, by Jonny Wakelin</option>
9. Now add a new function to create the request, doPost(), and one to handle the return, handleAddToCartResponse(). Both work similarly to the previous Try It Out, but create a POST request instead of a GET. The full listing of SoapTester-Post.html is shown in Listing 15-3, and Figure 15-5 shows it in action.

imageLISTING 15-3: SoapTester-Post.html

  <title>SOAP Tester</title>
  <script type=”text/javascript”
  <script type=”text/javascript”>
    function doGet()
      var dUnitPrice = $(“#txtUnitPrice”).val();
      var iQuantity = $(“#txtQuantity”).val();
      var sBaseUrl = “GetTotal2.aspx”;
      var sQuery = “?unitprice=” + dUnitPrice + “&quantity=” + iQuantity;
      var sRequest = sBaseUrl + sQuery;
      $.get(sRequest, null, handleGetTotalResponse, “xml”);
    function handleGetTotalResponse(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
      if (textStatus == “success”)
        var oBody = $(“[nodeName=soap:Body]”, jqXHR.responseXML);
        var dDiscount = oBody.find(“[nodeName=Discount]”).text();
        var dTotalPrice = oBody.find(“[nodeName=TotalPrice]”).text();
        if (!dDiscount)
          var oError = $(“[nodeName=Error]”, jqXHR.responseXML);
          if (oError)
            var sErrorMessage = oError.find(“[nodeName=Reason]”).text();
            alert(“Unreadable error message.”);
        showResults(dDiscount, dTotalPrice);
        alert(“Error accessing web service.”);
    function showResults(discount, totalPrice)
    function setPriceAndQuantity()
    function doPost()
      var oLst = document.getElementById(“lstItems”);
      var sItemId = oLst.options[oLst.selectedIndex].id;
      var sCartId = $(“#hdCartId”).val();
      var iQuantity = $(“#txtQuantity”).val();
      var dTotalPrice = $(“#txtTotalPrice”).val();
      var sSoapRequest =
        “<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=””>”
                       + “<soap:Body>”
             + “<o:AddToCart xmlns:o=””>”
                       + “<o:CartId>” + sCartId + “</o:CartId>”
                       + “<o:Item itemId=”” + sItemId + “”>”
                       + “<o:Quantity>” + iQuantity + “</o:Quantity>”
                       + “<o:TotalPrice>” + dTotalPrice + “</o:TotalPrice>”
                       + “</o:Item>”
                       + “</o:AddToCart>”
                       + “</soap:Body>”
                       + “</soap:Envelope>”;
      $.ajax({ url: “AddToCart.aspx”,
               type: “post”,
               data: sSoapRequest,
               processData: false,
               contentType: “text/xml”,
               success: handleAddToCartResponse});
    function handleAddToCartResponse(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
      if (textStatus == “success”)
        var oBody = $(“[nodeName=soap:Body]”, jqXHR.responseXML);
        var sStatus = oBody.find(“[nodeName=o:Status]”).text();
        if (!sStatus)
          var sMessage = oBody.find(“[nodeName=o:Message]”).text();
          alert(“Unable to add item to cart.
” + sMessage);
          if (sStatus == “OK”)
            alert(“Item added to cart”);
            alert(“Unable to add item to cart.”);
        alert(“Unable to add item to cart.”);
    function init()
<body onload=”init();”>
    Soap Pricing Tool</h3>
  <form name=”orderForm”>
  <select name=”lstItems”
    id=”lstItems” style=”width: 350px” onchange=”setPriceAndQuantity();”>
    <option value=”10.50”
    id=”item1” selected>Cool Britannia, by The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band</option>
    <option value=”12.95”
    id=”item2”>Zibka Smiles, by The Polka Dot Zither Band</option>
    <option value=”20.00”
    id=”item3”>Dr Frankenstein's Disco Party, by Jonny Wakelin</option>
    Unit price:<input type=”text” name=”txtUnitPrice”
     id=”txtUnitPrice” size=”6” readonly><br>
    <input type=”text” name=”txtQuantity” id=”txtQuantity” size=”2”>
  <input type=”button” value=”Get Price” onclick=”doGet()”><br>
  Discount (%):
    <input type=”text” id=”txtDiscount” name=”txtDiscount” size=”4” readonly><br>
  Total price:
   <input type=”text” id=”txtTotalPrice”
     name=”txtTotalPrice” size=”6” readonly><br>
  <input type=”hidden” readonly name=”hdCartId”
   id=”hdCartId” value=”cart123”><br>
  <input type=”button” value=”Add to Cart” onclick=”doPost();”>    
Figure 15-6 shows the raw XML response received after the Add to Cart button is clicked. If an error occurs (and you can test this by modifying the SOAP template by changing the AddToCart start tag to AddToCar), a SOAP fault is returned, as shown in Figure 15-7.
How It Works
Here you used the same techniques you used for raw XML messages to put together valid SOAP messages on both the incoming and the outgoing streams. You used data entered by the user on a form to create a SOAP message that was sent to a server. The server extracted information from that SOAP message using typical XML tactics, evaluated the data, and then determined whether to send a success or failure message. The success message is another SOAP message that simply includes a payload, which was then interpreted by the browser and displayed on the page. The failure message, or fault, was also analyzed by the browser. A SOAP 1.2 fault can include a wealth of information, related to both SOAP and the application itself.

