

Accelerating systems

horizontal, 8687

vertical, 81, 86

Accuracy, 3436

Adiabatic flow, 244, 254

choked flow, 246

in constant area duct, 537543

expansion factor, 247248

frictionless, 248250

Aerocyclones, 369

pressure drops, 371372, 375

separation efficiency, 372375

velocity distribution, 370371

Air flow

other pipe, 515

through Schedule 40 steel pipe, 512514

Analogies, 7, 388

Angular momentum, 119120, 217, 219

Anisotropic stress, 7980

Annular flow, 183

API gravity, 66

Apparent viscosity, 51, 56, 60

Archimedes number, 339, 408, 414415



correlation, 416

equation, 413, 415

Batch flux curve, see Thickening

Batch settling test, 418

Bathwater rule, 25

Bernoulli equation, 109, 111113, 116117, 407

Best efficiency point (BEP), see Efficiency; Pumps

Bethe–Zel’dovich–Thompson (BZT) fluids, 256

Bingham number, 153, 196, 355

Bingham plastics, 5960, 64

all flow regimes, 151

falling particles, 337340

friction factor, 153

laminar pipe flow, 152153

non-Newtonian fluids, 355356

turbulent pipe flow, 153

unknown diameter, 163165, 201

unknown driving force, 155157, 198

unknown flow rate, 161, 199

Blake–Kozeny equation, 386387

Blasius, 145146

Boundary layer, 11, 142, 144, 336337

Buckingham Π theorem, 25

Buckingham–Reiner equation, 152153

Buffer zone, 142, 145

Bulk modulus, 241

Buoyancy, 88

Burke–Plummer equation, 386


Capital cost of pipe (CCP), 185186

Capital cost of pump stations (CCPS), 185187

Carreau fluids

falling particles, 337340

model, 354355

Carreau model, 6264

Carreau–Yasuda model, 64

Cavitation, see Pumps

Centrifugal pumps, 217218

Centrifugal separation

correction factor, 365

disk-bowl centrifuge, 366

immiscible liquids separation, 366369

radial acceleration, 363

radial terminal velocity, 364

schematic diagram, 363364

Centrifuge, see Centrifugal separation

Choked flow, see Compressible flows

Choking, see Two-phase flow

Churchill equation, 154155

Clarifier, 416

Clausius–Clapeyron equation, 443

Colebrook, 146, 167168, 193

Collection efficiency, see Efficiency

Column packings, 389393

Composite curves, 221223

Compressible flows

Fanno line, 251, 254, 257258

gas properties

ideal gas, 239240

speed of sound, 240241

generalized gas flow expressions, ideal gas

applications, 256259

governing equations, 251256

high-speed ideal gas problems, 259260

HDI method, 320

ideal adiabatic flow, 242

ideal nozzle, 249

pipe flow

adiabatic flow, 244

choked flow, 245246

expansion factor, 246248

friction factor, 242

frictionless adiabatic flow, 248250

general fluid properties, 250

isothermal flow, 242244

mass flow rate and mass flux, 241

Reynolds number, 242


density, 228

efficiency, 230

energy balance equation, 228

high-pressure pump, 226

isentropic compression, 228229

isothermal compression, 228

staged operation, 229230

work of compression, 228

Conservation laws, 12

Conservation of dimensions

consistent units, 2324

kinetic energy per unit mass, 22

law of conservation of dimensions, 21

numerical values, 22

principles, 22

Conservation of energy

convention for heat, 104

convention for work, 104

energy balance, 105

enthalpy, 107108

heat balance, 105

internal energy, 105107

irreversible effects

constant density, 110

energy dissipation, 109

enthalpy, 109

friction loss, 108109

head form of Bernoulli equation, 110

kinetic energy correction, 110113

mechanical energy balance, 109

thermodynamics, 108

mechanical energy, 105

pressure energy, 104

shaft work, 104

thermal energy, 105

Conservation of linear momentum

conservation of angular momentum, 119120

loss coefficient, 116119

macroscopic conservation, 114

macroscopic momentum balance, 113

microscopic momentum balance, 122125

moving boundary systems and relative motion, 120121

one-dimensional flow in a tube, 114116

Conservation of mass

