Out of Sequence Shooting: 2

Shooting in Story Order

If the shooting were to take place in story order there would be a great deal of time-consuming trudging up and down flights of steps for the whole unit with all the equipment. It would also mean that all the artists would be required for the whole of the time, which would be expensive, and that all the locations would have to be in the same area, which is unlikely. So the script is broken down into a shooting plan.

Shooting Plan

The plan or schedule for shooting is worked out bearing a number of things in mind.

Number of Days

You might only have a specific number of days or weeks in which to shoot the story. You must try to fit the schedule into the requisite time allotted.

Position of Locations

It takes time and a fair amount of organisation to move a unit from place to place. Therefore it is better to shoot everything in location A before moving to location B, regardless of the order in the script.

Location Availability

If a particular location is only available on certain dates, the rest of the locations will have to be arranged accordingly.

Actor’s Availability

As with locations, if a particular artist is engaged, the schedule will have to fit in with their prior engagements depending on their importance to the production.

Shooting Schedule


Shooting Order

A shooting order like this allows for the fact that the ship is at a different location from the castle. It uses the artists economically (the woman is only engaged for one day’s shooting), and the crew are not required to trudge up the steps to the battlements more than once, which allows a much faster shooting time.

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