image NOTE Some of the client-side script used in this example was deliberately glossed over, particularly the AJAX calls, because this topic is dealt with more fully in the next chapter.

This may seem like a lot of work for a very simple operation, but realize that you have created, from scratch, all of the plumbing necessary to create an entire SOAP service. Implementing a more difficult SOAP service, such as some type of order-processing system, would require the same level of plumbing, even though the functionality being provided would be much more difficult.

In addition, several SOAP toolkits are available, meaning you won’t necessarily have to generate the SOAP messages by hand like this every time you want to use SOAP to send messages from one computer to another. In any case, when you use those toolkits now, you’ll understand what’s going on under the hood. Until vendors get their respective acts together, that will come in handy when the inevitable inconsistencies and incompatibilities appear.


You’ve built a web service. Now you hope that other people and organizations start using the service you’ve built. To do that, however, they need to know two things:

  • How to call the service
  • What to expect as a response from the service

Fortunately, there’s a relatively easy way to provide answers to both questions: Web Services Description Language (WSDL). WSDL provides a standardized way to describe a web service. That means you can create a WSDL file describing your service, make the file available, and then sit back as people use it.

Of course, a WSDL file isn’t just for people. Recall the toolkits that take most of the work out of creating SOAP messages. They’re built on the principle that they can automatically generate a client for your web service just by analyzing the WSDL file. In this way, WSDL helps to make web services truly platform- and language-independent.

How’s that, you ask? It’s simple. A WSDL file is written in XML, describing the data to be passed and the method for passing it, but it doesn’t lean toward any particular language. That means a web-services client generator can use the WSDL information to generate a client in any language. For example, a code generator for Java could create a client to access your ASP-based service, and the best part is that the client is pure Java. A developer writing an application around it doesn’t have to know the details of the service, just the methods of the proxy class that actually accesses the service. The proxy sits between the client and the actual service, translating messages back and forth.

image NOTE The latest version of WSDL, version 2.0, reached Candidate Recommendation in March 2006, but still seems to have had little impact so far. Most services still use the earlier version. The major differences between the two versions are highlighted when the various parts of the WSDL schema are discussed later in this chapter. You can read the specification for WSDL 1.1, the most common version, at

This chapter uses WSDL to describe a service that sends SOAP messages over HTTP, but in actuality WSDL is designed to be much more general. First, you define the data that will be sent, and then you define the way it will be sent. In this way, a single WSDL file can describe a service that’s implemented as SOAP over HTTP as well as, say, SOAP over e-mail or even a completely different means. This chapter sticks with SOAP over HTTP because that’s by far the most common usage right now.

The following sections discuss the various XML elements and attributes that make up a WSDL file and how they are mapped to a SOAP message.


