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With the Get Set piece, the Ologie team
thought it was important to tell clients
what they’re about to get into, and why this
commitment of time and money is worth it.
“There’s a business equation on the other
side,” Bethge says. “The work we do is a
huge catalyst for change in their organization.
They need to know that. This piece gets them
to see the totality of their brand, as opposed
to tactics they might associate with branding,
such as an ad campaign or a logo.”
Each element within the Ologie portfolio
components follows a similar theme, design,
and layout. Complementary yet distinct, the
Skill Set, Get Set, and Mind Set elements
offer a comprehensive look into Ologie’s
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Skill Set outlines exactly what Ologie does, without any jargon. “When you have
key people in the business who have been at it for more than twenty years,
there’s a certain point of view and confidence that you can’t change even if you
wanted to,” Bethge says. “It’s how you go to work every day. If you put it out
there and are honest with clients, they respond to it.
Mind Set is more of a character piece. It’s
as much an internal piece as it is an external
one. If there’s one document that can rally
everyone in the company to deliver on-brand,
this is it. “It’s not a detailed process manual
about how we do things,” Bethge says. “It’s
more about how you feel about things. We’re
so clear on our mind-set that it took less
than 10 minutes to write and was completely
unedited. If a client gets through these pieces
and believes in what we believe in, if they
believe in the approach and think great work
can come from it, if they’re entertained by our
style, then it’s going to be great.”
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A huge part of the Ologie experience is about simplification—which is very
different from being simplistic. “We simplify big, chaotic messes,” Bethge says.
A lot of firms say that, but we deliver it. And our space and our collateral
communicate that immediately.
The Ologie team wanted these pieces to look beautiful and make perfect sense
to the user—because that’s an Ologie-like experience. They also know that size
matters, so the pieces are interesting sizes.
Also, in an age where every presentation is digital, Ologie still believes in leaving
something tactile behind. “People like to hold something that’s real,” Bethge
says. “We believe it makes everything more tangible. And more credible.
Each of the categories within Ologie’s
portfolio system means something. “To have
put them into one brochure would have
been too much for people to get through.
And it would have been boring,” Bethge
says. “So we tried to give people a different
way to access that information. Plus, it’s
like a gift, and recipients want to explore
it. We’re rewarding them for wanting to
get to know us.”
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Three of Ologie’s magazines—B2B,
Greater Good, and Financial Services—all
feature the work the firm has done for these
industry segments. Following a distinctive
design strategy, these three publications
entice the reader with streamlined and
engaging copy.
Ologie’s introductory pieces are given to prospective clients, visitors, partners,
vendors, presentation attendees—many different audiences. But as the Ologie
team gets to know prospective clients, and better understand their needs,
they put together more customized presentations that feature case studies of
situations similar to theirs.
“Clients are always fascinated by the vinyl folder with the orange
s all over it,
Bethge says. “One client even requested something similar for their brand.
Bethge notes that advisors are always telling Ologie to specialize in a single
industry. “We think that’s boring. And besides, you learn so much from one
industry that you can apply to another. For example, we’re constantly using retail
tactics in financial services,” she explains.
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But Ologie’s prospects and clients always ask, “How much experience do you
have in my industry?” So they put together a set of magazines to send out to
current and prospective clients to show their expertise in specific categories,
such as B2B, financial services, nonprofit, and higher education. “The magazines
share our design and photography capabilities through the layout of the pieces,
but really highlight case studies through a feature-story approach,” Bethge says.
The magazines quickly deliver Ologie’s perspective and experience with the
industry. Ologie has only made one round of minor edits to two of the pieces
within their portfolio system, developed three years ago.
“Whenever you look back on everything, you’re bound to find something you
want to change,” Bethge says. “But as we look through these pieces, they still
reflect exactly who we are. And we couldn’t be prouder of that.
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