Chapter 2
Cash flow

Let’s work from A to Z (unless it turns out to be Z to A!)

In the introduction, we emphasised the importance of cash flows as the basic building block of securities. Likewise, we need to start our study of corporate finance by analysing company cash flows.

Section 2.1 Classifying company cash flows

Let’s consider, for example, the monthly account statement that individual customers receive from their bank. It is presented as a series of lines showing the various inflows and outflows of money on precise dates and the type of transaction (deposit of cheques or cash withdrawal, for instance).

Our first step is to trace the rationale for each of the entries on the statement, which could be everyday purchases, payment of a salary, automatic transfers, loan repayments or the receipt of bond coupons, to mention a few examples.

The corresponding task for a financial manager is to reclassify company cash flows by category to draw up a cash flow document that can be used to:

  • analyse past trends in cash flow (the document put together is generally known as a cash flow statement1); or
  • project future trends in cash flow, over a shorter or longer period (the document needed is a cash flow budget or plan).

With this goal in mind, we will now demonstrate that cash flows can be classified into one of the following processes:

  • Activities that form part of the industrial and commercial life of a company:
    • operating cycle;
    • investment cycle.
  • Financing activities to fund these cycles:
    • the debt cycle;
    • the equity cycle.

Section 2.2 Operating and investment cycles

1. The importance of the operating cycle

Let’s take the example of a greengrocer, who is “cashing up” one evening. What does he find? Firstly, he sees how much he spent in cash at the wholesale market in the morning and then the cash proceeds from fruit and vegetable sales during the day. If we assume that the greengrocer sold all the produce he bought in the morning at a mark-up, then the balance of receipts and payments for the day will be a cash surplus.

Unfortunately, things are usually more complicated in practice. It’s rare that all the goods bought in the morning are sold by the evening, especially in the case of a manufacturing business.

A company processes raw materials as part of an operating cycle, the length of which varies tremendously, from a day in the newspaper sector to seven years in the cognac sector. There is, then, a time lag between purchases of raw materials and the sale of the corresponding finished goods.

This time lag is not the only complicating factor. It is unusual for companies to buy and sell in cash. Usually, their suppliers grant them extended payment periods, and they in turn grant their customers extended payment periods. The money received during the day does not necessarily come from sales made on the same day.

As a result of customer credit,2 supplier credit3 and the time it takes to manufacture and sell products or services, the operating cycle of each and every company spans a certain period, leading to timing differences between operating outflows and the corresponding operating inflows.

Each business has its own operating cycle of a certain length that, from a cash flow standpoint, may lead to positive or negative cash flows at different times. Operating outflows and inflows from different cycles are analysed by period, e.g. by month or by year. The balance of these flows is called operating cash flow. Operating cash flow reflects the cash flows generated by operations during a given period.

In concrete terms, operating cash flow represents the cash flow generated by the company’s day-to-day operations. Returning to our initial example of an individual looking at his bank statement, it represents the difference between the receipts and normal outgoings, such as food, electricity and car maintenance costs.

Naturally, unless there is a major timing difference caused by some unusual circumstances (start-up period of a business, very strong growth, very strong seasonal fluctuations), the balance of operating receipts and payments should be positive.

Readers with accounting knowledge will note that operating cash flow is independent of any accounting policies, which makes sense since it relates only to cash flows. More specifically:

  • neither the company’s depreciation and provisioning policy,
  • nor its inventory valuation method,
  • nor the techniques used to defer costs over several periods have any impact on the figure.

However, the concept is affected by decisions about how to classify payments between investment and operating outlays, as we will now examine more closely.

2. Investment and operating outflows

Let’s return to the example of our greengrocer, who now decides to add frozen food to his business.

The operating cycle will no longer be the same. The greengrocer may, for instance, begin receiving deliveries once a week only and will therefore have to run much larger inventories. Admittedly, the impact of the longer operating cycle due to much larger inventories may be offset by larger credit from his suppliers. The key point here is to recognise that the operating cycle will change.

The operating cycle is different for each business and, generally speaking, the more sophisticated the end product, the longer the operating cycle.

But most importantly, before he can start up this new activity, our greengrocer needs to invest in a chest freezer.

What difference is there between this investment and operating outlays?

The outlay on the chest freezer seems to be a prerequisite. It forms the basis for a new activity, the success of which is unknown. It appears to carry higher risks and will be beneficial only if overall operating cash flow generated by the greengrocer increases. Lastly, investments are carried out from a long-term perspective and have a longer life than that of the operating cycle. Indeed, they last for several operating cycles, even if they do not last forever given the fast pace of technological progress.

This justifies the distinction, from a cash flow perspective, between operating and investment outflows.

Normal outflows, from an individual’s perspective, differ from an investment outflow in that they afford enjoyment, whereas investment represents abstinence. As we will see, this type of decision represents one of the vital underpinnings of finance. Only the very puritanically minded would take more pleasure from buying a microwave than from spending the same amount of money at a restaurant! Only one of these choices can be an investment and the other an ordinary outflow. So what purpose do investments serve? Investment is worthwhile only if the decision to forego normal spending, which gives instant pleasure, will subsequently lead to greater gratification.