A WSDL file starts with a <definitions> element like so:

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
<definitions name=”temperature”

The first task in a WSDL file is to define the information that will be sent to and from the service. A WSDL file builds up the service in levels. First, it defines the data to be sent and received, and then it uses that data to define messages.


Remember that there’s no way to know for sure that the web service being described will use SOAP, or even that the information passed in the request will be XML, but WSDL enables you to define the information set—in other words, the information itself, regardless of how it’s ultimately represented—using XML Schemas (discussed in Chapter 5). For example, consider a simple service that takes a postal code and date and returns an average temperature. The service would have two types of data to deal with, as shown in the following code:

   <xsd:schema xmlns=””
      <xsd:complexType name=”temperatureRequestType”>
            <xsd:element name=”where” type=”xsd:string” />
            <xsd:element name=”when” type=”xsd:date”/>
      <xsd:complexType name=”temperatureResponseType”>
            <xsd:element name=”temperature” type=”xsd:integer”/>

Just as in a normal schema document, you define two types: temperatureRequestType and temperatureResponseType. You can use them to define messages.


When you define a message in a WSDL file, you’re defining the content, rather than the representation. Sure, when you send SOAP messages, you are sending XML in a SOAP envelope, but that doesn’t matter when you define the messages in the WSDL file. All you care about is what the message is, what it’s called, and what kind of data it holds. Take the following example:

<message name=”TemperatureRequestMsg”>
   <part name=”getTemperature” type=”typens:temperatureRequestType”/>
<message name=”TemperatureResponseMsg”>
   <part name=”temperatureResponse” type=”typens:temperatureResponseType”/>

The preceding code defines a message that consists of an element called getTemperature of the type temperatureRequestType. This translates into the following SOAP message:

<env:Envelope xmlns:env=””>
      <where>POSTAL CODE</where>

Notice that the namespace for the payload is still missing. You take care of that later in the WSDL file. In WSDL 2.0, messages are described within the types element and rely on XML Schemas.


The <portTypes> element contains a number of <portType> elements that describe the individual operation provided by the service. These operations come in two varieties, input and output, and are made up of the messages you defined earlier. Consider the following example:

<portType name=”TemperatureServicePortType”>
   <operation name=”GetTemperature”>
      <input message=”typens:TemperatureRequestMsg”/>
      <output message=”typens:TemperatureResponseMsg”/>

This portType shows that you’re dealing with a request-response pattern; the user sends an input message, the structure of which is defined as a TemperatureRequestMsg, and the service returns an output message in the form of a TemperatureResponseMsg.

One of the major improvements coming in WSDL 2.0 is the change of the <portTypes> element to the <interfaces> element. Although portType seems to make sense from a structural point of view — later, you reference it when you define an actual port — it really is more of an interface, because it defines the various operations you can carry out with the service. The <interfaces> element can also be extended using the extends attribute, which allows inheritance and greater reuse of already successful code.

Next, you have to define how those messages are sent.


Up until now, this section actually hasn’t described anything related to SOAP. You’ve defined messages and put them together into operations, but you haven’t learned anything about the protocol you use to send them. The <binding> element sets up the first part of this process. In this case, you bind the operations to SOAP as follows:

<binding name=”TemperatureBinding” type=”typens:TemperatureServicePortType”>
   <soap:binding style=”rpc” transport=””/>
   <operation name=”GetTemperature”>
      <soap:operation />
         <soap:body use=”encoded”
                    namespace=”” />
         <soap:body use=”encoded”
                    namespace=”” />

Notice that the soap: namespace finally comes into play at this point. There are two elements in this namespace: <soap:binding> and <soap:operation>. The following sections describe each one in detail.


The <soap:binding> element specifies that you are, in fact, dealing with a SOAP message, but it does more than that. The transport attribute is easy; it simply specifies that you’re sending the message via HTTP. The style attribute is a little more complex (but just a little).

Both this chapter and the previous one concentrate on using web services as another means of performing remote procedure calls, but that’s not their only use. In fact, in many cases information is simply passed to the service, which acts upon the data, rather than the data determining what should be done.

