Identifying the Collaborations in a System

We identify the collaborations in the system by carefully reading the requirements document sections that specify what the ATM should do to authenticate a user and to perform each transaction type. For each action or step described, we decide which objects in our system must interact to achieve the desired result. We identify one object as the sending object (i.e., the object that sends the message) and another as the receiving object (i.e., the object that offers that operation to clients of the class). We then select one of the receiving object’s operations (identified in Section 22.7) that must be invoked by the sending object to produce the proper behavior. For example, the ATM displays a welcome message when idle. We know that an object of class Screen displays a message to the user via its displayMessage operation. Thus, we decide that the system can display a welcome message by employing a collaboration between the ATM and the Screen in which the ATM sends a displayMessage message to the Screen by invoking the displayMessage operation of class Screen. [Note: To avoid repeating the phrase “an object of class...,” we refer to each object simply by using its class name preceded by an article (“a,” “an” or “the”)—for example, “the ATM” refers to an object of class ATM.]

Figure 22.22 lists the collaborations that can be derived from the requirements document. For each sending object, we list the collaborations in the order in which they are discussed in the requirements document. We list each collaboration involving a unique sender, message and recipient only once, even though the collaboration may occur several times during an ATM session. For example, the first row in Fig. 22.22 indicates that the ATM collaborates with the Screen whenever the ATM needs to display a message to the user.


Fig. 22.22. Collaborations in the ATM system.

Let’s consider the collaborations in Fig. 22.22. Before allowing a user to perform any transactions, the ATM must prompt the user to enter an account number, then to enter a PIN. It accomplishes each of these tasks by sending a displayMessage message to the Screen. Both of these actions refer to the same collaboration between the ATM and the Screen, which is already listed in Fig. 22.22. The ATM obtains input in response to a prompt by sending a getInput message to the Keypad. Next, the ATM must determine whether the user-specified account number and PIN match those of an account in the database. It does so by sending an authenticateUser message to the BankDatabase. Recall that the BankDatabase cannot authenticate a user directly—only the user’s Account (i.e., the Account that contains the account number specified by the user) can access the user’s PIN to authenticate the user. Figure 22.22 therefore lists a collaboration in which the BankDatabase sends a validatePIN message to an Account.

After the user is authenticated, the ATM displays the main menu by sending a series of displayMessage messages to the Screen and obtains input containing a menu selection by sending a getInput message to the Keypad. We’ve already accounted for these collaborations. After the user chooses a type of transaction to perform, the ATM executes the transaction by sending an execute message to an object of the appropriate transaction class (i.e., a BalanceInquiry, a Withdrawal or a Deposit). For example, if the user chooses to perform a balance inquiry, the ATM sends an execute message to a BalanceInquiry.

Further examination of the requirements document reveals the collaborations involved in executing each transaction type. A BalanceInquiry retrieves the amount of money available in the user’s account by sending a getAvailableBalance message to the BankDatabase, which responds by sending a getAvailableBalance message to the user’s Account. Similarly, the BalanceInquiry retrieves the amount of money on deposit by sending a getTotalBalance message to the BankDatabase, which sends the same message to the user’s Account. To display both measures of the user’s balance at the same time, the BalanceInquiry sends a displayMessage message to the Screen.

A Withdrawal sends the Screen several displayMessage messages to display a menu of standard withdrawal amounts (i.e., $20, $40, $60, $100, $200). The Withdrawal sends the Keypad a getInput message to obtain the user’s menu selection, then determines whether the requested withdrawal amount is less than or equal to the user’s account balance. The Withdrawal can obtain the amount of money available in the account by sending the BankDatabase a getAvailableBalance message. The Withdrawal then tests whether the cash dispenser contains enough cash by sending the CashDispenser an isSufficientCashAvailable message. A Withdrawal sends the BankDatabase a debit message to decrease the user’s account balance. The BankDatabase sends the same message to the appropriate Account. Recall that debiting funds from an Account decreases both the totalBalance and the availableBalance. To dispense the requested amount of cash, the Withdrawal sends the CashDispenser a dispenseCash message. Finally, the Withdrawal sends a displayMessage message to the Screen, instructing the user to take the cash.

A Deposit responds to an execute message first by sending a displayMessage message to the Screen to prompt the user for a deposit amount. The Deposit sends a getInput message to the Keypad to obtain the user’s input. The Deposit then sends a displayMessage message to the Screen to tell the user to insert a deposit envelope. To determine whether the deposit slot received an incoming deposit envelope, the Deposit sends an isEnvelopeReceived message to the DepositSlot. The Deposit updates the user’s account by sending a credit message to the BankDatabase, which subsequently sends a credit message to the user’s Account. Recall that crediting funds to an Account increases the totalBalance but not the availableBalance.

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