macroscopic mass balance, 101103

microscopic mass balance, 103104

Conservation principles

of angular momentum, 122

conservation law, 101

conservation of energy

convention for heat, 104

convention for work, 104

energy balance, 105

enthalpy, 107108

heat balance, 105

internal energy, 105107

irreversible effects, 108113

mechanical energy, 105

pressure energy, 104

shaft work, 104

thermal energy, 105

conservation of linear momentum

conservation of angular momentum, 119120

loss coefficient, 116119

macroscopic conservation, 114

macroscopic momentum balance, 113

microscopic momentum balance, 122125

moving boundary systems and relative motion, 120121

one-dimensional flow in a tube, 114116

conservation of mass

macroscopic mass balance, 101103

microscopic mass balance, 103104

of dimensions, 103

of dollars, 1

of energy

compressible flow, 251

in pipe flow, 251

of mass

microscopic, 103104

of momentum

compressible flow, 251256

microscopic, 122125

in pipe flow, 251256

principles, 101

system with inputs and outputs, 101102

Constant density fluids

barometer, 8384

isochoric fluid, 82

manometer, 8283

Continuity, 140, 251, 496

Control valves

cavitation and flashing liquids

definition, 311

liquid choking, 311

liquid critical pressure ratio, 311313

pressure differential ratio factor, 313314


cage-style trim, 301302

equal percentage, 302

globe-style valve bodies, 301302

guidelines for applications, 303304

linear flow, 302

modified parabolic, 303

trim cages, 302

compressible fluids

choked flow, 318

subsonic flow, 316318

equation constant, incompressible fluids, 305306

expansion factor, 318

flow coefficient, 307, 310, 319

flow control piping system, 300301

incompressible flow, 316317

sizing, 303305

trim, 301303

universal gas sizing equation, 305

valve coefficients

liquid pressure recovery factor, 308309

piping geometry factor, 308

sizing coefficient, 306308

valve style modifier, 309

valve–system interaction, 323325

as variable resistance, 300

viscosity correction

unknown flow rate, 314

unknown pressure drop, 314315

unknown valve size, 314

viscous fluids, 314315

Control volume, 101

Conversion factors, 2021

Coriolis flow meter, 284


of energy, 185188

of pipe, 186, 189

of pump stations, 185187

Couette viscometer, see Cup-and-bob viscometer

Crane, C., 193, 247

Crane method, 193

Creeping flow, 333

Cup-and-bob viscometer

average shear rate, 53

shear stress, 53

Taylor vortices, 55

torsion spring, 5253

Cut size, 369370, 377

Cycle time, see Filtration

Cyclone, see Cyclone separations

Cyclone separations

advantages, 370

aerocyclones, 370375

disadvantages, 370

hydrocyclones, 375378

reverse flow cyclone, 369370

Cylinder drag, 336

Cylindrical coordinates

continuity equation, 497

momentum equation, 498

stress tensor components, 500


Dallavalle equation, 336, 338, 340, 362, 415

Darby 3-K method, 193194

Darcy friction factor, 30

Darcy’s law, 387, 394

Deborah number, 167168

Density, 4, 8, 26, 219, 239

Diffuser, 111112, 271

Diffusivity, 7

Dilatant, 60, 351

Dimensional analysis

accuracy and precision

definitions, 34

implied precision, 35

relative uncertainty, 36

reproducibility, 34

advantages, 24

bathwater rule, 25

Buckingham Π theorem, 25

conversion factors, 2021

dependent variable, 29

dimensionless variables, 2829


conservation, 2124

definition, 17

derived, 1718

fundamental, 1718

Newton’s second law, 1819

scientific and engineering systems, 18

Euler number, 30

friction factor, 30

pipeline analysis, 2528

pressure gradient, 30

problem solution, 29

Reynolds number, 30

uniqueness, 28

units, 1920

Dimensionless groups, 24, 3435


derived, 1718

engineering, 20

fundamental, 1720

scientific, 1819

Dissipation of energy, 140

Dodge and Metzner equation, 150

Drag coefficient (CD)

