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“Our strong relationships with printers enables us to have the main brochure
litho-printed at a good cost,” Couchman says. “We generally print around 2,000
copies of the main brochure at a time, with updates to the case studies when
we reprint.
ICG also found a great supplier of the hats and scarves. The supplier can source
wool in the exact colors in the system, and can produce them as ICG needs
them. “Our lollipops were specially made by a local manufacturer, who even let
us select our own flavor,” Couchman says.
ICG distributes the elements of their portfolio differently:
• Potentialclientswillinitiallyreceivethebrochures,alongwithalollipop.
When they go to meetings, ICG’s business cards and presentation continue the
striped theme.
• Currentclientswillregularlyreceivetheminiguidesandnewsletters,in
addition to their day-to-day communications.
• AtChristmas,ICGmailsallclientstheirwintergift:ahatandscarf,along
with the “highlights of the year” book.
“The response has been overwhelmingly positive, with an increase in new
business appointments,” Couchman says. “When following up prospects, the
lollipop acts as a great prompt, and often we will get requests for additional
lollies for clients’ children. We have also received a few photos of clients on
skiing holidays wearing our hats.
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Multidimensional Portfolio Design
Founded in 2004 by Masa Magnoni, Alessandro Floridia, and Mauro Pastore,
Cacao Design strives to satisfy their clients’ integrated communication needs.
Working with clients across a myriad of industries, Cacao Design specializes in
corporate identity and Web design.
Italian design—clothing, art, textiles, and architecture—has long been celebrated
as the epitome of high-end design. Clean lines, impeccable materials, and
awe-inspiring artistic renderings make Italian design elements some of the
most sought after in the world. The same can be said for the portfolio brochure
produced by Cacao Design. Based in Milan, Italy, Cacao Design has created a
unique piece of art in their firm’s recent portfolio.
‘“The nonconventional brochure is an object to play with while turning over the
pages,” says Mauro Pastore, cofounder and creative director at Cacao Design.
“This is what we always try to do when we work on our clients’ brochures:
change classic printed pieces of paper into designed objects. Our brochure
incites an emotional response and displays the real substance of our creativity
and work approach, which is to come up with unexpected solutions that speak
directly to the client’s heart. Enjoy your brand!”
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Initially, the Cacao Design team fell in love with another idea: a small-size
brochure that, when closed, was about the size of a deck of playing cards with
full-page photos of their work inside. “This precious little ‘pit’ was placed inside
a big seed that reproduces our logo in 3-D, revealing the concept: cacao seed,
fruit of desire, synonymous with savor and passion,” Pastore says.
But as the planning process evolved, they decided to utilize a dimensional
Plexiglas exterior with an etching of the firm’s motto, “enjoy your brand.
Cacao Design is very specific about their graphic choices for each project. “We
pay meticulous attention to artistic detail as it relates to the brand, to create an
emotional connection with the target audience before their brains process the
message,” Pastore says. “Words are not enough to transmit the meaning of what
we do and how we do it.” Their portfolio includes examples of these projects
done for various clients.
What’s more, the Cacao Design brochure had to present the firm’s print
communication projects, showcasing not only their creativity, but their attention
to print and production details.
“The format in which we present our portfolio satisfies our need to demonstrate
our design abilities by revealing aesthetic, smart, and functional design,” Pastore
says. “We chose not to use captions in our photographs but, rather, allow our
clients to realize our ability to thrill, amaze, and innovate.
Cacao Design wanted to create a
work of art to house their portfolio. These
preliminary design ideas and prototypes
incorporate Cacao’s identity elements
to effectively present their portfolio.
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For more than two years, the portfolio brochure has accompanied every
presentation that Cacao Design has done, and unless it is upon the client’s
request, they do not bring examples of other work.
“We leave our brochure with the client,” Pastore says. “We rarely mail it, because
we like to interact personally and see the first reaction of the client when he or
she opens it. Plus, mailing the brochure would be too costly.” In fact, the cost
of producing each portfolio (including shoot, preprinting, and printing) is about
about $140 (£126) each.
“Our brochure is an object that surely positions the agency on a higher level
than those found in the industry standards. It’s targeted to clients who can
appreciate and afford high-level brand designs,” explains Pastore.
The aim of this exceptionally designed
portfolio is to demonstrate the depth of
research, the attention to detail, and the
passion that go into each of Cacao
Design’s creations.
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As an example of Cacao Design’s unique
way of approaching design, they show the art
direction of the “still life” photos focusing on
their outstanding creative solutions, care for
details, and avant-garde printing techniques.
Cacao’s portfolio book emphasizes the
creative energy and spirit that rings true
for staff and clients alike.
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