
Well, we're finally there. Not there at the end, but in terms of having our actual gaming experience complete...we're there. We've learned about creating multiple characters in our games with their own attributes, weapons, and even their ability to take damage. We've also learned how to create menus, UIs, and even learned how to animate open and close scenes for those menus and UIs. And finally we learned how to implement sound into our game field.

Now we could get into sounds for each button click within our menus...but we're already pushing the limits with resources for mobile (with a computer game, this is more of a non-issue), so we're going to leave sounds on menus alone. But it works exactly the same way...just drag and drop sounds onto sound fields.

In the next chapter, we're going to learn about how to actually make money from our game. Of course, you could always charge for your game. But less people want to pay for games in the app store. The best way is through other monetization strategies, and we're going to learn all about that!

Take a your game! And when you're ready to move on...we'll see you in the next chapter.

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