boundary layer effects, 336337

cylinder, 335336

definition, 333

nonspherical particles, 343

Reynolds numbers, 335

sphere, 334335

spherical drops and bubbles, 349

swarm, 414415

Drag reduction, 166170

Drops and bubbles, 349

Dyad, 89


Economic pipe diameter

Newtonian fluids, 188189

non-Newtonian fluids, 189190

Eddy viscosity, 143144


best efficiency point (BEP), 219220, 225

collection efficiency, 375

grade efficiency, 372, 374375

pump, 186, 218219

separation, 361, 372375

Einstein equation, 431

Electromagnetic flow meter, 283

Ellis model, 63

Energy, see Conservation of energy

Energy balance, 138

Energy cost to power pumps (EC), 185, 187

Energy dissipation, 109, 140, 146, 433

Enthalpy, 105, 107108

Equivalent L/D method, 191193

Ergun equation, 386

Euler number, 30, 35, 375

Euler turbine equation, 120

Expansion, 112113, 195, 450

Expansion factor, see Compressible flows

External flows

correction factors

drops and bubbles, 349

particle shape effects, 341349

wall effects, 340341

drag coefficient

boundary layer effects, 336337

cylinder drag, 336

definition, 333

Reynolds numbers, 35

sphere, 334335

falling particles

unknown diameter, 339

unknown velocity, 338339

unknown viscosity, 340

non-Newtonian fluids

Bingham plastics, 355356

Carreau fluids, 354355

power law fluids, 350354

wall effects, 354


Falling particles

Bingham plastics, 337340

Carreau fluids, 337340

power-law fluids, 350354

unknown diameter, 339

unknown velocity, 338339

unknown viscosity, 340

wall effects, 340341

Fanning friction factor, 12, 30, 141, 149

Fanno flow, 251

Fanno line, 251, 254, 257258

tables, 537543

Fick’s law of diffusion, 7

Film flow, 182


compressible cake, 398399

constant flow, 396

constant pressure, 395396

cycle time, 396397

plate-and-frame, 397

rotary drum, 397398

Fittings, see Valves and fittings

Flooding point, 390

Flow inclination number, 446

Flow index, 60

Flow measurement

control valves, 267

noninvasive techniques

Coriolis flow meter, 284

magnetic flow meter, 282283

ultrasonic flow meter, 283284

vortex-shedding flow meter, 282

orifice meter

compressible flow, 277279

concentric, eccentric and segmental orifice designs, 280

friction loss coefficient, 279280

incompressible flow, 276277

mass flow rate, 274

obstruction meter, 271

pressure tap locations, 273, 276

problems, 280282

square-edged orifice, 273, 275

vena contracta, 272

pitot tube

conduit cross section, 267

stagnation point, 268

total flow rate, 268

volumetric flow rate, 267

venturi and nozzle meters

applicable range and accuracy, 271, 273

ASME flow, 269

discharge coefficient parameters, 271272

discharge coefficient vs. Reynolds number, 270271

obstruction meters, 269

unrecovered (friction) loss, 271, 274

velocities, 269270

Flow meters

Coriolis, 284

Doppler, 284

electromagnetic, 283

ultrasonic, 283284

Flow work, 104

Fluid flows

baby and bathwater principle, 2

conservation laws, 12

phenomenological laws

Fick’s law of diffusion, 7

Fourier’s law of heat conduction, 6

Newton’s law of viscosity, 710

Ohm’s law of electrical conductivity, 7

rate of transport, 4

transport coefficient, 5

turbulent flux, 5

problem-solving process, 34


generalized dimensionless correlation, 415416

governing equations, 407408

minimum bed voidage, 409

minimum fluidization velocity, 408

nonspherical particles, 409410

schematic representation, 407408

Fluid properties

classification of materials

apparent viscosity, 51

inviscid (Pascalian) fluid, 50

linear elastic (Hookean) solid, 50

Newtonian fluid, 5051

nonlinear elastic solid, 50

non-Newtonian fluid, 51

rheological properties, 49

shear modulus, 50

shear strain, 49

shear stress, 49

simple shear, 4950

density, 66

fluid viscous (rheological) properties

cup and bob (Couette) viscometer, 5255

simple shear test, 51

tube flow (Poiseuille) viscometer, 5557

non-Newtonian fluid behavior

Bingham plastic model, 5960

Newtonian fluid, 59

power law model, 6061

shear stress vs. shear rate, 5758

structural viscosity models, 6264

viscosity vs. shear rate, 5759

pressure–enthalpy diagrams

carbon dioxide, 492

ethane, 494

ethylene, 495

nitrogen, 491

