
It might be your responsibility to arrange insurance for the production. Go to one of the insurance agencies who specialise in film and television work and take their advice for it is essential that your production is properly insured. The types of insurance you might need would be:

1. Employer’s liability. This means an indemnity against liability at law to pay compensation and claimants’ costs and expenses in respect of injury to any business employee arising out of and in the course of his/her employment by your company in connection with the business caused during the period of insurance and within the territorial limits.

2. Public liability. Means an indemnity against liability at law to pay compensation and claimants’ costs and expenses in respect of:

  1. accidental injury to any person
  2. accidental loss of or accidental damage to property occurring during the period of insurance and in connection with the business within the territorial limits.

3. Special insurance cover for artists. Equity will provide a special insurance to cover specific artists if the nature of the work means that such an insurance is asked for by the artist’s agent.

4. Insurance for re-shoot. This means insurance to cover a re-shoot in the event of fire, accident, theft, loss or damage to the recorded tapes or shot film.


Insurance for a Reshoot

Insurance to cover a reshoot in the event of fire, accident, theft, loss or damage to the recorded tapes.

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