Appendix C: Properties of Gases

Physical Properties of Gases (Approximate Values at 68°F and 14.8 psia)


Source:  Molecular weight, specific gravity, individual gas constant, and specific heat values were based on data in Avallone, E. et al., Mark’s Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 11th edn., McGraw Hill, New York, 2006.

Weight density values were obtained by multiplying the density of air by the specific gravity of gas. For values of 60°F, multiply by 1.0154. Natural gas values were representative only. Exact characteristics require knowledge of specific constituents.

a  Specific heat at constant pressure.

b  Specific heat at constant volume.


FIGURE C.1 Steam values of isentropic exponent, k (for small changes in pressure (or volume) along an isentrope, pVk = constant). (From Avallone, E. et al., Mark’s Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 11th edn., McGraw Hill, New York, 2006.)


Avallone, E. et al., Mark’s Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 11th edn., McGraw Hill, New York, 2006.

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