oxygen, 490

refrigerant 22, 493

properties of gases, 461482

surface tension, 67

temperature dependence of viscosity, 6465

Fluid–solid separations, 361

Fluid–solid two-phase pipe flows

approximate slurry flow regimes, 430

heterogeneous liquid–solid flows dimensionless groups, 433

dimensionless solids, 434

drag coefficient, 433

minimum deposit velocity, 431

pressure drop, 432433

pressure gradient and flow regimes, 431432, 435

state diagram, suspension transport, 433434

pneumatic solids transport

dense phase and dilute phase, 436

horizontal transport, 437439

hydraulic conveying system, 435436

pressure gradient–velocity relation, 436

saltation velocity, 437

vertical transport, 439

pseudohomogeneous flows, 430431

Fluid statics

arbitrary region within fluid, 81

basic equation, 82

buoyancy, 88

constant density fluids

barometer, 8384

isochoric fluid, 82

manometer, 8283

ideal gas law

isentropic, 8485

isothermal, 84

momentum balance, 81

moving systems

horizontally accelerating free surface, 8687

rotating fluid, 8788

vertical acceleration, 86

standard atmosphere, 85

static forces on solid boundaries, 8889

stress and pressure, 7980

Fluid viscous (rheological) properties

cup and bob (Couette) viscometer

average shear rate, 53

shear stress, 53

Taylor vortices, 55

torsion spring, 5253

simple shear test, 51

tube flow (Poiseuille) viscometer

apparent viscosity, 5657

momentum (force) balance, 55

pressure drop, 55

shear rate, 5657

Form drag, 333335, 337

Fourier’s law, 67

Free settling fluid–solid separations

approximate regions, 361362

centrifugal separation, 363369

cyclone separations, 369378

definition, 361

gravity settling, 361363

Free surface, 8687

Friction factor

Darcy, 30, 35, 116


homogeneous gas–liquid flow, 12, 30, 116, 166

inclined plane, 182

pipe flow, 116

pneumatic solids transport, 435439

porous medium, 385

Friction loss; see also Energy dissipation; Loss coefficient

drag reduction, 166170

non-Newtonian fluids, 194, 196

rough tubes, 146

smooth pipe, 145

valves and fittings, 191196

Friction velocity, 144, 432

Froude number, 35

Fruit salad law, 12, 2122; see also Conservation of dimensions

Fully turbulent friction factor, 153, 206, 243, 294


Galileo number, 339

Gas–liquid two-phase pipe flow

flow regimes

fluid property correction factors, 441

horizontal and vertical flow, 440441

mechanistic models, 442

pressure gradient, 442

homogeneous gas–liquid models

acceleration, 442

average specific volume, 443

definition, 442

homogeneous direct integration method, 447

for ideal gas, 443

maximum (choked) mass flux, 444

no-slip/equilibrium density, 444

omega method, 445446

Reynolds number, 444

total pressure gradient equation, 443

two-phase multiplier method, 445

separated flow models, 447449

slip and holdup

acceleration term, 452

coefficients, 451

empirical equation, 451

general correlation for slip, 450

Hughmark correlation, 451

pressure drop, 452

pressure gradient, 452455

Gas pressure-adjustment coefficient, 316

Generalized gas flow expressions, ideal gas

applications, 256259

governing equations

BZT fluids, 256

continuity, 251

dimensionless equations, 253

dimensionless thermal expansion coefficient, 252

energy, 251

impulse function, 254

isentropic exponents, 252253

Mach number, 254255

momentum, 251252

polytropic exponent, 254

high-speed ideal gas problems, 259260

Generalized viscosity plot, 483

Grade efficiency, 372; see also Efficiency

Gravitational systems, 19

Gravity, 26, 2829, 81, 122

Gravity settling, 361363, 410


Hagen–Poiseuille equation, 141, 146, 150, 181

Heat, 6, 9, 1112, 105

Hedstrom number, 35, 153, 157, 190

Hindered settling, 361362, 410411

Holdup, see Two-phase flow

Homogeneous direct integration (HDI) method, 296297, 318320, 447

Homogeneous gas–liquid flow, see Two-phase flow

Hookean solid, 50

Hooper 2-K method, 193194

Hydraulic diameter, 115, 184185, 384385

Hydrocyclones, 369, 375378


Ideal gas

gas properties, 239240

generalized gas flow expressions

applications, 256259

governing equations, 251256

high-speed ideal gas problems, 259260

homogeneous gas–liquid models, 443

isentropic, 8485

