Working on Documentary-Type Productions: 2


Costume details should be noted, especially if members of the public, dressed in their own clothes, are involved. If clothes continuity is important, then Mr Bloggs, whose geraniums won first prize at the flower show, must be tactfully asked to wear the same scruffy gardening clothes on three successive days of shooting. Where a presenter is seen in different locations, all shot out of sequence, then continuity of clothes should be carefully worked out and discussed in advance.

Basic Continuity

Simple, basic continuity should be observed, such as exits and entrances and moves within a shot. Attention should be paid, as far as possible, to the conventions of single-camera shooting such as the avoidance of crossing the line and screen direction.

If a demonstration is given, with ad lib commentary, then the moves should be noted for subsequent cutaways.


When an interview is shot, the questions should be noted down in order to relay them to the interviewee for later shots. It is helpful to note the timecode of each question if possible.

Public Relations

One of your main tasks, when shooting, lies in the area of public relations. You may find yourself placating irate people who are unable to park their cars in their usual place due to the crew vehicles. You might spend hours explaining to members of the public what is going on and why there are lights and cameras. You will need a pocketful of coins to bribe children to go away, and you could find yourself chatting to nervous old ladies who have not had a wink of sleep the previous night, partly in dread of their forthcoming interview and partly for fear of disarranging their expensive hairdo, in a manner quite unlike your usual, rather reticent self.

In short, you act as trouble-shooter, paver of ways and smoother-out of difficulties.

The best advice I can give is to be prepared for anything to happen.



Much of your job during shooting will be that of general factotum, fixer and trouble-shooter. You will smooth the way for an untroubled, fast, efficient shoot, and if anything goes wrong you will be blamed.

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