C++11 In-Class Initializers


C++11 allows you to provide a default value for a data member when you declare it in the class declaration. For example, lines 18–22 of Fig. 5.9 could have initialized data members aCount, bCount, cCount, dCount and fCount to 0 as follows:

unsigned int aCount = 0; // count of A grades
unsigned int bCount = 0; // count of B grades
unsigned int cCount = 0; // count of C grades
unsigned int dCount = 0; // count of D grades
unsigned int fCount = 0; // count of F grades

rather than initializing them in the class’s constructor (Fig. 5.10, lines 10–18). In later chapters, we’ll continue discussing in-class initializers and show how they enable you to perform certain data member initializations that were not possible in earlier C++ versions.

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