isothermal, 84

SRV, 295

Immiscible liquids, 282, 366369

Impeller, see Pumps

Inclined plane, 123

friction factor, 182

Internal energy, 105107

Internal flow applications

economical diameter

CCP, 185186

CCPS, 185187

EC, 185, 187

Newtonian fluids, 188189

non-Newtonian fluids, 189190

TC, 187

total system cost, 185

friction loss in valves and fittings

Crane method, 193

energy loss per unit mass of fluid, 191

equivalent L/D method, 191193

loss coefficient, 191

3-K (Darby) method, 191, 193196

2-K (Hooper) method, 193

noncircular conduits

hydraulic diameter, 181

laminar flow, 181184

turbulent flows, 183185

non-Newtonian fluids

Bingham plastic, 196

effective viscosity, 194

power law model, 196

Reynolds number, 194, 196

pipe networks, 204207

slack flow, 201204

unknown diameter, 199201

unknown driving force, 197198

unknown flow rate, 198199

Interstitial velocity, 383, 407, 428

Irreversible effects, 108113

Isentropic, 240, 297

compression, 228229

exponent, steam values, 487

ideal gas law, 8485

Isochoric, 82, 294

Isothermal, 239

compression, 228

ideal gas law, 84

Isotropic stress, 89


Kinematic viscosity, 8

Kinetic energy correction

diffuser, 111112

kinetic energy correction factor, 110111

sudden expansion, 112

Torricelli problem, 112113


Laminar flow, 137

Bingham plastics, 152153

Newtonian fluids, 140142

noncircular conduits, 181184

power law fluids, 149150

Laplace equation, 388

Leibnitz’ rule, 165

Limiting viscosity, 35, 62

Liquid pressure recovery factor, 308309

Loading point, 390

Lockhart–Martinelli method, 447448; see also Two-phase flow

Loss coefficient; see also Energy dissipation; Friction factor; Friction loss

fittings, 191

general, 116

pipe, 116


Mach number, 243244, 252, 254257, 259

Macroscopic momentum balance, 113

Manometer, 8283

Material classification, 4951

Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP), 291

Mechanistic models, 442

Memory materials, 51

Meter model, 64

Microscopic conservation equations

continuity equation, 497

momentum equation

in cylindrical coordinates, 498

in rectangular coordinates, 497498

in spherical coordinates, 498499

stress tensor components

cylindrical coordinates, 500

rectangular coordinates, 499

spherical coordinates, 500

Microscopic momentum balance

components, 122

constitutive equations, 122

flow down an inclined plane, 123125

Navier–Stokes equations, 122

Newtonian fluids, 122, 125

non-Newtonian fluids, 123, 125

Mixing length theory, 143145

Molerus method, see Two-phase flow

Momentum; see also Conservation principles, of momentum

balance, 139

flux, 8, 12, 143, 355

microscopic balance, 122123, 139, 181, 333

pipe flow, 138, 143

Moody diagram, 146149, 158, 188189

Moving boundary systems, 120

Moving systems, 8688


Navier–Stokes equations, 122, 341

Net positive suction head (NPSH), 223224; see also Pumps

Networks, see Pipe flow

Newtonian fluids, 5051, 59

all flow regimes, 149

Fanning friction factor, 141, 149

internal flow applications, economical diameter, 188189

laminar flow, 140142

turbulent flow

boundary layer, 142

friction loss in rough pipe, 146, 148

friction loss in rough tubes, 146147

friction loss in smooth pipe, 145

mixing length theory, 143145

turbulent momentum flux, 142143

wall roughness, 148149

unknown diameter, 153, 162165, 188189, 197, 199200

unknown driving force, 154155, 197198

unknown flow rate, 158, 198199

Newton’s law of viscosity

dynamic viscosity, 8

kinematic viscosity, 8

momentum flux and shear stress, 8

Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, 9

transport expression, 7

vectors and dyads, 89

Noncircular conduits

laminar flow, 181183

turbulent flow, 183185

Non-ideal gas, 106108, 240, 244, 249, 252

Non-Newtonian fluids, 51


Bingham plastic model, 5960

Newtonian fluid, 59

power law model, 6061

shear stress vs. shear rate, 5758

structural viscosity models, 6264

viscosity vs. shear rate, 5759

Bingham plastics, 355356

Carreau fluids, 354355

fluid–solid flow, 439

internal flow applications

Bingham plastic, 196

economical diameter, 189190

effective viscosity, 194

power law model, 196

Reynolds number, 194, 196