This is the definition of the return on investment (be it industrial or financial) from a cash flow standpoint. We will use this definition throughout this book.

The impact of investment outlays is spread over several operating cycles. Financially, capital expenditures are worthwhile only if inflows generated thanks to these expenditures exceed the outflows by an amount yielding at least the return on investment expected by the investor.

Note also that a company may sell some assets in which it has invested in the past. For instance, our greengrocer may decide after several years to trade in his freezer for a larger model. The proceeds would also be part of the investment cycle.

3. Free cash flow

Before-tax free cash flow is defined as the difference between operating cash flow and capital expenditure net of fixed asset disposals.

As we shall see in Sections II and III of this book, free cash flow can be calculated before or after tax. It also forms the basis for the most important valuation technique. Operating cash flow is a concept that depends on how expenditure is classified between operating and investment outlays. Since this distinction is not always clear-cut, operating cash flow is not widely used in practice, with free cash flow being far more popular. If free cash flow turns negative, then additional financial resources will have to be raised to cover the company’s cash flow requirements.

Section 2.3 Financial resources

The operating and investment cycles give rise to a timing difference in cash flows. Employees 
and suppliers have to be paid before customers settle up. Likewise, investments have to be completed before they generate any receipts. Naturally, this cash flow deficit needs to be filled. This is the role of financial resources.

The purpose of financial resources is simple: they must cover the shortfalls resulting from these timing differences by providing the company with sufficient funds to balance its cash flow.

These financial resources are provided by investors: shareholders, debtholders, lenders, etc. These financial resources are not provided “no strings attached”. In return for providing the funds, investors expect to be subsequently rewarded by receiving dividends or interest payments, registering capital gains, etc. This can happen only if the operating and investment cycles generate positive cash flows.

To the extent that the financial investors have made the investment and operating activities possible, they expect to receive, in various different forms, their fair share of the surplus cash flows generated by these cycles.

At its most basic, the principle would be to finance these shortfalls solely using capital that incurs the risk of the business. Such capital is known as shareholders’ equity. This type of financial resource forms the cornerstone of the entire financial system. Its importance is such that shareholders providing it are granted decision-making powers and control over the business in various different ways. From a cash flow standpoint, the equity cycle comprises inflows from capital increases and outflows in the form of dividend payments to the shareholders.

Like individuals, a business may decide to ask lenders rather than shareholders to help it cover a cash flow shortage. Bankers will lend funds only after they have carefully analysed the company’s financial health. They want to be nearly certain of being repaid and do not want exposure to the company’s business risk. These cash flow shortages may be short term or long term, but lenders do not want to take on business risk. The capital they provide represents the company’s debt capital.

The debt cycle is the following: the business arranges borrowings in return for a commitment to repay the capital and make interest payments regardless of trends in its operating and investment cycles. These undertakings represent firm commitments, ensuring that the lender is certain of recovering its funds provided that the commitments are met. Debt can finance:

  • the investment cycle, with the increase in future net receipts set to cover capital repayments and interest payments on borrowings; and
  • the operating cycle, with credit making it possible to bring forward certain inflows or to defer certain outflows.

From a cash flow standpoint, the life of a business comprises an operating and an investment cycle, leading to a positive or negative free cash flow. If free cash flow is negative, then the financing cycle covers the funding shortfall. But free cash flow cannot be forever negative: sooner or later investors must get a return and/or get repaid, and they can only get a return and/or get repaid by a positive free cash flow.

The risk incurred by the lender is that this commitment will not be met. Theoretically speaking, debt may be regarded as an advance on future cash flows generated by the investments made and guaranteed by the company’s shareholders’ equity.

Although a business needs to raise funds to finance investments, it may also find, at a given point in time, that it has a cash surplus, i.e. the funds available exceed cash requirements.

These investments are generally realised with a view to ensuring the possibility of a very quick exit without any risk of losses.

Although at first sight short-term financial investments (marketable securities) may be regarded as investments since they generate a rate of return, we advise readers to consider them instead as the opposite of debt. As we will see, company treasurers often have to raise additional debt even if at the same time the company holds short-term investments without speculating in any way.

Debt and short-term financial investments or marketable securities should not be considered independently of each other, but as inextricably linked. We suggest that readers reason in terms of debt net of short-term financial investments and financial expense net of financial income.

Putting all the individual pieces together, we arrive at the following simplified cash flow statement, with the balance reflecting the net decrease in the company’s debt during a given period:


2017 2018 2019

  Operating receipts

− Operating payments

= Operating cash flow

− Capital expenditure

+ Fixed asset disposals

= Free cash flow before tax

− Financial expense net of financial income

− Corporate income tax

+ Proceeds from share issue

− Dividends paid

= Net decrease in debt


  Repayments of borrowings

− New bank and other borrowings

+ Change in marketable securities

+ Change in cash and cash equivalents

= Net decrease in debt

This short chapter is seminal and the reader who is discovering the notions it contains for the first time should not hesitate to read it twice in order to grasp them fully.







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