Direct and Indirect Continuity

We have examined the relationship of action, dialogue, props and costume within a scene. Now that scene must be related to others. Two forms of continuity are involved here: direct and indirect continuity.

Direct Continuity

Direct continuity means that actions are carried over from one scene to the next with no time lapse. Reverting to the Fred and Mabel scene, there was direct continuity between the end of Scene 1, with Fred walking out of the back door, dressing on his finger, and the start of Scene 2, with Fred coming through the door into the garden, dressing still on his finger. What is important to remember is that these scenes will not be shot consecutively – indeed Scene 2 may well be shot first, therefore accurate notes on the beginnings and endings of scenes are vital.

Indirect Continuity

Indirect continuity refers to continuity links between scenes that are not consecutive. It means that there is some sort of break – a time lapse, a scene interposed which deals with other characters or some other aspect of the story, but where there are continuity links between these scenes however spaced out in the story order. These different continuity threads might not be immediately apparent on reading the script or when each individual scene is shot, maybe days or weeks apart.

For example: Scene 1 ends with a man stuffing a package into the right hand pocket of his coat. Scenes 2 and 3 are centred round another character. Scene 4 shows our man from Scene 1 walking along a street to a rendezvous. It must be remembered that he is wearing a coat from Scene 1. Scene 5 shows the man meeting his contact. The man hands over the package. There is therefore indirect continuity with Scene 1, the package in the right hand coat pocket with Scene 4, wearing the coat; and possibly for the contact with later scenes.

Remember that none of the above are shot in story order, which makes the whole matter more complex.

Knowing the script thoroughly prevents you from being caught unawares by indirect continuity.


Scenes Related to Others

Scene 1 ends with the man putting the parcel into his coat pocket
Scenes 2 and 3 are concerned with other things
Scene 4 shows our man from Scene 1 (therefore there is indirect continuity from 1 to 4)
Scene 5 shows the man handing parcel over (therefore there is indirect continuity with Scene 1 and direct continuity from Scene 4)

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