Using the CD with Microsoft Windows

To install from the CD to your hard drive, follow these steps:

Insert the CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.

A window appears with the following options: HTML Interface, Browse CD, and Exit.

Click the Start button and choose Run from the menu.

In the dialog box that appears, type d:Start.exe.

Replace d with the proper drive letter for your CD-ROM if it uses a different letter. (If you don’t know the letter, double-click My Computer on your desktop and see what letter is listed for your CD-ROM drive.)

Your browser opens, and the license agreement is displayed.

Read through the license agreement, nod your head, and click the Agree button if you want to use the CD.

After you click Agree, you’re taken to the Main menu, where you can browse through the contents of the CD.

To navigate within the interface, click a topic of interest to take you to an explanation of the files on the CD and how to use or install them.

To install software from the CD, simply click the software name.

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