15.7.1. stack Adapter

Class stack (from header <stack>) enables insertions into and deletions from the underlying container at one end called the top, so a stack is commonly referred to as a last-in, first-out data structure. We introduced stacks in our discussion of the function-call stack in Section 6.11. A stack can be implemented with vector, list or deque. This example creates three integer stacks, using vector, list and deque as the underlying data structure to represent the stack. By default, a stack is implemented with a deque. The stack operations are push to insert an element at the top of the stack (implemented by calling function push_back of the underlying container), pop to remove the top element of the stack (implemented by calling function pop_back of the underlying container), top to get a reference to the top element of the stack (implemented by calling function back of the underlying container), empty to determine whether the stack is empty (implemented by calling function empty of the underlying container) and size to get the number of elements in the stack (implemented by calling function size of the underlying container).

Figure 15.19 demonstrates the stack adapter class. Lines 18, 21 and 24 instantiate three integer stacks. Line 18 specifies a stack of integers that uses the default deque container as its underlying data structure. Line 21 specifies a stack of integers that uses a vector of integers as its underlying data structure. Line 24 specifies a stack of integers that uses a list of integers as its underlying data structure.

 1   // Fig. 15.19: fig15_19.cpp
 2   // Standard Library stack adapter class.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   #include <stack> // stack adapter definition
 5   #include <vector> // vector class-template definition
 6   #include <list> // list class-template definition
 7   using namespace std;
 9   // pushElements function-template prototype
10   template< typename T > void pushElements( T &stackRef );
12   // popElements function-template prototype
13   template< typename T > void popElements( T &stackRef );
15   int main()
16   {
17      // stack with default underlying deque
18      stack< int > intDequeStack;           
20      // stack with underlying vector            
21      stack< int, vector< int > > intVectorStack;
23      // stack with underlying list          
24      stack< int, list< int > > intListStack;
26      // push the values 0-9 onto each stack
27      cout << "Pushing onto intDequeStack: ";
28      pushElements( intDequeStack );
29      cout << " Pushing onto intVectorStack: ";
30      pushElements( intVectorStack );
31      cout << " Pushing onto intListStack: ";
32      pushElements( intListStack );
33      cout << endl << endl;
35      // display and remove elements from each stack
36      cout << "Popping from intDequeStack: ";
37      popElements( intDequeStack );
38      cout << " Popping from intVectorStack: ";
39      popElements( intVectorStack );
40      cout << " Popping from intListStack: ";
41      popElements( intListStack );
42      cout << endl;
43   } // end main
45   // push elements onto stack object to which stackRef refers
46   template< typename T > void pushElements( T &stackRef )
47   {
48      for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
49      {
50         stackRef.push( i ); // push element onto stack                  
51         cout << stackRef.top() << ' '; // view (and display) top element
52      } // end for
53   } // end function pushElements
55   // pop elements from stack object to which stackRef refers
56   template< typename T > void popElements( T &stackRef )
57   {
58      while ( !stackRef.empty() )
59      {
60         cout << stackRef.top() << ' '; // view (and display) top element
61         stackRef.pop(); // remove top element                           
62      } // end while
63   } // end function popElements

Pushing onto intDequeStack: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Pushing onto intVectorStack: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Pushing onto intListStack: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Popping from intDequeStack: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Popping from intVectorStack: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Popping from intListStack: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Fig. 15.19. Standard Library stack adapter class.

Function pushElements (lines 46–53) pushes the elements onto each stack. Line 50 uses function push (available in each adapter class) to place an integer on top of the stack. Line 51 uses stack function top to retrieve the top element of the stack for output. Function top does not remove the top element.

Function popElements (lines 56–63) pops the elements off each stack. Line 60 uses stack function top to retrieve the top element of the stack for output. Line 61 uses function pop (available in each adapter class) to remove the top element of the stack. Function pop does not return a value.

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