11.3.1. Creating and Using a CommissionEmployee Class

Let’s examine CommissionEmployee’s class definition (Figs. 11.411.5). The CommissionEmployee header (Fig. 11.4) specifies class CommissionEmployee’s public services, which include a constructor (lines 11–12) and member functions earnings (line 29) and print (line 30). Lines 14–27 declare public get and set functions that manipulate the class’s data members (declared in lines 32–36) firstName, lastName, socialSecurityNumber, grossSales and commissionRate. Member functions setGrossSales (defined in lines 57–63 of Fig. 11.5) and setCommissionRate (defined in lines 72–78 of Fig. 11.5), for example, validate their arguments before assigning the values to data members grossSales and commissionRate, respectively.

 1   // Fig. 11.4: CommissionEmployee.h
 2   // CommissionEmployee class definition represents a commission employee.
 3   #ifndef COMMISSION_H
 4   #define COMMISSION_H
 6   #include <string> // C++ standard string class
 8   class CommissionEmployee
 9   {
10   public:
11      CommissionEmployee( const std::string &, const std::string &,
12         const std::string &, double = 0.0, double = 0.0 );        
14      void setFirstName( const std::string & ); // set first name
15      std::string getFirstName() const; // return first name
17      void setLastName( const std::string & ); // set last name
18      std::string getLastName() const; // return last name
20      void setSocialSecurityNumber( const std::string & ); // set SSN
21      std::string getSocialSecurityNumber() const; // return SSN
23      void setGrossSales( double ); // set gross sales amount
24      double getGrossSales() const; // return gross sales amount
26      void setCommissionRate( double ); // set commission rate (percentage)
27      double getCommissionRate() const; // return commission rate
29      double earnings() const; // calculate earnings
30      void print() const; // print CommissionEmployee object
31   private:
32      std::string firstName;                         
33      std::string lastName;                          
34      std::string socialSecurityNumber;              
35      double grossSales; // gross weekly sales       
36      double commissionRate; // commission percentage
37   }; // end class CommissionEmployee
39   #endif

Fig. 11.4. CommissionEmployee class header.

 1   // Fig. 11.5: CommissionEmployee.cpp
 2   // Class CommissionEmployee member-function definitions.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   #include <stdexcept>
 5   #include "CommissionEmployee.h" // CommissionEmployee class definition
 6   using namespace std;
 8   // constructor                                                     
 9   CommissionEmployee::CommissionEmployee(                            
10      const string &first, const string &last, const string &ssn,     
11      double sales, double rate )                                     
12   {                                                                  
13      firstName = first; // should validate                           
14      lastName = last; // should validate                             
15      socialSecurityNumber = ssn; // should validate                  
16      setGrossSales( sales ); // validate and store gross sales       
17      setCommissionRate( rate ); // validate and store commission rate
18   } // end CommissionEmployee constructor                            
20   // set first name
21   void CommissionEmployee::setFirstName( const string &first )
22   {
23      firstName = first; // should validate
24   } // end function setFirstName
26   // return first name
27   string CommissionEmployee::getFirstName() const
28   {
29      return firstName;
30   } // end function getFirstName
32   // set last name
33   void CommissionEmployee::setLastName( const string &last )
34   {
35      lastName = last; // should validate
36   } // end function setLastName
38   // return last name
39   string CommissionEmployee::getLastName() const
40   {
41      return lastName;
42   } // end function getLastName
44   // set social security number
45   void CommissionEmployee::setSocialSecurityNumber( const string &ssn )
46   {
47      socialSecurityNumber = ssn; // should validate
48   } // end function setSocialSecurityNumber
50   // return social security number
51   string CommissionEmployee::getSocialSecurityNumber() const
52   {
53      return socialSecurityNumber;
54   } // end function getSocialSecurityNumber
56   // set gross sales amount
57   void CommissionEmployee::setGrossSales( double sales )
58   {
59      if ( sales >= 0.0 )
60         grossSales = sales;
61      else
62         throw invalid_argument( "Gross sales must be >= 0.0" );
63   } // end function setGrossSales
65   // return gross sales amount
66   double CommissionEmployee::getGrossSales() const
67   {
68      return grossSales;
69   } // end function getGrossSales
71   // set commission rate
72   void CommissionEmployee::setCommissionRate( double rate )
73   {
74      if ( rate > 0.0 && rate < 1.0 )
75         commissionRate = rate;
76      else
77         throw invalid_argument( "Commission rate must be > 0.0 and < 1.0" );
78   } // end function setCommissionRate
80   // return commission rate
81   double CommissionEmployee::getCommissionRate() const
82   {
83      return commissionRate;
84   } // end function getCommissionRate
86   // calculate earnings                      
87   double CommissionEmployee::earnings() const
88   {                                          
89      return commissionRate * grossSales;     
90   } // end function earnings                 
92   // print CommissionEmployee object                                
93   void CommissionEmployee::print() const                            
94   {                                                                 
95      cout << "commission employee: " << firstName << ' ' << lastName
96         << " social security number: " << socialSecurityNumber     
97         << " gross sales: " << grossSales                          
98         << " commission rate: " << commissionRate;                 
99   } // end function print                                           

