Wide Angle: Fred and Mabel: Scene 1

Action and soundImportant to observe
MABEL standing behind the kitchen table puts the last thumb print in the pie and stands back to admire her work.How does she stand back? Wiping hands on apron or what?
She turns to the oven and opens the door.Which way does she turn?
Note the oven door action. Is the door left open or shut?
She turns back to table and picks up pie.
FRED comes in through back door (which is closed to start), he leaves it open, crosses behind Mabel and dashes to sink. He turns on the tap with left hand and puts finger of right hand under the jet of water.Back door closed to start – left open by Fred – keep an eye on it.
Which tap does Fred turn on and with which hand?
Which finger of which hand is cut?
MABEL puts pie back on table – closes door of the oven with her knee in passing and hurries over to Fred.Pie does not figure again, but it is left on the table so do not forget that it is there.
Note oven door action.
MABEL: Fred, Fred, what’s happened?Does she say that line on the move or when she is by Fred’s side?
Which side of Fred does she end up on?
FRED doesn’t answer. Just swears under his breath.
MABEL is now at the sink. She takes his right hand with her left.Which hand takes which? Important to note that the tap is left running.
MABEL: How on earth did you do that?
FRED: The bloody adjuster stuck on the lawn mower.
MABEL: You’ve got dirt in it.
She sticks his hand back under the tap.During the above dialogue, does she hold his hand all the time? Does she bring his hand up to her face to look closely at the wound, or bend down to look. When exactly does she stick his hand back under the tap?
MABEL: I’ll get you a dressing.
She crosses to the cupboard – opens the door (right hand to open it) – takes out the tin of dressings (with right hand) – transfers tin to her left and says:Note all her actions at the cupboard – which hand does what.
N.B. There is a bottle of antiseptic in the cupboard. Make sure it is still there for the cutaways.
MABEL: Do you want some antiseptic on it?Does she say that line while transferring the tin to left hand or after?
FRED: No, don’t bother.



Plan view of kitchen with camera position showing complete scene as per page 112.

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