pipe flows, 153165

power law fluids, 350354

valves and fittings, 194196

wall effects, 354

Non-spherical particles, 341344, 409410

Nozzle, 269271, 278, 291298


Obstruction meters, 269, 271, 274, 280

Ohm’s law, 7, 388

Omega method, see Two-phase flow

Orifice meter

compressible flow, 277279

concentric, eccentric and segmental orifice designs, 280

expansion factor, 278279

friction loss coefficient, 279280

incompressible flow, 276277

loss coefficient, 279280

mass flow rate, 274

obstruction meter, 271

pressure tap locations, 273, 276

problems, 280282

square-edged orifice, 273, 275

vena contracta, 272


Packed columns

flooding, 390

friction factor, 390

pressure drop, 389390


in Newtonian fluid

in power law fluids, 149, 350, 353

swarm, 411, 414415

Permeability, 386387, 394, 398

Phenomenological laws

Fick’s law of diffusion, 7

Fourier’s law of heat conduction, 6

Newton’s law of viscosity

dynamic viscosity, 8

kinematic viscosity, 8

momentum flux and shear stress, 8

Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, 9

transport expression, 7

vectors and dyads, 89

Ohm’s law of electrical conductivity, 7

rate of transport, 4

transport coefficient, 5

turbulent flux, 5

Physical properties

of gases, 486

of ordinary water and common liquids

EE units, 473

SI units, 471472

of SAE oils and lubricants, 474

Pipe dimensions, 26

Pipe flow

air in schedule pipe, 164

bend forces, 118119

Bernoulli equation, 154

compressible flows

adiabatic flow, 244

choked flow, 245246

expansion factor, 246248

friction factor, 242

frictionless adiabatic flow, 248250

general fluid properties, 250

isothermal flow, 242244

mass flow rate and mass flux, 241

Reynolds number, 242

continuity, 140

dimensional analysis, 2430, 3437, 141

energy balance, 138139

energy dissipation, 140, 241

friction factor, 145146, 149, 153, 166, 168

laminar flow, 137

momentum balance, 139

networks, 204207

Newtonian fluids

Fanning friction factor, 149

laminar flow, 140142

turbulent flow, 142149

non-Newtonian fluids

Bingham plastics, 151153

power law fluids, 149151

Reynolds’ experiment, 137138

Reynolds number, 137138

scale-up, 3034

schedule number, 89

tube flow (Poiseuille) viscometer, 165166

turbulence, 142149

turbulent drag reduction

dimensionless Deborah number, 167168

friction factor vs. Reynolds number, 167

friction loss, 170

generalized friction factor, 167168

polyacrylamide solutions, 166

polymer solutions, 168169

turbulent flow, 137

unknown diameter, 161165

unknown driving force, 154157

unknown flow rate, 158161

wall shear rate, 165

wall stress, 144, 150, 355, 438

water in schedule pipe, 164, 507515

Pitot tube, 267269, 282

Plain-end pipe, 506

Plate-and-frame filter, 397

Pneumatic solids transport, see Two-phase flow

Poiseuille flow viscometer, 5557, 165166

Polyacrylamide solutions, 62, 166

Porosity, 383, 409410, 412

Porous media

consolidated, 383384


compressible cake, 398399

constant flow operation, 396

constant pressure operation, 395396

cycle time, 396397

governing equations, 394395

plate-and-frame filter, 397

rotary drum filter, 397398

friction factor, 385

friction loss, 385386

hydraulic diameter, 384385

interstitial velocity, 383

multidimensional flow, 387389

packed columns, 389393

permeability, 386387

pile of solid particles concept, 383

porosity, 383

porous medium friction factor, 385

pressure drop, 386387, 389390

Reynolds number, 385386

specific surface area, 384, 390

superficial velocity, 383, 385

unconsolidated, 383384

Positive displacement pumps, 217

Power-law fluids

all flow regimes, 151

drag coefficient, 350

falling particles, 337340

laminar flow, 149150

pipe flow, 149151

Reynolds number, 151, 350

turbulent flow, 150

unknown driving force, 155, 198

unknown flow rate, 159161, 199

unknown particle diameter, 352354

unknown particle velocity, 351353

unknown pipe diameter, 162163, 200201

viscosity function, 350

Power law model, 6061

Prandtl mixing length, 145

Precision, 3437

Pressure–enthalpy diagrams

carbon dioxide, 492

ethane, 494

ethylene, 495

nitrogen, 491

oxygen, 490

refrigerant 22, 493

Pseudoplastic fluid, 351


BEP (see Efficiency)

