Continuity Report Sheet: General

Many companies have their own continuity report sheets. The form shown opposite was designed by me to be used on either film or video shooting.* Let us examine in detail what should be written on a continuity report sheet.

Production Details

The first details to be written are the name of the production, the production number and date.


The episode (if a series) and the scene or sequence number should be marked. A script is divided into scenes – each new location being a new scene. A scene is often called a sequence but, to be strictly accurate, a sequence is the final cut version of the scene. If there is a separate shot number, put that down.


The slate number relates to material shot on film and is the number given to each photographed shot. It is a means of cataloguing the shot. The slate number is shown marked up on a clapperboard at the start of each shot. This board has a twofold purpose. In the days of silent pictures each shot would be identified by the humblest member of the camera department holding up a piece of slate with a number chalked on it. When talkies arrived he would, in addition, bang together two pieces of wood – called a clapstick – to establish synchronisation between action and sound. Later the two were combined to form the clapperboard. The board is still called the ‘slate’ by tradition and the individual shot itself, being identified by a slate number, is colloquially referred to as ‘a slate’.

If a slate is not used, then a number or some other identification of the shot might be given.

If shooting on videotape a clapperboard might still be used to identify the shot, although there is no need to bang together the pieces of wood to establish synchronisation if the sound is being recorded on the videotape. On complex productions the board is clapped to enable a separate sound recording to be synchronised with the pictures as in film.



* Supplies available from the author, on (01386) 792 051.

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