
It is very difficult to give specific details of what transport you will need and when. It depends so much on the locations, the numbers of people involved, and so on.

All you can really do is ensure that every single person on the unit has some means of transport to the location – and that you have adequate transport while on location.

Overseas Shooting

If shooting is to take place overseas, you should ensure that all travel arrangements are made in good time as air and shipping lines tend to get booked up. Check passports, permits and visas. Contact the press office of the Embassy or High Commission of the country in which you are to work. Arrange the necessary travellers’ cheques and local currency.

You will need to make sure that correct vaccinations or inoculations are obtained for all the crew if these are required, and take out health and personal effects insurance for the production team.

If a British crew is booked, an important part of the PA’s job will be in the preparation of the ‘carnet’. This is a detailed list for HM Customs of all stock and equipment being taken abroad. A number of copies are required and pro forma invoices for consumables, i.e. tapes and batteries, are also necessary.

When booking flights, bear in mind that you will probably be carrying a good deal of excess baggage. Sometimes deals can be arranged with airlines. It might be necessary to hire a shipping agent to meet you and help clearance through Customs.

Travel in this Country

Make sure there is more than adequate transport. If 15 people are to be collected from Point A and taken to Point B, book something slightly larger than a 15–seater coach as there may always be one or two extra people who turn up at the last moment.

In arranging transport you often have to hire all kinds of vehicles, fix rail tickets, and most important, give clear rendezvous points and times for transport and people.

Find out the local taxi or car hire firm in the area where you are shooting and keep a note of their phone number.

Car Parking

Make sure that there is enough car parking space available at the hotel and at the location – or find out where vehicles can be left, not too far from the location.



Arrange suitable transport for everyone whatever the location, or make sure they have equally suitable means of transport of their own.

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