Locations: 2

5. Weather. This is a difficulty that haunts many location-hunters in this and other countries. It might be that time wasted in waiting for the weather to settle could be better spent in transporting everyone to a country with a more settled climate. In most cases it is not important to have especially good weather but, for continuity purposes, the weather should be consistent in scenes that are to be intercut.

When the schedule of shooting is compiled, it is important to build ‘wet weather cover’ into the schedule if at all possible, which means having stand-by interior scenes in case it is not possible to shoot outside.

6. Noise. This can be another problem. These days you have to travel further and further away from population centres to obtain real silence and it is amazing how noisy the heart of the country can be, what with birds, insects, tractors, animals, aircraft, etc.

Never allow mobile phones near where shooting is taking place as their constant ringing will drive the director and crew to distraction.

7. Friendliness of the locals. You may have found the ideal spot – it is reasonably quiet, the weather is good, the scenery just right and there are some hotels up the road, but when you arrive, you are met by an assortment of hostile locals brandishing umbrellas, rolling pins or other weapons, demanding:

  1. that you leave immediately,
  2. that you agree to pay large sums of money as ‘protection’,
  3. that the crowd are all given parts – speaking ones of course!

Locations: Other Aspects

1.  Weather is an important factor. A run of bad weather can prolong a shooting schedule alarmingly.


2.  Noise is another problem to be aware of if you are shooting sync sound.


3. Friendliness of the locals – it helps ease the strain.


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