6.12. Functions with Empty Parameter Lists

In C++, an empty parameter list is specified by writing either void or nothing at all in parentheses. The prototype

void print();

specifies that function print does not take arguments and does not return a value. Figure 6.17 shows both ways to declare and use functions with empty parameter lists.

 1   // Fig. 6.17: fig06_17.cpp
 2   // Functions that take no arguments.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   using namespace std;
 6   void function1(); // function that takes no arguments      
 7   void function2( void ); // function that takes no arguments
 9   int main()
10   {
11      function1(); // call function1 with no arguments
12      function2(); // call function2 with no arguments
13   } // end main
15   // function1 uses an empty parameter list to specify that
16   // the function receives no arguments
17   void function1()
18   {
19      cout << "function1 takes no arguments" << endl;
20   } // end function1
22   // function2 uses a void parameter list to specify that
23   // the function receives no arguments
24   void function2( void )
25   {
26      cout << "function2 also takes no arguments" << endl;
27   } // end function2

function1 takes no arguments
function2 also takes no arguments

Fig. 6.17. Functions that take no arguments.

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