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Separating Themselves from the Pack
From design and public relations to advertising and new media, Intereurope
Communications Group (ICG) is a “one-stop shop” for clients who are passion-
ate about strategy, design, and getting their message out there.
As part of its new-business drive, ICG has historically sent out various brochures
to businesses to gain account wins. “However, through follow-up calls we
discovered that our brochures were not gaining the attention of decision
makers,” says Simon Couchman, creative director at ICG. “Simply asking ‘do
you remember the blue brochure?’ wasn’t working, as marketing managers
receive so much material from agencies.” In addition, ICG’s online presence was
weak, with little content. They needed a new system that stood out from other
agencies, yet wasn’t so overdesigned that it weakened the creative work they
were trying to show.
“Through initial research, we recognized that despite designers opting to present
their company portfolios using the latest fashionable typefaces, special inks,
and finishes, they were inadvertently distilling the actual work they were trying
to present,” Couchman says. “We therefore identified that we needed a system
that was very clean and graphic, retained a strong identity, and at the same time
didn’t dominate the work we deliver to clients.
ICG’s second step was to focus on the services that they offer and wanted to
promote. They included their four distinctive services—graphic design, public
relations, new media, and advertising—all under the umbrella of one company.
“We therefore retained our existing corporate logo, but muted the colors to a
single warm gray, and typographically we chose a classic: Helvetica Neue.
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Using the ICG stripes motif, The ICG
Bumper Book of Client Case Studies offers
an in-depth look at some of the projects that
have helped ICG make a name for itself.
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To support and reflect the individual services, ICG introduced a set of four
brightly colored stripes, which were assigned to each service. “This reflected our
position as an integrated full-service agency and at the same time defined the
individual services that we provide,” Couchman says.
To support this striking appearance, they also started to include a device in their
mailings to help people remember the portfolio items they sent out. Currently, it’s
a lollipop made from Blackpool Rock, a type of rock candy made in Blackpool,
England. The lollipop features the ICG stripes, reflecting their location close to
Blackpool itself. In addition, a sticker on the lollipop states: “Our rates take some
licking…” which gives readers an immediate insight into ICG’s cost structure.
“Once the core corporate brochure was agreed and developed, we then
transferred the look, feel, and selected content to other promotional devices,
such as our websites,” Couchman says.
ICG initially considered the implementation process from a commercial
perspective, asking themselves, “What do we want to sell to the marketplace?”
“What messages do we want to convey to potential clients?” and “How do we
effectively present this information?”
“We looked at a lot of agencies’ promotional material, as well as our current bro-
chures, and reviewed what we liked and didn’t like,” Couchman says. “Our house
style is generally colorful, clean, uncluttered designs that communicate clearly
and effectively, so we looked at using an uncluttered graphical treatment.
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Influences included Farrow’s designs for the Pet Shop Boys’ Introspective album,
and the Penguin book covers of the ’60s. “The stripes answered our require-
ments,” Couchman says. “Once the idea was there, it was hard to shake. We
experimented with various colors and chose a vibrant selection that would stand
out on people’s desks and yet would work in harmony.
ICG also wanted to reflect their strategic approach and included many of the
services they offer. They chose case studies with a range of strategic commer-
cial and communication objectives, such as increasing sales. These examples
would interest marketing managers and company directors.
“We presented the case studies uniformly, so that from both a copy and visual
perspective they clearly explained the project or campaign challenges—as well
as the creative solutions and results,” Couchman says. These creative solutions
were illustrated by a mix of studio-shot photography and flat spreads.
Each year, ICG creates an annual
book reflecting on and celebrating the
firm’s creative accomplishments during
the previous twelve months. Each month
consists of one or two significant events,
including projects completed, awards
received, or results of a public relations
campaign for a specific client. This annual
book illustrates the breadth and depth of ICG.
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ICG’s portfolio consists of a twenty-page, large-format case study brochure
titled The ICG Bumper Book of Client Case Studies and sixteen-page
pocket-size guidebooks to the firm’s various individual services, as well as
an activity-review mini brochure. The portfolio theme is carried out through
additional promotional pieces, including a twenty-four-page public relations case
study brochure, The ICG Little Black Book of Public Relations and Copywriting,
specially manufactured holiday gifts, two blogs, and two websites.
The initial design process, including the design of the main brochure, took about
a month to complete. ICG continues to update case studies and other compo-
nents on a regular basis to keep materials fresh—particularly on the websites
and blogs.
“The system has evolved over the last twelve months, and as the stripes are
becoming more recognized, we are able to have fun pushing what we do with
them a little more,” Couchman says. “We had a client arrive for a meeting in the
striped hat and scarf we sent out as a Christmas gift this winter. She’s hoping
we do gloves next.
ICG’s in-house capabilities allow the firm to self-publish some of their mini
guides when they need to communicate with potential clients. “For example, we
have just sent out a small guide that talks about marketing during a recession,
Couchman says. “These enable us to responsively communicate current issues
and reflect our understanding of the challenges that companies face.
All of ICG’s materials have had to be extremely cost-effective, so where pos-
sible, the ICG team undertakes work themselves, including the website build, all
photography, and digital printing of the mini guides.
ICG is an award-winning full-service
agency, offering clients four distinctive
services, including graphic design, public
relations, new media, and advertising. To
promote these separate disciplines, the firm
devised a set of four brightly colored stripes
and assigned each service its own color
(for example, orange for graphic design).
The branding is simple yet effective and
has been rolled out across all elements of
ICG’s promotional material—from stationery,
business cards, and website to corporate
brochures and their annual “highlights”
books. It is also included on a number of
promotional items, including mugs, scarves,
lollipops, and even the firm’s interior office
décor. The simplicity of the vibrant stripes
ensures consistency and creates a core
brand for the agency without having to
“overdesign” their own material.
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