I’D LIKE TO HEARTILY ACKNOWLEDGE the help of the editor Victoria Swider and the acquisitions editor Carol Long, who kept the project going when it looked as if it would never get finished. I’d like to thank the authors of the previous edition, especially Jeff Rafter and David Hunter, who let us build on their work when necessary. I’d also like to thank my wife Gillian and my children Persephone and Xavier for putting up with my absences and ill humor over the last year; I’ll make it up to you, I promise.

—Joe Fawcett

THANKS are due to my partner and to the pets for tolerating long and erratic hours, and of course to Alexander Chalmers, for creating the Dictionary of Biography in 1810.

—Liam Quin

MANY THANKS to Victoria, Carol, and the team for making everything work. Thanks too to Joe for providing the momentum behind this project and to Liam for keeping it going.

—Danny Ayers

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