Fig. 11.5. Implementation file for CommissionEmployee class that represents an employee who is paid a percentage of gross sales.

CommissionEmployee Constructor

The CommissionEmployee constructor definition purposely does not use member-initializer syntax in the first several examples of this section, so that we can demonstrate how private and protected specifiers affect member access in derived classes. As shown in Fig. 11.5, lines 13–15, we assign values to data members firstName, lastName and socialSecurityNumber in the constructor body. Later in this section, we’ll return to using member-initializer lists in the constructors.

We do not validate the values of the constructor’s arguments first, last and ssn before assigning them to the corresponding data members. We certainly could validate the first and last names—perhaps by ensuring that they’re of a reasonable length. Similarly, a social security number could be validated to ensure that it contains nine digits, with or without dashes (e.g., 123-45-6789 or 123456789).

CommissionEmployee Member Functions earnings and print

Member function earnings (lines 87–90) calculates a CommissionEmployee’s earnings. Line 89 multiplies the commissionRate by the grossSales and returns the result. Member function print (lines 93–99) displays the values of a CommissionEmployee object’s data members.

Testing Class CommissionEmployee

Figure 11.6 tests class CommissionEmployee. Lines 11–12 instantiate CommissionEmployee object employee and invoke the constructor to initialize the object with "Sue" as the first name, "Jones" as the last name, "222-22-2222" as the social security number, 10000 as the gross sales amount and .06 as the commission rate. Lines 19–24 use employee’s get functions to display the values of its data members. Lines 26–27 invoke the object’s member functions setGrossSales and setCommissionRate to change the values of data members grossSales and commissionRate, respectively. Line 31 then calls employee’s print member function to output the updated CommissionEmployee information. Finally, line 34 displays the CommissionEmployee’s earnings, calculated by the object’s earnings member function using the updated values of data members grossSales and commissionRate.

 1   // Fig. 11.6: fig11_06.cpp
 2   // CommissionEmployee class test program.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   #include <iomanip>
 5   #include "CommissionEmployee.h" // CommissionEmployee class definition
 6   using namespace std;
 8   int main()
 9   {
10      // instantiate a CommissionEmployee object     
11      CommissionEmployee employee(                   
12         "Sue", "Jones", "222-22-2222", 10000, .06 );
14      // set floating-point output formatting
15      cout << fixed << setprecision( 2 );
17      // get commission employee data
18      cout << "Employee information obtained by get functions: "
19         << " First name is " << employee.getFirstName()
20         << " Last name is " << employee.getLastName()
21         << " Social security number is "
22         << employee.getSocialSecurityNumber()
23         << " Gross sales is " << employee.getGrossSales()
24         << " Commission rate is " << employee.getCommissionRate() << endl;
26      employee.setGrossSales( 8000 ); // set gross sales      
27      employee.setCommissionRate( .1 ); // set commission rate
29      cout << " Updated employee information output by print function: "
30         << endl;
31      employee.print(); // display the new employee information
33      // display the employee's earnings
34      cout << " Employee's earnings: $" << employee.earnings() << endl;
35   } // end main

Employee information obtained by get functions:

First name is Sue
Last name is Jones
Social security number is 222-22-2222
Gross sales is 10000.00
Commission rate is 0.06

Updated employee information output by print function:

commission employee: Sue Jones
social security number: 222-22-2222
gross sales: 8000.00
commission rate: 0.10

Employee's earnings: $800.00

Fig. 11.6. CommissionEmployee class test program.

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