The style attribute has two possible values: rpc and document. The rpc value is a message in which you simply have a method name and parameters. For example, in this message, the payload represents a call to the getTemperature method with the parameters 34652 and 2004-5-23, as shown in the following code:

<env:Envelope xmlns:env=”">

The data is contained in an outer element (getTemperature), which is itself contained within the <env:Body> element.

When you use the document style, however, the situation is slightly different. In that case, the entire contents of the <env:Body> element are considered to be the data in question. For example, you might have created a SOAP message of the following:

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">

The document style also enables you to send more complex documents that might not fit into the RPC mold. Note that neither of these examples shows the namespaces for the payload. That is set in the soap:body element, which you learn about shortly.


The <soap:operation> element is part of the <binding> section. If the <soap:operation> element looks out of place just sitting there with no attributes; that’s because in many ways it is out of place. The SOAP 1.1 specification required all services to use a SOAPAction header defining the application that was supposed to execute it. This was an HTTP header, so you’d see something like this:

POST /soap.asp HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)
Content-Length: 242
SOAPAction: “”
<env:Envelope xmlns:env=””>

The SOAP 1.2 specification did away with the SOAPAction header, but it’s still necessary to specify that this is a SOAP message — hence, the soap:operation element.


The binding element references an operation, which in this case, is already defined as having an input and an output message. Within the binding element, you define how those messages are to be presented using the soap:body element. For example, you specify the following:

<soap:body use=”encoded”
    namespace=”” />

For the input message, you’re specifying that it’s a SOAP message. Like the style attribute, the use attribute has two possible values: literal and encoded. When the use attribute is specified as literal, it means that the server is not to assume any particular meaning in the XML, but to take it as a whole. Normally, you use literal with the document style. If you specify the use attribute as encoded, you have to specify the encodingStyle. In this case, you specify the SOAP style, but you could use other encodings, such as RDF or even an entirely new encoding style. Finally, you specify the namespace of the payload, so you wind up with a complete message as follows:

<env:Envelope xmlns:env=””>
    <t:getTemperature xmlns:t=””>

Now you just need to know where to send it.


The final step in creating a WSDL file is to specify the service that you’re creating by putting all of these pieces together, as shown in the following code:

<service name=”TemperatureService”>
   <port name=”TemperaturePort” binding=”typens:TemperatureBinding”>
      <soap:address location=””/>

When you create a service, you’re specifying where and how to send the information. In fact, the <port> element shown here will likely be renamed to endpoint in WSDL 2.0 because that’s what it is: the endpoint for the connection between the server and a client. First, you reference the binding you just created, and then you send it as a SOAP message to the address specified by the location attribute. That’s it. Now let’s try this out in the following activity.

TRY IT OUT: Specifying the Order Service via WSDL
In this Try It Out you create a WSDL file that describes the service you created earlier in the chapter:
1. Open a new text file and name it WileyShopping.wsdl.
2. Start by creating the overall structure for the file:
<?xml version=”1.0”?>
<definitions name=”WileyShopping”
  <!-- more WSDL will go here -->
3. Add types for the XML in the messages to be passed as children of the definitions element:
  <xsd:schema xmlns=””
    <xsd:complexType name=”AddToCartType”>
        <xsd:element name=”CartId” type=”xsd:string” />
        <xsd:element name=”Item”>
              <xsd:element name=”Quantity”
              <xsd:element name=”TotalPrice”
            <xsd:attribute name=”ItemId”
                                 type=”xsd:string” />
    <xsd:complexType name=”AddToCartResponseType”>
        <xsd:element name=”CartId” type=”xsd:string”/>
        <xsd:element name=”Status” type=”xsd:string”/>
        <xsd:element name=”Quantity” type=”xsd:string”/>
        <xsd:element name=”ItemId” type=”xsd:string”/>
4. Define the messages to be sent to and from the service:
<message name=”AddToCartRequestMsg”>
   <part name=”AddToCart” type=”typens:AddToCartType”/>
<message name=”AddToCartResponseMsg”>
   <part name=”AddToCartResponse” type=”typens:AddToCartResponseType”/>
5. Now define the portType, or interface, that will use the messages:
<portType name=”WileyPort”>
  <operation name=”AddToCart”>
    <input message=”typens:AddToCartRequestMsg”/>
    <output message=”typens:AddToCartResponseMsg”/>
6. Bind the portType to a particular protocol, in this case, SOAP:
<binding name=”WileyBinding”
  <soap:binding style=”rpc”
  <operation name=”AddToCart”>
    <soap:operation />
      <soap:body use=”encoded”
      <soap:body use=”encoded”
7. Finally, define the actual service by associating the binding with an endpoint. This results in the following final file, Listing 15-4.