cavitation, 223226

centrifugal pumps, 217218

characteristics, 218220

composite curves, 221222

head-capacity range charts, 517536

impeller, 217220

NPSH, 223224

positive displacement, 217

required head

composite curves, 221222

head, 220221

selection, 220223

specific speed, 225227

suction lift, 224

suction specific speed, 225227

vapor lock and cavitation, 223


Quality, see Two-phase flow


Rectangular coordinates

continuity equation, 497

momentum equation, 497498

stress tensor components, 499

Reverse flow cyclone, 369370

Reynolds number, 30

Bingham plastic, 153

cyclones, 375

Newtonian fluid, 31, 142, 146, 150

non-circular conduits, 183185

porous medium, 385386

power law fluid, 150151, 159, 190, 198200, 350

solvent, sphere, 166168

swarm, 415

two-phase flow, 433, 444, 449, 451

unknown driving force, 154155, 157, 197198

Reynolds, Osborne, 137

Reynolds stresses, 122, 143144, 146

Rheological properties, 29, 49, 5157

Richardson–Zaki equation, 413

Rietema and Bradley geometries, 377

Rotary drum filter, 397398

Rotating fluid, 8788

Roughness, 188

equivalent wall roughness, 148149

friction loss, 146148, 150


Safety relief valves (SRV)

