Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:4
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D E S I G N M AT T E R S / / P O R T F O L I O S 0 1
Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:4
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Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:4
Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:5
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D E S I G N M AT T E R S / / P O R T F O L I O S 0 1
IT IS a law of human naTure ThaT In
vIcTory even The cowarD may BoaST
of hIS ProweSS, whIle DefeaT InjureS
The rePuTaTIon even of The Brave.
—GaIuS SalluSTIuS crISPuS
Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:4
Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:5
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Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:6
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D E S I G N M AT T E R S / / P O R T F O L I O S 0 1
I N T R O D u c T I O N
the shoemaker’s children have the worst
shoes in town. an agency’s capabilities
brochure is in dire need of updating. your
recent holiday mailer ended up wishing
everyone a happy fourth of July. let’s face
it: you never get a chance to work on your
own promotions. it isn’t a good excuse to
say you’ve been too busy to sell yourself,
because when you find yourself without
enough work, you’re a day late and a
dollar short.
Job:11-15877/15287 Title:RP-Design Matters Portfolios
#175 P DTP:216 Page:6
001-093_15877.indd 6 11/30/09 3:53:22 PM
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