LISTING 15-4: WileyShopping.wsdl

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
<definitions name=”WileyShopping”
    <xsd:schema xmlns=””
      <xsd:complexType name=”AddToCartType”>
          <xsd:element name=”CartId” type=”xsd:string” />
          <xsd:element name=”item”>
                <xsd:element name=”Quantity”
                <xsd:element name=”TotalPrice”
              <xsd:attribute name=”ItemId”
                                   type=”xsd:string” />
      <xsd:complexType name=”addToCartResponseType”>
          <xsd:element name=”CartId” type=”xsd:string”/>
          <xsd:element name=”Status” type=”xsd:string”/>
          <xsd:element name=”Quantity” type=”xsd:string”/>
          <xsd:element name=”ItemId” type=”xsd:string”/>
  <message name=”AddToCartRequestMsg”>
    <part name=”AddToCart” type=”typens:AddToCartType”/>
  <message name=”AddToCartResponseMsg”>
    <part name=”AddToCartResponse” type=”typens:AddToCartResponseType”/>
  <portType name=”WileyPort”>
    <operation name=”AddToCart”>
      <input message=”typens:AddToCartRequestMsg”/>
      <output message=”typens:AddToCartResponseMsg”/>
  <binding name=”WileyBinding”
    <soap:binding style=”rpc”
    <operation name=”AddToCart”>
        <soap:body use=”encoded”
        <soap:body use=”encoded”
  <service name=”WileyService”>
    <port name=”WileyPort” binding=”typens:WileyBinding”>
How It Works
Here you created a simple WSDL file describing the SOAP messages sent to and from the hypothetical Wiley Shopping Service. First, you created the data types for the messages to be sent. Next, you combined them into messages, created operations out of the messages, and finally, bound them to a protocol and a service.

Other Bindings

It’s important to understand that WSDL doesn’t necessarily describe a SOAP service. Earlier in this chapter, you looked at a situation in which messages were passed by HTTP without the benefit of a SOAP wrapper. These REST messages can also be defined via WSDL by adding the HTTP binding.

The basic process is the same as it was for SOAP:

1. Define the data types
2. Group them into messages
3. Create operations from the messages and portTypes from the operations
4. Create a binding that ties them all in to a particular protocol, as shown in Listing 15-5, WileyShopping-Rest.wsdl.