characteristics, 291294

discharge coefficient, 298300

fluid models

homogeneous direct integration method, 296297

ideal gases, 295

incompressible/isochoric fluids, 294295

nonequilibrium (flashing) flows, 297298

installation, 291292

selection, 291300


flow data, 293294

flow model, 292293

fluid property model, 293

spring-loaded safety valve, 291292

Scale-up, 3034

Scaling, 22

Schedule number, see Pipe flow

Schedule 40 steel pipe

air flow through, 512514

water flow through, 508511

Sedimentation; see also Fluidization

coarser particles, 413414

Dallavalle equation, 415

definition, 410

fine particles, 411413

generalized dimensionless correlation, 415416

hindered settling, 410411

single-particle terminal velocity, 414

suspension velocity, 414

Shear modulus, 50

Shear rate, see Fluid properties

Shear strain, 4950

Shear stress

tensor, 122

tube wall, 5556

two-phase flow, 442

Shear-thickening, 60

Shear-thinning, 60, 62, 335

Similitude, 17

Simple shear, 4951, 140

Sisko model, 6364

Slack flow, 20124

Slit flow, 181182

Specific speed, see Pumps

Speed of sound, 240241, 243, 255, 283, 318, 444, 446

Spherical coordinates

continuity equation, 497

momentum equation, 498499

stress tensor components, 500

Sphericity, 341342

Sphericity factor (ψ), 385, 409

Standard atmosphere, 85

Standard steel pipe dimensions and capacities, 501505


basic equation, 8185

forces on boundaries, 8892

Stokes diameter, 109, 341

Stokes drag, 336

Stokes flow, 333334, 338, 340, 349, 355356, 362, 365, 368, 373

Stokes number, 374375

Stress, tensor, 7981, 122, 499500

Structural viscosity, 6164

Suction lift, see Pumps

Suction specific speed, see Pumps

Superficial velocity, 383, 385, 407408, 415, 428

Surface tension, 26, 2829, 67

System, 2, 1011, 101


Temperature dependence

density, 66

viscosity, 6465


anisotropic, 80

isotropic, 7980

Terminal velocity, 338339, 341, 344349, 363, 407, 409, 412, 415

Thermal diffusion coefficient, 6


batch flux curve, 418420

batch settling curve, 418

batch settling test, 418

bottom zone, 416417

definition, 416

mass ratio of solids to fluid (R), 417

middle zone, 416

solids volume fraction (φ), 417

stable steady-state operation, 418, 420

thickener area, 420

thickener/clarifier, 416417

top/clarifying zone, 416417

underflow rate (Qu), 420

3-K method, see Darby 3-K method

Toms effect, 166

Torricelli problem, 112113

Total annual cost (TC), 187

Transport coefficient

of heat, 11

laws, 45

of mass, 5, 11

turbulent models, 12

Transport laws, see Phenomenological laws

Tube flow

momentum balance, 141

viscometer, 5557, 165166

Tube flow (Poiseuille) viscometer, 165166

apparent viscosity, 5657

momentum (force) balance, 55

pressure drop, 55

shear rate, 5657

Turbulent flows, 137

Bingham plastics, 153

drag reduction, 166170

Newtonian fluids, 8, 29, 31, 51, 138, 150, 153

boundary layer, 142

friction loss in rough pipe, 146, 148

friction loss in rough tubes, 146147

friction loss in smooth pipe, 145

mixing length theory, 143145

momentum flux, 142143

wall roughness, 148149

noncircular conduits, 183185

power-law fluids, 150, 200

Prandtl mixing length, 143144

2-K method (see Hooper 2-K method)

Turbulent macroscopic (convective) transport models

Fanning friction factor, 12

force, 12

heat flux, 11

mass flux, 11

momentum flux, 12

2-K method, see Hooper 2-K method

Two-phase flow

choking, 318


gas–liquid (G-L) flows, 428

inlet velocity, 429

in-situ holdup, 429

mass flow rate, 428

mass flow ratio, 429

mass flux, 428

phase velocity, 428

relative (slip) velocity and slip ratio, 428429

solid–liquid (S-L) mixtures, 427428

volume flow rate, 428

volume flux, 428

fluid–solid two-phase pipe flows

approximate slurry flow regimes, 430

heterogeneous liquid–solid flows, 431435

pneumatic solids transport, 435439

pseudohomogeneous flows, 430431

frozen flow, 443

gas–liquid two-phase pipe flow

flow regimes, 440442

homogeneous gas–liquid models, 442447

separated flow models, 447449

slip and holdup, 450455

Lockhart–Martinelli method, 447448

mass flux, 428, 441, 443444

Molerus method, 435

numerical solutions, 447

Omega method, 445446

phase velocity, 428429

pneumatic solids transport, 435439

pseudo-single-phase fluid, 427

quality, 429, 443

separated flow models, 447449

two-phase multiplier, 445, 447448

volume flux, 428

Typical pump head capacity range charts, 517536


Ultrasonic flow meter, 283284


consistent, 2324

engineering, 1920, 305, 308

scientific, 20, 150

Unknown diameter

Bingham plastic, 163, 201

compressible flow, 259

falling particles, 339

Newtonian fluid, 162165, 188, 199200

orifice, 281282

power law fluid, 162163, 200201, 352353

Unknown driving force

Bingham plastic, 155, 198

compressible flow, 259

Newtonian fluid, 154155, 197198

power-law fluid, 155, 198

Unknown flow rate

Bingham plastic, 161, 199

compressible flow, 259

Newtonian fluid, 158, 198199

orifice, 281

power law fluid, 159161, 199


Valves and fittings, friction loss, 191196; see also Control valves

Valve–system interaction, 323324

Valve trim function, 325327

Vapor lock, 223

Venturi and nozzle meters

applicable range and accuracy, 271, 273

ASME flow, 269

discharge coefficient parameters, 271272

discharge coefficient vs. Reynolds number, 270271

obstruction meters, 269

unrecovered (friction) loss, 271, 274

velocities, 269270

Venturi meter, 269, 271, 278

Virtual mass, 338, 364

Viscoelastic fluid, 9, 51, 350


cup and bob (Couette), 5255

tube flow (Poiseuille), 5557, 165166

Viscoplastic fluid, 59


of gases, 462, 480482

coordinates, 477479

nomograph, 480

generalized plot, 483

of liquids, 462463

coordinates, 465468

nomograph, 469

Newton’s law, 710

of water, 470

and liquid petroleum products, 464

and steam, 475476

von Karman equation, 144146, 150


Wake, 282, 334335, 337, 340

Wall correction factor (Kw), 340

Water flow

other pipe, 515

through Schedule 40 steel pipe, 508511

Wetted perimeter, 115, 126, 203

Weymouth equation, 242


Yasuda model, 64

Yield stress, 5960, 151

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