Recursive Fibonacci Definition

The Fibonacci series can be defined recursively as follows:

fibonacci(0) = 0
fibonacci(1) = 1
fibonacci(n) = fibonacci(n – 1) + fibonacci(n – 2)

The program of Fig. 6.28 calculates the nth Fibonacci number recursively by using function fibonacci. Fibonacci numbers tend to become large quickly, although slower than factorials do. Therefore, we chose the data type unsigned long for the parameter type and the return type in function fibonacci. Figure 6.28 shows the execution of the program, which displays the Fibonacci values for several numbers.

 1   // Fig. 6.28: fig06_28.cpp
 2   // Recursive function fibonacci.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   using namespace std;
 6   unsigned long fibonacci( unsigned long ); // function prototype
 8   int main()
 9   {
10      // calculate the fibonacci values of 0 through 10
11      for ( unsigned int counter = 0; counter <= 10; ++counter )
12         cout << "fibonacci( " << counter << " ) = "
13            << fibonacci( counter ) << endl;
15      // display higher fibonacci values
16      cout << " fibonacci( 20 ) = " << fibonacci( 20 ) << endl;
17      cout << "fibonacci( 30 ) = " << fibonacci( 30 ) << endl;
18      cout << "fibonacci( 35 ) = " << fibonacci( 35 ) << endl;
19   } // end main
21   // recursive function fibonacci                                
22   unsigned long fibonacci( unsigned long number )                
23   {                                                              
24      if ( ( 0 == number ) || ( 1 == number ) ) // base cases     
25         return number;                                           
26      else // recursion step                                      
27         return fibonacci( number - 1 ) + fibonacci( number - 2 );
28   } // end function fibonacci                                    

fibonacci( 0 ) = 0
fibonacci( 1 ) = 1
fibonacci( 2 ) = 1
fibonacci( 3 ) = 2
fibonacci( 4 ) = 3
fibonacci( 5 ) = 5
fibonacci( 6 ) = 8
fibonacci( 7 ) = 13
fibonacci( 8 ) = 21
fibonacci( 9 ) = 34
fibonacci( 10 ) = 55

fibonacci( 20 ) = 6765
fibonacci( 30 ) = 832040
fibonacci( 35 ) = 9227465

Fig. 6.28. Recursive function fibonacci.

The application begins with a for statement that calculates and displays the Fibonacci values for the integers 0–10 and is followed by three calls to calculate the Fibonacci values of the integers 20, 30 and 35 (lines 16–18). The calls to fibonacci (lines 13 and 16–18) from main are not recursive calls, but the calls from line 27 of fibonacci are recursive. Each time the program invokes fibonacci (lines 22–28), the function immediately tests the base case to determine whether number is equal to 0 or 1 (line 24). If this is true, line 25 returns number. Interestingly, if number is greater than 1, the recursion step (line 27) generates two recursive calls, each for a slightly smaller problem than the original call to fibonacci.

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