Operations of Class CashDispenser and Class DepositSlot

Figure 22.16 lists “dispenses cash” for class CashDispenser. Therefore, we create operation dispenseCash and list it under class CashDispenser in Fig. 22.17. Class CashDispenser also “indicates whether it contains enough cash to satisfy a withdrawal request.” Thus, we include isSufficientCashAvailable, an operation that returns a value of UML type Boolean, in class CashDispenser. Figure 22.16 also lists “receives a deposit envelope” for class DepositSlot. The deposit slot must indicate whether it received an envelope, so we place an operation isEnvelopeReceived, which returns a Boolean value, in the third compartment of class DepositSlot. [Note: A real hardware deposit slot would most likely send the ATM a signal to indicate that an envelope was received. We simulate this behavior, however, with an operation in class DepositSlot that class ATM can invoke to find out whether the deposit slot received an envelope.]

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