Artists and How to Book Them

Artists need to be booked as early as possible as the whole process can take time to complete. This job is usually done by the production coordinator.


Artists come in all shapes and sizes and to suit all requirements. They are found by the producer and/or director, aided by the casting director.


Artists are looked after by agents, who find them work, look after their finances and generally administer to their needs. Some agents tend to specialise in actors with particular skills or abilities, others cater for all requirements. They can be pleasant and helpful or downright bloody-minded.


If there is no casting director, you might have to circulate the agencies with details of the forthcoming production and a brief description of the cast needed. The agents then contact you with lists of people they think suitable. After much discussion, you are given a shortlist of people to find out about. With this shortlist you ring the agencies and talk in deliberately vague and general terms in order to ascertain the availability of the person you are interested in for the dates necessary. Do not be specific because a verbal contract can be legally binding even if given over the telephone and without witnesses.

Auditions then take place with the selected people at a time and place previously arranged. After many such auditions, much discussion and countless references to the budget, a cast is agreed upon and contracts signed.*

Names and Addresses

As soon as the principal artists are booked, get their names, addresses and phone numbers without delay and circulate them to people like the costume and make-up designers, who will need to contact them.

Scripts and Schedules

Let your artists have scripts and schedules in good time – always supposing they are ready.

Hours of Work

When you are actually shooting, keep a note of the hours the artists work and their travel time to and from the locations, as they may be entitled to payment for working overtime.


Artists and Their Agents

Artists come in all shapes … and sizes. They are looked after by agents.

* Pay attention to clauses in the contract relating to co-productions, repeat fees, overseas sales and special requirements (i.e. swimming required or hair not to be cut).

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