Compilation Errors Produced When Ambiguity Arises in Diamond Inheritance

Figure 21.13 demonstrates the ambiguity that can occur in diamond inheritance. Class Base (lines 8–12) contains pure virtual function print (line 11). Classes DerivedOne (lines 15–23) and DerivedTwo (lines 26–34) each publicly inherit from Base and override function print. Class DerivedOne and class DerivedTwo each contain a base-class subobject—i.e., the members of class Base in this example.

 1   // Fig. 21.13: fig21_13.cpp
 2   // Attempting to polymorphically call a function that is
 3   // multiply inherited from two base classes.
 4   #include <iostream>
 5   using namespace std;
 7   // class Base definition
 8   class Base
 9   {
10   public:
11      virtual void print() const = 0; // pure virtual
12   }; // end class Base
14   // class DerivedOne definition
15   class DerivedOne : public Base
16   {
17   public:
18      // override print function
19      void print() const        
20      {                         
21         cout << "DerivedOne ";
22      } // end function print   
23   }; // end class DerivedOne
25   // class DerivedTwo definition
26   class DerivedTwo : public Base
27   {
28   public:
29      // override print function
30      void print() const        
31      {                         
32         cout << "DerivedTwo ";
33      } // end function print   
34   }; // end class DerivedTwo
36   // class Multiple definition
37   class Multiple : public DerivedOne, public DerivedTwo
38   {
39   public:
40      // qualify which version of function print
41      void print() const                        
42      {                                         
43         DerivedTwo::print();                   
44      } // end function print                   
45   }; // end class Multiple
47   int main()
48   {
49      Multiple both; // instantiate Multiple object
50      DerivedOne one; // instantiate DerivedOne object
51      DerivedTwo two; // instantiate DerivedTwo object
52      Base *array[ 3 ]; // create array of base-class pointers
54      array[ 0 ] = &both; // ERROR--ambiguous
55      array[ 1 ] = &one;
56      array[ 2 ] = &two;
58      // polymorphically invoke print
59      for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
60         array[ i ] -> print();
61   } // end main

Microsoft Visual C++ compiler error message:

c:cpphtp9_examplesch23fig21_13fig21_13.cpp(54) : error C2594: '=' :
   ambiguous conversions from 'Multiple *' to 'Base *'

Fig. 21.13. Attempting to call a multiply inherited function polymorphically.

Class Multiple (lines 37–45) inherits from both class DerivedOne and class DerivedTwo. In class Multiple, function print is overridden to call DerivedTwo’s print (line 43). Notice that we must qualify the print call with the class name DerivedTwo to specify which version of print to call.

Function main (lines 47–61) declares objects of classes Multiple (line 49), DerivedOne (line 50) and DerivedTwo (line 51). Line 52 declares an array of Base * pointers. Each array element is initialized with the address of an object (lines 54–56). An error occurs when the address of both—an object of class Multiple—is assigned to array[ 0 ]. The object both actually contains two subobjects of type Base, so the compiler does not know which subobject the pointer array[ 0 ] should point to, and it generates a compilation error indicating an ambiguous conversion.

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