11.3.5. CommissionEmployeeBasePlusCommissionEmployee Inheritance Hierarchy Using private Data

We now reexamine our hierarchy once more, this time using the best software engineering practices. Class CommissionEmployee now declares data members firstName, lastName, socialSecurityNumber, grossSales and commissionRate as private as shown previously in lines 31–36 of Fig. 11.4.

 1   // Fig. 11.14: CommissionEmployee.cpp
 2   // Class CommissionEmployee member-function definitions.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   #include <stdexcept>
 5   #include "CommissionEmployee.h" // CommissionEmployee class definition
 6   using namespace std;
 8   // constructor
 9   CommissionEmployee::CommissionEmployee(
10      const string &first, const string &last, const string &ssn,
11      double sales, double rate )
12      : firstName( first ), lastName( last ), socialSecurityNumber( ssn )
13   {
14      setGrossSales( sales ); // validate and store gross sales
15      setCommissionRate( rate ); // validate and store commission rate
16   } // end CommissionEmployee constructor
18   // set first name
19   void CommissionEmployee::setFirstName( const string &first )
20   {
21      firstName = first; // should validate
22   } // end function setFirstName
24   // return first name
25   string CommissionEmployee::getFirstName() const
26   {
27      return firstName;
28   } // end function getFirstName
30   // set last name
31   void CommissionEmployee::setLastName( const string &last )
32   {
33      lastName = last; // should validate
34   } // end function setLastName
36   // return last name
37   string CommissionEmployee::getLastName() const
38   {
39      return lastName;
40   } // end function getLastName
42   // set social security number
43   void CommissionEmployee::setSocialSecurityNumber( const string &ssn )
44   {
45      socialSecurityNumber = ssn; // should validate
46   } // end function setSocialSecurityNumber
48   // return social security number
49   string CommissionEmployee::getSocialSecurityNumber() const
50   {
51      return socialSecurityNumber;
52   } // end function getSocialSecurityNumber
54   // set gross sales amount
55   void CommissionEmployee::setGrossSales( double sales )
56   {
57      if ( sales >= 0.0 )
58         grossSales = sales;
59      else
60         throw invalid_argument( "Gross sales must be >= 0.0" );
61   } // end function setGrossSales
63   // return gross sales amount
64   double CommissionEmployee::getGrossSales() const
65   {
66      return grossSales;
67   } // end function getGrossSales
69   // set commission rate
70   void CommissionEmployee::setCommissionRate( double rate )
71   {
72      if ( rate > 0.0 && rate < 1.0 )
73         commissionRate = rate;
74      else
75         throw invalid_argument( "Commission rate must be > 0.0 and < 1.0" );
76   } // end function setCommissionRate
78   // return commission rate
79   double CommissionEmployee::getCommissionRate() const
80   {
81      return commissionRate;
82   } // end function getCommissionRate
84   // calculate earnings
85   double CommissionEmployee::earnings() const
86   {
87      return getCommissionRate() * getGrossSales();
88   } // end function earnings
90   // print CommissionEmployee object
91   void CommissionEmployee::print() const
92   {
93      cout << "commission employee: "
94         << getFirstName() << ' ' << getLastName()
95         << " social security number: " << getSocialSecurityNumber()
96         << " gross sales: " << getGrossSales()
97         << " commission rate: " << getCommissionRate();
98   } // end function print

Fig. 11.14. CommissionEmployee class implementation file: CommissionEmployee class uses member functions to manipulate its private data.

Changes to Class CommissionEmployee’s Member Function Definitions

In the CommissionEmployee constructor implementation (Fig. 11.14, lines 9–16), we use member initializers (line 12) to set the values of the members firstName, lastName and socialSecurityNumber. We show how the derived-class BasePlusCommissionEmployee (Fig. 11.15) can invoke non-private base-class member functions (setFirstName, getFirstName, setLastName, getLastName, setSocialSecurityNumber and getSocialSecurityNumber) to manipulate these data members.

 1   // Fig. 11.15: BasePlusCommissionEmployee.cpp
 2   // Class BasePlusCommissionEmployee member-function definitions.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   #include <stdexcept>
 5   #include "BasePlusCommissionEmployee.h"
 6   using namespace std;
 8   // constructor
 9   BasePlusCommissionEmployee::BasePlusCommissionEmployee(
10      const string &first, const string &last, const string &ssn,
11      double sales, double rate, double salary )
12      // explicitly call base-class constructor
13      : CommissionEmployee( first, last, ssn, sales, rate )
14   {
15      setBaseSalary( salary ); // validate and store base salary
16   } // end BasePlusCommissionEmployee constructor
18   // set base salary
19   void BasePlusCommissionEmployee::setBaseSalary( double salary )
20   {
21      if ( salary >= 0.0 )
22         baseSalary = salary;
23      else
24         throw invalid_argument( "Salary must be >= 0.0" );
25   } // end function setBaseSalary
27   // return base salary
28   double BasePlusCommissionEmployee::getBaseSalary() const
29   {
30      return baseSalary;
31   } // end function getBaseSalary
33   // calculate earnings
34   double BasePlusCommissionEmployee::earnings() const
35   {
36      return getBaseSalary() + CommissionEmployee::earnings();
37   } // end function earnings
39   // print BasePlusCommissionEmployee object
40   void BasePlusCommissionEmployee::print() const
41   {
42      cout << "base-salaried ";
44      // invoke CommissionEmployee's print function
45      CommissionEmployee::print();                 
47      cout << " base salary: " << getBaseSalary();
48   } // end function print

Fig. 11.15. BasePlusCommissionEmployee class that inherits from class CommissionEmployee but cannot directly access the class’s private data.

