Documentary-Type Productions

The work in setting up an unscripted, documentary-type production follows much the same pattern as for something scripted. Locations have to be found, crews and artists booked and travel, accommodation, catering, etc. arranged. There is, however, an additional aspect to setting up which might involve you to a greater or lesser degree.


Research is the basis of preparation for much documentary filming and your taste for detective work will determine whether you enjoy being involved in documentaries.

The extent to which you are involved in the research depends on who you work for. If you are condemned to ‘minding the phone’ and typing the letters and given no scope in the preliminary research, you will understandably be bored and frustrated – unless you like phone-minding and letter-typing as a full time occupation.

Learning About New Things

The aspect I particularly like about the work is the amount you learn about subjects of which you were formerly ignorant. You might well have been ignorant of the subject as it never interested you. You might indeed view with extreme scepticism, as I did, the prospect of a few months’ research into the history of a famous football stadium, if, like me, you have always kept well clear of organised sport.

But by the end of the research period I was ready to admit that I had learned a good deal that was fascinating about the subject.


Documentary Shooting

Research into documentaries can give you an insight into subjects you might never otherwise explore.

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