Designing the ATM System

We now begin the ATM system’s design. A system is a set of components that interact to solve a problem. To perform the ATM system’s designated tasks, our ATM system has a user interface (Fig. 22.1), contains software that executes financial transactions and interacts with a database of bank account information. System structure describes the system’s objects and their interrelationships. System behavior describes how the system changes as its objects interact with one another. Every system has both structure and behavior—designers must specify both. There are several distinct types of system structures and behaviors. For example, the interactions among objects in the system differ from those between the user and the system, yet both constitute a portion of the system behavior.

The UML 2 specifies 13 diagram types for documenting the models of systems. Each models a distinct characteristic of a system’s structure or behavior—six diagrams relate to system structure; the remaining seven relate to system behavior. We list here only the six types of diagrams used in our case study—one of these (class diagrams) models system structure—the remaining five model system behavior. We overview the remaining seven UML diagram types in Appendix G, UML 2: Additional Diagram Types.

1. Use case diagrams, such as the one in Fig. 22.4, model the interactions between a system and its external entities (actors) in terms of use cases (system capabilities, such as “View Account Balance,” “Withdraw Cash” and “Deposit Funds”).

2. Class diagrams, which you’ll study in Section 22.4, model the classes, or “building blocks,” used in a system. Each noun or “thing” described in the requirements document is a candidate to be a class in the system (e.g., “account,” “keypad”). Class diagrams help us specify the structural relationships between parts of the system. For example, the ATM system class diagram will specify that the ATM is physically composed of a screen, a keypad, a cash dispenser and a deposit slot.

3. State machine diagrams, which you’ll study in Section 22.6, model the ways in which an object changes state. An object’s state is indicated by the values of all the object’s attributes at a given time. When an object changes state, that object may behave differently in the system. For example, after validating a user’s PIN, the ATM transitions from the “user not authenticated” state to the “user authenticated” state, at which point the ATM allows the user to perform financial transactions (e.g., view account balance, withdraw cash, deposit funds).

4. Activity diagrams, which you’ll also study in Section 22.6, model an object’s activity—the object’s workflow (sequence of events) during program execution. An activity diagram models the actions the object performs and specifies the order in which it performs these actions. For example, an activity diagram shows that the ATM must obtain the balance of the user’s account (from the bank’s account information database) before the screen can display the balance to the user.

5. Communication diagrams (called collaboration diagrams in earlier versions of the UML) model the interactions among objects in a system, with an emphasis on what interactions occur. You’ll learn in Section 22.8 that these diagrams show which objects must interact to perform an ATM transaction. For example, the ATM must communicate with the bank’s account information database to retrieve an account balance.

6. Sequence diagrams also model the interactions among the objects in a system, but unlike communication diagrams, they emphasize when interactions occur. You’ll learn in Section 22.8 that these diagrams help show the order in which interactions occur in executing a financial transaction. For example, the screen prompts the user to enter a withdrawal amount before cash is dispensed.

In Section 22.4, we continue designing our ATM system by identifying the classes from the requirements document. We accomplish this by extracting key nouns and noun phrases from the requirements document. Using these classes, we develop our first draft of the class diagram that models the structure of our ATM system.

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