Answers to Self-Review Exercises

23.1 True. The minus sign () indicates private visibility. We’ve mentioned “friendship” as an exception to private visibility. Friendship is discussed in Chapter 9.

23.2 b.

23.3 The design for class Account yields the header file in Fig. 23.37.

 1   // Fig. 23.37: Account.h
 2   // Account class definition. Represents a bank account.
 3   #ifndef ACCOUNT_H
 4   #define ACCOUNT_H
 6   class Account
 7   {
 8   public:
 9      bool validatePIN( int ); // is user-specified PIN correct?
10      double getAvailableBalance(); // returns available balance
11      double getTotalBalance(); // returns total balance
12      void credit( double ); // adds an amount to the Account
13      void debit( double ); // subtracts an amount from the Account
14   private:
15      int accountNumber; // account number
16      int pin; // PIN for authentication
17      double availableBalance; // funds available for withdrawal
18      double totalBalance; // funds available + funds waiting to clear
19   }; // end class Account
21   #endif // ACCOUNT_H

Fig. 23.37. Account class header file based on Figs. 23.1 and 23.2.

23.4 b.

23.5 False. The UML requires that we italicize abstract class names and operation names.

23.6 The design for class Transaction yields the header file in Fig. 23.38. In the implementation, a constructor initializes private reference attributes screen and bankDatabase to actual objects, and member functions getScreen and getBankDatabase access these attributes. These member functions allow classes derived from Transaction to access the ATM’s screen and interact with the bank’s database.

 1   // Fig. 36.38: Transaction.h
 2   // Transaction abstract base class definition.
 3   #ifndef TRANSACTION_H
 4   #define TRANSACTION_H
 6   class Screen; // forward declaration of class Screen
 7   class BankDatabase; // forward declaration of class BankDatabase
 9   class Transaction
10   {
11   public:
12      int getAccountNumber(); // return account number
13      Screen &getScreen(); // return reference to screen
14      BankDatabase &getBankDatabase(); // return reference to bank database
16      // pure virtual function to perform the transaction
17      virtual void execute() = 0; // overridden in derived classes
18   private:
19      int accountNumber; // indicates account involved
20      Screen &screen; // reference to the screen of the ATM
21      BankDatabase &bankDatabase; // reference to the account info database
22   }; // end class Transaction
24   #endif // TRANSACTION_H

Fig. 23.38. Transaction class header file based on Figs. 23.10 and 23.11.

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