In the body of the constructor and in the bodies of member function’s earnings (Fig. 11.14, lines 85–88) and print (lines 91–98), we call the class’s set and get member functions to access the class’s private data members. If we decide to change the data member names, the earnings and print definitions will not require modification—only the definitions of the get and set member functions that directly manipulate the data members will need to change. These changes occur solely within the base class—no changes to the derived class are needed. Localizing the effects of changes like this is a good software engineering practice.

Image Performance Tip 11.2

Using a member function to access a data member’s value can be slightly slower than accessing the data directly. However, today’s optimizing compilers are carefully designed to perform many optimizations implicitly (such as inlining set and get member-function calls). You should write code that adheres to proper software engineering principles, and leave optimization to the compiler. A good rule is, “Do not second-guess the compiler.”

Changes to Class BasePlusCommissionEmployee’s Member Function Definitions

Class BasePlusCommissionEmployee inherits CommissionEmployee’s public member functions and can access the private base-class members via the inherited member functions. The class’s header remains unchanged from Fig. 11.10. The class has several changes to its member-function implementations (Fig. 11.15) that distinguish it from the previous version of the class (Figs. 11.1011.11). Member functions earnings (Fig. 11.15, lines 34–37) and print (lines 40–48) each invoke member function getBaseSalary to obtain the base salary value, rather than accessing baseSalary directly. This insulates earnings and print from potential changes to the implementation of data member baseSalary. For example, if we decide to rename data member baseSalary or change its type, only member functions setBaseSalary and getBaseSalary will need to change.

BasePlusCommissionEmployee Member Function earnings

Class BasePlusCommissionEmployee’s earnings function (Fig. 11.15, lines 34–37) redefines class CommissionEmployee’s earnings member function (Fig. 11.14, lines 85–88) to calculate the earnings of a base-salaried commission employee. Class BasePlusCommissionEmployee’s version of earnings obtains the portion of the employee’s earnings based on commission alone by calling base-class CommissionEmployee’s earnings function with the expression CommissionEmployee::earnings() (Fig. 11.15, line 36). BasePlusCommissionEmployee’s earnings function then adds the base salary to this value to calculate the total earnings of the employee. Note the syntax used to invoke a redefined base-class member function from a derived class—place the base-class name and the scope resolution operator (::) before the base-class member-function name. This member-function invocation is a good software engineering practice: Recall from Chapter 9 that, if an object’s member function performs the actions needed by another object, we should call that member function rather than duplicating its code body. By having BasePlusCommissionEmployee’s earnings function invoke CommissionEmployee’s earnings function to calculate part of a BasePlusCommissionEmployee object’s earnings, we avoid duplicating the code and reduce code-maintenance problems.

Image Common Programming Error 11.2

When a base-class member function is redefined in a derived class, the derived-class version often calls the base-class version to do additional work. Failure to use the :: operator prefixed with the name of the base class when referencing the base class’s member function causes infinite recursion, because the derived-class member function would then call itself.

BasePlusCommissionEmployee Member Function print

Similarly, BasePlusCommissionEmployee’s print function (Fig. 11.15, lines 40–48) redefines class CommissionEmployee’s print function (Fig. 11.14, lines 91–98) to output the appropriate base-salaried commission employee information. The new version displays part of a BasePlusCommissionEmployee object’s information (i.e., the string "commission employee" and the values of class CommissionEmployee’s private data members) by calling CommissionEmployee’s print member function with the qualified name CommissionEmployee::print() (Fig. 11.15, line 45). BasePlusCommissionEmployee’s print function then outputs the remainder of a BasePlusCommissionEmployee object’s information (i.e., the value of class BasePlusCommissionEmployee’s base salary).

Testing the Modified Class Hierarchy

Once again, this example uses the BasePlusCommissionEmployee test program from Fig. 11.9 and produces the same output. Although each “base-salaried commission employee” class behaves identically, the version in this example is the best engineered. By using inheritance and by calling member functions that hide the data and ensure consistency, we’ve efficiently and effectively constructed a well-engineered class.

Summary of the CommissionEmployeeBasePlusCommissionEmployee Examples

In this section, you saw an evolutionary set of examples that was carefully designed to teach key capabilities for good software engineering with inheritance. You learned how to create a derived class using inheritance, how to use protected base-class members to enable a derived class to access inherited base-class data members and how to redefine base-class functions to provide versions that are more appropriate for derived-class objects. In addition, you learned how to apply software engineering techniques from Chapter 9 and this chapter to create classes that are easy to maintain, modify and debug.

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