Coverage/Tramline Scripts

If you use the card system of continuity then it really is very important that you give the editor an accurate marked –up coverage script together with the cards so that he can see what the shot covers in the scene.

Even if you do not use the card system, but type up continuity report sheets for the editor, he will find coverage scripts useful and you and the director might also find it helpful to have a marked-up script for yourselves.

On a copy of the script you should draw lines for each shot showing the total coverage of the scene. Identify each line by using different colours and write the slate number or ‘in’ point of timecode alongside, together with a brief description.

Do not draw a line for each take, just for each shot. Draw the lines on the left-hand side of the script, keeping them clear of the dialogue and mark any dialogue changes in the copy for the editor.


Example of coverage script

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