Creating the background

For the background of the scene, we will need another 3D plane that will also receive a texture. But we can take a different approach from the logo image. Since the background image has a squared size of 400 x 400 pixels, we won't need to apply any changes to the scale.

Plus, it doesn't have any transparency requiring particular nodes in the Shader Editor.

Before we create the 3D plane that will receive the background texture, we can align the 3D cursor to make sure our object will appear in the center of the 3D View. In Blender, you will always create objects using the 3D cursor location as a reference.

Go to the View menu and choose Align View | Center Cursor and View All, which will move the cursor to the center of your 3D View.

Now, press the Shift + A keys and add a new plane. Press the middle mouse button, or the wheel and drag the mouse to orbit the scene. Use the blue arrow in the 3D plane to push the object backward. Make sure it will stay behind the text, as Figure 5.12 shows:

Figure 5.12: Background plane location

Add a material to the 3D plane and open the Shader Editor, just like we did with the logo object. Change the material from Principled BSDF to Diffuse BSDF and, using the Shift + A keys, add the following nodes to the Shader Editor:

  • Input | Texture Coordinate
  • Vector | Mapping
  • Texture | Image Texture

With all the nodes in place, use the Open button from the Image Texture and select the spiration-light.png file as the texture. In the Mapping node, you can change the Scale values to 3 on both the X and Y axis.

Connect all nodes, as Figure 5.13 shows:

Figure 5.13: Connected nodes

Using the S key in the 3D View, you can scale up the 3D plane until it fills the full background of your camera. Press the 0 key from the numeric keyboard to go back to camera view, and use the S key to make the adjustments. You should see the plane filling the space behind the camera (Figure 5.14):

Figure 5.14: Plane behind the camera
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