14.4. Reading Data from a Sequential File

Files store data so it may be retrieved for processing when needed. The previous section demonstrated how to create a file for sequential access. We now discuss how to read data sequentially from a file. Figure 14.6 reads and displays the records from the clients.txt file that we created using the program of Fig. 14.3. Creating an ifstream object opens a file for input. The ifstream constructor can receive the filename and the file open mode as arguments. Line 15 creates an ifstream object called inClientFile and associates it with the clients.txt file. The arguments in parentheses are passed to the ifstream constructor, which opens the file and establishes a “line of communication” with the file.

 1   // Fig. 14.6: Fig14_06.cpp
 2   // Reading and printing a sequential file.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   #include <fstream> // file stream        
 5   #include <iomanip>
 6   #include <string>
 7   #include <cstdlib>
 8   using namespace std;
10   void outputLine( int, const string &, double ); // prototype
12   int main()
13   {
14      // ifstream constructor opens the file          
15      ifstream inClientFile( "clients.txt", ios::in );
17      // exit program if ifstream could not open file
18      if ( !inClientFile )
19      {
20         cerr << "File could not be opened" << endl;
21         exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
22      } // end if
24      int account; // the account number
25      string name; // the account owner's name
26      double balance; // the account balance
28      cout << left << setw( 10 ) << "Account" << setw( 13 )
29         << "Name" << "Balance" << endl << fixed << showpoint;
31      // display each record in file
32      while ( inClientFile >> account >> name >> balance )
33         outputLine( account, name, balance );
34   } // end main
36   // display single record from file
37   void outputLine( int account, const string &name, double balance )
38   {
39      cout << left << setw( 10 ) << account << setw( 13 ) << name
40         << setw( 7 ) << setprecision( 2 ) << right << balance << endl;
41   } // end function outputLine

Account   Name         Balance
100       Jones          24.98
200       Doe           345.67
300       White           0.00
400       Stone         -42.16
500       Rich          224.62

Fig. 14.6. Reading and printing a sequential file.

Image Good Programming Practice 14.1

If a file’s contents should not be modified, use ios::in to open it only for input. This prevents unintentional modification of the file’s contents and is another example of the principle of least privilege.

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