imageLISTING 15-5: WileyShopping-Rest.wsdl

<?xml version=”1.0”?>
<definitions name=”WileyShopping”
    <xsd:schema xmlns=””
      <xsd:complexType name=”AddToCartType”>
          <xsd:element name=”CartId” type=”xsd:string” />
          <xsd:element name=”ItemId” type=”xsd:string”/>
          <xsd:element name=”Quantity” type=”xsd:string”/>
          <xsd:element name=”TotalPrice” type=”xsd:string”/>
      <xsd:complexType name=”AddToCartResponseType”>
          <xsd:element name=”CartId” type=”xsd:string”/>
          <xsd:element name=”Status” type=”xsd:string”/>
          <xsd:element name=”Quantity” type=”xsd:string”/>
          <xsd:element name=”ItemId” type=”xsd:string”/>
      <xsd:complexType name=”GetTotalResponseType”>
          <xsd:element name=”Discount” type=”xsd:string” />
          <xsd:element name=”TotalPrice”
  <message name=”AddToCartRequestMsg”>
    <part name=”AddToCart” type=”typens:AddToCartType”/>
  <message name=”AddToCartResponseMsg”>
    <part name=”AddToCartResponse” type=”typens:AddToCartResponseType”/>
  <message name=”UpdateTotalsRequestMsg”>
    <part name=”Quantity” type=”xsd:number”/>
    <part name=”UnitPrice” type=”xsd:number”/>
  <message name=”GetTotalResponseMsg”>
    <part name=”GetTotalResponse” type=”typens:
  <portType name=”WileyPort”>
    <operation name=”AddToCart”>
      <input message=”typens:AddToCartRequestMsg”/>
      <output message=”typens:AddToCartResponseMsg”/>
  <portType name=”WileyRESTPort”>
    <operation name=”GetTotal2.aspx”>
      <input message=”typens:UpdateTotalsRequestMsg”/>
      <output message=”typens:UpdateTotalsResponseMsg”/>
  <binding name=”WileyBinding”
    <soap:binding style=”rpc”
    <operation name=”AddToCart”>
        <soap:body use=”encoded”
        <soap:body use=”encoded”
  <binding name=”WileyRESTBinding”
    <http:binding verb=”GET”/>
    <operation name=”GetTotal2.aspx”>
      <http:operation location=”GetTotal.aspx”/>
        <mime:content type=”text/xml”/>
  <service name=”WileyService”>
    <port name=”WileyPort” binding=”typens:WileyBinding”>
    <port name=”WileyRESTPort” binding=”typens:WileyRESTBinding”>
      <http:address location=”http://localhost/BasicOrderService/”/>

In this way, you can define a service that uses any protocol using WSDL.

image NOTE In real life, WSDL is created by the SOAP tool you use. Occasionally, a tweak or two might be needed — for example, the port or binding sections may need to be amended when you switch from development to live. In ASP.NET, for instance, if you build a service using asmx pages, the WSDL is created automatically.


This chapter covered the following areas:

  • The advantages of SOAP include interoperability for web services; there is no tie-in between the client platform and the server one.
  • SOAP is backed by many top name companies including Microsoft, Sun, IBM, and Google so the familiar proprietary wrangles are less prevalent.
  • SOAP is flexible: You can choose to follow the XML-RPC style of message or just use the <soap:Body> to contain a system specific message that is processed on the server. You can also add any number of extra items to the <soap:Header> to implement security, message chaining, and any other instructions you may need.
  • SOAP is not the only choice when it comes to web services. REST is a very popular standard that makes use of the underlying HTTP protocol to implement remote procedure calls. Although it lacks some of the lesser-used features of SOAP, REST is a good choice for simple services especially when they need to be made public and security is not a major consideration.
  • WSDL is an XML format used to describe web services.
  • With just a WSDL file you can create a web services client that produces messages in the correct format, can understand the responses and knows where the service is based.

In the next chapter you look at AJAX and how it uses XML.


You can find suggested solutions to these questions in Appendix A.

1. Create a SOAP message that fulfills the following requirements:
  • It corresponds to an RPC called GetStockPrice().
  • It takes one parameter, a string holding the recognized stock exchange code of the company whose stock price you require. For example Microsoft’s code is MSFT.
  • The server responds with a decimal that is the latest stock price for the requested company.
2. Create a WSDL file that describes the document in Question 1.


SOAP basics A way to implement web services that is flexible yet standards based and platform independent.
Message format Messages can be simple RPC style or just an abstraction of the data you need to send and receive.
SOAP header The header contains any meta data and instructions that the service needs. These can include such things as credentials and routing information.
Other web service options REST is another popular choice of web service implementation. It lacks the more sophisticated features of SOAP but is simpler to implement and client design is easier.
WSDL WSDL is the web service description language. It is an XML format that provides a complete description of a service’s location, message structure and available methods.
WSDL uses All major software frameworks, such as Java and .NET, enable you to automatically construct a web services client by passing the WSDL to an appropriate application.
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